Volume 107, No. 2
National Insecurity
Richard Clarke C’72 probably knows—and cares—more about national security than anyone alive, as he proved on 9/11 and afterwards. His new book examines the government’s failures, offers remedies—and tells some stories. By Samuel Hughes
Losing the Waigul Valley
Through the lens of his own experiences, an alumnus and former Army infantry officer reflects on tactical victories and strategic failure in northeastern Afghanistan. By Erik Malmstrom C’03. Plus: An interview with U.S. Foreign Service Officer Matt Asada C’02 W’02 on his posting to Afghanistan
Marketing the Macabre
From a vampire-slaying-sword auction to wine tastings with fans, Leslie Esdaile Banks W’80 has used her Wharton training (and an almost supernatural business sense) to promote her bestselling book series. By Susan Frith
The Next, Next Thing
If serial entrepreneur Elon Musk W’95 has his way, sending a payload—and eventually, people—into space will be handled commercially, more like UPS than “the Right Stuff.” (At least if you leave out the part about settling Mars.) Oh, and the rest of us here on earth will be able to tap affordable solar power and drive fast, efficient, cool-looking electric cars. By Robert Strauss
ESSAYS : First Person
Notes From the Undergrad Two weeks in a trench
Alumni Voices Comparing nests, empty and overflowing
Elsewhere “This was not how we had expected to leave Karungu”
Expert Opinion Russia’s resurgence
GAZETTEER : News & Sports
Nader raids SP2 Centennial kickoff
Health System contributes $50 million for Neuroscience Initiative
Exhibition recalls days of “Broadside” battles
Penn Reading Project panel dissects Your Inner Fish
David Thornburgh named Fels executive director
Class of 2012: “Do not stick to the prevailing script”
New Museum center focuses on cultural preservation
Cancer advance is “technical tour de force”
College Houses celebrate 10th anniversary
Football, basketball rebuild; a coach’s battle
BOOKS Genius, still (mostly) unspoiled. Ezra Pound: Poet, Volume 1
BOOKS Writers House offers online book groups
ART Comix genius. R. Crumb at the ICA
BOOKS Murder unknowable. For the Thrill of It
ALUMNI : Profiles
Neel Kashkari WG’02 is Treasury’s “$700 billion man”
Susan Francia C’04 G’04 rowed for Olympic Gold in Beijing
Rajiv Shah M’02 GrW’05 oversees agriculture for the Gates Foundation
Charlie Herschel C’01 is a Survivor
ALUMNI : Events : Notes : Obituaries