Vol. 100, No. 3


100 Years of the Gazette 
The first century of Penn’s alumni magazine
by John Prendergast

A Selective (Old) Penn Chronology
Our first Centennial timeline covers 1902 to 1918, when Old Penn becomes the Gazette (and World War I ended).

Tweaking History … and Everything Else
Looking back at one of the Gazette’s favorite illustrators
By Samuel Hughes

Browsing Penn’s Cyber Stacks
Scattered collections, brittle diaries, rare artifacts, handwritten plays, and more are flashing across computer screens worldwide, via the University’s groundbreaking digital library project. 
By Caren Lissner

James Thomson and the Holy Grail
In 1998, graduate alumnus Dr. James Thomson won the race to isolate and culture human stem-cells for a sustained period—one of the holy grails of medical science—but he can’t outrun the controversy generated by his work. Increasingly, he isn’t trying. 
By Leslie Whitaker

Homecoming 2001 
Slideshow | Photography by Tommy Leonardi C’89


From the Editor
Happy Hundreth. 

On September 11, Harold Stassen, and more.

Alumni Voices
One trailblazing Quaker.

From College Hall
Engineering the future at SEAS.

Notes From the Undergrad
In the swing.

1,200 celebrate 125 years of women at Penn
The Jerry Lee Criminology Center opens
Camille Paglia pans The Sopranos
Finding a respite in nature
The mismeasure of children
New board to unify Health System management
Pedro Ramos C’87 will be the president’s chief of staff
Jury says hiring woman crew coach was sexual discrimination
Finding new weapons against smallpox
Penn becomes largest retail buyer of wind energy

Off the Shelf 
Look at Me. A novel of dangerous depths. 
Nazi Terror. 
Evil’s work-a-day world.

Football falls short, and men’s basketball starts strong.

Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Jon Avnet C’71 | Uprising Against Evil
Gwyneth Leech C’81 | Art in the Family
Hal Colston C’75 | Where There Are Wheels, There’s a Way
Ira Rosen C’88 | Testing, 1, 2, 3—And Please Pass the Mashed Potatoes
Mike Finkel W’90 | My Friend the Adventure Writer
Sheryl Cooper C’79 | Signs of Progress for Deaf Studies
Eric Rosen GAr’90 | Hollywood Restaurant Makeover
Edward G. Rendell C’65 Hon’00 | Big Man on Campus
Vacation with Verse

Alumni Notes
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades
and other personal news


Whiskey, women, and the Penn seal. 

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