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January | February 2024
Vol. 122, No. 3


Chasing Justice

As a young federal civil rights prosecutor, Jared Fishman C’99 investigated the police killing of a Black New Orleans resident in the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Now, after writing a book on what he calls “one of the most egregious cases of police misconduct in recent American history,” he’s tackling criminal justice reform on a broader scale.
By Dave Zeitlin

In the Balance

Four alumni authors consider, then dismantle, the myths that govern how we choose our careers and that keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns from childhood to retirement.
By JoAnn Greco

Risk and Reward

Rajiv Shah M’02 GrW’05 heads the Rockefeller Foundation and has worked for the Gates Foundation and in government on critical issues in public health and international development. In his new book, Big Bets, he shows how embracing smart criticism—from Bill Gates, for one—and never settling for merely incremental change can pay off.
By Julia M. Klein

Homecoming 2023

Our annual photo gallery. Plus: the Alumni Awards of Merit and citations. Photos by Tommy Leonardi


From the Editor | In search of justice, balance, major change.
From College Hall | We can all contribute to a new chapter in Penn’s history.
Letters | Cover question, teacher’s dream, affirmative action, and more.


Alumni Voices | Imitating Ahab.
Salvo | Joy of browsing, analog-style.
Rabbit Hole | Prepping for the apocalypse.


Leadership | Penn Medicine’s J. Larry Jameson named Interim Penn President.
Medical History | How belief in the “intact mind” harms severely autistic people.
Student Media | DP will say goodbye to the “Pink Palace” in 2025.
Heard on Campus | Evaluating the laws of armed conflict in the Israel-Hamas war.
Student Life | United Minorities Council revives Unity Week.
Edible Books | The annual Kelly Writers House event featured some tasty puns.
Heard on Campus | Lessons for the good life in Everyday Utopia.
Sports | A thrilling victory and buzzer-beating defeat for men’s basketball.
Sports | Football’s bright spot: freshman running back Malachi Hosley.
Tribute | Track and field coach—and much more—Tony Tenisci remembered.


Jazz | Illuminating Sun Ra at the Penn Libraries.
Theater | Lorene Cary C’78 G’78’s memoir turned play Ladysitting.
Briefly Noted


Tom Stoner C’56, Pascal Mittermaier C’89, and Nature Sacred.
Karida L. Brown G’11’s New Brownies’ Book is a “Love Letter to Black Families.”
James Lendemer C’06 is one of the world’s leading lichen experts.
Ron Gold C’83 W’83 raced in the New York Marathon in a handcycle.


Old Penn | 1988 upset: Penn 71–Villanova 70.

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