Jan|Feb 2022
Volume 120, No. 3
COVID’s Long Shadow
Beyond the laboratory and bedside, Penn researchers are working to tease out the pandemic’s psychological, economic, and social impacts in areas from childcare to collective memory. By Julia M. Klein
A First-Rate Version of Himself
Loren Eiseley G’35 Gr’37 was associated with no great discoveries in his field of anthropology, “awkwardly shy” and “not very comfortable with students” in the classroom, a disaster as Penn’s provost—and a writer of unmatched brilliance on the natural world and the human condition. By Dennis Drabelle
Homecoming 2021
The fall event’s Arts & Culture and other programming—and the Alumni Awards of Merit ceremony—continued to be virtual, but fans were back in the stands at Franklin Field for the football game. Photos by Tommy Leonardi
The Timekeeper
As the president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Rachel Bronson C’90 oversees its annual exercise in calculating the world’s proximity to annihilation—the Doomsday Clock—and efforts to get the public and political leaders to heed its warning and address the threats of nuclear weapons, climate change, and disruptive technologies. By Matthew De George
From the Editor | COVID’s costs, Doomsday deliberations, genius at work.
From College Hall | Building on success.
Letters | Inspiration and argument.
Alumni Voices | Difficult relations.
Rabbit Hole | Diving with dignity.
Expert Opinion | “Your daughter’s goal is to become a survivor.”
Medicine | With Pavilion’s opening, the hospital of the future is here.
Research Support | $750 million committed for faculty and facilities.
Celebrations | 2,500 gather online for three-day Momentum 2021 conference.
Campus | Images from an almost normal semester.
Clubs | All-male no more: Mask and Wig votes to accept all genders.
Traditions | Commencement redo planned for COVID-affected classes.
Sports | Q&A with AD Alanna Shanahan C’96 GEd’99 GrEd’15.
Sports | New book traces Penn football’s Ivy highs and lows.
Anthropology | The Stories We Wear at the Penn Museum.
Photography | Revealing biography. Vivian Maier Developed.
Bill McKeever WG’80 swims with—and wants to save—the sharks.
A group of Penn alumni have helped remake STEM education in Egypt.
Abbe Greenberg C’88 and Maggie Sarachek C’89 are the Anxiety Sisters.
Old Penn | When the “oldest all-male collegiate musical comedy troupe” was new.