Volume 108, No. 6
Touching the Virtual Frontier
If you’ve never been stung by imaginary gunfire, sent a texture sample by email, or had a sleeve teach you how to move your arm, Katherine Kuchenbecker’s Haptics Lab is a Pandora’s box of tactile trickery and strange sensations. By Trey Popp
Desperately Seeking Blank
Think it’s easy to turn off your mind when you’re playing baseball? Think again, says a former Major Leaguer (and Penn Quaker standout). By Doug Glanville. Plus: A book excerpt and Q&A with the author
Finishing School
The Penn Fellows Program aims to bring mid-career faculty into full bloom. By Molly Petrilla
Common Bonds
A dinner celebrating the newest class of Penn Athletic Hall of Famers featured laughter, tears, and a demonstration of the true meaning of the word teammate. By Dave Zeitlin
Alumni Weekend 2010
Our annual photo essay. By Addison Geary
From the Editor
From College Hall
ESSAYS : First Person
Notes from the Undergrad Restoring portraits of war
Alumni Voices “That was Coach Lake for you”
Elsewhere A film festival in the Sahara?
Expert Opinion Real life, man-made
GAZETTEER : News & Sports
Commencement: Forget As, concentrate on “five Fs”
Undergrads discuss bioethics with “substitute” teacher Amy Gutmann
Abramsons give another $25.5 million for cancer research
In abstinence education, pragmatism beats moral argument
TCPW/Provost Award celebrates/spurs advance of women faculty
Nursing School hosts international conference on women’s health
Admissions extends “interest-based recruiting” to LGBT students
Rave reviews for music building makeover
Emma Schachner Gr’16 studies fossils—and draws them, too
Women’s lacrosse team unbeaten for fourth straight year
Staying afloat: Women’s water-polo’s winning ways
BOOKS Macabre masterpieces. The Addams Family: An Evilution
BOOKS Religion in the courts. The Spirit of the Law
ART Slought Foundation gathers “leftover” artifacts
ALUMNI : Profiles
Ted Kaufman WG’66 is having a busy two years in the Senate
Abdi Farah C’09 could be The Next Great Artist
Aakash Mathur C’09 W’09 and Jay Parekh EAS’09 make water better
Mike Sandler W’62 is an entrepreneur of education
Josh Heald W’00 thought up Hot Tub Time Machine