Vol. 100, No. 2
The Stamp Seal Mystery
A Bronze Age mound in Central Asia yielded a tantalizing clue to a “new” ancient civilization. For archaeologist Fred Hiebert, it was one more reason why Raphael Pumpelly was right.
By Samuel Hughes
School’s In
It still doesn’t have a name, but the Penn-assisted public school opened in September. Here are some pictures, plus a talk with Principal—and Penn alumna—Sheila Sydnor.
By John Prendergast
The Last Album: Lives in Memory
A new book of photographs recovered from Auschwitz—family portraits, birthday parties, wedding pictures, days at the beach—recalls the lives shattered by the Holocaust.
By Ann Weiss
Harold Stassen and the Ivy League
The former Minnesota governor and future perennial U.S. presidential candidate wanted a big-time football program at Penn, but his battles over a boycott by other Ivy Schools and televising of football games actually helped create the Ivy League.
By Mark F. Bernstein
From the Editor
Living with terror.
Global gripe, no grudge against Chomsky … and more.
SPECIAL SECTION: September 11 & After
From College Hall
Reweaving the fabric of Penn’s global community.
Alumni Voices
Survivor, Eyewitness, Volunteer: Three New York alumni tell their stories.
Notes From the Undergrad
Students organize against hate crimes.
Penn Community Grieves and Unites After Terror
Students, faculty, staff, and alumni draw together.
Thinking about 9/11
Penn’s faculty on terrorism, Islam, and life after the attacks.
Study details sexual exploitation of North American children
Graduate students get a home on Locust Walk
In latest advance, new fuel cell runs on diesel
Ground broken for new Penn Hillel building in Hamilton Village
West donates $10 million for Wharton School “learning lab”
Medical sociologist Dr. Afaf Meleis named nursing dean
Up a notch to #5 in U.S. News & World Report
Off the Shelf
In Therapy We Trust. Self-fulfillment as the American religion.
Women look to repeat as Ivy champions in basketball.
Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Vijay Singh Chattha C’00 | A Showcase for Sikh Heritage
Steve Herbst C’67 | There’s a Pucker Born Every Minute
Ravi Hariprasad M’01 | Drop the Laptop and Put Your Hands Up
Amalfi Ramirez Finnerty CGS’87 | Transported by Brush and Paint
Stacia Gray-Crawford C’89 | Worn With Pride
Alumni Notes
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades
and other personal news
Double Acrostic.