Vol. 100, No. 4


Hello, Dr. Chips
A longtime Penn faculty member looks at how his kind has been portrayed in our pages over the past century.
By Gerald Weales

Penn Between the Wars: 1919-1940
Boom, bust, and the University’s bicentennial.

An Affair to Remember
In 1915, Penn’s trustees declined to renew the teaching appointment of Scott Nearing C’06 Gr’09 and helped create the modern tenure system.
By Samuel Hughes

A Chronicle of Campus Changes Through One Absent Mind
From just after World War II until the Vietnam era, Professor Quagmire was a fixture in the pages of the Gazette. 
By Susan Frith Lonkevich

The Boy Chemist at 75
Sure he won the Nobel Prize in 2000, but Alan G. MacDiarmid cares more about the research he’s doing now—or may think of tomorrow.
By Joan P. Capuzzi Giresi

The Big Picture
Students learned much more than how to paint a mural in a class taught last fall by artist/activist Jane Golden.
By Kathryn Levy Feldman

Making the Most of the Material Past
Peter Stallybrass is the guiding force behind a weekly seminar that is “extraordinarily wide-ranging, often surprising”—which is a good description of him, too.
By Beth Kephart


From the Editor
The Faculty Issue

“First” mistake, Centennial-sparked memories, and more

Notes From the Undergrad
Mr. Ambrose, let’s take a breather.

Alumni Voices
Making (up) the grade.

Panel examines stem-cell ethics and science
Advance may produce stem cells without using embryos
Undergrads “leave a mark” at Arthur Ross Gallery
Six Nobels and counting on chemistry’s wall of fame
HUP faults report of higher death rates in 2000
Faith and freedom
$15.5 million to medical school to study juvenile diabetes 
FDA rejects Wilson letter on gene-therapy trial

Off the Shelf 
By Order of the President. Dissecting a tragedy of democracy.

Big 5, small consolation?

Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Dr. Anne Whiston Spirn GLA’74 | Nurturing Nature in Our Cities
John Palko W’76 | “Boy, Did I Show Them”
John Olson C’64 WG’66 | Consistently Right About Enron
Ed Grusheski G’74 | Smoke on the Water

Alumni Notes
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades
and other personal news


Four wise men. 

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