AI Assistants or Digital Despots?
Proposed: an algorithmic bill of rights.
Lessons from the Shatterzone
Canaries in coal mines, lands in-between.
Finding Faust
Gained in translation.
A Woman of Letters
Faithful correspondent.
Talking to the Bereaved 101
On not getting over it.
Free Exercise in Peril
The Supreme Court’s double standard.
The Moments Pick You
Deferred dividends.
Supervisor Studies
Managing to manage.
Three Cod Operas and a Plunging Chandelier
Phantom at 30.
The Tragedy Mob
Changing the story.
Cultivating Cassandras
The Cassandra Coefficient.
Penn v. UPenn
The evolution of the University’s colloquial shorthand term.
Social Justice at Children’s Expense
The fatal scourge of child maltreatment has a tragic enabler: the ethical code of professional social workers.
The Power of Play
Working vacation.
The River
“Submitting the direction of our lives to the Current is one of the most difficult endeavors we can undertake.”
A Brief History of Sitting Down
Take a chair.
Against Radical Disruption
Public schools need innovation—just not the kind reformers keep pushing.
Voting is Easy, Leaving is Hard
Brexit won’t shut the door.
This’ll Never Work
This essay could be better.
How To Change Your Mind
“Enlightenment is for anyone.”
Uber Gridlock
Uber and VIM.
The Wandering Syrians
Fellow wanderers.
The New Work Ethic
Culture at work.
The Next War
Planning for future warfare.