Volume 103, No. 3


Now Playing on the Big Screen
Cinema studies is a new major program at Penn, but the University’s involvement with the form goes back to Eadweard Muybridge and the earliest days of moving pictures.
By Susan Frith 

The Biggest Sister
Big Brothers Big Sisters President Judy Vredenburgh CW’70 is taking the basic formula behind the organization and expanding it to reach a million troubled children across the country.
By Samuel Hughes

Making a Legend
John Legend C’99 has come a long way since his days with the Penn a cappella group Counterparts (when he was John Stephens). As his first solo album hits the stores, lots of people are betting he can go much farther.
By Nate Chinen

Best-Case Scenario
Five years ago, David Borgenicht C’90 and Joshua Piven C’93 came out with a little humor book titled The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook. Since then, things have gone from worst to, well, pretty incredible.
By Katie Haegele

Remember the Reunion
The 70 members of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity who went to fight in World War II wrote hundreds of letters for The Delta Pen, a newsletter created by Henry A. Pope W’43. A new book collects some of them.
By Patrick Brugh


From the Editor
From College Hall

Alumni Voices: The old neighborhood
Elsewhere: “This really makes me want to have a baby”
Expert Opinion: When do brains mature?

GAZETTEER : News & Sports

 With MyVote1, Fels Institute analyzes voter problems
 New name—Fisher-Bennett Hall—honors gift
 Leadership positions filled at DAR and SAS
 Vet School Dean Kelly departs
 Wrongful research
 Capabilities approach offered as better social measure
 NSF grants $11.4 million for nanotechnology
 Aboriginal art explores meteor crater’s creation
 “Identity theft combined with name-calling”
 Weingarten Learning Resources Center opens
 Riepes pledge $10 million for Quad College House
 Study finds no ill effects in 9/11 search dogs
 It’s true: A good night’s sleep improves performance
 $32.5 million for Annenberg for new building and more
 New depression treatment uses magnetic energy
 Iraqi nurses visit campus
 Court: Schools can bar military recruiters without losing funds
 High Hopes, Unreasonable Expectations?

Music A tour of WXPN’s new digs
Books The Myth of Solid Ground. Living in the earthquake zone
Books Perilous Times. War’s first casualty?
Architecture Virtual Philadelphia
Briefly Noted
Arts Calendar

ALUMNI : Profiles 
Colorful catalyst Ruth Lande Shuman
“250 in 5” x 4 = $1 million for scholarships
Before Ronald McDonald, it was their house
Trail blazer Hugh Willoughby
Hip veterinarian Gail Smith
Kid saver Cam Winton

ALUMNI : Events : Notes : Obituaries


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