Vol. 98, No. 5


Monty in Full 
Bruce Montgomery is laying down his baton after half a century at Penn. In a spirited interview, he talks about his musical triumphs, tribulations and travels.
By Samuel Hughes

Haunted by an Heiress
Ever since first reading her as an unhappy child at camp, Nina Auerbach has returned to the novels and stories of Daphne du Maurier. Now, in a new book from the University Pennsylvania Press, the Victorian scholar and Penn professor ponders her lifelong obsession with the writer best remembered—unjustly—for Rebecca.
By Beth Kephart

Saving the Animal Planet 
The Veterinary School’s Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society is attempting to find common ground in the animal-welfare debate. Getting the Lion and the Lamb together was nothing in comparison.
By Susan Lonkevich


From the Editor
Colorful Characters

Letters on a letter, row over a review … and more.

Notes From the Undergrad
The TRUTH about Penn.

From College Hall
Answering questions on gene-therapy death.

Alumni Voices
For a town called rock, a geologist as leader.

Clinton speech opens Granoff Forum
Fitts named Law School dean
Traber made permanent Health System CEO
IHGT announces new procedures
Student charges up 3.4 percent
New life for Hoffman’s Brotherly Love
ICA’s Tannenbaum to RISD
Changing perceptions—and behavior?—on alcohol
The verdict on race and juries
Andrew March, Marshall Scholar and family man
ER study offers window on women and their attackers

Off the Shelf 
Department of Fact. About Town: The New Yorker and the World It Made.
The way we live now. In the Gloaming.

A big year for basketball.

Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Gregg Lichtenstein C’81 GrW’92 | Manufacturing Products—and Relationships
Paul Morin W’91 WG’98 | Cheesesteaks, Tastykakes and … Information Technology?
Carol McCullough Fitzgerald CW’63 | An UnConventional Experience
Josh Piven C’93 and David Borgenicht C’90 | High-Adrenaline Reading
Dr. Larry Sokolic CGS’83 | Writing a Prescription for Tribal Health Care
Jon Wurtzburger C’57 | Frequent Flyer
Aliy Zirkle C’92 | Mush-on Accomplished
Keeping in Touch

Alumni Notes
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades, and other personal news


Double Acrostic.

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