Volume 102, No. 5
The Rodin Years
A retrospective look at the 10-year presidency of Dr. Judith Rodin CW’66 and what it has meant for the University. (Short answer: A lot.) PLUS: “A Passion for Penn,” an interview with the president.
By The Gazette Editors
Who’s Who on the Savannah
As the research of Dorothy Cheney and Robert Seyfarth reveals, baboons possess a complex awareness of family and social ranking that would serve them well in Jane Austen’s fictitious drawing-rooms.
By Susan Frith
Creating Space
Years after they met at Penn, architects Peter Shelton and Lee Mindel merged their aesthetic sensibilities and zeal for details into an award-winning interior-design firm.
By David Perelli
Notes From the Undergrad:
Did I mention the lunchboxes?
Alumni Voices:
Gay, middle-aged, middle-class, and married
Hiking the “middle path” high in the Himalayas
Expert Opinion:
One way to reduce medical mistakes
GAZETTEER : News & Sports
It’s official: Trustees elect Amy Gutmann Penn’s next president
Penn-Princeton-Penn again: Joann Mitchell to be new chief of staff
Seeking union cards, grad students strike
Museum lays out welcome mat for Iraqi visitors
Supporting the care and feeding of cities
The swaggering pen of Norman Mailer
Schoolhouse rock(s) with activity
Preventive mastectomies found to work
Letter from Kurdistan II: A constitution’s difficult birth
SAS Dean Preston to step down; Museum names new director
Seven Grammys—and a Penn honorary degree—for Bono
Russell Banks: Truth trumps fact in fiction
Symptom: nail-biting; Cure: Placements for med students
The place to mingle—and eat Abner’s cheesesteaks
—in NYC
Women are Ivy champs in basketball
Men’s Final Four team looks back after 25 years
Books Against All Enemies.
Richard Clarke on Bush and terror
Books Award-winners Hahn, Hendrickson, and Stewart
Film Suffragist Alice Paul gets the chick-lit treatment
Interview Miracle director Gavin O’Connor
Art Taking Penn arts and culture “out of the box”
Theater Othello at Annenberg
Briefly Noted
Arts Calendar
ALUMNI : Profiles : Events : Notes : Obituaries
High Liner Joshua David
Terror fighter John Sopko
Chamber maestro David Yang
Momsense makers Lisa Golden and Dana Herman Covey
Cable trailblazer Geraldine Laybourne