
Charles L. Merwin Gr42 writes, “Now that I am in my 92nd year, I have given up most of my retirement activities. Retiring from the International Monetary Fund in 1977, after 31 years with that organization, I became founding president of the IMF Retirees Association until 1997. Last year I gave up the presidency of the Miles Merwin (1623-1697) Association, after 40 years. Elizabeth Quay Merwin, my wife of 62 years, died in June 2001. I now live in a life-care community in Bethesda, Md., and manage a little golf occasionally.”


Jerome J. Shestack C43 is a partner in the Philadelphia-based law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen LLP who co-chairs its business-litigation practice group. In March he was appointed chair of the ABA’s Center for Human Rights, which coordinates the association’s many human-rights activities, including sending observers to human-rights trials, and rule-of-law interventions in cases of human-rights abuses. “An initial emphasis of the center will be to focus on the widespread abuse of women’s rights around the world,” he says, “including such matters as trafficking, genital mutilation, and stoning.” A past-president of the ABA, he is a member of the International Commission of Jurists and honorary president of the International League for Human Rights. And he had served as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights during the Carter Administration.



Dr. Jerome Zwanger C44 is a semi-retired radiologist. The former director and co-director of radiology at North Shore University Hospital in Plainview, N.Y., he has served as president of the Nassau County Medical Society, the New York State Radiological Society, and the Nassau Academy of Medicine. A former member of the New York State Board for Medicine and the Board of Professional Medical Conduct, he served on the faculty of the SUNY College of Medicine at Stony Brook. He and his wife, Bernice, are patrons of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and members of its visiting committee for the arms and armor department. With his partner, Dr. E. J. Pesiri, Dr. Zwanger several years ago made a substantial contribution to the renovation of Penn’s Organic Chemistry Laboratory. He served two terms on the board of overseers of Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences, and he is a past-president of the Class of 1944.


Slater Newman W47, Raleigh, N.C., in February received the Frank Porter Graham Award from the American Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina for his achievement in defending and advancing civil liberties in that state. He helped found the organization in 1965.


Millard Mack W51 see Ceci Mack C95.



Dr. Eugene N. Myers W54 is professor and the Eye and Ear Foundation Chair in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh. In September, he was the invited guest speaker at the 10th Clinical Congress in Beirut of the Saudi Arabian chapter of the American College of Surgeons, and he received a presidential citation at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. In October he was inducted as an honorary member into the Slovak Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. He was recently appointed the medical-affairs adviser to the International Association of Laryngectomees, which represents people who have undergone laryngectomy and supports them in the difficult time after having had a laryngectomy for cancer of the larynx. And he has been invited to give the keynote address at the association’s annual meeting in July.

Claude W. Springer D54 writes, “I closed the book on a productive and satisfying profession 10 years ago. Since then my wife, Marcia, and I keep very busy with bridge, traveling, taking history courses, reading, and temple activities. We have four children and five grand-daughters whom we enjoy. I sing in a choral society, and have been in a poetry workshop for seven years. Our local newspaper has printed 125 of my poems and I have recently entered some competitions from which I hope to hear in the next few months. I have been working out in a gym for 20 years and one of the trainers calls me Animal,which I appreciate after a moderately sedentary life when I was younger. I do all the cooking and admit to be being a good baker. After 40 years of living in a house, we now live in an apartment and love the simplicity of the life: we have moved south of our house, by 0.8 of a mile.”


Art Beard C55 writes that he and Sharon moved to Arizona from New Hampshire in 2002, just in time to miss two severe New England winters. Last year he closed ArtBeard,inc., after four years of successful consulting, and he recently resigned his partnership in Atlantic Marketing Workshops, LLC, to concentrate on retirement activities: family, friends, and trains. He founded a railroading-enthusiasts group, the 60-member Grand Railroaders, and has begun construction of a model railroad in his Arizona basement (aka, garage). He and Sharon are enjoying desert living and some of the more senior-oriented activities of the Penn Alumni Club of Arizona.


Dr. Michael Eigen C57 <[email protected]> has just published a new book, The Sensitive Self (Wesleyan University Press), which “explores human sensitivity and the evolutionary challenge we face in order to become more humane.” He is an associate clinical professor of psychology in New York University’s postdoctoral program of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. He writes, “In addition to exploring personal roots of rage, this book brings into focus a smoldering response to society’s burgeoning psychopathy, a rape of ethics in which winning is all.” Wesleyan also published his book, Rage (“Off the Shelf,” March/April 2003).

Fred R. MacFadden Jr. G57 Gr61 is emeritus professor of English at Coppin State University in Baltimore. He presented a paper on Faulkner at St. Francis College in 2002 and one on Hemingway and D. H. Lawrence at the South Central Conference on Christianity and Literature in March last year. “My abstracts have been approved at Farmingdale University (on Benjamin Franklin), at Bluffton College (on emigre American writing), at Xavier University (on D. H. Lawrence), and, as of notification in January, at Indiana Wesleyan (‘Pearl’s Price: Enigmas of Faith and Fatherhood in Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter and Dreiser’s An American Tragedy.)”

Bob Rothenberg W57 <[email protected]> has retired as publisher of USA Today magazine, assuming the title of senior editor, and as president of the Society for the Advancement of Education, now serving on its board of trustees. He and his wife, Sheila, have moved to a new home in Arizona, from where they will continue to do travel articles for the magazine and he will continue to do product and DVD columns—in between lolling at poolside and chortling over back-East snow reports on the Weather Channel.


Steve J. Pollack W60 recently retired from Morgan Stanley Dean Witter in New York as a first vice president and financial adviser after a 25-year career with the firm. In January he joined the advisory boards of Alan Stone & Company, LLC, and its affiliate WallStreet Research.

Dr. Malcolm Zola GD60 writes, “In 1997, after 36 years in the private practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Glen Cove on Long Island, Marcia, my wife of 41 years and I headed South, where I was appointed founding chair of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the virginal College of Dentistry at Nova Southeastern University. After two years living in Southern comfort, we returned to the Northeast to be closer to our four children, all Penn grads, and five grandchildren (future Penn people). I was unwilling to return to private practice, however. For two years, I taught at the New York University College of Dentistry as clinical professor, and in 2001 was appointed chief of oral and maxillofacial surgery at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx. It is a Trauma-I hospital center, and our service handles over 100 maxillofacial injuries each year. I am thrilled at my professional situation, and strongly feel that I should have begun teaching 30 years ago! We both enjoy good health, though sometimes we creak a little. We play a little golf (poorly), and are trying hard to stay in tune with the younger generation. I am no longer active in the alumni club, but am still a loyal Quaker. Best wishes to all on campus.”


H. Robert Fiebach W61 L64, Philadelphia, is chair of the appellate practice and co-chair of the commercial-litigation department, at the law firm of Cozen O’Connor; he also heads its directors’ and officers’ liability, professional-liability, and the securities-litigation & civil-RICO departments. In March he spoke at the 2004 Annual Conference on Legal Malpractice & Risk Management.


Beverly R. Budin CW65, a partner in the family wealth-management group at the law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, in March was elected to the board of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel for a three-year term.


Robert W. Knight C66, an architect in Blue Hill, Maine, and his wife, Lucia, have compiled Lucias Little Houses, a portfolio of 20 small-house designs (one- to three-story cabins, farmhouses, shingled cottages, and hillside dwellings) mostly for rural sites on the Maine coast (www.luciaslittlehouses.com). These have been featured in Sarah Susanka’s book Creating the Not So Big House and a number of magazines, including Fine Homebuilding, Down East, and Better Homes & Gardens.

C. Murray Saylor Jr. W66 WG67, of the Saylor Law Firm, LLP, in Atlanta, was recently elected a regent of the American College of Attorney-Certified Public Accountants.


Frederick B. Gleason III C67 WG70 and his daughter, Ann Powell Dewart Gleason, grandson and great-granddaughter respectively of William Dewart, president and publisher of The New York Sun from 1926 to 1944, last year donated to the Museum of the City of New York a bound volume of the first 84 issues (dating back to 1835) of The New York Herald. (In 1920, the Sun Organization bought The New York Herald and its evening counterpart The Telegram; in 1924 the Herald was sold to the owners of the New York Tribune,thus creating the Herald-Tribune.) Not all Herald memorabilia was transferred to the new owners, however; The Sun retained a life-size bronze figure of Minerva, as well as bell ringers Gog and Magog (also called “stuff and guff”), from the clock atop the old Herald building. In 1928 Dewart gave the clock figures to New York University, which lent them perpetually to the City of New York: the city erected the clock tower in Herald Square in 1940. Now, years later, another relic of The New York Herald has found a permanent home.

Eric R. White GEd67 GrEd75, executive director of the Division of Undergraduate Studies at the Pennsylvania State University at University Park, has been elected president of the National Academic Advising Association; he will assume this role in October and serve until October next year. As president he is responsible for advocating academic advising to the international higher-education community.


Charles Fanning G68 Gr72, professor of English at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, in February received its top academic honor, the Outstanding Scholar award. Credited with founding the discipline of Irish-American literature studies, he wrote The Irish Voice in America: Irish-American Fiction From the 1760s to the 1980s (1990). He lives in Carbondale with his wife, Frances.


Jerry D. Bernstein C70 G70 has joined the law firm of Blank Rome LLP as a partner in the white-collar, internal- and government-investigations practice group and resident in its New York office. A former federal prosecutor, he was most recently the firm-wide head of the white-collar and corporate-compliance practice group at Holland & Knight LLP. He currently also serves as village justice for Larchmont, N.Y.

Francis P. Devine III C70 in January joined the Philadelphia-based law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP as a partner practicing in its litigation and dispute-resolution department. Previously he was a partner in the commercial-litigation department of White & Williams LLP and chaired its general-commercial-litigation practice group. A judge pro-tempore for the Philadelphia County Court of Common Pleas, he was chancellor of the Philadelphia Bar Association in 1996; he currently co-chairs its committee to promote fairness in the Philadelphia legal system. And he was a founder and former chair of the Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program.

Jeffery B. Fromm EE70 earlier this year joined Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP in Philadelphia as of counsel. He had retired in 2002 as senior managing counsel, intellectual property, with Hewlett-Packard Company.


Dayton Duncan C71 has recently published his ninth book, Scenes of Visionary Enchantment: Reflections on Lewis and Clark (University of Nebraska Press), a collection of essays drawn from his 20 years of studying and retracing the Corps of Discovery for magazine articles, books, and the PBS documentary he wrote and co-produced with Ken Burns. Duncan was recently the master of ceremonies and keynote speaker for the national event commemorating the bicentennial of the expedition and the Louisiana Purchase in St. Louis. He is currently researching and writing his latest collaboration with Burns, a major PBS documentary series on the history of the National Parks.

Paula Solomon Kholos CW71 writes, “My husband, Jay Kholos, and I are producing an off-Broadway musical, A Stoop on Orchard Street (www.astooponorchardstreet.com). He is also the writer of the lyrics, music, and book. The show tells the story of the Eastern European Jews who settled on the Lower East Side of New York around 1910. We have been running in NY since July, and judging by how well things have been going, it looks like we will be here for a long time. We are also opening up a second company in Ft. Lauderdale in April, with a national tour expected in about a year. Jay’s son, Philip Kholos W93, is also working on the production team.”

Marcia McDonald FA71 recently received tenure and promotion from assistant professor to associate professor of theater arts at Illinois Wesleyan University; she joined its faculty in 1998.


Georges A. Fauriol G72 Gr81 writes, “After 20 years with the Center for Strategic and Inter-national Studies, and for the last 10 years running its Americas program, I transitioned from the world of Washington’s think tanks to the universe of democracy activist. In late 2001 I became vice president for strategic planning at the International Republican Institute, a core institute of the National Endowment for Democracy. IRI works in 57 different countries promoting the practice of democracy and freedom, human rights, and liberty. There is never a dull moment in this kind of work. In fall 2002 I married the love of my life, Roberta, a book editor, who also opened my life to the world of children, grandchildren, and animals, notably cats.”

Dr. Douglas Lyles C72, Winston-Salem, N.C., has been named professor and chair of biochemistry at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center; with the center since 1978, his research focuses on viral diseases.

Joan N. Stern CW72, Philadelphia, chair of the public-finance practice of the law firm of Blank Rome LLP, was elected in December to the board of the Franklin Institute. She also serves as vice-chair of the board of the Moore College of Art and Design.


Michael Greenwald C73, West Orange, N.J., a schoolteacher in Metuchen, in January was named vice president of the board of the Brain Injury Association of New Jersey, Inc. He has been involved with the association for a number of years, serving as a support-group leader in Edison, and coordinating sessions at the association’s annual seminar.

Dr. James M. Seltzer C73 M77, assistant clinical professor in the Division of Pediatric Immunology and Allergy at the University of California School of Medicine, was recently appointed to the voluntary position of clinical professor of medicine in the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of California’s Irvine College of Medicine. Last year he lectured on “Evaluation of the health effects of molds in water-intrusion personal-injury claims” at the August symposium, “Cutting Edge Issues in Mold Litigation;” on “Evaluating the patient with complaints of mold-related health problems” at the National Institute of Building Sciences in San Diego in October; “New therapeutic agents in the treatment of allergies and asthma” and “Aspects of allergies and asthma in active patients” at the CME, Inc., Internal Medicine Annual Update in San Diego in November. And he spoke at Mealey’s Construction Defect and Mold Litigation Conference in December.



Dr. Leslie Dierauf V74, a wildlife veterinarian and conservation biologist, in February was selected as director of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wis. Previously she had spent almost a decade with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s endangered-species program for the Southwest. Research at the center addresses wildlife and related human health concerns, including West Nile Virus, Chronic Wasting Disease, and Asian Avian Influenza, as over two thirds of emerging human diseases have animal origins. In 1998 she received the American Veterinary Medical Association’s National Animal Welfare Award.

Peter C. Lampen GAr74, New Brunswick, N.J., in March was promoted to senior associate at the Princeton firm Ford Farewell Mills and Gatsch, Architects, LLC. He is project manager for the expansion and reconstruction of the landmark Westport Country Playhouse in Connecticut, and project manager for the renovation of the Middlesex County Courthouse in New Brunswick.

Carrie Menkel-Meadow L74, professor of law at Georgetown University, is a former faculty member at the Penn Law School. She writes, “I am the co-editor (with Michael Wheeler, Harvard Business School) of a new book called Whats Fair: Ethics for Negotiators. [It] is the first ever collection of writing on negotiation ethics and is intended for business and law-school students, and [the] general readership of business and legal negotiators, and anyone else who negotiates for that matter.” Two chapters are by Dr. G. Richard Shell and Dr. Alan Strudler of the Wharton School.


Michael A. DiGregorio W75 WG76 is senior vice president and CFO of Jafra Cosmetics International, Inc. He writes that in May last year the firm completed a successful re-capitalization, raising $250 million; this was used to pay off existing debt of $83 million with the balance distributed to shareholders and stock-option holders. Jafra has annual sales of about $380 million, and in the past three years has been one of the fastest-growing direct-selling companies in the country.

Rev. Bruce Forbes W75 is now pastor of the South Parish Congregational Church in Augusta, Maine.

Rebecca C. Matthias CW75, Philadelphia, is founding president of Mothers Work, Inc., that manufactures and sells maternity apparel through over 1,000 stores in North America [see “Alumni Profiles,” November/December 1999]. In March she was honored by the Girl Scouts of Southeastern Pennsylvania with a Take the Lead Award for women who exemplify the highest achievements in their professions or fields of expertise. Last year she was also honored by the U.S. Small Business Administration in Washington.

Emily Chalef Sanders CW75 <[email protected]> is founding president of Sanders International, Inc., an Atlanta-based financial advisory and investment-management firm. The National Women Business Owners Corporation awarded it its women’s business-enterprise status, which is for woman-owned and woman-controlled businesses that meet the requirements of the NWBOC certification program. She and her husband, Jon Margolis, have three young adult children, Rachel, Shawn, and Ashley.


Evan Migdail C76 G76 and Rhonda Laskow Migdail C77 W77 L80 are proud to report that their son, Andrew Migdail (18), will join Penn’s Class of 2008 this fall. Evan and Rhonda now live in Chevy Chase, Md., with Andrew and their two other children, Stephanie (14) and Caitlin (five). Evan is a partner at the law firm of Piper Rudnick and Rhonda is an attorney with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation; they can be reached at <[email protected]>.


Dr. David Buchholz C77 M79 GM83 is an associate professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins University; he wrote Heal Your Headache: The 1-2-3 Program for Taking Charge of Your Pain (Workman Publishing) and recently appeared on Good Morning America. He was one of the original University Scholars at Penn.

Neal McNamara C77 is a partner in the Providence, R.I. office of the law firm of Holland & Knight LLP who concentrates his practice on employment law; in February he was named a leading attorney by Chambers USA: Americas Leading Lawyers 2004-2005.

Mike Mezias CGS77 writes that he is currently engaged in real-estate sales and investing in the South Jersey market.


Dr. Marc S. Micozzi M78 G79 Gr86 in February was named executive director of integrative medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. In 2002 he established the Policy Institute for Integrative Medicine there to educate policymakers, health professionals, and the public about integrative medicine. He was the founding editor and remains editor-in-chief of the journal Seminars in Integrative Medicine,and he organized and edited the first American textbook on the subject, Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (1996). He is also a reviewer for the AMA’s Complete Medical Encyclopedia, and serves as a manuscript reviewer for The Journal of the American Medical Association,the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and The New England Journal of Medicine.



Ted M. Greenberg C79 in January was elected a director of the Philadelphia law firm of Eizen, Fineburg & McCarthy, P.C., which he joined in 2000. Specializing in taxation, estate planning, and elder law, he is editor of “Chapter 7, Wills,” in Current Legal Forms with Tax Analysis.

Adam Owett C79 and his wife, Maria Kazarinov-Owett, had a daughter, Lola, on Feb. 12, 2003.


Elizabeth Sheehan Garlatti C80 in January was appointed a member of the New Brunswick (N.J.) City Council to fill an unexpired term.

Dr. Laurence D. Richards Gr80 in February was appointed vice-chancellor for academic affairs at Indiana University East in Richmond. Previously he was acting vice-president for academic affairs at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts, where he had also been the founding dean of its School of Management and Aviation Science.

Dr. Eileen Hand Warburton Gr80, a freelance writer and editor who lives in Newport, R.I., has written John Fowles: A Life in Two Worlds (Viking Penguin and Jonathan Cape, 2004), the first biography of the 20th-century British writer. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on Fowles’s work under the direction of Dr. Deirdre Bair CW57. This work, hailed by Booklist as “textured,” “sharply drawn,” and “definitive,” is based on access to Fowles’s personal papers and private archives, full correspondence, and 30 years of personal interviews.


Sherman A. Cohen W81, a partner in the Atlanta-based law firm of Arnall Golden Gregory LLP, was recently selected by his peers as one of Georgia’s “Super Lawyers,” as featured in Atlanta magazine, and to Georgia’s “Legal Elite,” Georgia Trend magazine’s listing of the state’s top 100 lawyers, in the area of corporate law. He and his wife, Lisa, live in Atlanta with their children Michael (12) and Meredith (nine).

Kaye G. Husbands Fealing C81, professor of economics at Williams College, was appointed its William Brough Professor of Economics in February. Her research includes pricing strategies in the auto industry and the competitive advantage of Mexican auto suppliers; a recent work, “Regional Prosperity in a Globalized Economy: Evidence from Mexico,” was published in Urban and Regional Prosperity in a Globalized New Economy.

Rochelle Friedlich C81 L84 rang in the new year in an unconventional fashion, by volunteering in a remote village in Tanzania. An attorney in New York, she was part of a team of volunteers who spent three weeks from mid-December to early January working on construction and teaching projects at a secondary school in the village of Pommern, coordinated by Global Volunteers, a nonprofit, nonsectarian international development organization. Encountering subsistence living in a remote village, she observed, “I experienced having a minority status that is immediately visible and the assumptions it generates.” And she noted one interesting instance of cultural shock: “My initial resistance to and later acceptance and appreciation of ‘African time.’”

Frederick A. Kramer GAr81 is president-elect of ADD Inc., a planning, architecture, and interior- and graphic-design firm based in Cambridge, Mass.; he will become president next January. Since joining the firm in 1981, he has led the design of a range of corporate, residential, and retail projects across the country, including the new national headquarters for CarMax in Virginia, First Data Corporation’s headquarters in Nebraska, and the 3Com Corporation’s campus and Hewlett Packard’s headquarters in Massachusetts.

James H. Lebberes W81 e-mails, “After 20 years managing our family’s real-estate and nursery businesses, I have joined the New York office of Grubb & Ellis as a real-estate broker specializing in Manhattan office leasing. It’s great to be back in the city again and I look forward to re-establishing ties with old friends in the New York area. I currently live in North Salem, N.Y., with my wife of 17 years, Julie, and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

Barbara Krinsky Quinn C81<[email protected]> writes, “I am working at East West Mortgage as a senior loan officer and manager. I am living in Marblehead, Mass., and have two sons, 11 and 12. I am still in touch with a few old friends from Penn days. Would love to hear from anyone from the good old days.”


Marc Porter C82 W82 <[email protected]> in February was appointed president of Christie’s Americas; he remains international managing director for Christie’s international sales. He serves on the board of the Alliance for the Arts, the New York state arts-advocacy group.

Andrew O. Schiff C82 has been named partner at the law firm of Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg & Ellers; he concentrates his practice in bankruptcy and insolvency. Before joining Klehr Harrison, he was an assistant U.S. Attorney in New Jersey. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, Samantha Holmstock-Schiff ASC92, and their children Cara (seven) and Jack (three).


Dr. Stephanie A. King M83 GM88, Flourtown, Pa., has joined the medical staff of Hahnemann University Hospital as an associate at its Center for Gynecologic Oncology. She is an associate professor at the Drexel University College of Medicine, which is affiliated with Hahnemann.

Dr. William W. Newmann C83 wrote Managing National Security Policy: The President and the Process, released by the University of Pittsburgh Press. Co-director of the undergraduate program of the School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University (where he has been teaching since 1992), his research interests include U.S. foreign policy, national-security and defense-policy decision-making, the U.S. presidency, and Asian government and politics. He and his wife, Dr. Judyth Lynn Twigg, and daughter, Jeri, live in Richmond; his proud parents are Suzanne Waltman Newmann Ed56 and Dr. Thomas Hausman Newmann C53 D55.

Alan Sheptin C83 see Lisa Clayman Sheptin C84.



Pamela Berstler C84 writes, “My seven-year-old exterior-design business, Flower to the People, recently completed 50 unique designs for the daytime Discovery Channel show, Rally Round the House. I also host the show as the on-camera designer. Watch us every day while we arrive at a deserving person’s home to rally their friends and family for a two-day landscape makeover. The only catch is that the homeowner must stay in the house with the windows covered during the renovation. It’s a really fun show, and we’re proud to be a part of such an amazing effort to bring beauty and nature into people’s lives. Being a ‘gardener’ sure beats those trading days on Wall Street! Visit us at (www.flower2people.com) and share the experience.”

John A. Carlson Jr. GM84, Bryn Mawr, Pa., has joined the medical staff of Hahnemann University Hospital as director of its Center for Gynecologic Oncology. He is a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Drexel University College of Medicine, with which Hahnemann is affiliated.

Lisa Clayman Sheptin C84 and Alan Sheptin C83 write, “We are still beaming over celebrating our son’s bar mitzvah, Zachary Scott Sheptin, on Feb. 28. His chanting and interpretation of his Torah reading and Haftarah were flawless. We are so proud of him. While Zach has his sights set on being a future Quaker, joining us in our joy were several alumni, including an aunt, Susan Clayman Glantz W82; cousins, Nancy Zeldis C78 and Linda Zeldis Silverman W82; and close friends Sharyn Meisler Hochhauser C83 and Howard Kaplan-Newman W82. Zach’s oldest cousin, Andrew Glantz, was recently admitted Early Decision to Penn’s Class of 2008.”


Marc J. Comer W85 WG89 has joined the newly re-named law firm of Jacobowitz, Grabelle, Defino, Latimer, Fradkin & Comer. He practices estate planning and administration, probate litigation, elder law, and real estate and business transactions; his joining expands the scope of matters handled by the Oakhurst, N.J., firm, known for its expertise in family law. Marc lives in West Deal with his wife, Lori Krivins Comer C88 L91, and their children Brad (eight) and Julia (six).

Peter E. Gollub C85 has become director of law enforcement at the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He holds a DVM from Tufts University and a JD from Boston University, and he looks forward to combining his two areas of education in his current position.

Sam Kim C85 W85 writes, “I was appointed as the vice president and general manager for Procter & Gamble in Korea. My wife, Jin, and I moved here in July last year with our three kids, Jason, Jennifer, and Brian. After being in Cincinnati, and running one of our global beauty-care groups, I am looking forward to new challenges and fun in working and living in Korea.”

Joanne Randall Raden C85 e-mails, “After years of kissing frogs, I met Bruce Raden and married him on April 29, 2001, and I gave birth to our first child, Diana Isabel, on Oct. 11, 2003. Since graduation I have worked in advertising and marketing, and I have now started my own crafts business: I specialize in making framed paper quillings (three-dimensional, hand-rolled and -cut paper designs) that are wonderful wedding and baby gifts. Please check out my Web site (JoanneDesigns.com). I would love to hear from old friends at <[email protected]>.”

Tremain Smith C85 exhibited at the Segalas Gallery in Bernardsville, N.J., from late February through late March.


Les Edwards EAS86 GEx90<[email protected]>, his wife Ellie, and their son Kevin (just turned three) are proud to announce the birth of their second child, Sean Patrick, on Dec. 2. They are still living in Southern New Jersey where Ellie, an ER nurse, now chases after the boys full-time and Les is celebrating his 10th year as a co-owner of Advanced Barrier Concepts, Inc. which provides technical consulting services for pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Martha Steinman Herzberg C86 and Dr. Gilbert Herzberg C86 joyfully announce the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Paige, on Jan. 31. Martha is a partner at the law firm LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae in New York, and Gil is an assistant professor of pediatrics and pediatric cardiology at New York Medical College in Valhalla.

Charles S. Marion C86 W86 L89 in January joined the Philadelphia-based law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP as a partner practicing in its litigation and dispute-resolution department. Previously he was a partner in the commercial-litigation department of White & Williams LLP. He serves on the board of the Chestnut Hill Community Association.

Jeff Pierce C86 see Annette Flippen Pierce C89.

Jeff Smith W86 writes, “I’m living in Los Angeles with Pamela Milcos-Smith C88 and our two children, son, seven, and daughter, five. I’m senior managing director and chief financial officer for UNX, Inc., an institutional brokerage firm that provides electronic-trading solutions to hedge funds and institutional asset managers. I’ve had the pleasure recently of attending the Wharton/SIA Securities Industry Institute held on campus each March. I enjoyed staying on campus and reliving old memories.”

Dr. Mona Sue Weissmark Gr86 is associate professor of psychology and founder of the Mansfield Institute for Social Justice at Roosevelt University in Chicago. She is known for setting up meetings between children of Holocaust survivors and children of Nazis in the early 1990s, when she was on the faculty at Harvard University. The purpose of bringing two such disparate sides together “is not to forget or forgive the past, but create a new future,” she said. Her book Justice Matters: Legacies of the Holocaust and WWII (Oxford University Press), chronicles the interactions of the two groups. This is a personal matter for her, involving her own coming to terms with her family’s past, as she is a daughter of Holocaust survivors; the book is dedicated to the Seebasz family who saved her father after he had fled a concentration camp. In the late 1990s, then at Roosevelt, Mona organized another provocative and historic meeting—between descendants of slaves and descendants of slave owners.


Lisa Katzman C87 has joined Booz Allen Hamilton’s worldwide technology business sector, providing strategic-communications consulting to civil-government clients in Tyson’s Corner, Va. She is also freelance-writing for local and national newspapers, and enjoying life with her husband, Evan, and children, David (eight) and Caroline (four).

Dean Papademetriou C87 recently accepted a new position as assistant general counsel for the Boston Housing Authority, which is the largest landlord in Boston with over 14,000 housing units; he works on real-estate development and corporate-governance matters, as well as procurement and construction contracts. He was previously in private practice. As a sideline, he is the publisher of Somerset Hall Press, which specializes in academic and cultural volumes.


Wendy Bloom C88 writes, “My husband, Art Kessler, and I are excited to announce the birth of our first child, Benjamin Pierce Kessler, on Sept. 9. Ben is a healthy, happy baby just learning to crawl.”

Kimberly Marfia Bruhin C88 and her husband Patrick J. Bruhin are pleased to announce the birth of their beautiful Christmas Angel, Samantha Claire Bruhin, on Dec. 24. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 4.8 oz., was 21 inches long, and arrived at 4:22 p.m. The proud parents are employed at Merck & Co. Inc. Pharmaceutical, where Mom is manager of quality systems oversight in the vaccine-manufacturing division and Dad is manager of project research in the sales division. “We can be reached at <[email protected]> and would love to hear from classmates.”

Charles Harper W88 and Laurel Knox Harper W89 write, “We are doing our doctorates in education together at Duquesne University, while we continue to work with at-risk youth in Hershey, Pa. Our children, whom we homeschool, are now seven (Lana) and five (Sydney).”

Randall Headrick Gr88, assistant professor of physics at the University of Vermont, has been awarded a five-year, $610,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop and teach research courses in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Judy Lobel C88 is now a marketing consultant for Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve in New York. A trend-based marketing consultancy, it helps Fortune 500 clients both defend their existing businesses and compete in new arenas. She was previously a senior marketing manager at American Express.

Ingrid Hubler Laub C88 writes to “announce the birth of my son, Jack Henry Laub, on Jan. 14. He’s the first child for my husband, Daniel Laub, and me. Jack has enjoyed visiting with Penn alumni Jill Mindlin Konoff C88 and Jonathan Konoff C86, Mike Nitabach C88, Karen Haskin C88, Rich Sklar EAS88 W88, Larry Golomb EAS88 W88, and Steve Kanes C86. We live in Manhattan and, when I’m not being Jack’s mom, I’m vice president, account director at MK Advertising, an agency specializing in entertainment and media-industry clients. I joined MKA four years ago after spending 10 years marketing CNBC and MSNBC at NBC Cable Networks.”

Jeremy Steindecker C88 see Beth Mantz C94.

Monica Ann Toback C88 married Dr. Brian Scott Krachman on March 8, 2003, in Atlanta. “We were married in a traditional Jewish ceremony and Brian surprised me with a chuppah that he designed and created himself!” The wedding party included Jeffrey Toback W95 and his then fiancée and now wife, Christine Kowal Toback Nu98. “We took an extended honeymoon and cruised from Ft. Lauderdale to Los Angeles through the Panama Canal.” Monica and Brian are settling back into life in suburbia where she has a domestic-relations litigation practice and he practices internal medicine. They are in the process of moving into their dream home with their 15-year-old cat, Fletcher, and their one-year-old Smooth Fox Terrier, Francesca (Frankie) Wedgwood.

Neil Weinberger W88 e-mails, “I married Kathleen Copus last year in New Orleans: an awesome wedding weekend that included a Bourbon Street balcony, an a cappella group, a Dixieland jazz marching band, and lots of amazing Cajun food. Many alumni attended, including Scott Klein C88 W88, Greg Klein C93 W93, Gary Claar W88 and Lois Kohn-Claar C88 GEd88, Carl Goldsmith W88, Steve Rubin C88 W88, Jon Galst C88 W88, Derek Roth W93, Jennifer S. Boyd C88, Nancy Cohen C89, and best man Dr. Mark Weinberger C85. Kathleen and I are living in Pasadena, Calif., I’m hard at work producing and writing movies, and we’re enjoying life! Look for my first film, Farewell to Harry, playing soon near you. E-mail me at <[email protected]>.”



David Dreier C89 W89 and Shari Birnbaum Dreier C88 joyfully announce the birth of their son, Alexander Michael, on June 25, 2003; he was welcomed by big sisters Missy (seven) and Allie (four). David <[email protected]> recently was elected to partnership in the law firm White & Case LLP in New York, where he practices tax law.

Nicole Galli C89 L92 in January was elected partner of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP; resident in its Philadelphia office, she focuses her practice on intellectual-property disputes and complex commercial litigation, including antitrust and consumer-fraud class-action matters.

Ryan L. Gellman W89 has been named an associate with the Buffalo, N.Y., law firm of Colucci & Gallaher, P.C. With the firm since 1995, his practice includes toxic torts and asbestos exposure, healthcare, and personal-injury and premises-liability litigation. He and his wife, Wendy, live in Amherst, N.Y., with their daughter.

Jonathan Perkel C89 reports that in January he was promoted to vice president and associate general counsel of Travelocity, the Web travel service. He went to Travelocity when it acquired his employer Site59 (“the last-minute travel site”) in March 2002. He says, “Since that time, the Site59 management team has risen to the top leadership positions at Travelocity and has been having a blast helping to reinvent the company from within!” He also remains vice president and general counsel of Site59. He can be contacted via his Web site (www.jonathanperkel.com).

Tina Cicetti Perry C89 and her husband, Brian, welcomed their second child, Ethan James, in January; he joined big sister Morgan Elizabeth, who arrived in May 2000. They live in a quaint New England town outside Boston. Tina is a vice president of consumer-relationship marketing for FleetBoston Financial, and spends most of her time juggling the demands of a working parent and holding it all together for her family. Old friends can reach her at <[email protected]>.

Elliott Peters W89 writes, “I am living with my wife, Kimberly, and my two sons, Harrison (almost four years) and Gabriel (five months), in Mount Vernon, N.Y. I work in the city at Warner Music Group as vice president, associate counsel. We’d love to hear from friends living in the area.”

Annette Flippen Pierce C89 and Jeff Pierce C86 belatedly announce the arrival of their second daughter, Sarah Nicole, on July 24; she joins big sister Rachel, who is now three.

Janet Kobrin Watson C89 G89 <[email protected]> is relieved to announce the publication of her book, Fighting Different Wars: Experience, Memory, and the First World War in Britain (Cambridge University Press).

Daniel E. Will C89 in January was elected a shareholder of the Manchester, N.H., law firm of Devine, Millimet & Branch, P.A.; he concentrates his practice in commercial litigation. He lives in Hopkinton with his wife, Laurel McCarthy Will W89, and their two daughters.


Adam Dunsby W90 G92 GrW95 and his wife, Cathy, joyfully announce “the birth of Claire Thatcher Dunsby on Jan. 22 in Bridgeport, Conn. Big sister Caroline (five) is beyond overjoyed; big brother Jack (two) is feeling outnumbered by his sisters.”

Dr. Stephane Otmezguine EAS90 writes, “Upon leaving Penn, I attended a master’s program in computer science followed by medical school at the University of Florida. After an internship in internal medicine, I completed a residency in anesthesiology and a fellowship with subspecialty training in trauma and surgical critical care at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital/Ryder Trauma Center. I am currently a partner in an anesthesiology group in Fort Lauderdale, where I practice cardiothoracic anesthesia and surgical/trauma critical care. In August I was appointed vice-chief of anesthesiology at Broward General Medical Center, the primary level-1 trauma center for Northern Broward County.”

Galit Chinitz Rich C90 see David S. Rich C91.

Peter Rokkos C90 W90 and Diane DeLillo Rokkos became the proud parents of Catherine Alexa Rokkos on Oct. 11. Her big brother George Jared Rokkos, now three, took an immediate liking to baby Catie as his new favorite toy. Peter, Diane, and the children have lived in Holmdel, N.J., since late 2002. Peter is vice president and counsel at Lucent Venture Partners, the venture-capital investment arm of Lucent Technologies.

Alison Berger Saifer W90 and Mitchell Saifer C89 are pleased to announce the birth of Logan Joshua on Jan. 8; he joins Samantha (five) and Zachary (three). Alison is president of Actuarial Management Strategies, Inc., an actuarial healthcare-consulting firm <[email protected]>, and Mitchell is vice president and COO of Building Maintenance Systems <[email protected]>; they live in New Hope, Pa.

Jane Siegel G90 GrW96, Bala Cynwyd, Pa., an assistant professor of criminal justice at Rutgers University at Camden, has begun a pioneering study on how children react to a mother’s incarceration.

Jodi Farkas Slade C90 and her husband, Howard, are thrilled to announce the birth of their second son, Jordan Matthew, on March 6; he joined older brother Jared, who was born on May 24, 2002. “We would love to hear from Penn friends at <[email protected]>.”

Gil Vogel EAS90 W90 writes, “My wife, Joanne, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Abigail Ilana, on Feb. 8. Her big brother Jordan (two) adores the new family addition. New adventures are just around the corner, as we will be relocating from St. Louis back to the San Francisco Bay Area in June.”


Dr. Anthony Chung C91 and Angela Ponzini C91 are proud to announce the birth of their third child, Julia Samantha Chung, on Jan. 31. She joins sister Meghan (six) and brother Alex (four). Anthony recently accepted a new position as an anesthesiologist at Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa, Calif., and Angela continues to enjoy being a stay-at-home mom, and she is homeschooling all of their children. The entire family moved from Ventura to Napa on Feb. 19, and the parents can be contacted at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.

David M. Kaplan W91 in January was elected partner of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP; resident in its Philadelphia office, he focuses his practice on executive compensation and employee-benefits law.

Julie E. Kass C91 G91, Potomac, Md., in January was elected a principal of the Baltimore law firm of Ober/Kaler. Having joined the firm in 2000, she practices in the health-law department: her work includes fraud and abuse aspects of Medicare and Medicaid.

Janet Lynn Pisansky C91 writes, “My husband, Nick Spinelli, and I are happy to announce the birth of daughter, Julia Lynn, on July 8. Her brother, Nicholas (who turned three in February), is taking good care of her. I am still working at the law firm Addas Berlin in Morristown, N.J., where I litigate. Nick recently became corporate counsel for Atlas Copco North America.”

David S. Rich C91 <[email protected]> and Galit Chinitz Rich C90 <[email protected]> joyfully announce that Galit gave birth to their first child, Jonathan Joseph Rich, on Jan. 21 in New York. Jonathan weighed 6 lbs. and 12 oz., and measured 20 inches. “He has his mother’s eyes, his father’s cheeks, and a wonderful temperament.”


Elizabeth H. Bach L92 was recently appointed special counsel to the general counsel in the operations-management division of the National Labor Relations Board. Previously she had served as senior attorney-adviser, specializing in complex employment and labor litigation and federal tort claims, for the claims and employment-law branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Jonathan Glaser C92 and his wife, Alisha, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Sophie Madeline, on Jan. 6. She joins sister Leah (two) in the family’s home in Charlotte, N.C.

Adam W. Grasso C92 writes, “I am currently living in Seattle with my wife, Ying, and our two sweet children, Henry (five), and Athena (two), otherwise known as ‘Satan’s Spawn.“ I’m finishing up my third year of internal-medicine residency at the University of Washington, and will be heading off to Cleveland in July to do a cardiology fellowship. My overall goal is to get a real job by age 38! We’ll be saying goodbye sadly to the beautiful mountains, oceans, and rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. Just the same, Cleveland still has plenty of stuff to offer, including the amazing Cleveland Orchestra and three major-league sports teams, not to mention a considerably more affordable cost of living. Our best wishes to the Class of 1992!”

Dr. Beth A. Handwerger C92 married Michael Richardson at the Down Town Club in Philadelphia on Aug. 31. Rabbi Margery Jacobs C92 performed a beautiful ceremony to unite them. Alumni of distinction who attended included Caroline Kim C93, Denise Wolf C92 and her husband Paul Rudick WG95, Steve Pessagno C92, Amy McCarthy C92, Kimberly Duyck Woolf C92 ASC94 and David Woolf C92, and Tamsin Newman C94. After a well-needed two-week honeymoon in Bora Bora, Beth & Michael relocated from Princeton, N.J., to Wayne, Pa. A graduate of the University of Rochester School of Medicine, the University of Wisconsin-Madison for her residency, and Wills Eye Hospital for her fellowship in cornea, Beth is a board-certified ophthalmologist in private practice. Michael (“who did not get into Wharton and settled for a Duke MBA”) is a director at Cephalon Pharmaceutical.

Rev. Jim Om C92 and his wife, Jennifer Pico Om C93, e-mail that they “planted the River Church of New Jersey in Fort Lee on March 7. Gary Mui EAS93 W93 and Grace Ho Mui EE93 serve as leaders in the church and have been highly instrumental in launching this new church work. We are excited to see what God will do in helping many people grow in their spiritual lives through this non-denominational church in the New York metro area. We would love to hear from old friends: Jim can be reached at <[email protected]>.”

Cecilia Coale Van Hollen G92, Fayetteville, N.Y., has joined the Maxwell School of Syracuse University as an assistant professor of anthropology. Most recently she was an assistant professor at the University of Notre Dame. Author of Birth on the Threshold: Childbirth and Modernity in South India(University of California Press, 2003), she received a Fulbright Scholar Program Research Award for her research project, “AIDS, Medicine, and Gender: How Pregnant Women Negotiate Options to Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Tamil Nadu, India,” and will initiate the project in India this year.

David Woolf C92 in February was elected partner in the law firm of Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP; resident in its Philadelphia office, he practices with its labor and employment practice group.


Joshua Berger C93 has joined the law firm of Buckingham, Doolittle & Burroughs, LLP, based in Akron, Ohio, as an associate in its litigation-practice group. Previously he was with the Washington-based law firm of Swidler, Berlin, Shereff & Friedman, LLP, where he worked on antitrust matters and white-collar crime.

Laurie Mayer Boockvar C93 and Danny Boockvar C93 L96 are happy to announce the birth of their second child, Jason Douglas Boockvar, on Nov. 19. He joins sister Emma Rose who is now two. Laurie works as the associate director at Columbia Business School’s career-planning office and Danny is assistant general counsel at Weight Watchers International. The family lives in New York on the Upper West Side.

Edward Gold W93 and Sandrine Gold are thrilled to announce the arrival of David Basouin Gold; he was born on Dec. 11, a happy and healthy 6 lbs. 7 oz., and was 19 inches long. He joins Sandrine and Ed in their new home in Port Washington, N.Y. “We would love to hear from our friends and share pictures <[email protected]>.”

Susie Lee Hu C93 and her husband, Linden Hu, proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda X. Hu, on Dec. 21. Susie and Linden married on August 25, 2001, in the mountains near Plymouth, Vt. The family currently lives in Newton, Mass., and will be moving to their new home in Sharon, Mass., this June. Susie, who completed her nephrology fellowship at Tufts-New England Medical Center, now practices nephrology at Rhode Island Hospital and is an assistant professor of medicine at Brown University.

Jennifer Milano C93 e-mails, “My husband, Michael Sessine, and I are thrilled to announce the arrival of our daughter, Zoe Milano Sessine, born on Nov. 14. Two years ago, Mike and I left San Diego, where we were living, and traveled around the world for seven months before settling in Connecticut. We are now both practicing law—and hoping to turn our daughter into a traveler! We had a great time at the 10th Reunion last year, and I’d love to hear from Penn friends at <[email protected]>.”

Brian C. Newberry C93 <[email protected]> e-mails, “Beth and I are happy to announce the birth of our third child, Aidan Daniels, on Jan. 15. His older brother and sister have mixed reactions to this new addition, but his mother and I think we can convince them that it is a good thing!”

Dr. Eric A. Rosenberg C93 and his wife, Lauren, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Ethan Noah, on Aug. 30. At birth he weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. He now has a spacious crib on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

Dr. Ari Wirtschafter C93 and Dr. Shoshana Krieger Wirtschafter C93 are “happy to announce the birth of our son, Ethan Max, on Jan. 26. He is welcomed by his big sisters, Daniella (six) and Rebecca (three). We are now living in Boynton Beach, Fla. Ari has joined an ENT practice in Boca Raton and Shoshana plans this summer on joining part-time an internal-medicine group in Delray Beach. We would love to hear from old friends and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”



Raj Chinai C94 W94 writes, “Several members of the Bombay House mafia recently gathered in Miami to celebrate the bachelor party of Dev Khare EAS94 W94: he will marry Smruti Shah in May. The partying at South Beach was in full force with Vishal Mahadevia EE94 W94, Rajit Malhotra C94 W94, Madhav Mirani EAS94 W94, and me. We spent the days snoozing at the beach and nights boozing at the clubs. As the three-day party came to an end, Dev was pleased to announce that the group has established a pact to spend every Valentine’s Day in Miami on a recurring basis. Even with the 10th Reunion just around the corner, some things never change!”

Peter Eliot C94 e-mails, “After a lifetime of laughing at Woody Allen jokes about Los Angeles, my wife, Lana, and I are moving there in May. We’re looking forward to developing laid-back personalities and making snide remarks about New Yorkers when they try to drop in on our waves. We graduate together from Columbia on May 19: me with an MBA/MIA and she with an MSW. I’ll be working in investment management for Capital Group and she will continue her work with substance abusers and schizophrenics. We’d love to connect with Penn alumni in L.A. and can be contacted at <[email protected]>.”

Marci Gordon C94 married Dr. Andrew Barnstein GM98 on Nov. 1 in Baltimore. Alumni attending included Tamar Niv Bessinger C94, Dayle Hochman Burnes W95, Alissa Stonehill Butterfass C94 WG99, Leonard Cooperman C95, Lisa Deutsch C94, Dana Rebak Doctorow C94 WG00 and David Doctorow C95, Anna Dopkin W89, Kammie Gormezano C94, Nancy Epstein Korff C95, Dara Less C94 and Dr. Erik Sulman C93, Jason Polevoy C94 L98, Jessica Zellner L00, Abbey Roth C94 and Dr. Jeffrey Algazy C91 GM99, Steven Simkin W69 GCP73 L73,and Jennifer Versacci C94. Until her relocation to Baltimore, Marci was an associate in the New York office of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison; in January she became an associate in the Baltimore office of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll. Andy is a cardiologist in private practice in Baltimore with Midatlantic Cardiovascular Associates.

Lynn Kane C94 married Daniel Meza on Nov. 8. With their passion for travel and their bi-coastal roots, they decided to celebrate their life together all over the map: they met and live in Oakland, Calif.; he proposed to her in Galway, Ireland, and they married in Savannah, Ga. They shared their wedding day with many beloved alumni: Eva Molnar W94, Nancy Reiley W95, and Kimberly Donohue W96 stood as bridesmaids, and Neil Chernoff EAS95 W95 served as a groomsman. Lynn and Dan were delighted to have Sloane Simon-Adler C93 G93 act as the celebrant. And Anne Roderer C95 was a guest. Lynn is director of communications at a high school in Alameda, and recently completed a master’s in Irish studies. Dan, an architect with an Emeryville firm, will start law school in the fall. “I would love to hear from any of our freshman year second-floor Butcher-Speakman crowd; e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”

Beth Mantz C94 married Jeremy Steindecker C88 on Sept. 14 in Elkins Park, Pa. “We kicked off the wedding festivities with a dinner for out-of-town friends at Pod restaurant (on Penn’s campus) and culminated with the fabulous event where we celebrated with wonderful friends and family. In fact, the wedding seemed a mini Penn reunion for the classes of 1988 and 1994. Alumni present included bridesmaids Mandee Heller Adler C94 W94, Andrea Levin Leibowitz C94 W94, and Dr. Sharon Seltzer C99. Other Penn friends who shared the special day were Dr. Julie Schwartzbard C88, Amy Gottlieb Cook C88, Ellen Berkman C88, Phil Nadel W88, John Kanaras C88, James Hutchinson C88, Lori Freudenberger C88, Alissa Makower C88, Judy Lobel C88, Wendy Arriz C88, Julie Effress Miller C94, Jennifer Channick Germain C94, Ilana Klein Kahn C94, Heidi Learner EAS94 W94, Derek Braslow C93, Dr. Jason Adler C93, Kim Van Naarden Braun C95, Jeffrey Feldman L97, Michael Vogel C01, and Rebecca Meyers Wiederhorn C94 and Michael Wiederhorn C92.Additionally, we were honored to share this day with our uncles and cousin Harvey Mantz EE61, David Seltzer WG72, Maurice Falk W64, and Edward Falk W66.” Beth and Jeremy live in Washington.


Shannon Armstrong C95 and her husband, Gregor Rohda, joyfully announce the birth of their first child, Cormac Francis, on Feb. 26. The new family, passing their sleepless nights at their home in Somerville, Mass., can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Dayle Hochman Burnes W95 <[email protected]> e-mails, “My husband, James Burnes, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our son, Jack Quincy Burnes, on June 12, 2003. We are living in New York and I have returned to work at Bear Stearns in equities management.”

Rebecca Kravitz DeLaet W95 W89 and David DeLaet are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Allison Maya DeLaet, on Nov 13. She joins her brother, Jack Richard DeLaet, who was born Aug 14, 2002.

Susan Garfield C95 and Steve Noyes C95 proudly announce the birth of their baby girl, Lily Mae Noyes, on Jan. 22; she weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. Susan and Steve are thrilled. The family lives in Cambridge, Mass., and can be reached at <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.

Lauren Slawe Hirsch C95 and Brian Hirsch G97 L00, and their daughter, Abigail, welcomed a second daughter and little sister, Madeline Idina Hirsch, on Nov. 12; she weighed 7 lbs. and was 20 inches long.

Andrew R. Kluter EAS95 e-mails, “In January I joined TJKM Transportation Consultants, a mid-size transportation-engineering consulting firm in Santa Rosa, Calif. (northern Bay Area). Highlights thus far have included conducting traffic-impact studies for new vineyards and wineries in the Napa wine country. Not a bad area to conduct field work! I found work here despite the Bay Area’s struggling economy—for my industry in addition to the dot-coms. I live in Berkeley, my home since 2000. About a year ago, I finished my joint master’s program at UC Berkeley in transportation engineering and city planning. I’d love to hear from alumni at <[email protected]>.”

Ceci Mack C95 married Linwood Davis Jr. on Oct. 18 in Cincinnati. They were joined by many Penn friends, and alumni in the wedding party included Ceci’s father, Millard Mack W51, and bridesmaid Kerri Korkin Sonenshine W95. Other Penn friends attending included Nicole Assa W95, Roberta Griff C95, Melinda Graham C95, Danny Sonenshine C95, and Millard’s friends Ted Angelus W52, Bob Brown W52, Ray Cohn W53, Richard Eliasberg W53, John Feibel C63, Steve Joseph W53, and Julian Magnus W52. Ceci and Linwood honeymooned in Italy and Switzerland, and they now live in Raleigh, N.C.

David Mays EAS95 and Katerina Kechris celebrated their six-month wedding anniversary on March 6 with a quiet weekend in Berkeley, Calif. “The wedding ritual down in Pasadena, in contrast, was more like a Renaissance coronation, starting at St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Church and ending at Caltech’s Athenaeum, where family and friends—featuring Sean Kinsell C95, Jennifer Lewis C95 and Aron Greenberg C95, Whitney Rayles C95, Grace Lee C95, Beth Berman C95 and Daniel Berman C95, and Andrew Kluter EAS95 [who sent in this note]—danced the night away with Sexy Claudette, the DJ.”

Michelle Leone Riley C95 GEd96<[email protected]> and Rich Riley W96<[email protected]> are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Michael Austin, on Jan. 9, weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz, and measuring 21 inches. “He joins big sister Alexandra Lauren (almost two) who is adjusting quite well to having a new baby around the house! Pictures can be seen at our family Web site (www.rileyfamilyphotos.com).”


J. J. Erlichman W96 and his wife, Ali Lesser Erlichman C96, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Mia Lillian, on Jan. 4. She weighed in at 8 lbs. and was 18.5 inches long. Ali, J.J., and Mia are happily living in Los Angeles.

Dr. Erika Schneider Marshall C96 and Brian Marshall W96 are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Dylan Benjamin Marshall, on Feb. 10; he was 8 lbs. 5 oz. Erika and Brian married in April 2000; they live in New York, where she is completing her residency in psychiatry at New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center and he is a vice president at Wafra Partners LLC, a private-equity firm.

Rich Riley W96 see Michelle Leone Riley C95 GEd96.

Bett Schumacher C96 and her husband, Dr. Ray Rennard, are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Stella Katherine, on Dec. 19.


Shana Seldin Cassidy C97 and David Cassidy are delighted to announce the birth of their twin boys, Alexander Oliver and Owen Maxwell, in May 2003. They are healthy and happy babies, despite complications involving in-utero laser surgery and a lengthy hospital stay for Shana. The boys were welcomed home by their big sister Sophie (now three), who continues to keep them in line. The family lives in Oak Hill, Va.

Brian Hirsch G97 L00 see Lauren Slawe Hirsch C95.

Brett Pogany EAS97 W97 and Allison Bosniak Pogany C98 are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Noa Morgan, on Feb. 15. She joins big sister Arin at their home in Norwalk, Conn.

Matthew Taff C97 and his wife, Patience, celebrated the birth of their son, Alexander, in December.


Sandra M. Burmylo-Magrann GNu98, Tabernacle, N.J., in February was appointed the spinal-cord injury and orthopedic nurse practitioner at the Philadelphia Shriners Hospital for Children.

Dr. Andrew Barnstein GM98 see Marci Gordon C94.

Jennifer Barten EAS98 and Ross Katz announce their engagement on Jan. 12. He surprised her with a romantic moonlight proposal on the beach, while they were vacationing in Curaçao. They are planning a late fall wedding in Long Island. (This note was sent in by Meredith Peters C98.)

Steven Morgan Friedman C98 writes in, “I’ve been spending most of my time working on some exciting new business ventures in Nigeria! Some of my partners (including the wife of a former head of state!) have not only had some exciting cash windfalls, which we are in the process of transferring into the U.S., but we are simultaneously decreasing mortgage rates, losing weight, reducing credit-card debt, and enlarging some of our clients’ body parts! My experiences in Nigeria have consisted of nothing but hassle-free service, free shipping, and complete satisfaction (or my money back)! These are exciting times, and I will share the stories of my adventures with fellow alumni if you e-mail me at <[email protected]>. Au revoir from Lagos!”

Seth Lasser C98 see Jamie Feiner Lasser C99.



Alex M. Barfield C99 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I obtained my MBA from the Terry School of Business and J.D. from the law school at University of Georgia in 2003 and have been admitted to the Georgia Bar. I am practicing with the law firm of Hawkins and Parnell in Atlanta.”

Jeanine Gubler EAS99 married Kevin Heck C00 on Oct. 18 in Philadelphia. Alumni in the wedding party included Amanda Gavin W98, Tammy Roy C98, Yael Aufgang C99, Nicole Cudzil C99, Douglas Calamari C00, Kyle Christensen EAS00, and Kevin McCabe C00. Also participating in the wedding, which took place at the newly renovated St. Agatha-St. James Church near Penn’s campus, were Alissa Marquez C99 and Cindy Deren Malmros W00.Other alumni attending included Katrina Borisjuk W99, Patti Cho C99, Allan Chu EAS99 W99, Michael Cudzil C97, Kent Malmros C00, Adam Tritt EAS00 W00, Brent Neiman EAS99 W99, Bill Brightcliffe C97, John Clarke C01, John Dolan W00, Sean Egan EAS99, Brian Fox C03, Ned Galbally W00, Jennifer Murray C00, Jeffrey Gregorio C01, Todd Hall C03, Dan Hodgman C01, Kevin Johnson C00, James Ladas W00, Nicole Melchiorre C00, Kevin McCabe C00, Anthony Napolitano W00, Brian Sanford C01, Dan Serpico C01, Jordan Woods C99, and Mark Zimring C02. The reception was held at Memorial Hall in Fairmount Park.

Jamie Feiner Lasser C99 and Seth Lasser C98 will celebrate their first wedding anniversary this month. They married last May in Newport, R.I., surrounded by many Penn friends and family. Alumni in the wedding party included Colby Kant C99, Dr. Michelle Fliman C99, Maury Apple W98 WG99, Mike Madden C98, and Matthew Garfinkle C98, as well as father-of-the-bride Stuart Feiner W70 and father-of-the-groom Dr. Steven Lasser D73. Other alumni attending included Elisia Abrams C99, Tracy Balton C99, Alice Birnbaum C98, Josh Brogadir C99, Jeffrey Feiner W67, Wendy Rottenberg Feiner C95 and Matthew Feiner W95 L98, Matthew Forster D99 and Meredith Kates Forster GEd99, Elizabeth Franklin C99, Jeffrey Fuhrman C98 L01, Adam Harris C00, Jeremy Isenberg C98, Robert Kant C66, Dr. George Kates D71, Amy Koenigsberg C00 and Joshua Remick C00, Whitney Namm C98, Leslie Needleman DH67, Joseph Pollack W98 WG05, and Claudia Zeitz Poster W71. Jamie and Seth enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon in Southeast Asia, visiting Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Bali. They now live in Chicago, where he attends the Kellogg School of Management for his MBA; she is currently working as a major-gifts officer for the Joffrey Ballet of Chicago, and will be joining him at Kellogg next fall. They can be reached at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.

Kurt Leasure GFA99, Lambertville, N.J., has joined the Princeton firm Ford Farewell Mills and Gatsch, Architects, LLC. Previously a senior historic-preservation specialist with the New Jersey State Historic Preservation Office, he is working on the preparation of construction documents for the early 19th-century Christ Episcopal Church in Middletown, and on documenting the variety of buildings in the Duke Estate in Hillsborough.

Christopher Mora L99 attends Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, where he is pursuing a master’s in international trade and finance. A drilling reservist and instructor at the Naval Justice School in Newport, R.I., he served on active duty in the U.S. Navy JAG Corps from 1999 to 2003, first as a litigator and then as general counsel to naval commands across the Gulf Coast. Among other medals and awards of distinction, he was recently awarded the Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal for his work as general counsel and as team leader for a major U.S. Navy real-estate project and the National Defense Service Medals for his mobilization of commands for Operation Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom, and Iraqi Freedom.

Kallan Resnick C99 <[email protected]> relocated to Japan with his wife, Yoshie, and their son, Taiki, who was born last August. Kallan has been with UBS Investment Bank since 2001; he worked for its private-equity fundraising group in Tokyo for 18 months before transferring to San Francisco, where he was responsible for Asia, Pacific, and U.S. West Coast sales. He has now moved back to Tokyo and will join Equity Finance & Prime Brokerage Japan, responsible for building UBS’s hedge-fund business.

Danny Pitt Stoller C99 had a world premiere in January at the Spirit of Broadway Theatre in Norwich, Conn., of the musical Benjamin Starling, for which he wrote the book and lyrics. It began as a joint MFA-thesis project when he was at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, and is about children growing up, coping with family conflicts, and finding a place in the world. When not writing, Danny works on disability-awareness programs for the award-winning New York Kids Project and participates in Making Books Sing, an arts-literacy program. He lives in Brooklyn with his high-school sweetheart and now wife, Wendy Wisner, who teaches poetry at Hunter College; her first collection will be published this summer by CustomWords Press.

Jackie Taylor C99 L03 has joined Wachovia Trust Company in Philadelphia as a trust associate. She was also recently admitted to the New York State Bar.


Maj. Carlton G. Brown GNu00 was recently awarded the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation’s 2004 Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse of the Year. A U.S. Army Nurse assigned to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, he is a second-year Ph.D. student in the cancer-nursing research program at the University of Utah.

Erik Doebel W00 married Paola DellaPeruta C01 in San Diego on Jan. 24. Alumni attending included the best man James Oakley C00, groomsmen Imri Eisner C01 W01 and Randall Hsia C99, bridesmaid Corinne Kurucza C01, and guests Heather Haney C01 GGS02, Erin Moran C01, Jordan Denfeld C01, Greg Slawsky EE01, Kevin Dreyer EAS00, Adam Snow EAS00, Joshua Krotec EAS01 W01,and Aaron Tidman C02.

Kevin Heck C00 see Jeanine Gubler EAS99.

Jamie Ketten C00 married Jesse Eisdorfer W00 on Dec. 27 in Milwaukee. The wedding party included best man Cary Ziegler W00, bridesmaids Leanne Abrams C00 and Elizabeth Bell C00, and groomsmen Gabe Shiff W00 and Gabe Brecher C99. Other alumni attending included David Yaches C00, Brice London C00, Jeremy Shure C00, Jon Schmerin C00, Jared Weinstock C00, Mark Metzl C00, Jason Speiss C00, Jerilyn Keit W’00, Lauren Hacker C’00, Leah Fang C’00, Jessica Pantzer C’00, Esteban Rakela W’00, David Stier C’99 L’03, Judd Grossman C’00 L’04, Meredith Wepner C’02, Rachel Peckerman C’01, Chad Haller C’96 and Jessica Putterman-Haller W’97, Elie Haller C’98, Josh Neuman W’96, and Joel Shiff W’65 WG’66.

Allie Shenker C’01 became engaged to Brian Schaffer on Feb. 20. She works in New York as a business development coordinator with Geller & Company, and he is an attorney with the firm of Louis Ginsberg. A Spring 2005 wedding is being planned. Allie can be contacted at <[email protected]>.

Heather Victor C’00 married Brett Stecker on Sept. 6 at the Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia. The wedding party included matron-of-honor Phyllis Ford-Victor Ed’49, Heather’s mother, Beth Comroe-Victor CW’74, groomsman Brett Victor C’03, and bridesmaid Katrina Borisjuk W’99. Many alumni friends and family attended, including Herbert Victor W’47, Scott Victor C’80, Stuart Ford C’85, Robert Ford EE’55 WG’56 GEE’59, Simi Kaplin-Baer L’00, Karein Donahue Freehill Nu’00, Nicole Melchiorre C’00, Paul Manion C’00, and Rachel Tanner Van Meter W’00 and Mark Van Meter W’98.


Lt. Ronald S. Rolph C’01 is on deployment with the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit; in February it intercepted a small Arabian vessel in the North Arabian Sea and seized an estimated 2,800 lbs. of hashish, with a value of $11 million. His unit is based at Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Samantha Sacks Nu’01 <[email protected]> e-mails, ’I moved to Atlanta in 2003 and love it. Having a fabulous time and enjoying the wonderful weather. I work as a nurse at the medicine ICU at Emory University Hospital, and will be starting my MBA/MPH at Emory this fall.”


Anne Deger C’02 and Whit Matthews C’02 are excited to announce their engagement on Oct. 25 in Rittenhouse Square; the wedding is planned for June 12 in Pittsburgh. They currently live in Philadelphia, and can be contacted at <[email protected]>.

Rachel Mendelsohn C’02 married Jeremy White on Aug. 31 in Boca Raton, Fla. They currently live in New York where she is a student at Columbia Business School and he is a medical student at Albert Einstein College of Medicine; they can be reached at <[email protected]>.

Rick Wetmore W’02, Haverford, Pa., a security analyst and portfolio manager with Turner Investment Partners in Berwyn, was named a principal of the firm in January.

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