A Tragedy of Democracy
By Order of the President. Dissecting a tragedy of democracy.
The Philly and the Ivy
Big 5, small consolation?
Smoke on the Water
Ed Grusheski G’74
Consistently Right About Enron
John Olson C’64 WG’66
“Boy, Did I Show Them”
John Palko W’76
Nurturing Nature in Our Cities
Anne Whiston Spirn GLA’74
Alumni Notes
Mar|Apr 2002
Mar|Apr 2002
“Honor Veteran Teachers
of College Faculty”
Mar|Apr 2002
Vol. 100, No. 4
Penn Between the Wars: 1919-1940
Boom, bust, and the University’s bicentennial.
Hello, Dr. Chips
An emeritus English professor and frequent Gazette contributor looks at how Penn's faculty has been portrayed in the magazine during its first century.
Pause against Plagiarism
Think your own thoughts, and you may not steal others’ words.
Saved by a C
Recalling a professor’s act of generosity.
Medical School Gets Sweet Diabetes Grant
$15.5 million to medical school to study juvenile diabetes FDA rejects
What Price Religious Freedom?
Faith and freedom
Report of Higher Death Rates Disputed by HUP
HUP faults report of higher death rates in 2000
Nobel, Nobel, on the Wall …
Six Nobels and counting on chemistry’s wall of fame
The Art of Youthful Exhibitionism
Undergrads “leave a mark” at Arthur Ross Gallery
Turning Back the Clock on Stem Cells
Advance may produce stem cells without using embryos
Wilson’s Explanation Rejected
Wilson letter on gene-therapy trial
Pondering the Ethics and Science of Stem Cells
Panel examines stem-cell ethics and science