Alumni Notes
July|Aug 2015
July|Aug 2015
July|Aug 2015
At Last, Our Prince Has Come
Hal Prince C’48 Hon’71 gets Penn Alumni Creative Spirit Award.
When the Light Goes Out
A poet’s memoir of life after death. The Light of the World.
Penn Masala Nails Perfect Pitch
Penn Masala gets a Hollywood moment in Pitch Perfect 2.
Briefly Noted
July|Aug 2015
Arts Calendar
July|Aug 2015
July|Aug 2015: Skimmer, mostly.
Four’s Company
Close quarters.
Introduction to Walking
A walker in the city.
After the Avalanche
“First came the earthquake.”
Behind Monkey Bars
Today’s playgrounds are no fun.
Graduation, Westeros Style
Powers to Class of 2015: “[T]o save the world, start by acting ‘as if’”
Honorary Degrees
Honorands, Commencement 2015.
An MBA With Life in the Balance
Student speaker at Wharton Commencement is fighting for his life.
Entrepreneurship for Ex-Cons
PREP aims to help ex-inmates become entrepreneurs.
Doubling ICA’s Reach
ICA gets $10 million gift for curatorial program.
Heart Palpitations? Beware of Dr. Google
Risk factor: health-related websites track and share search data.
Young Quakers
In Young Quakers program, Penn athletes mentor middle-schoolers.
From Septimus Smith to September 11
Heard on Campus: “Are we living inside a pre-traumatic syndrome?”
Birdie Brothers
Penn ivy champions in golf.
From April 6 to May 31, 2015