Kenneth Wray Conners W’30 G’32 retired in 1974 after 40 years with the Leeds & Northrup Company. For 22 of those years, he was manager of its advertising division and for the final five years director of public relations. Always a writer, during the 17 retirement years his fourth book was published, as were 14 articles and 62 book reviews. And he continues to write, for as he, explains, “it’s a form of occupational therapy.”
Dr. William I. Gefter C’35 M’39 has written Quality Living in the Semicircle of Life, published by Rutledge Books. It is based upon a series of lectures on ethical issues in healthcare, given at Elderhostels and learning-in-retirement programs.
Paul C. Van Dyke C’39 L’42 wrote A Glimpse of the Dutch Settlement of New Jersey as Seen by the Van Dyke Family, published by Heritage Books, Inc.
Marvin Facher W’41 writes, “The Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity had 12 members in the Class of 1941. Eight of us survive, and seven attended our 60th reunion in May: William Rudner C’41, Richard Lowenstein C’41, Charles Rosenberg C’41, Stanley Fried C’41, Mitchell Miller C’41 L’48, and Ralph Roberts W’41; Stanley Silverstein W’41 was unable to attend. The four deceased members of our class were Daniel Seifer W’41, Leonard Oesterreicher W’41, Victor Levy W’41, and Emanuel Gaynor W’41.
John M. Bader L’48 in August joined the practice of Thomas S. Neuberger P.A., in Wilmington, Del., where he is of counsel.
Ray Petit W’49 reports a good year in Cape May, N.J. In March he copyrighted Terrific Tubs, a flower-container service, which he pursued this summer at B&Bs there. In July he celebrated 52 years of marriage with Doris Holler Petit. In the 27th annual Cape May County Senior Citizen Art Show in June, they had both won blue ribbons in their painting categories, his in watercolor pencil and hers in watercolor. And in September he published his Second World War journal titled, WW II From My Vantage Point, a 128-page account of his three years with the U.S. Army Air Corps in the European theater of operations in England, Africa, Sicily, and Italy, before coming to Penn in the fall of 1945.
Janet H. Tomlinson CW’51, Littleton, N.C., writes, “I would like to send congratulations to all those involved with planning the 50th Reunion of the Class of 1951 in May. It was an outstanding weekend, with everything carefully planned and carried out to perfection. The Friday night dance, Saturday’s alumnae coffee, the Parade of Classes (with seats for 51ers to watch the parade), and the caps and gowns to march with the graduating class onto Franklin Field were all great fun and well done. The extra touches—a camera, a photo album, a Penn wristwatch given to each returning member, and corsages for all the women—were especially appreciated. President Rodin’s talk, followed by questions and answers, was a highlight. Thanks to the University for a memorable 50th Reunion. I want to congratulate The Pennsylvania Gazette on the great job you are doing—such interesting articles and informative reports. I also enjoy your photos and your in-depth stories. Keep up the good work.”
Mary Deputy Brubaker Nu’52 GEd’56 received a volunteer-service award from the Virginia Not For Profit Homes Association in the spring for her outstanding volunteer work for the Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community in Harrisonburg, spanning more than 30 years. She has served on the board, was instrumental in starting the VMRC auxiliary, and continues to serve in a variety of capacities at the age of 87 years.
Richard L. Graves C’52 writes that his eighth novel, Queen of Diamonds, was published earlier this year by XC Publishing of Tacoma, Wash. “It is a mystery set in New York and Philadelphia against a background of diamonds, drugs, and deceit, where the word laundry means anything but clean. It is available online (XCPublishing.com) in hardcover or electronically, or through bookstores.”
Dr. Eugene N. Myers W’54, professor of otolaryngology and Eye and Ear Foundation Chair at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, received the American Laryngological Association Award and the deRoaldes Award in May. The American Laryngological Association Award, established in 1987, is given as a mark of recognition and esteem for outstanding achievement which has contributed significantly to laryngology. The deRoaldes Award was established in 1907 and is presented in recognition of outstanding accomplishments in laryngology.
Hugh C. Miller Ar’55 recently received the Marcellus Wright Jr. Award from the James River chapter of the American Institute of Architects for his contributions to the profession of architecture and the preservation of Virginia’s architectural heritage. A fellow of the American Institute of Architects, he served as the first director of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. This award has a Penn connection: Marcellus Wright Jr. Ar’29 GAr’30, and his father, Marcellus Wright Sr., also graduated in architecture from the Graduate School of Fine Arts, in 1905.
Dr. Samuel Pearlman C’55, and his nephew, Dr. Howard Pearlman C’75, have set up Top The Doc, a medical-quiz Web page. Howard adds, “Check out the lyrics for a new Penn Fight Song listed along the left column of the page (home.talkcity.com/HealingWay/top_the_doc/).”
Felicia Fogg Gonzalez CW’56 has been elected president of the American Cryptogram Association.
Hugh D. Jascourt C’56, president of the Agency for Dispute Resolution and Synergistic Relations, has been named to the board of arbitrators of National Association of Security Dealers Dispute Resolution, Inc. <[email protected]>.
Mary Price Lee CW’56 GEd’67, Flourtown, Pa., reports the publication of her 22nd book, Opportunities In Animal and Pet Care Careers, by McGraw-Hill. She is one of the Penn women authors with a bookcover included on the poster to be released this month as part of the 125 Years of Women at Penn celebration: it has the cover of her previous title, 100 Best Careers in Crime Fighting: Law Enforcement, Private Security, Criminal Justice and Cyberspace Crime Detection(1998). She has co-written her more recent nonfiction, and coping and career books with her husband, Richard.
Dr. I. E. “Buzz” Solomon W’58 <[email protected]> recently graduated from George Mason University, where he earned a Doctor of Arts in Community College Education degree. After having served 26 years in the U.S. Army, followed by eight years as a military consultant, he began his third career as a lecturer in sociology in 1991: he is currently a member of the adjunct faculty at SUNY Orange (Orange County Community College) and Marist College. He is also working on a book that traces his parents and their roots in Atlantic City.
Charles A. Heimbold Jr. L’60, Riverside, Conn., chair and chief executive officer of Bristol-Myers Squibb and deputy chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, has been nominated to be the U.S. Ambassador to Sweden.
Jon L. Greenawalt C’61 e-mails, “The tragic events of Sept. 11 have affected us all in some way. Fortunately, the Greenawalt family are all alive and well and not directly impacted. As Americans and part of the Penn community, however, we share in the grief, fear and uncertainty that these times bring. Our lives and outlook have indeed been impacted if not changed for ever. While it’s important to bring some order and stability to our lives, both personally and in our professions, there is no ‘return to normal.’ What was normal before Sept. 11 was in large measure trivial. Let’s hope that we do not return as a society to that. What we see now is the resurgence of faith, courage, core values, patriotism, contribution and, yes, even love within America. Let’s work to have the new ‘normal’ be more of that, not only here but in the world. We simply can not have the huge ‘we-they’ gap continue to go on between America and the rest of the world, or we will go on being hated and indeed breed more terrorism from the disenfranchised cultures. We have been in a surreal bubble; we’ve been given a wake-up call, and it’s time for each of us and our nation’s leadership to heed it and bring us into a new future <[email protected]>.”
Jerry Perlmutter W’62 <[email protected]> has retired from Kayser-Roth Corporation where he served as vice president, general counsel, and secretary. He is now of counsel to the law firm Smith, Helms, Mulliss & Moore in Greensboro, N.C.
Sheldon S. Toll C’62, a partner of the Detroit law firm of Honigman, Miller, Schwartz and Cohn, was recognized in September for volunteer (pro bono) legal services for the U.S. District Court in Detroit. “Volunteer lawyers make sure that civil-rights cases are brought before the court in a proper manner and that indigent litigants receive due process and equal protection of the law. Justice is done for all of us when justice is done for the least of us,” he said. An author and frequent lecturer on commercial and business law, he is a contributing editor of Norton on Bankruptcy, a co-author of Bankruptcy Litigation Manual, and author of Pennsylvania Crimes Code Annotated, and is listed in the 2001 editions of Who’s Who in America and Best Lawyers in America. He is married to Dr. Roberta Toll, a clinical psychologist, and they live in Bloomfield Hills.
Bob Crawford WG’63 is founder and CEO of Brook Furniture Rental, Inc., an upper-end residential and office furniture rental company based in Lake Forest, Ill., which expanded recently to the Washington metropolitan area by acquiring the residential-furniture rental assets of one of the Marriott corporation subsidiaries.
Bob Boyce EE’64 e-mails, “After successful careers as a submarine officer in the Navy and a nuclear-utility executive with Exelon, I have undertaken a third career as a physics and chemistry teacher at the Malvern Preparatory School for Boys. With four more sons to put through college, retirement is over the horizon.”
Dr. Robert Allyn Goldman C’64 was recently appointed clinical professor of stomatology at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. “I shall teach in the fields of periodontics, oral pathology, and oral medicine (having received a Doctor of Science in the two latter combined fields from Boston University). I practice periodontics in West Palm Beach, Fla., but I truly enjoy the commute and the teaching experiences at MUSC. Hello to all my friends in the Class of 1964.”
Beverly Rutman Budin CW’65, a partner at the Philadelphia law firm of Ballard, Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, spoke in August at the American Bankers Association Advanced Program in Chicago on “Analyzing Qualified Tuition Programs,” describing opportunities for college savings created by the new tax act.
Richard N. Cohen C’65 e-mails that he first spotted three strange birds on Menemsha Pond, Martha’s Vineyard, at the beginning of the summer, when he was out for a leisurely sail with his wife, Toni. He saw them again in July, when the racing season was underway. “I was pretty sure they were alcids, but I didn’t have the confidence to make the call,” he said; with 20 years of experience he considers himself a neophyte birder. A friend was fairly certain the black-and-white, football-sized birds diving for sand eels among the lobster pots and boat buoys were razorbills, (part of the alcid family). It was confirmed by a local expert and made the front page of The Vineyard Gazette: “In the long, ornithological history of Massachusetts and Martha’s Vineyard, there has never been an occurrence like this … Normally, if you want to see razorbills around here, you have to go out on a boat in the middle of the winter.” (The most southerly known population of razorbills in summertime had been off Canada’s Grand Manan island, in the Bay of Fundy.) Richard leads birding trips to Africa, Bhutan, and recently to Lesbos, in the Greek Islands.
Linda LeBovith Robinson CW’65, chair of English at the Country Day School of the Sacred Heart in Bryn Mawr, Pa., received the Joseph B. Whitehead Educator of Distinction Award for exemplary dedication to the field of education for the 1999-2000 academic year, based, in part, upon student recommendation. In June, the Philadelphia chapter of the Jewish Community Relations Council presented her with the Nora Levin Educators Award for outstanding achievement in teaching Holocaust studies to high-school students.
Daniel Turner WG’65 wrote the novel, Twillinger’s Voyage, which was recently published in England (www.twillingersvoyage.com).
Dr. Richard A. Spagna C’66 D’68 <[email protected]> and Marianne Burger Spagna DH’67 are very proud to announce that their son, Dr. Christopher R. Spagna D’01 GEd’01, has joined them in a truly family practice of general dentistry in Falls Church, Va.
Bob White C’66 in October will have worked for 20 years with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. In addition to several assignments at its headquarters in Geneva, he has been posted to six countries, usually in locations providing asylum to refugees: Egypt, Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa, Russia, and now Indonesia. Bob and his wife, Benedicte, have been in Jakarta since late 1999, and “hope to have the opportunity to remain in this fascinating, but little known, part of the world a while longer.” Eventually they hope to return to either France or the U.S. to be closer to their three children, although with Gavin working in Senegal and with Anne-France and James in a few years completing their studies in Britain, “geographic proximity is by no means certain.”
Fredric H. Karr C’67 writes that Sept. 26 marked the fifth anniversary since he relocated from Silver Spring, Md., to Coconut Creek, Fla. After serving as an attorney with the federal government in Washington for 26 years, he took early retirement in Jan. 1996 and permanently moved to Florida almost nine months later. At present he serves as the book-review writer for two local monthlies, the Broward Senior News and the Palm-Aire News & Views.
Bruce Wagner WG’67 was appointed in May vice president of marketing and corporate communications at MSX International, Inc.; based in Auburn Hills, Mich., it is a global provider of technology-driven business services. For the past two years he was a consultant to MSX International, and previously vice president of worldwide marketing and communications at ITT Automotive.
William A. Angus III W’68 has announced that he is “stepping down as senior vice president and chief financial officer of Cymer, Inc., the world’s leading supplier of excimer light sources used in semiconductor manufacturing,” effective Dec. 31; but he will retain his position as secretary of the corporation until he fully retires on Dec. 31, 2002. He can be reached at <[email protected]>. Additionally, Bill is proud to announce the marriage of his son, William A. Angus IV C’92, to Claudia Stevens Whitney of Pensacola, Fla., on April 28.
Dr. Bill Rutenberg C’68 has been elected to the national board of governors of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, the sole nationwide physician-only organization of medical acupuncturists. He is “still happily married after all these years to Marsha Davis Rutenberg CW’70 and we live in Highland Park, Ill.; she serves on the board and is treasurer of the Winnetka Theatre. Our son, Craig Rutenberg C’95, is practicing law in the San Diego office of Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe.”
Robert S. Balter C’69 has joined Karr Barth Associates Inc., the Eastern Pennsylvania region of AXA Advisors, LLC, as director of estate and business analysis for regional planning and technical sales. Previously he was a director of business and estate planning for the Philadelphia region with The Northwestern Mutual Financial Network. He and his wife, Margery, live in Rydal, Pa.; their daughter, Meredith, is a sophomore at Florida State University.
Pamela Blum CW’69 is associate chair of the art department at Illinois State University.
Randall W. Byrnes C’69 e-mails, “In late August, I had the pleasure of driving to Penn to deposit my third son-matriculant at Penn for his freshman year. His first week was spent at the campus Sheraton and on Franklin Field, since he is one of Coach Bagnoli’s recruits for the football team, which hopes to repeat the Ivy Championship this year. (With 10 running backs on the roster, I am not sure how much assistance son Rory will be providing this year: the team looks loaded with talent.) Son Spencer is entering his senior year and is an English major. Son Carter Byrnes C’99 is gainfully employed in the commercial real estate business in the Washington area. My wife, Cheryl, and I live in Naples, Fla., for most of the year, and are busy raising our newly adopted daughter, Lily, who was born in Yangzhou, China, on Nov. 6, 1999, and Connor, who turned six this August. As one can imagine, I have oft repeated the mantra, ‘No, I’m not the grandfather. I’m the father.’ Nonetheless, all is well and we are blessed to have our family, our health, and time to enjoy.”
Dr. Frederick M. Herrmann C’69 received the 20th Anniversary Service Award from the Northeastern Regional Conference on Lobbying at its annual meeting. He is a two-time past chair and the compiler of its NORCOL Lobbying Guidebook.
Dr. Ronald D. Klein C’69 GEd’70 is a professor of English studies at Hiroshima Jogakuin University in Japan. His father, Dr. Henry Klein C’40 Gr’54, sent us his e-mail address, <[email protected]>: “it’s g as in gol—that’s the way it is in Japan.”
William L. Mentlik ChE’69 and Susan B. Pondfield CW’71 G’75 are happy to announce their marriage on Sept. 23; they currently live in Watchung, N.J.
Harriet Hankin CW’70 is president of CGI Consulting Group, Inc., in Malvern, Pa. In July she was selected as Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year for 2001 for the greater Philadelphia region in the business-consulting category.
Dayton Duncan C’71 has completed his latest documentary film with Ken Burns, a biography of Mark Twain. The two-episode, four-hour film will be broadcast on PBS on Jan. 14 and 15. Duncan was producer and co-writer, and he co-wrote the companion book, Mark Twain,which was just published by Knopf. He is now at work with Burns on a documentary film about the first automobile trip across America.
Gloria Kaufer Greene CW’71 SAMP’71 e-mails, “After being a professional writer and adult-ed instructor for 25 years—my latest book is The New Jewish Holiday Cookbook, published by Random House in 1999 to excellent reviews—I have returned to my Penn roots by becoming a high-school science teacher. (I double-majored in biology and medical technology at Penn, and did research at the veterinary school.) I teach biology and earth science at River Hill High School in Howard County, Maryland, and a course on Technical Research and Design in the biotechnology department of the county’s technology-magnet program. It’s great to be able to share my enthusiasm for biotech at such an exciting time for this field. On a personal note, my husband, Geoffrey Greene C’69, and I recently celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary; we first met at Penn’s WXPN radio station when I was a freshman and he was a junior.”
Dr. Steven Barrer C’72 GM’82 lives in Huntingdon Valley, Pa., with his wife, Pam, their three children, and three cats and four dogs. “Eldest child Elisabeth has joined the working world, high-school senior Andrew is college hunting with Penn high on his list, and sixth grader Hilary is busy discovering boys. I am chief of neurosurgery at Abington Memorial Hospital, with a clinical teaching appointment at Temple Medical School. In addition to running a busy private practice and administering my hospital division, I am, with the other physicians in Southeastern Pennsylvania, engaged in the fight of my professional life, trying to solve a malpractice insurance crisis that threatens the availability of medical care in our region, Penn included.”
Alan K. Cotler W’72 WG’74 e-mails, “I moved in May to the Philadelphia office of the Reed Smith law firm; it has 700 lawyers with over 100 in Philadelphia. I am a partner and continuing in my broad-based commercial litigation and trial practice.”
Mark L. Price W’72 is a compliance specialist in the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s Northeast Regional Office in Philadelphia. He was recently honored with the Secretary of Labor’s Exceptional Achievement Award in recognition of his efforts to eliminate the exploitation of working children.
Gayle Feldman CW’73 has won a national arts-journalism program research fellowship from the Pew Charitable Trusts for this academic year at the Columbia Journalism School. Her research project looks at change and innovation in the book-publishing business.
Jonathan D. Kaufelt C’73 e-mails, “I am married and living in Santa Monica, Calif. I recently stopped practicing law, in favor of three not-for-profit boards and one for-profit one. [I have been] traveling—Vietnam, Baja, Mexico, Paris, Budapest, Taos, Telluride—reading (high and low), exercising, and thinking about what’s next.”
Joseph E. Murphy L’73, Haddonfield, N.J., recently co-edited Guide to Professional Development in Compliance, published by Aspen Publications. His fifth book on compliance and business ethics, it is “the first work on the rapidly developing field of in-house compliance and ethics professionals.” Joe is a partner in Compliance Systems Legal Group and a managing director in Integrity Interactive Corporation, a company that provides online compliance training. He is co-editor of ethikos, a newsletter on compliance and business ethics.
Stephen Hall ChE’74 <[email protected]> is director of process technology for the global PharmaChem unit of AMEC Inc., providing engineering and construction services to pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Prof. Anne Whiston Spirn GLA’74, professor of landscape architecture and planning at MIT, recently received the ninth International Cosmos Prize. She is the youngest recipient, as well as the first designer-planner and the first woman, to receive this major annual award for a body of work in the field of environment. Having studied under the late Ian McHarg at Penn, she took over his position as professor of landscape architecture and regional planning in 1986, joining the MIT faculty in 2000. She has written The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design (1984) and The Language of Landscape (1998).
Walter Updegrave C’74 writes that in addition to writing his monthly “Investing 101” column for Money magazine, he now also answers questions on financial topics in a new column, “Ask the Expert,” which appears daily at (money.com) and in the planning section of AOL’s Personal Finance channel (keyword: Planning).
Steven A. Bergstein C’75 was honored by the Jewish Day School of Allentown, Pa., for his years of service to the school and the Jewish community of the Lehigh Valley. He has served as vice president and legal counsel to the school for many years, in addition to serving as president of Congregation Brith Sholom, chair of the Community Relations Counsel, and as vice president of the Eastern region of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. He is the proud father of four, including Rachel Bergstein C’01.
Gary A. Dymski C’75 was promoted to professor of economics at the University of California at Riverside; he was also named associate dean for research and graduate studies for its College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. His most recent book is The Bank Merger Wave (M.E. Sharpe, 1999); his fourth book, Seeking Shelter on the Pacific Rim: Financial Globalization, Social Change, and the Housing Market, will be published in December by Sharpe. His daughter, Naima, is 13 and his son, Jamaal (17), is at the University of Missouri at Kansas City studying saxophone in a jazz-studies program directed by Bobby Watson.
Dr. Saundra Sterling Epstein CW’75 GEd’76 GrEd’83 is still enjoying improving Jewish day schools and other Jewish educational communities all over the U.S. and Canada through her work as director (and founder) of BeYachad—A Program for Bringing Best Educational Practices and Jewish Education Together. Sunnie is doing all of the things she likes best, and, this is the best part, actually using her knowledge-base and acquired skills from all of her work in her integrated programs at Penn: curriculum writing and publishing in both Jewish and general-studies areas, mentoring and consulting, working with and creating communities of learners, and encouraging academic excellence and Jewish unity in North America’s Jewish educational institutions, “as well as always learning!” She also gets to teach, which she loves best, when she is not traveling (and collecting those frequent-flyer miles), and “hangs out” locally at Akiba Hebrew Academy, where her 14-year-old daughters, Rachel Sharona and Talia Ahuva, are ninth-grade students and from which oldest daughter, Yoella Leah, just graduated and has begun her college career at Cornell University. Additionally, Sunnie and her husband, Dr. Ken Rosenstein, adopted an amazing little boy from the former Soviet Union three years ago: Brian Victor (Rafi Micha) is almost six years old and is happy to help his parents in one of their many community involvements, advocacy for adoption of children from lands of distress. Sunnie welcomes all Penn friends to contact her at <[email protected]>.
Anthony Exter C’75 is featured as an award-winning landscape artist in the August-September issue of Garden Design magazine. He lives in Los Angeles and is a partner in the landscape-design firm, BEM Design Group of Pasadena <[email protected]>.
Dr. Howard Pearlman C’75 e-mails that he and his uncle, Dr. Samuel Pearlman C’55, have set up Top The Doc, a medical-quiz Web page. “Check out the lyrics for a new Penn Fight Song listed along the left column of the page (home.talkcity.com/HealingWay/top_the_doc/).”
William C. Thompson C’75 was recently appointed vice president for institutional advancement at Camden County College in Blackwood, N.J. He had previously run an independent consulting firm in Philadelphia.
Toni G. Wolfman L’75 is a partner in the litigation department of the Boston law firm of Foley Hoag who concentrates on commercial litigation and appellate work. In September she received the Boston Bar Association’s Thurgood Marshall Award, which recognizes private attorneys for their work in the delivery of legal services to Massachusetts’s low-income population. She supervises the firm’s pro-bono program, and serves on the board of the Center for Women and Enterprise.
Dr. Penny Howell Jolly Gr’76, professor of art history at Skidmore College, has been appointed to the William R. Kenan Chair of Liberal Arts <[email protected]>.
Sunny Mindel SAMP’76 e-mails, “I continue to work as communications director to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. And yes, I was one of the ‘high-ranking members of the administration’ trapped with the mayor at 75 Barclay Street. I want to thank all those who reached out to me with their prayers and messages: it meant more than I can possibly express. As we mourn all those we lost, it is important to celebrate the brave men and women of the NYPD and FDNY who, because of their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, safely evacuated and saved over 25,000 people.”
Joel J. Reinfeld C’76, an attorney in Ridgewood, N.J., was recently appointed by the New Jersey Supreme Court to serve a four-year term on the District II A fee-arbitration committee, which encompasses northern Bergen County. His e-mail address is <[email protected]>.
Kevin Vaughan C’77 was appointed associate director of the Free Library of Philadelphia in August. Previously he was a consultant on diversity and healthcare issues, and earlier served as regional director for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Jeffrey H. Marcus C’78 has been promoted to general counsel of the Hay Group, Inc., <[email protected]>. Since joining the Philadelphia-based international management-consulting firm as assistant general counsel in July 1999, he has focused on commercial, intellectual property, and e-business matters, and assumed responsibility for all litigation and international legal affairs last December. Before Hay, he was counsel for Siemens Corporation for nine years and counsel for Racal Corporation for seven years. In May last year, Jeff earned an LLM in tax from Villanova Law School (he graduated from the University of Miami School of Law in 1981). He lives in Villanova with his wife, Marcie, and sons Scott (six) and Greg (four).
James E. Nevels L’78 WG’78, Swarthmore, Pa., is CEO of The Swarthmore Group, an investment advisory firm managing more than $1 billion in assets, and the country’s 12th largest minority-owned investment-management firm. In August he was named to the board of the Philadelphia Foundation.
Dr. Sylvia-Lee Arleigh GEd’79 GrEd’79, Old Town, Maine, is putting the finishing touches on The Freelancer, a collection of stories and pictures of people she interviewed over several years as a freelance writer and photographer for local publications.
John A. Luke Jr. WG’79 is chair and CEO of Westvaco, which produces coated papers and is based in Stamford, Conn.
John Maddox WG’79 is vice president at Bogart Delafield Ferrier, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology strategy-consulting firm in Morristown, N.J.
Heidi Anderson Nauleau C’79, Ashville, N.Y., has been elected to a three-year term on the board of trustees of Hilbert College. President of the Manufacturer’s Association of the Jamestown Area, she is chair of the Aarque Companies in Lakewood. She also serves on the board of the Business Council of New York State and the M&T Bank director’s advisory council in Jamestown. And she is a board member of the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County, United Way of New York State, and WCA Services, Inc.
William Volk C’79 e-mails, “The company I founded almost two years ago, YouWorkIt, was featured in a recent San Diego Union-Tribune article on “dot-com survivors” (www.signonsandiego.com/news/reports/survivors/index3.html). YouWorkIt provides a Web-based design-approval service for newspapers that need to get ad corrections and approvals in a timely manner. I live in Cardiff, Calif., and am still cycling competitively; my 11-year-old daughter, Bridget, just finished 4th in her age group in the California State Cycling time trial championships.”
David W. Clifton Jr. PT’80 has accepted a position as vice president of product and strategic development for IMX Medical Management Services; based in Bala Cynwyd, Pa., it provides independent medical opinions and expertise to a diverse nationwide client-base <[email protected]>. He has 20 years of experience in physical rehabilitation, disability management, and utilization review. He wrote the textbook, Disability Management and Physical Rehabilitation, soon to be published by W.B. Saunders/Harcourt Brace.
Dr. Wayne Glasker C’80 Gr’94 <[email protected]> was promoted in July to associate professor of history (with tenure) at Rutgers University (Camden); he also serves as director of the African American studies program there. His book Black Students in the Ivory Tower: African American Student Activism at Penn will be published by the University of Massachusetts Press in the winter of 2002.
Dr. Gregg Coodley C’81 e-mails, “I rarely get to fight windmills any more. I resigned as an associate professor and Chief Grand Pumba, university section of general internal medicine at Oregon Health Sciences University in 1977 to co-start Fanno Creek Clinic with a number of other faculty doctors and nurses, etc. The clinic is owned by the doctors, nurses, and other staff that work there. I am a primary-care doc with a focus on care of patients with AIDS. I live with my wife, Marcia, children, Sam and Rachel, one dog, three cats, and many fish in the wilds of Southwest Portland, Ore.” <[email protected]>.
Dr. Rick Halpern C’81 Gr’89 has been appointed to the Bissell-Heyd Chair of American Studies at the University of Toronto where he also help directs the new Centre for the Study of the United States. After 12 years in the U.K., he and his wife, Beth Landau C’81, welcome the return to North America. Their three children, Lydia, Rosa, and Miriam, are busy adjusting to a new country.
Mark M. Maguire G’82 in July returned to Kling Lindquist, the Philadelphia-based architectural, engineering, and interior-design firm as engineering design principal. He had earlier worked there, 1986-95. Previously he was chief mechanical engineer at Ballinger AE. He is an adjunct associate professor of architectural engineering at Drexel University.
Larry Nessenson C’82 <[email protected]> reports that he is a partner in the Manhattan law firm Jaffe and Asher, LLP, focusing on secured lending, real estate, and commercial transactions. He and Linda Ranck Nessenson CE’82 have three sons, Daniel (10), David (five) and Dylan (five).
Dr. Jill Reed C’82 joyfully announces her recent marriage to Dr. Paul Clifford. She maintains a private dental practice in Miami Shores, Fla., and he is an associate professor of radiology at the University of Miami. “Life is good.”
Dr. Marlene Smith Sefton GNu’82 married Philip Sefton, a manuscript editor for JAMA, in May. She is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she completed her Ph.D. in nursing in 1999. Coordinator of the family-nurse-practitioner program there, she also practices in a FNP-faculty practice that provides primary care to the chronically mentally ill. “I would love to hear from my former classmates <[email protected]>.”
Parag Saxena WG’82, New York, a managing partner of Invesco Private Capital, which invests in development-stage companies, in July was appointed to the board of Xenon Genetics Inc. in Vancouver.
Hilary Jay C’83 is director of The Design Center at Philadelphia University. The design columnist for The Philadelphia InquirerSunday magazine for five years, she continues as a contributing design critic for the Inquirer, as well as for Arts & Antiques, and American Homestyle magazines.
John Kendrick WG’83 recently joined the development office of Hood College in Frederick, Md., as the major-gifts and corporate-relations officer.
Andrew N. Yao W’83, Bryn Mawr, Pa., is founding chair of Student Finance Group, a holding company whose subsidiaries market and service finance products for post-secondary schools; he also is managing general partner of CEC Partnership, L.P., formed to invest in post-secondary education. In August he was named to the board of The Philadelphia Foundation.
Marcus Giancaterino C/W’84 WG’88 was promoted in August to head the European securitization group at Citigroup’s Schroder Salomon Smith Barney office in London. He has been with Citigroup for 13 years, most recently as a banker originating asset-backed bonds.
Dr. Lawrence F. Glatz C’84 was awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor of German at the Metropolitan State College of Denver, where he has been teaching since 1996.
Dr. David B. Kaplan C’84 has “returned to Pennsylvania, after a six-year stint in Boston, with my beautiful wife, Bea, and amazing daughters Natalie (almost seven) and Abigail (four). We live in Kennett Square, and I am a pediatric anesthesiologist at the A.I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, with a special interest in pediatric pain management. I would love to hear from any old friends at <[email protected]>.”
Rob Latoff ChE’84 was recently elected a director in the Cleveland office of McKinsey & Co., the global management-consulting firm; he leads the company’s North American energy practice.
Hon. Mark Vavala C’84 has been appointed to a four-year term as a commissioner on the Delaware Superior Court. Until recently he served as a Superior Court master and as the managing chair of the Delaware Federation for Dispute Resolution, a non-profit corporation which promotes arbitration, mediation, and other dispute-resolution techniques. He has also been elected to serve a one-year term on the Delaware State Bar Association’s executive committee and as chair of the alternative-dispute resolution section. While not on the bench or working with the Bar, Mark enjoys spending time with his wife, Vanessa, and three beautiful girls, Victoria (10), Amalia (eight), and Lucy (five). He also reports that he’s lost touch with some valued Penn friends and invites any of them to write at <[email protected]>.
Michael Weiner W’84 re-located to Orange County, Calif., to marry Kathi Hoffman and become director of finance and administration at KTLA-TV (WB5) in Los Angeles.
Dr. Stephen C. Ellen C’85 and his wife, Elizabeth Fried Ellen, are pleased to announce the birth of their second child, Zoe Kalila, on June 5. She joins her big sister, Hannah Ruth, who will be five in December. Since 1991, Stephen has been president and medical director of Berkshire On-Call Associates; based in Bedford, Mass., with 32 psychiatrists on staff, it is a psychiatrist recruitment and placement firm specializing in the scheduling of on-call psychiatrists for night and weekend coverage at hospitals in Massachusetts. He also divides his clinical practice between an assistant professorship in psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, a private practice in Nashua, N.H., and consultation work for Cigna Healthcare of Maine and New Hampshire. When not at work, he reports spending his time eating his way to an early death with unrestricted portions of gourmet food and regular worship at the altar of the wine god, Bacchus. He would love to hear from classmates (before it is too late), and can be reached at <[email protected]>.
R. May Lee C’85 in April launched marketboy.com, “the first e-commerce site for consumers to compare prices, buy, or bid on over 9,500 products from 50 merchant vendors.” After six years at Goldman Sachs, most recently as the chief operating officer of the credit-derivatives business, she decided to take her knowledge of the financial market and apply it to the buying and selling of consumer products on the Internet. Though thought crazy to launch a dotcom company while all others were shutting down, May knew she had the right idea at the right time, and investors, customers, partners, and the press all seem to agree. Both she and marketboy.com, along with May’s husband, John Hall, are living and thriving in New York. She would love to hear from her friends at Penn at <[email protected]>.
Sheila Watkins C’85 was appointed in August regional commissioner of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics mid-Atlantic office in Philadelphia. Previously she was chief of direct-survey programs for the bureau’s Office of Field Operations in Washington. The recipient of multiple federal and state-agency performance awards, she is the first African American woman to head a regional office of the bureau.
Dr. Naomi Azrieli C’86 and her husband, François Blanc, are delighted to announce the birth of Gabriel Pierre Azrieli Blanc on April 4. He joins big brother Joseph, now almost two-and-a-half and “already intent on changing the world.” Between the two, Naomi finished her dissertation and finally got her doctorate in modern history from the University of Oxford. Her book on the Soviet Union and the origins of the Cold War will come out with Oxford University Press next year <[email protected]>.
H. Jordan Foster C’86 WG’91 e-mails, “I am now vice president of OppenheimerFunds in New York, focusing on client service for larger sub-advisory clients. I continue to write screenplays, and a novel, and have lived in Manhattan for six years <[email protected]>.”
Judy Fisher Hallman C/EAS’86 and her husband, Spencer, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Claire on Feb. 5. She joins big brother Kyle in keeping Judy, now a stay-at-home mom, very busy.
Leland Hardy WG’86, New York, is chair, president, & CEO of the Xuanya Group, Inc., and president of Starfish Sports, Inc. He is also business manager of Venus and Serena Williams, the U.S. Open winners.
Kristine Kirlin Kester Nu’86 GNu’89 and Steven Kester WG’90 are pleased to announce “the birth of our third child, Sarah Kathryn, on Aug. 16. She joins big sister Lauren, who is eight, and a brother, Brett, who is six <[email protected]>.”
Richard Lazarow W’86 and his wife, Susan Honey, are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Alexa Jordan Lazarow, on July 17. “Alexa is such a joy, and we are continually amazed by her.” Rich is launching a value-oriented hedge fund in New York, after working as a stock analyst since 1994.
Daniel P. McCarthy EAS’86 was elected a shareholder of the Salt Lake City law firm of Parsons, Behle & Latimer in July. He concentrates his practice in patent prosecution and enforcement, and technology licensing.
Diane Kaschak Newman GNu’86 was recently appointed co-director of the Penn Center for Continence and Pelvic Health at the Division of Urology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; it is the regional center for incontinence, overactive bladder, and related disorders.
Dr. Aeon J. Skoble C’86 has accepted a tenure-track position in the philosophy department at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts. He recently co-edited a book on The Simpsons and philosophy. He and his wife, Lisa, have a 18-month-old daughter, Lydia.
Barbara Yanez C’86 <[email protected]> has been promoted to director of technical publications at Cogent Systems, Inc., in South Pasadena, Calif. She also was elected public relations officer for the Society for Technical Communication, Region 8, San Gabriel Valley.
Gil J. Bonwitt W’87 and his wife, Elise Scheck, had their third son, David Scheck Bonwitt, on July 25. He joins big brothers Joshua and Keith.
Dr. Paul A. S. Breslin C’87 G’88 Gr’91, a psychologist with the Monell Chemical Senses Center near Penn, in August received a 2001 Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contribution to Psychology (Perception/Motor Performance). He was recognized for his outstanding contributions to understanding the chemical senses, particularly taste sensation and perception. His work focuses on how we discriminate between tastes and how taste can be enhanced or suppressed, as well as how the acts of smelling and tasting combine to make flavor.
Keith Gottfried W’87 e-mails, “I am the senior vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary of Borland Software Corporation, a major provider of software development tools, located in Scotts Valley, Calif. I live in San Jose <[email protected]>.”
Helen Apostolou Phillips C’87 and Dr. Gary Phillips C’87 WG’91 M’92 GM’97 welcomed their second son, Christian George Phillips, into the world on July 17 in Basel, Switzerland. She continues to pursue her professional interests in nutrition, and Gary recently assumed the role of head of disease-area strategy in global marketing for Novartis Pharma AG.
Pam Berglass Bergman C’88 and her husband, Dr. Ken Bergman, are thrilled to announce the arrival of their precious, first daughter, Lauren Kate, on April 4 in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Ken is a radiation oncologist; Pam has her own graphic design, packaging, and Web site-development business <[email protected]>. She has enjoyed keeping in close touch with all her Penn pals before, and after, Lauren’s birth <[email protected]>.
NiaLena Caravasos W’88, “an intense trial lawyer” practicing with F. Emmett Fitzpatrick, P.C. in Philadelphia, successfully defended Frank Gambino in a massive RICO indictment in U.S. v. Joseph Merlino et al.; she won an acquittal for him on violent crimes in aid of racketeering, RICO (attempted murder), and RICO conspiracy (attempted murder).
Dr. Grace E. Colon EAS’88 received a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from MIT in 1995. Following a post-doc in the biology department there and an exciting four years as a consultant with McKinsey & Co., she joined Affymetrix of Santa Clara, Calif., as vice president of corporate planning. In 1997 she married Peter Noymer (having met him in grad school at MIT); they have a wonderful son, Benjamin, who was born in October last year and live in San Jose.
Dr. Tom Fullerton WG’88 was promoted with tenure to associate professor of economics and finance at the University of Texas at El Paso. He recently received a $35,000 corporate research gift from El Paso Electric Company. This year he has been quoted in U.S. News & World Report, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg International, and Reuters business articles, as well interviewed for national newscasts by CNN and ABC.
Brad Heidler C’88 and his wife, Stephanie, are proud to announce the birth of Katherine Marie in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Oct 7, 2000; she joined her big sister, Elizabeth, who is two. Brad is still a pilot with Delta Air Lines and commutes to the Los Angeles base <[email protected]>.
Joel B. Karsch C’88 married Lori Brooke Greenberg at Har Zion Temple in Penn Valley on July 15. They live in Philadelphia, where he is a vice president at Deutsche Asset Management; she is a guidance counselor at Harrington Middle School in Mount Laurel, N.J.
Dr. Andrew D. Perron C’88 and Betsy Perron C’89 and their children Emma (six), Jackson (four), and Connor (two), announce the birth of their fourth child, Grace Anne Perron, in Charlottesville, Va., on Dec. 26, 2000. Andrew is an assistant professor of emergency medicine and orthopaedic surgery at the University of Virginia Medical Center <[email protected]>.
Johanna Plummer C’88 was appointed director of education at the Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art in September. Previously she was head of education at both the Miami Art Museum and the Harn Museum at the University of Florida.
Susan Radin C’88 is production director of Jazz at Lincoln Center, where she works in close association with its artistic director, Wynton Marsalis. Part of her work involves the programs Jazz for Young People and the Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band Competition and Festival.
Ira Rosen C’88 e-mails, “My wife, Heid, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of Josie Ella, on Aug. 16. For those keeping count, this is No.4, and the second with a name from a Steely Dan song. In addition, I’m happy to announce the continuation of our house-concert series with a performance by Philly faves, Nixon’s Head. They will be playing in our dining room in Highland Park, N.J., on Nov. 18 at 3:00 p.m.; dinner will follow the show, and kids are welcome. Interested parties please e-mail me <[email protected]>. Other shows are forthcoming.”
Robyn Voshardt C’88 and her husband, Sven Humphrey, recently exhibited a compilation of six collaborative video and sound works as a large installation in underCURRENT/overVIEW 5 at the Tampa Museum of Art, which featured artists from the five-county metro area there. Robyn and Sven also showed large-scale color photography in a solo exhibition at St. Petersburg Arts Center in September and October and at an alumni exhibition at Tufts University.
Michael K. Andrew W’89 <[email protected]> e-mails, “After spending much of the 1990s in Latin America and Europe working in finance and business development, I now live in Chicago with my wife, Susana, and my son Mattias, who was born on June 18. I am presently working in business strategy for Fortune Brands, the owner of brands such as Jim Beam and Titleist.”
Timothy J. Ballard C/W’89 is co-founder and chief investment officer of Buchanan Street Partners, Inc., which provides high-net-worth and institutional investors real estate private-equity investment-management services. The firm employs 35 people and expects to complete $1 billion of financings this year. It recently received an allocation from CalPERS for investment in urban-infill areas in California. “I was married in 1998 to Wendy and we had our first son, Duke Christian, last summer. We are expecting our second child on Christmas Day. We live in Newport Beach, Calif., and stay in touch with many of my fraternity brethren from SAE.”
Stacia Gray-Crawford C’89 and her husband, Malcolm, are proud to announce the birth of their second son: Matthew Langston Crawford arrived on July 13, weighing 8lbs, 14oz. Their almost three-year-old son, Malcolm Jr., is having the time of his life playing the role of big brother. Stacia can be e-mailed at <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.
Rick Freedman C’89 and his wife, Hope Rubin W’89, proudly announce the birth of their first child, Jason Henry, on July 5, 19 1/2 inches long and 7lbs. 4oz. “Both mother and son are doing great <[email protected]>.”
Dr. Branko Kesler C’89 e-mails, “My wife, Nancy, and I welcomed our second son, Bradley, in January; his older brother Benjamin turned three in September. I completed my pulmonary and critical-care fellowship at Johns Hopkins this summer and have started a private practice job in Lowell, Mass., with a teaching appointment at Harvard Med School.”
Samantha Britell Levine W’89 announced the arrival of son Beckett Asher Levine on Aug. 9, 2000. She was recently promoted to first vice president for commercial e-business at HSBC in New York.
MarySue Liaw-Rother Nu’89 and her husband, John, announce the birth of their third child, Gracia Judith, on March 9. She joins big sister Melinda (four), and big brother John (10). MarySue is a critical-care nurse in the transitional open-heart unit at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, Pa.
Dr. Jeffrey Weinberg EAS’89 e-mails, “My training is finally completed. I have accepted a position as assistant professor of neurosurgery in the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston <[email protected]>.
Michael Andretti C’90 e-mails, “never sent an update to the Gazette before but figure there are old friends of mine out there somewhere who would want to know what I have been doing for the last 11 years. Not much of a story: after graduating, spent two years traveling in Europe and Asia, and doing odd jobs to pick up spare cash to live and travel some more. The only memorable occasion (other than traveling itself) was working as a tour guide for a whitewater-rafting company in Australia in the summer of 1991: pretty exciting. Anyway, came back to my native Chicago in 1992 and, for lack of anything better to do, took a job at a coffeehouse-bakery. To shorten the story down, I opened my own place doing the same thing, called The Double Cross Bun, in Orland Park (Chicago suburbs) in 1995; we opened a second location in Schaumburg in 1999. I got married to Annaliese Burkhardt in 1999 also, and we’re living in Chicago with two cats and a ridiculously huge collection of CDs and LPs, the product of both of us being incorrigible music lovers. Old friends can contact me at <[email protected]>.”
Sonia Lorraine Elliott C’90 GEd’01 <[email protected]> e-mails, “I have just received my M.S.Ed. here at Penn’s Graduate School of Education, and after a long and wonderful career at Penn, am currently applying to doctoral programs. As the former dean of W.E.B. DuBois College House, I would like to thank everyone for their generous contributions to the endowed scholarship.”
Neil Gever C’90 and Laura Kies Gever C’90 e-mail, “We have left Philadelphia for Basking Ridge, N.J., and are proud to report that our daughter, Rebecca Paige (five), is learning how to swim, and our son, Gabriel Phillip, is learning how to take turns.”
Beth Michelman Griston C’90 e-mails, “I have thoroughly enjoyed living in England for the last four years with my husband, Phil, and our daughter Molly, who was born on Sept. 21, 2000. Following an extended maternity leave, I decided to remain ‘a stay-at-home-mum,’ which I find extremely rewarding but more challenging than my paid work was. We will probably move back to the U.S. (Denver or California) in the spring. I would love to hear from Penn friends that I’ve lost touch with; please e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”
Iris Lior C’90 married Gary J. Posternack on Shelter Island in New York on July 19. “Many Penn family and friends joined us in the celebration that followed. We live in New York, where I am the senior development officer for individual gifts at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Gary is a managing director in mergers and acquisitions at Lehman Brothers.”
Dr. Joy Pretcher C’90 G’91 M’97 e-mails, “In the last 10 years I rebelliously changed my name (from Eiseman), finished my MSc. in anthropology at Penn, graduated from Penn Med, and just finished a long, but fantastic ob-gyn residency at Chicago Lying-In/University of Chicago Hospitals. I am now about to start my career back in Philadelphia, on the faculty at MCP Hahnemann’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. I will miss Chicago very much, but I am really excited about my new job, coming home—and simply being out of training. For anyone interested in catching up, please e-mail me <[email protected]>.”
Elaine F. Stein C/W’90 was promoted in January to partner in the New York office of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP; her practice focuses on corporate finance and mergers & acquisitions <efstein@orrick .com>.
Erin Striff C’90 writes, “The Penn English program at King’s College, London, has a lot to answer for: I went on the exchange in 1990 and, 11 years later, I’m still in Britain. I moved to Wales, married an Englishman, got my Ph.D. in English, and have been teaching drama at the University of Glamorgan. I’ve been directing, writing, and adapting plays, and took one to the Edinburgh Fringe in 1999. My most exciting production, however, is the birth of our daughter, Megan Elisabeth Striff-Cave, on July 22. In early January the family is moving to Connecticut, where I’ve got a job as an assistant professor of English at the University of Hartford, Alex will begin an MBA, and Megan will enter daycare. I would love to hear from any old friends at <[email protected]>.”
Amy Monaghan Allen C’91 and her husband, Kevin, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Matthew Monaghan Allen, on Aug. 30. He lives with his sister, Grace, and parents in Arlington, Va. Amy can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Patricia Pruett Case C’91 married Richard Loomis Case Jr. on June 23, in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Mass., on the ocean. Many of her old Penn friends attended, including Meg Lenihan C’91, Aileen Causing Graf C’91 GAr’95, Amanda Grashof Mott C’90, Jennifer Zosa C’90 GEd’91, Sonja Priest Murphy W’91, Veronica Curtis Bernicke C’90, Hadley Fine Palmer C’90, Wesley Huang C/W’89, Alex Langlois DuBois C’92, and Suzanne Weinkopf Huang C’91.Patti works in Boston with Sports Illustrated as the New England account manager, a division of AOL/Time Warner, and Rick is a vice president with UBS Paine Webber.
Bruce Chapple W’91 and his wife, Leslie McCallum, happily announce the birth of their son, Spencer McCallum Chapple, on July 22. Bruce practices corporate commercial law with a focus on private M&A at the firm of McMillan Binch in Toronto, and Leslie practices securities law in the Toronto office of Shearman & Sterling.
Ann Wexelblatt Harrell C’91 is in charge of corporate sponsorship for Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York.
Andrea Casarow Herdelin C’91 SW’93, her husband, Tom, and their daughter Grace (two) welcomed Lucia Patrice, on March 6. Andrea is currently a stay-at-home mom to Grace and Lucy and hopes to resume work on her doctoral dissertation proposal in the near future <[email protected]>.
Ashish Kishore EAS/W’91 and Colleen Kishore are proud and happy parents of Anisha Claire Kishore, born on Aug. 28. “Mom and baby are doing well. I am currently a senior vice president at CRT Capital Group in Greenwich, Conn., and can be reached at <[email protected]>.”
Sean Won Lew C’91 and his wife, Alison, announce the birth of their daughter, Jennifer Avery, in Greensboro, N.C., on July 23. An attorney at the Winston-Salem office of Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, he is also an advocate for the visually impaired with the Duke University Eye Center and the Friends of the North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
Joanie McDermott-Wolf C’91 and her husband, Richard Wolf, welcomed their first child, Lila Grace, on July 5. Joanie is an obstetric nurse at Inova Alexandria hospital in Virginia. She has lived in the D.C. metro area for the past seven years, having received her nursing degree from Catholic University. She would love to hear from former housemates and friends at <[email protected]>.
Janet L. Pisansky C’91 e-mails, “My husband, Nick Spinelli, and I are proud to announce the birth of our first child, Nicholas John William, on Feb. 26, weighing 6lbs. 13 oz. I am still an attorney in Morristown, N.J.; my firm just merged and the new firm is Addas, Berlin, Kaplan, Dembling, Burke, & Potenza <[email protected]>. Nick is an attorney at Hale & Dorr in Princeton.
Dr. Melissa Gopez Sheehan W’91 was awarded the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in June. She is in an internship at Mercy Catholic Medical Center-Fitzgerald Division in Darby.
Jill Ward C’91 e-mails, “After four long years of night school, I’m happy to report that I graduated from the Georgetown University Law Center in May. I’m staying in D.C. and continuing my current job as director of violence prevention and youth development at the Children’s Defense Fund.”
Karen E. Wheeler WEv’91 WEv’97 e-mails she is working with the American Cancer Society in the fight against breast cancer, and was involved the Philadelphia chapter’s second annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in October.
William A. Angus IV C’92 married Claudia Stevens Whitney of Pensacola Fla., on April 28.
Audrey Beeber David C’92 and Greg David C/W’92 welcomed with joy their first child, Caroline Louise, who was born in New York on Aug. 17. “Seven pounds, nineteen inches, a miracle.” They can be e-mailed at <[email protected]> and <[email protected]>.
Dr. Tracy Brooks Fausnight C’92 G’93 and her husband, Joseph D. Fausnight, “announce the birth of our son, Joseph Lawrence Fausnight, on Feb. 13; he weighed 8lbs. 9oz, and was 21 and 1/4 inches long. He is the sweetest baby ever. We love parenthood! I also continue to work at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh as a second-year allergy-immunology fellow.”
Adam Groothuis C’92 e-mails, “My wife, Denise, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our first child: Justin Isaac Groothuis was born on July 21, and weighed in at 6lbs. 14oz. Though the new mom is a Cornell graduate, Justin has explicitly stated that he prefers Philadelphia over Ithaca <[email protected]>.”
Marcy Lynch W’92 and her husband, Jeff Prem, are very pleased to announce the birth of their son, Eli James Prem, on April 4. She has decided to leave PricewaterhouseCoopers and stay at home full-time with Eli. The family lives in Pittsburgh <[email protected]>.
Kirsten Peters Nathanson C’92 and her husband, Scott, are proud and thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Gustav “Gus” Jacob Nathanson (C’2022), in Washington on June 21, weighing at 9lbs., 6oz. Following four months of maternity leave at home in Arlington, Va., Kirsten will return to work this fall, where she practices natural-resources and environmental law as an associate at Crowell & Moring LLP, in Washington. She hopes Gus can join her next spring when she returns to Penn for the 10-year Reunion. Friends seeking photos of little Gus or wishing to contact the happy parents can reach them at <[email protected]>.
Susie Orman Schnall C’92 <[email protected]> and Rick Schnall W’91 joyfully announce the birth of their son, Jason Charles, on June 11. They now live in Purchase, N.Y., after a year in Northern California.
Glenn Yeck C’92 e-mails, “Since leaving active duty Naval service in 1999, I’ve remained active in the Naval Reserves, and have been enjoying work as a teacher and bartender in Miami Beach. I recently launched yeckart.com, a Web site with some of my latest paintings on it, and plan to be in South Beach’s Art Deco Weekend again in January. I get back to campus each year for the annual Sprint Football Alumni game, and have been an interviewer for Miami-based undergrad applicants for the past two years. Would love hearing from friends, teachers, and coaches through my Web site.”
Jennifer Eisenberg Bernstein C’93 and her husband, Marc Bernstein, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Brett Steven, and their daughter, Hayley Beth, in New York on Aug. 21. Three-year-old brother Adam is having fun with his new playmates. Jennifer is vice president in listed-sales trading at Salomon Smith Barney.
Sherry Gilman Blumberg W’93 married Peter Blumberg L’97 in Memphis, on Dec. 2, 2000. Alumni attending the wedding included Allison Volk Isaacman C’93, Cindy Dauber Anapolsky W’93 and Jeff Anapolsky C/W’93, Meredith Grabois Josef C’93 and Brian Josef C’93, Stephanie Teicher C’93, Audra Bernstein C’93, Samantha Leventhal C’93, Lisa Deutsch C’94, Helaina Greenberg Bardunias C/W’92, Helene Schwartz Landesberg C/W’90 WG’95,and Kevin Cofsky W’92 GPU’97 L’97. Sherry and Peter just bought a home in the Washington area, where she is the associate director of admissions at Georgetown University Law Center <[email protected]> and he is an assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.
Jennifer Miller Carson Nu’93 e-mails, “My husband, Andrew, and I have settled in Chandler, Ariz. I work as a clinical research coordinator specializing in cardiac drug-and-device clinical-research trials at Phoenix Memorial Hospital for Advanced Cardiac Specialists. Andrew is working for an architect in Scottsdale. We have a beautiful one-year-old baby girl, Shelby Elizabeth, born October last year. I would love to hear from other alumni <[email protected]>.”
Edward M. Gold W’93 married Sandrine Basouin of Bordeaux, France, in the vineyards of Barsac-en-Sauternes on April 28. They wish to “especially thank Brett Fliegler W’93 and Allison Fliegler W’93 L’99 for their contributions which made the wedding such a success.” Other alumni who made the trip across the Atlantic were Peter A. Sepe C’92, Ira Hillman C/W’92, Heather Pavell C’93, Debra Lima Irsik C’93, Kiera Reilly C’93, Ted Werth C/W’94, and Dan Zola C’95. Sandrine operates her own language consulting company, Language Anywhere, which provides language instruction and translation services (www.languageanywhere.com), and Ed continues his work in the digital entertainment industry <[email protected]>; they live in Forest Hills, N.Y.
Jason F. Henthorne C’93 married Heather Lynn Kuntz on July 14. He will continue operating the family oil and gas business as a petroleum geologist, and she will continue running the family printing business. At the wedding were Will Fox C’90 WG’96 and Carolyn Sheppard Nu’89 GNu’98, Marc Ganzi W’94, Ross Peet C’96, Vayu Garware W’95, Sean Gallagher C’94, Grant Rippetoe W’94, Dan Green EAS’96 and Giancarlo Vittorio Bernardini C’95. “Only minor disturbances were reported to local law-enforcement authorities.” After a honeymoon in St. Lucia, Heather and Jason returned to Wooster, Ohio.
Lcdr. Joshua C. Himes C’93 in June completed his graduate degree (MS) in systems technology at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif.; he was awarded the Naval Intelligence Professional Admiral B.R. Inman Naval Postgraduate School Excellence in Intelligence Award for his efforts. He and his wife, Suzanne, have settled in Virginia Beach, Va., and were expecting their first child in October. They are looking forward to the chance to visit Philly and Penn after eight years of traveling the globe.
Bridget Horan Janicki C’93 and Fred Janicki welcomed son Adam Patrick Janicki on June 22. “Our bundle of joy weighed in at 8lbs. 1oz., and brings us more joy and happiness with each day. Adam wears his Penn t-shirt proudly around town in Falls Church, Va. <[email protected]>.”
Matt Kelly C’93 and Christine Kelly are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Alexandra Ana, on June 14. Matt and Christine returned to Boston in the spring, after a year-plus of living and working in London.
Richard Allen Martineau C’93 and his wife, Michele Lynne Martineau, proudly announce the birth of their son, Michael Richard, on Aug. 2. Sharing in their joy are grandparents, Allen Laureat Martineau C’65 and Diane Sturtevant Martineau OH’65 and Martin Regis Tunney and Elizabeth Tunney-Smith. Richard is a systems analyst for Quadramed, Inc., and Michele is a Webmaster for the Lehigh Portland Cement Company. Together they run Logical-E Web Design, a Web-design consulting business. Contact Rich, Michele, and Michael at <[email protected]>.
Alfredo M. Sergio C’93 is pleased to announce that he has joined Christie, Pabarue, Mortensen & Young (www.cpmy.com) as an associate in the litigation department of its Philadelphia office <[email protected]>. He graduated from Temple University’s James E. Beasley School of Law and is a member of the Bar in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He lives in Glenside, with his wife, Andreina Rojas Sergio, a multimedia developer.
Julie Avila Stuckmann W’93 e-mails, “My husband and I are happy and proud to announce the birth of our baby girl, Sydney Stuckmann; she was born on July 21, and weighed 6lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. I am told she looks a lot like her mother. We are all healthy and enjoying (and surviving) the first few months with our first child. Scott and I are still living in Atlanta and working at The Coca-Cola Company. Please write us at <[email protected]>, I’d love to hear from you.”
Dr. Sunil Y. Widge WG’93 was appointed vice president of the forged-bar business group and technology of Carpenter Technology Corp. in Reading, Pa.
Dr. Kenneth Andrejko C’94 was awarded the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in June. He is in an internship at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pa.
Jill Heitler Blomberg C’94 e-mails, “My husband, Jeffrey, and I are proud to announce the birth of our son, Zachary Kurt Blomberg, on May 17, weighing in at 7lbs. 10oz. I am still working as a divorce lawyer—and loving it—at Schoonmaker, George and Colin, P.C. a boutique family-law firm in Greenwich, Conn. <[email protected]>.”
Dr. Laura Werber Castaneda W’94 graduated in June from Stanford University, where she received a Ph.D. in organizational behavior, and recently joined Rand, the non-profit think-tank based in Santa Monica, as an associate behavioral scientist. She and her husband, Luis, live in Santa Monica.
Debbie Algazy Fredberg C’94 WG’98 and Josh Fredberg GEng’95 WG’97 are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Samantha Emily, on July 25. They moved to a house in Sudbury, Mass., in May <[email protected]>.
Jo-Anne Garrido Kaplan C’94 and Boris Kaplan C’94 are delighted to announce the arrival of their first child, Alexander Cameron, on June 8; they live in Philadelphia. Boris is a management consultant with Accenture <[email protected]> and Jo-Anne is a corporate associate with the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom <[email protected]>.
Dr. Jim Walsh C’94 e-mailed in August, “After five years of snowstorms and stress, I received my Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago on Aug. 24. I’ll be working at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, starting in October. My partner, Tom, and I are moving to Capitol Hill in a few weeks. Our two dogs, while they’ll miss chasing rabbits on Chicago’s Lakefront, are looking forward to meeting their new neighbors in D.C.’s Lincoln Park <[email protected]>.”
Dr. Christopher J. Wong C’94 was awarded the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in June. He is in an internship at Frankford Hospital in Philadelphia.
Lucy Oh Cook C’95 married Dr. Richard Cook in Vancouver on Jan. 6. The wedding party included Kimberly Weissler Nu’95 and Lucy’s brother, Sam Oh W’92. Guests included Yenii Chen Dex W’91, Lisa Tanimune C’92, Jenny Heejae Garcia C’93, and Grace Loh W’95;many other alumni from decades back attended and all enjoyed the festivities. Lucy and Richard have since moved into a house in Vancouver, Canada while he finishes his cardiac-surgery residency. Lucy encourages all her classmates to contact her if they are ever in the Pacific Northwest area.
Luke Esterkyn C’95 e-mails, “I live in San Francisco and play in a band called Stroke9. Our second album, Stroke 9, came out on Universal Records in October; the first album, Nasty Little Thoughts, is also out and in record stores. I can be reached at <[email protected]>.”
Lauren Tracy Slawe Hirsch C’95 and Brian Edward Hirsch G’97 L’00 celebrated the birth of their daughter, Abigail Zoe, on June 25.
Vicky Lai EAS’95 is excited to announce her engagement to Edwin Wong of New York; a wedding is planned for spring-summer in Poughkeepsie. They both work at Deloitte & Touche LLP. Friends can contact her at <[email protected]>.
Craig Rutenberg C’95 practices law in the San Diego office of Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe.
Mahealani Richardson C’95 e-mails, “I moved from Hawaii to Portland, Ore., about a year ago. I work as a news reporter at KGW, the NBC affiliate and No.1-rated station in Portland. Working in Portland is a huge career step, but I miss Hawaii a lot. At Penn, I was in Arts House Dance Company and I still take jazz and hip-hop classes today. I even taught a jazz/hip-hop class at a local gym. If you are interested, you can log on to my work Web site and check out my biography and picture: it’s at (kgw.com) and click onto About KGW, then click onto Meet Our People. Take care and Aloha!”
Joshua Senders C’95 married Talia Kohorn Senders C’97 in New York on April 28. Wedding participants included Keren Backer C’98, Penny Feldstein C’96, Brooke Holzer C’97, Marc Krichafsky C’97, Katharine Leeson C’97, Brian Levitt C’96, Lauren McKeone C/EAS’97, Mark Senders L’73 WG’74, and Mark Sherman C’95.
Dr. Manali Ayachit Shendrikar C’95 graduated from medical school in Texas and has re-joined her husband, Rohit, in Los Angeles to complete a residency in family medicine at Santa Monica-UCLA Hospital. She can be reached at <[email protected]> and looks forward to hearing from her long-lost College buddies.
Elizabeth Steinberg C’95 married Victor Hsu C’95 at the Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia on May 26; Jenifer Gross C’95 was maid of honor, Lori Solomon Siembieda C’95 and Kate McLennan C’95 were bridesmaids and Tom Huang C/W’95, David Hepps C’95, Roger Chiang EAS/W’94, and Henry Steinberg C’97 were groomsmen. Elizabeth’s e-mail is <[email protected]>.
Rita Weintraub EAS’95 graduated from Columbia Business School in May. She works as an investment-banking associate at Bear, Stearns & Co., and be can reached at <[email protected]>.
Dana Caldwell Borda C’96 married Gerard Borda in Atlanta on July 28. Penn friends Stephanie Reiter EAS/W’96, Jennifer Gers C’96,and Abigail Wise C’96 were there to help celebrate. “We met at a dance class, so there was a lot of dancing at the wedding. I am in my third year of law school at Georgia State University and plan on practicing immigration law next year <[email protected]>. Gerard is director of training for a human-resources company.”
Linda Cherry Carmony C’96 married Thomas Carmony on August 12. Friends included Michal Obrzut C’97, Jennifer Van Ness C’00, Eddy Park C’96, and Ron Eichler C’98. Linda is currently employed as an HIV-AIDS specialist with Gilead Sciences, a San Francisco-based biotechnology group <[email protected]>. Linda and Tom met on campus at St. John’s University where he is a Ph.D. candidate; they live in New York.
Jonathan Cutler C’96 <[email protected]> began Kellogg’s MBA program (Northwestern University) in September. “I have taken a two-year leave of absence from The Advisory Board Company, a Washington-based health-care think-tank, where I served as director of business development.”
Helene Dublisky G’96 launched Omega Coaching, a firm specializing in business and personal coaching, and was certified as a professional coach by the International Coach Federation this year. She’s also an adjunct professor in the master’s program in information systems at the University of San Francisco <[email protected]>.
Daniel Googel EAS/W’96 married Jody Litt at the Pleasantdale Chateau in New Jersey on Aug. 12. Alumni at the wedding included Daniel’s father, Dr. Fredric Googel D’70, and Steven Anatro EAS’96, Arnold Beiles W’59, Robert Berger W’96, Darren Bramen WG’99 and Rebecca Simon Bramen Nu’96 GNu’98, Ian Gordon EAS/W’96, Michael Grossman C’99, Michael Hammond W’96, Dr. William Marco D’70, Ravee Mehta EAS/W’97, Jason Pantzer C’93, Evan Raine C’96, Lisa Roth C’95, Dan Vinson C’87, Stephanie Williams EAS’96, and Paul Yook C/W’96. Daniel is attending business school, having worked at Soros Private Equity Partners, and Jody is an attorney at Fischbein, Badillo, Wagner & Harding; they live in New York.
Dr. Stephen Gunn C’96 was awarded the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in June. He is in an internship at St. Barnabas Hospital in the Bronx.
Seth Frankel C’96 e-mails, “I have spent the last two years in Buffalo, N.Y., living with my girlfriend, Katrina, and her Cat, Annika, and working as a toy designer for Fisher-Price. This fall I am heading back out West to get a master’s degree in product design from the Art Center in Pasadena, Calif. <[email protected]>.”
David Lapter W’96 married Arleziana Szabo in Sighet, Romania, on July 1. The event marked the first Jewish wedding in over 26 years in this once important Jewish center of Eastern Europe. Alumni attending included Steve Lowenstein C’64, Michael Katz C’96, Tamas Foldesi W’97, and Raphael Rottgen C/W’97. David and Arleziana live in London, where they met almost three years ago. He works for GRP, a technology and software venture-capital firm, and she is a recent graduate of Guildhall University, with degrees in business and international relations; he moved there in 1997 to help establish the London office of The Parthenon Group, a Boston-based strategy-consulting firm. He would love to hear from old classmates and friends at <[email protected]>.
Folasade A. Olanipekun GPU’96, the Philadelphia city treasurer, in September was elected to the board of trustees of Peirce College.
Dana Plansky C’96 WG’01 married Robert Luther WG’03 in Tarrytown, N.Y., on June 24. The maid of honor was Michele Wisch W’96. Other Penn alumni at the wedding included Erica Bazerkanian WG’01, Rachel Berkow C’99, Linda Donoho WG’01, Sheri Gritt WG’01, Lauren Krotzer WG’01, Lisa Neuberger C’95 WG’00, Francine Samuels C96, Mark Sherman C’95 and Rachel B. G. Sherman C’95, and Rachel Wasserstrom WG’01. Dana recently graduated with an MBA in healthcare management from Wharton, and returned to the strategic-services practice of Accenture. Rob has taken a leave of absence from Deloitte Consulting and began his MBA at Wharton this summer.
Amy Stuhlberg C’96 married Gordon Walker Jr. in Sun Valley, Idaho, on July 7. They live in Chicago, where she is a sales planner for the Microsoft Corporation and he is the worldwide-operations program manager for Knowles Electronics. Megan Stuhlberg C’98 was the maid of honor and Abby Wise C’96 attended the wedding.
Dr. Jennifer K. Burke C’97 was awarded the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in June. She is in an internship at the Portsmouth Naval Medical Center in Virginia.
Margarita Dimas W’97 married Deniz Cultu EAS’97 in Yardley, Pa., on July 15, 2000. The wedding party included Brad Karmiol EAS/W’97, Clara Dimas EAS’99, Erol Cultu EE’01, Hector Dimas EAS’02, and Meral Cultu W’04. Margarita and Deniz live in Chicago, and are both pursuing their MBAs at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
Benjamin Fogelman C’97 and his wife, Sara, announce the birth of their son, Moshe Zechariah, on May 16. Benjamin is a fourth-year medical student at the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine <[email protected]>.
Randi Feigenbaum Marshall C’97 married Scott Marshall at the Water’s Edge in Long Island City, N.Y., on June 24. They now live in Forest Hills. She is a full-time student at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, studying for a Master of Public Administration degree, which she hopes to receive in May. He is the national-classified advertising director at American Banker, a daily trade publication. Many Penn friends and family members joined in the wedding celebration, including Randi’s father, Steven Feigenbaum W’70, and bridesmaids Shana Seldin Cassidy C’97 and Stephanie Nussbaum Kress C’97; among the Penn relatives attending were Jackie Davidson C’88, Charlotte Feigenbaum Spector CW’73, Dr. David Spector C’71 Gr’76, Barbara Levenstein C’81, Judy Levenstein W’79 L’84, Phil Kruger C’77, Amanda Scheiner C’01,and Cheryl Isaac C’03. Guests at the wedding also included David Abrams C’71, Richie Doll W’70, Alan Kellman EAS’96 and Allison Stewart Kellman C’97, Hollis Kramer C’97, Lisa Levenson C’97, Jordan Lieberman C’98, Amy Lipman C’97, Charlie Ornstein C’96, Dave Swerdloff C’71 and Lorraine Portner Swerdloff CW’71, Jessica Toney C’97, and Evan Weiner C’97. Randi and Scott would love to hear from friends at <[email protected]>.
Jordan Selzer C’97 married Shelley Arnheim C’97. The following guests attended the wedding: Steven Arnheim EAS’92 (Shelley’s brother), Natan Peisach W’61, David Leibman C’82, Scott Benjamin C’82, Alan Finkelstein W’65, Michael Kraver C 99 L’02, Dr. Caleb Lippman C’91 M’95, Ceil Jacobs G’73, Charles Block W’56, David Mayer C’92, Andrew Loughery C’00, Bonny Hodges Nu’00, Lori Taylor C’97, Deanna Williams C’97, Jon Guljord W’97, Chris Monte C’97, and Barry Norman C’97. Jordan and Shelley met in freshman English class and can be reached at <[email protected]>.
Audrey Beth Stein C’97, Somerville, Mass., recently released Hear Me Out, a CD with readings of three short stories; centering on the subtleties of relationships, the stories continue to explore her themes of Judaism and sexuality; the CD is available from That Promising Seadog Media at (www.thatpromising.com). Her fiction and essays have been published in Blithe House Quarterly, The Chronicle of Higher Education, GenerationJ.com, and Jewish Education News, and she has appeared at numerous readings and open mics in Connecticut, Philadelphia, Jerusalem, and the greater Boston area. She is currently enrolled in the creative-writing graduate program at Emerson College. When asked why she published these stories on a CD, Audrey Beth said, “Reading aloud is almost always how I first share a new story. There’s an immediacy to it, a connection with the audience that’s much more personal than print. And I’m fascinated by what happens when you listen to something over and over: I hope that each listen will bring its own magic.” More of her writing can be found online at (audreybethstein.com).
Holly White C’97 married Gary Blum W’97 at Ledgemont Country Club on July 21. The maid of honor was Helen Cristofalo C’97 and the bridesmaids were Marcy Barkan C’97, Charlotte Druckman C’97, Leslie Goldfein C’97, and Jessica Salzman C’97; the groomsmen included Chris Rieger EAS’97. Alumni attending included Andrew Barkan W’97, Barb Burns C’97 L’00, Katie Cunningham W’97, Ray Darwin W’97, Elie Doft W’97, Rachel Wright Heinle C’97, John Henson W’97, Evelyn Hockstein C’97, Jai Jayaraman C’97, Lainie Welsh Leitzell C’97 and Steve Leitzell C’96 L’99, Javier Marimon W’97, Jamie Ostrow C’97, Justin Rann W’97, Bridget Farrell L’00, and Jeff Wieland C’97. Holly and Gary live and work in New York: she is an account supervisor at Cohn & Wolfe and he is with Goldman Sachs; friends can contact them at <[email protected]>.
Kenan Adams W’98 married Brandi Thompson C’99 in Oakland, Calif., on July 7, and they honeymooned in Moorea, Tahiti. Alumni in the bridal party included the maid-of-honor Rania Hago C’99, the matron-of-honor Donnica Felician Wright C’99, Rachel Skerritt C’98 GEd’99, Michael Weaver W’98, Dan Nunn W’98, and Rishi Patel EE/W’98. Other Penn people attending were Shawan Wade C’99, Dayle Whiteman C’98, Daina Richie W’98, Nathaniel Paul W’98, Alan Miyasaki W’98, Constance Gordon CGS’99, Thomas Warner EE’97, Yuriel Layne W’97, and Shalini Ramasunder C’98.Kenan and Brandi live in Chicago, where he is an associate at Willis Stein and Partners, and she has begun in the Ph.D. program in political science at the University of Chicago <[email protected]>.
Thaddeus Berdzik C’98 wed Caroline Jacobsen in Freehold, N.J., on Friday, Aug. 31. The reception was held at the Channel Club, Monmouth Beach. Alumni attending included Anupam (“Bob”) Mohanty C’97, Bryan Romano W’98, and John Aiello W’71. TJ owns and trades for a small equity-options trading firm on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and Caroline is a labor and employment attorney for Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla in Middletown, N.J. They are the proud parents of Julia Emily (one) and live in Freehold.
Kimberlyn Dennis W’98 married Michael Smith C’96 in Newark, N.J., on Aug. 11. She now works as a marketing manager at Cendant <[email protected]> and he is in his last semester at NYU’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. They live in New Jersey.
Jennifer Soltz Lenney C’98 married Chris Lenney at The Crescent in Bayville, N.Y. on July 15. The bridal party included Andrea Fraser C/W’98, Amanda Siegel W’98, and Stacie Brensilver C’97. Other alumni attending included Robyn Browdy EAS/W’00, John Boschetti EAS’00, Glen Sussman W’97, Leslie Adelson C’99, Shana Steinfeld C’98, Henry Decsi W’98, Hana Brancato C’98, Harris Nizel C’97, Melissa Bernbaum C’99, Rachel Rosenbaum C’99, Sandi Shurgin C’97, Brian Werfel C’97, Jeff Berman C’97, Jeff Blasbalg C’98, and Lauren Mensch C’01.
Manisha Ahuja Sethi C’98 married Dr. Neil Sethi C’97 in Cleveland on June 16. “Many Penn friends attended the wedding, including Sheba Karim C’98, Rahim Rahemtulla C’98, Anand Desai C’98, Avi Raval C’98, Arun Agarwal W’97, Cynthia Kueppers C’98, and Matt Beliveau W’97. After the wedding we honeymooned in Thailand and Bali. We will make our home in Washington, where Neil is going to get an MBA at Georgetown University and I, Manisha, will pursue a career in graphic design.”
Brian Weiss C’98 moved from New York to Washington earlier this year and joined the staff of U.S. Senator John Breaux, Democrat of Louisiana; in the summer he was made deputy press secretary for Sen. Breaux <[email protected]>.
Emiko Yoshimatsu C’98 e-mails, “I am now studying for my MBA at Tulane University. I am thinking about concentrating in general management, IT management, or operation management. If anyone has good leads for internships, I would greatly appreciate it. And you are all welcome to visit me in Mardi Gras <[email protected]>.”
Carter Byrnes C’99 is in the commercial real estate business in the Washington area.
Catherine Chan C/W’99 married Andrew Louw C/W’99 at The Penn Club in New York on Aug. 11. Alumni attending included maid-of-honor Cathy Hwang C’99 and guests Pamela Au EAS/W’99, Kevin Chin C’99, Marie Sedran EAS’98, Jeffrey Wu EAS/W’99, Aaron Yap EAS/W’01, and Corinne Yeh C’99. Catherine and Andrew enjoyed a honeymoon in French Polynesia and now live in Westchester County. She was recently promoted to associate program manager at MBI, Inc. in Norwalk, Conn., and he is a client engineer at ERisk, a leading provider in New York of software and consulting services for enterprise risk management.
Kallan Resnick C’99 e-mails, “I recently joined UBS Warburg, and will be running the company’s private equity-funds group in Asia, based in Japan. In this capacity I will build the Asian business for the group, which raises capital on behalf of global private-equity partnerships <[email protected]>.”
Samuel B. Tabas C’99 is in a doctoral program at NYU as a McCracken fellow in comparative literature.
Dr. Christopher R. Spagna D’01 GEd’01, has joined his parents, Dr. Richard A. Spagna C’66 D’68 and Marianne Burger Spagna DH’67, in a truly family practice of general dentistry in Falls Church, Va.
Elizabeth R. Tabas C’01 works in fashion public relations in New York.