Vol. 100, No. 5
The Century in Sports
What happened on and off the playing fields, as chronicled in our pages.
By David Porter
World War and Cold War
Our third Centennial timeline: 1941-1960.
Bob Bigelow’s Full Court Press
“Just let the kids play,” says the former Penn basketball star, who would sweep away much of the current youth-sports system.
By Kathryn Levy Feldman
First Visit, Last Farewell
In her new memoir, Still Love in Strange Places, the author writes of bridging the gap between the Philadelphia suburbs and a coffee plantation in El Salvador.
An excerpt by Beth Kephart
Zahi Hawass and the Secrets of the Pyramids
Preserving Egypt’s most cherished monuments is only part of what the graduate alumnus sees as his mission—to use archaeology and history “to create love between countries.”
By Kyle Cassidy
From the Editor
Different Worlds
Nearing’s influence, Selvin’s C, and more on the female Quaker
Plus: Faculty Favorites
Notes From the Undergrad
Ode to Billy Joel.
College Hall
Invitation to alumni: Sample Penn’s intellectual feast.
Alumni Voices
Best in basketball? Ernie Beck.
Graduate-student group attempting to unionize
Executive VP John Fry named Franklin & Marshall president
Student Life: “Goof” or “great idea?” Senior leads effort to buy the Montreal Expos
David Farber on what’s next for the Internet
Preventing scarring may help in healing spinal-cord injuries
Peter and Geri Skirkanich give $10 million toward new bioengineering facility
J. Craig Venter recaps the race to map the human genome
$100 million for Penn Medicine from Philadelphia Health Care Trust
Childers and other history faculty on plagiarism in the field
Goodwin on leadership (not plagiarism)
Remains found at construction site to be reburied
Off the Shelf
Hoop Roots. “The game’s as portable as a belief.”
Late run secures Ivy basketball title and puts Dunphy in the record books.
Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Kirsten Shank C’90 and Brendan Halpin C’90 | Cancer: A Spouse’s Candid View
James Lloyd FA’68 | Art—and Compassion —Behind Bars
Cary Phillips Gr’91 | An Animator With All the Right Moves
Helen Lesnick C’83 | Searching for Ms. Rightowitz
Matt Rosler C’96 | But Did They Serve Red and Blue Popcorn?
Alumni Notes
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades
and other personal news.
Front runner.