Ron Gold’s Second Act

After an accident left him paralyzed from the waist down, Ron Gold C’83 W’83 struggled to come to terms with the “different hand of cards” he’d been dealt. But with the help of his wife and family—and some Penn friends—he’s managed to regain his zest for life and launch a new business to help others in his situation.

Hidden Gem

Some of the world's premier soccer teams continue to descend on Rhodes Field as a top-flight training destination.

Draft Party

Penn baseball revels in “historic day” after a record four players are selected in 2017 Major League Baseball draft.

Show Stopper

Former Penn basketball star Ibrahim Jaaber C’07 enters Big 5 Hall of Fame with a speech to remember.

Rivalry Boost

The inaugural Ivy League Tournament featured one Penn championship, one devastating Penn loss, and a whole lot of extra juice in the Penn-Princeton rivalry.

A Unique Talent

Looking back on the remarkable college basketball career of Ibrahim Jaaber C'07, a new inductee into the Big 5 Hall of Fame.

Uncovered Memorabilia

One alum saved and mounted several pieces of torn-down goalpost from Penn football's 1959 championship season, and is gifting his unique memento to the University 57 years later.

The Christian Association at 125

At the turn of the last century, the CA pioneered the idea of service at Penn with settlement houses and summer camps, and has since been at the forefront of anti-war protests and movements for civil, women’s, and LGBT rights. In the 21st, it’s still providing a “safe space” for students and making a difference on campus and beyond.

The Next Step

After finishing their record-breaking track & field careers at the NCAA Championships, 2016 graduates Sam Mattis and Thomas Awad are looking ahead to the Olympic trials -- and beyond.