Dr. Ralph Landau ChE’37 Hon’93, consulting professor of economics and chemical engineering at Stanford University and a research fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, in April received the Chemical Heritage Foundation’s the petrochemical-heritage award for his leading contributions to the chemical enterprise.
Dr. Jack Cole M’41 graduated from Penn in time to become an infantry-battalion surgeon, serving in Normandy during the Second World War. He later practiced family medicine in Bethlehem, Pa., and served with the Peace Corps in Afghanistan, India and Africa. In January he published Wandering Voices: A Collection of Verses(Mellen Poetry Press).
Dr. Mary Fuss Mostertz CW’41 in November served as a reviewer on special-education curriculum for the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. Mary also serves as president of the Women’s Class of 1941.
Irving Levine C’42, founder and president of the Copley Fund, Inc., achieved for it “the number-one ranking by Lipper Equity Fund Performance Analysis Services for 5-years- and 15-years periods, ending in December, in the speciality diversified-equity-fund category.” And he achieved “tennis rankings of No. 1 in New England in 75 singles, No. 1 in New England in 70 doubles and No. 9 nationally in 75 singles.”
Lorraine Rosenau Alexander CW’45 has just had an exhibition of collage paintings at Art Forms Gallery in Manayunk, Philadelphia.
Estelle Rubin Brager CW’49 was re-elected to a six-year term as supervisor of Upper Southampton Township, Pa. She retired recently from the board of the Heritage Conservancy (formerly Bucks County Conservancy) having served 12 years, seven as vice president. She remains a member of the conservancy review committee that designates historic properties.
Sr. Jane Burns G’50, a Medical Mission Sister, celebrated her golden jubilee as a sister in February. She had served in Bangladesh and the Philippines; now she is co-director of the order’s Peace Hermitages at its North American head offices in Fox Chase, Pa.
Dr. Madeleine Joullié G’50 Gr’53, the Class of 1970 Professor of Chemistry at the University, received the Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences of the American Chemical Society, for her 40 years in chemistry teaching and research in which she encouraged women to choose careers in chemical sciences and engineering.
Bernard R. Kornhaber G’50, having retired from Brunswick Corp. and living in Tucson with his wife, Sue, received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art from the University of Arizona in December. In addition to taking graduate courses in fine arts, he serves on the Theatre Arts Advisory Board of the University of Arizona.
Dr. Cyril F. Conway C’51 practiced ob-gyn in the Philadelphia area and emergency medicine in Williamsport, Pa., retiring in 1992. Last year he published While the Banshee Cried: The Demise of the Irish Brigade in the American Civil War (Emerald Isle Publishers). He plans to publish another Civil War novel—and is writing a third, on ante-bellum medicine.
Bob Hunt W’51 retired last year as a lead computer programmer at the Defense Supply Center in Philadelphia, after 42 years of government service, originally in accounting. “My wife and I now enjoy going to Atlantic City casinos, traveling and baby-sitting grandchildren.”
Dr. George B. Kauffman C’51 is the recipient of the American Chemical Society’s award this year for research at an undergraduate institution. A contributing editor of eight journals, he also presented the introductory plenary lecture, “Coordination Chemistry at the Turn of the Century,” at the 17th Conference on Coordination Chemistry in Bratislava, Slovakia, last June. His 17th book, Metal and Nonmetal Biguanide Complexes, was published last year by New Age International Publishers.
Robert I. Siver W’51 was appointed president of the Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fla., in late February. He continues as a consultant to hospitals in Florida.
Bill Steltzer C’51 GEd’57, Kennett Square, Pa., retired in 1988 as a school principal, and then spent 12 days walking across England with a friend. This became a “post-retirement hobby of walking across European countries, some states here at home, and across assorted other places.” Portugal took eight days, but San Marino only three hours and the Vatican City a brisk 15 minutes. In February he was in China, accompanying a daughter who adopted a child there—“but not planning on walking across China.”
Peter Bennett M’52 GM’56, a retired psychologist in Langley, Wash., joined Global Volunteers, an international development organization, in its volunteer aid project with people in the Blackfeet Reservation in Browning, Mont., for seven days over the New Year; he worked with 10 children at a medical center there.
Bernard E. Bernstein W’52, the senior partner of the Knoxville law firm of Bernstein, Stair & McAdams LLP, was elected chair of the newly organized University of Tennessee Health System in January. He also serves on the board of Saks Inc., the parent company of Saks of Fifth Avenue and other regional department stores. He is the father of Barri E. Bernstein C’79, executive director of the Tennessee Bar Foundation in Nashville, and Mark W. Bernstein W’81, president of SpringStreet.com in San Francisco.
J. Russell (Czerniejewski) Hawthorne MtE’53 has retired. He began his career in 1957 as a research metallurgist at the Naval Research Laboratory. Retiring from there in 1984, he joined Materials Engineering Associates, Inc., an R&D firm specializing in structural materials research. His own consulting company was formed in 1996. He spent his entire career planning and directing studies on radiation effects to nuclear power reactor materials, especially those employed for the pressure vessel and fuel supports. His early research is credited with the technological break-through revealing the principal cause of variable sensitivity to radiation-induced embrittlement among conventional steels. His subsequent research demonstrated that highly radiation-resistant materials could be produced commercially at will. His metallurgical guidelines for tailoring steels for radiation service are in use worldwide. He founded the International Group on Radiation Damage Mechanisms in Structural Materials. He has more than 100 technical publications and two books to his credit. His research awards include the ASTM’s Charles B. Dudley Medal (1973), the ASM George Kimball Burgess Memorial Award (1973) and the ANS Outstanding Achievement Award (1979); the ASTM named him a fellow in 1986.
Dr. Eugene N. Myers W’54, professor and chair of otolaryngology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was awarded honorary fellowship in the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Arthur D. Beard C’55 <[email protected]> e-mails that his first year as an independent consultant and workshop leader was busy and fulfilling. Retiring from the DuPont Co. in early 1999, he founded ArtBeard, Inc., which assists business and marketing teams with strategy development. He also co-founded, with four other retired DuPont execs, Atlantic Marketing Workshops, LLC, which provides fast, business-to-business marketing training. Art has also coached internationally on marketing. This summer he and Sharon will relocate themselves and ArtBeard, Inc., from Delaware to New Hampshire’s Lakes Region.
Joel M. Ebert W’55 is “most happily retired in sunny, sublime and seductive Sarasota, Fla. Having recently moved to a beautiful new home in a community known as ‘The Landings’, I now look forward to my coming marriage to the also sublime Barbara A. Willows. We do anticipate the Class Reunion in May.”
Dr. Bernard H. Ross W’55, professor of public administration at American University, has been appointed director of its world capitals program. He manages 15 overseas sites with about 450 students from American and other U.S. colleges and universities who are studying and doing internships abroad.
Maj. Gen. Felix A. Santoni W’55, Fort Buchanan, P.R., finally retired from full-time employment last December and moved “on to the things I enjoy.” Last July he was appointed to the advisers’ board of the Association of the U.S. Army and in October received its citation for exceptional service. “We continue to serve on the board of the Angel Ramos Foundation, Puerto Rico’s largest private foundation.”
Lee Hargrave C’56 EE’57, who maintains a business consultancy in Venice, Fla., has written Plan for Profitability! How to Write a Strategic Business Plan (www.hargrave.com).
Dr. Robert B. Daroff C’57 M’61 is chief of staff and senior vice president of academic affairs at the University Hospitals of Cleveland and professor of neurology and associate dean at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Recently he was awarded an honorary professorship in the Astana State Medical Academy by the Kazakhstan Ministry of Education, Culture and Public Health; he is the only American so recognized.
Dr. Michael Eigen C’57 recently published his seventh book, Toxic Nourishment (Karnac Books), about “fusions of toxins and nourishment pervading emotional life.” He is a keynote speaker in Dublin this June at a meeting co-hosted by the European Association for Psychotherapy and the Irish Council for Psychotherapy. And in September he is keynote speaker at the Westchester (N.Y.) Psychoanalytic Institute.
Neil Schwab W’57 is vice president for investments and a certified financial planner with Salomon Smith Barney in Allentown, Pa. “After getting an MBA from Lehigh University, I have been in the investment business since 1962. The only other claim to fame I have is my position as the public-address announcer for the Allentown Jets professional basketball team for about 18 years.”
Dr. James F. Tucker Gr’57, retired senior vice president and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank in Richmond, Va., and a former president of Virginia State University, delivered the first Timme Lecture at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill.; he spoke on the economic history of this century.
Dr. Michael R. Dietz M’58, who is in charge of an ICL program at the Refractive Surgery Center of the Eye Foundation of Kansas City, will take part this month in a symposium on the future of eye care presented by the foundation and the Department of Ophthalmology of the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Dr. Richard Janeway M’58 GM’62, professor of medicine and management and emeritus executive vice president for health affairs at Wake Forest University, received its highest award, the Medallion of Merit, in early February. He joined the Wake Forest medical faculty in 1966 and served as dean for 23 years.
Dr. Leonard Abrams GD’59, clinical professor in periodontics at the University, received the distinguished-lectureship award from the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics Foundation last December.
Heloise Bertman Levit CW’59 recently received a master’s in art history from the Virginia Commonwealth University. Ginger writes from Richmond, “It has been a big help in helping me to select excellent paintings at the Paris auctions and in the French provinces. We now have a baby granddaughter, Carmen Eliza, who lives in Atlanta, so we make frequent visits to see her. Interest remains high here in the acquisition of fine paintings with good provenances.”
Michael D. Siegel W’59 writes that “since graduating from Penn, I built a small popcorn manufacturer into a large snack-food processor and sold out to Nabisco Brands in 1979. From 1983 through the nineties, I built other snack-food venture groups.” He also served as president, CEO and chair of Amerifoods, Inc. Currently he is “president of Global Household Brands, which manufactures such nationally advertised household products as Carpet Fresh, X-14 Mildew Remover and 2,000 Flushes Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner.”
Dr. Mark L. Belafsky C’60, Cherry Hill, N.J., retired from the active practice of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery in 1999 after 30 years. He continues as chair of the Medical Advisory Commission of the New Jersey State Athletic Control Board (where he has served for the past 16 years), and as a member of the National Medical Advisory Board of the Association of Boxing Commissioners. His wife, Betty Forman Belafsky CW’62, continues in the active practice of law in Haddonfield. Their daughter, Dr. Caryn Belafsky C’88, practices internal medicine and pediatrics in Ashland, Ore.; their son, Dr. Peter Belafsky is completing his residency in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at Tulane Medical School, and will enter a fellowship in laryngology at Wake Forest University in June.
Dr. Ferdinand A. DeAntonis C’60 retired last December as director of technology and commercialization in the polymers division of AlliedSignal Inc.; he had spent 35 years in private industry. He is keeping busy as a member of the adjunct chemistry faculty at Pennsylvania State University, Delaware County.
Avrom I. Doft W’60 was elected president of Jewish Education of Greater New York, an agency of UJA-Federation. He adds “my second granddaughter, Dara Minnie Doft, was born on Feb. 24 to my children, Jacob W. Doft W’91 and Suzanne Weiss Doft C’92.
Dr. J. Wayne Streilein M’60, president and director of research at the Schepens Eye Research Institute in Boston, received an award from Research to Prevent Blindness and the Department of Ophthalmology at Harvard University. An immunologist, he is known for his work on acute and chronic inflammatory eye disease.
Richard S. Weinstein W’60 <[email protected]> is now associated as a realtor with Arvida Realty Services in Broward County, Fla.
Dr. Malcolm Zola DM’60 closed his oral and maxillofacial surgical practice in 1997 after 36 years, and moved to Florida, where he was founding chair of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the College of Dental Medicine of Nova Southeastern University. “After two years in the sun, we returned to the Northeast to be closer to family, and I am now associate professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at NYU College of Dentistry, commuting from our new home in Fairfield, Conn.” His article on “Sinus Augmentation and Implant Placement in a Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta” will appear in the April issue of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Myra C. Weisgold CW’61 recently completed installation of a centennial sculpture of three, life-size bronze figures, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Appalachian State University. Last year she was awarded prizes at the National Sculpture Society’s annual juried exhibition and at the Allied Artists of America Exhibition in New York for her piece, A Little Child Shall Lead Them. She was also chosen for the millennium restrospective exhibition of the National Sculpture Society, Masterworks of American Scupture, at the Fleisher Art Museum in Scottsdale, Ariz.
L. Anderson Daub W’62, president of Brown-Daub-Chevrolet-Oldsmobile-Volvo, received this year’s Time Magazine quality-dealer award. He lives in Forks Township, Pa., with his wife, Carolyn.
Dr. Howard S. Pitkow C’62 G’63, professor of physiology at Temple University School of Medicine, and past president of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, was elected president-elect of the National Association of Academies of Science in February.
Edward J. Bergman C’63, an attorney/mediator in Princeton, N.J., teaches negotiations and dispute resolution in the Wharton School. He spent January in India conducting workshops on negotiation for executives in Bombay, New Delhi and Bangalore.
Edward F. Mannino C’63 L’66, a partner in the law firm of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P., and chair of the litigation department of its Philadelphia office, was named one of Pennsylvania’s Ten Top Trial Attorneys by The National Law Journal. He had been named one of its top litigators, and is the only Pennsylvania lawyer to have won both these awards.
Samuel S. Pearlman C’63 L’66, a partner in the old Cleveland law firm of Berick, Pearlman & Mills, has joined the firm of Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. as a partner in its corporate practice, with the merger of the two firms.
Ernest E. Price C’63 recently retired from a business career and took a position as director of academic affairs for the University of Phoenix in San Diego, Calif.
Idaherma Williams GFA’63, a painter and printmaker in Princeton, N.J., has an e-mail address <[email protected]> and a Web site (www.superlink.net/~idwill), which lists her upcoming exhibits. She was recognized artist-of-the-year by the Marconi Foundation of New Jersey.
J. James Flynn C’64 GAr’73, senior vice president since 1997 at 3D/International, Inc., in charge of its operations in the Southeast, was elected to its board of directors.
Marsha Wright Johnson CW’64 and her husband, Richard Johnson W’64, have returned to the U.S. after spending more than 30 years in Asia; they now live in Nokomis, Fla.
Dr. Regina Bausher Mastrangelo GNu’64, dean for 18 years of the Helene Fuld School of Nursing, part of Camden County Community College in Blackwood, N.J., was honored for her lifetime achievement as a nurse educator by the New Jersey State Nurses Association earlier this year.
Peter H. Watson W’64, president of Old Ford Lincoln Mercury, Inc., in Lansdale, Pa., received this year’s Time Magazine quality-dealer award. Peter lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Deborah.
Nancy Miller Goor CW’65 and her husband, Ron, wrote Choose to Lose Weight-Loss Plan for Men (Houghton Mifflin) and Eater’s Choice Low-Fat Cookbook (1999). New editions of their earlier books, Choose to Lose and Eater’s Choice , were published in June last year.
David H. Lissy C’65 L’68 is senior vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary of Ames Department Stores, Inc., based in Rocky Hill, Conn.; he joined the company in 1990, soon after its bankruptcy filing, and has seen its marked turnaround since. His wife, Maggie, runs a business they co-own, selling textiles for custom men’s clothing.
Bruce L. Miller WG’66 was appointed executive vice president of Northwestern Mutual in Milwaukee; he heads a new marketing department for the products of the company’s financial network.
James K. Wright GAr’66, assistant professor of architectural technology at Southern Illinois University, received a fellowship in February there to develop new teaching techniques and undergraduate course materials.
Lynn Tredinnick Bush CW’67 <[email protected]> last September was appointed executive director of the Bucks County (Pa.) Planning Commission: the third executive director in its 45-year history. She had owned a planning consulting firm for many years. In 1998 she married George Bush, a land-use attorney. Her son, Daniel Froehlich C’96, will marry Amy Rhodes C’96 on June 24.
Dr. David M. Gershenson C’67 was appointed chair of the Department of Gynecologic Oncology at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. He is also professor of gynecologic oncology and director of the Blanton-Davis ovarian-cancer research program there.
Ana Maria Labrador-Bolden CW’68 <[email protected]> is delighted to announce her retirement on January 28. She is looking foward to being “a lady who lunches, travels in the off season, volunteers and takes cooking classes.”
John C. Howett Jr. C’68, senior partner of Howett, Kissinger & Conley, P.C., in Harrisburg, Pa., was elected president of the Pennsylvania chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He has also been appointed to a second three-year term on the domestic-relations-rules committee of the state supreme court.
Mary Lehman MacLachlan CW’68 is president and chief investment officer of a new Internet wealth-management firm, Envestnet.com, which has offices in New York and Chicago and was planned to be officially launched this month. The firm will deliver investment management and technology services to independent financial advisers. “My children are both involved in financial services in New York: Michael Lehman W’93 is a vice president at DLJ and Katherine Lehman W’97 is an associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities.”
Dr. Linda Nicholson CW’68 recently moved to St. Louis to become the Susan E. and William P. Stiritz Distinguished Professor of Women’s Studies and professor of history at Washington University.
Dr. Robert A. Schoenberg SW’68 GrS’89, director of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University, was appointed chair of the National Consortium of Directors of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resources in Higher Education. He is currently writing a book about setting up and maintaining resource centers for sexual-minority students and employees on college campuses, to be published by Greenwood Press this fall.
Dr. Martin Blaser C’69 <[email protected]> has recently returned to New York after a 27-year absence (Denver, Atlanta, Nashville) to become chair of the Department of Medicine at New York University. He and his family plan to live in Greenwich Village, and would enjoy hearing from old friends.
Diane Linen Powell CW’69 was named chief marketing officer of lifescape.com, a Web site which provides free, comprehensive psychological information and resources online. Previously she was senior vice president of corporate communications for International Family Entertainment, which owns The Family Channel.
Harold T. Sorensen Jr. C’69 played as a free agent in the NFL and Canadian league, but after four years was injured. He became a polygraph examiner for law enforcement and commercial interests throughout the East, and in Latin America and the Caribbean. Tom is currently an investigator and the chief examiner for the Office of Internal Affairs of the Palm Beach County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office. His free time is occupied in fundraising and as president of the NFL Players Association, Retired, of South Florida; they hold an annual charity golf classic in early June. His youngest daughter is the kicker for her high-school football team.
Linda Curran Wexelblatt CW’69 was nominated for the Norman Felton Producer of the Year Award from the Producers Guild of America for The Passion of Ayn Rand, which premiered at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival and aired on Showtime. It has received an Emmy Award (Helen Mirren) and a Golden Globe Award (Peter Fonda).
Dr. Lynne Goodstein CW’70 has been appointed dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professional Studies at Simmons College in Boston. She had been associate dean of the Graduate School at Pennsylvania State University.
David S. Pottruck C’70 WG’72 received, with Charles Schwab, as the co-CEOs of Charles Schwab, Morningstar’s first CEO of the year award; this recognized a company head who “has put his or her stamp on an industry, while at the same time turning corporate success into greater wealth for shareholders.”
Rosemary Arcari Schier CW’70, was chair of the 57th annual Women’s Club of Bala Cynwyd (Pa.) Antiques Show, a fundraiser for local charities and the upkeep of their historic 1912 club house.
Ian M. Comisky W’71 L’74, a partner in the tax and fiduciary department of the Philadelphia-based law firm of Blank, Rome, Comisky & McCauley LLP, testified on proposed federal money-laundering legislation before the Subcommittee on Crime of the House Judiciary Committee.
Margit Novack CW’71 GCP’75 <[email protected]> reports that her company, Moving Solutions, which provides customized relocation services for older adults, was named runner-up in the “most innovative service” category of this year’s Ben Franklin emerging-business awards. The firm has also started business development kits for entrepreneurs to start similar companies in other parts of the country.
Dr. Harry A. Zink M’71 will present “Primesight—What Did We Learn?” at a symposium this month by the Department of Ophthalmology of the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the Eye Foundation of Kansas City.
Dr. Kay Cothran Craigie Gr’72 <[email protected]> was elected in January a vice president of the American Radio Relay League, Inc., the national association for amateur radio.
Dr. James M. Seltzer C’73 M’77, a practicing allergist/immunologist in San Diego, is very pleased that his daughter, Rachel, was accepted to the College and will attend Penn this fall. He keeps busy as an environmental consultant and pharmaceutical industry consultant, in addition to maintaining his part-time clinical medical practice. Past accomplishments include serving as chair of three committees of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, and numerous publications, including serving as guest editor of the book, The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health.
David H. Wollins W’74 <[email protected]> e-mails that he erroneously reported that Rick Jurmark W’74 owed him a case of ’74 Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve (in addition to the two magnums of ’37 port): it was a case of ’78. He was pleased that his last Alumni Note renewed contact with Steven Dreyfus W’74 and Gene Charny C’75. “In addition, Spencer I. Browne W’71 is the godfather to my five-year-old daughter, Alexandra, and a person with whom I share magnificent wine—although, to whine a little, not enough.”
Dr. Louis E. Baxter C’75, medical director of the physicians’ health program of the Medical Society of New Jersey, was recently appointed to the Center of Substance Abuse Treatment’s national advisory council. He will advise on the National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Plan, and on research issues and clinical aspects of addiction treatment.
Donald Fisher C’75 is president and chief executive officer of the newly formed digital studio, Axiom Studio (www.axiomstudio.com). He had spent the bulk of his career with Soft-Switch, Inc, a Delaware Valley startup that was eventually acquired by Lotus Development Corp. He lives in King of Prussia, Pa., with his wife and two children.
Dr. Susan C. Slaninka GNu’75, professor and assistant chair of nursing at West Chester University, received the Lindback distinguished teaching award there. Her research is on the psychosocial issues of cancer; she was co-editor of the journal Illnesses, Crises and Loss: Multidisciplinary Linkages. And she is editor of An Author’s Guide to Nursing Journals.
Andrea J. Wagner CW’75 and Edward R. Wiest C’76, Medford, Mass., <[email protected]> are pleased to announce the birth of Henry Spencer Paul Wiest and Alice Meredith Wiest on Jan. 9.
C. Michael Deese G’76 L’76 was recently appointed to the board of trustees of Davidson College in North Carolina.
John McCartney WG’76 was recently appointed to the board of trustees of Davidson College in North Carolina.
Jonathan E. Perelman W’76 <[email protected]> became a director of Eherenkrantz &Sterling CPAs of Livingston, N.J., “which is one of the state’s largest CPA firms. I provide a holistic approach to taxes, investments and personal finance. I live in North Caldwell with my wife, Lynne Strober (a well-known divorce attorney), our five-year-old daughter, Dani, and our three-year-old son, Max.”
Dr. Keith L Wapner C’76 was appointed clinical professor of orthopaedic surgery and director of the Division of Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgery at Pennsylvania Hospital, and director of the orthopaedic foot and ankle surgery fellowship program for the University of Pennsylvania Health System.
Andrew A. Chirls C’77, a partner in the Philadelphia law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen, was elected chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association in January. He was the plaintiff’s attorney in the first case based on AIDS discrimination decided by a jury in Pennsylvania.
Edward M. D’Alba GCE’77, president and CEO of Urban Engineers, Inc., was elected chair of the PenJerDel Council, the lobbying and professional organization dedicated to improving the business climate in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. He lives in Berwyn, Pa., with his wife, Karen, and two sons.
Dr. Braulio Muñoz Gr’77, chair of sociology and anthropology at Swarthmore College, has written A Storyteller: Mario Vargas Llosa Between Civilization and Barbarism (Rawman and Littlefield, New York and London).
Dr. Kenneth W. Ordene M’77 is chair of of endocrinology and director of diabetes care at Centra State Medical Center in Freehold, N.J. He is proud to announce that his daughter, Lauren, will be attending the College, a member of the Class of 2004.
Dr. Edwin S. Rosenberg GD’77 D’81, clinical professor of surgical sciences and professor of implant dentistry at New York University and clinical professor of periodontics at the University of Southern California, maintains a practice in Philadelphia; he had served as professor at Penn’s Dental School until 1991. He was awarded this year’s Saul Schluger Professorship at the University of Washington, and also received the Manuel Amador Guerrero Award, the highest award given to civilians in Panama, for his contributions to that country and its dental profession over the last two decades.
Abigail Kelman C’78 <[email protected]> and her husband, Peter Barg, are pleased to announce the arrival of Adina Rose on May 20. She joins Hannah, Alex and Emma. Proud aunts are Rabbi Naamah Kelman C’76 and Paula Weiman-Kelman C’76 GEd’76.
Clarence D. Armbrister C’79, vice president of PaineWebber’s municipal-securities group, was appointed to the board of Philadelphia’s Moore College of Art and Design in February.
Ilana Stein Ben-Ze’ev C’79 e-mails that her “short lived (two-year) ‘retirement’ has ended: we’ve completed a major renovation and expansion of our Huntington Woods, Mich., home and I have joined the Detroit law firm of Bodman, Longley and Dahling, resuming my commercial real estate and banking practice. My husband, Abraham, and I continue to watch in amazement as Jonathan (10) and Leora (six) grow from children we love into people we truly enjoy and cherish.”
Barri E. Bernstein C’79 is executive director of the Tennessee Bar Foundation in Nashville.
Anthony Cohn GAr’79, an architect and senior designer with the New York firm of Swanke Hayden Connell Architects, was promoted to senior associate in January.
Dr. Allen C. Guelzo G’79 Gr’86, dean of the Templeton Honors College at Eastern College, St. Davids, Pa., won the Lincoln Prize 2000 for his intellectual biography, Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President.
David D. Langfitt C’79, an associate in the litigation department of the Philadelphia law firm of Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP, was recently appointed co-chair of the Philadelphia Bar’s environmental-law committee.
Michael Scullin C’79, an attorney with the Philadelphia law firm of Monteverde, McAlee, FitzPatrick, Tanker & Hurd, is program director of the Philadelphia Bar Association’s “twinning relationship” with the comparable body in Lyon, France: each year three French lawyers do six-month internships with law firms in Philadelphia.
Dr. Leonard Sperling M’79 has been named chair of dermatology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He also has served on the teaching staff at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington since 1987.
Jeanne M. Szymczak-Timber W’79 was appointed president of the North American operations, based in Greensboro, N.C., of HÅG, Inc., a Norwegian manufacturer of ergonomic seating.
Elaine Hughes Jenson C’80 <[email protected]> and her husband, Mark, are the proud but exhausted parents of Emily Rose, born April 23, 1997. “Now that Emily is attending St. Mary’s Nursery School (where I worked as a work-study student 20 years ago) on campus, I finally have time to submit this overdue announcement. I am a stay-at-home mom and realize that being a parent is the hardest job I’ve ever had. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Reunion.”
Henry Kalter W’80 <[email protected]> and his wife, Susan Annenberg Kalter, are the proud parents of two boys: their second son, Samuel, was born on Jan. 30.
Dr. David S. Miller C’80 G’81 GM’92 has left the psychiatry department in Penn’s Medical School to become an associate professor of psychiatry in the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He also serves as chief of geriatric psychiatry at the Carrier Clinic, near Princeton.
Mark W. Bernstein W’81 is president of SpringStreet.com in San Francisco.
Beth Blechman Brown C’81 completed an MSW at the University of Denver in 1998 and works as a mental health counselor at a prenatal clinic in Aurora. She is happily settled in Denver with her children, Ryan (11), Joshua (eight) and Zoey (four), and would love to hear from classmates at <[email protected]>.
Scott G. Eagle W’81 <[email protected]> is vice president of marketing and Chief InstiGator at Internet start-up Gator.com. He lives in the Menlo Park, Calif., area with his wife, Debbie, and four-year-old son, Max.
John F. Lostys C’81 <[email protected]> completed an assignment with Bucks Consultants in 1999, and joined Gorp.com (Great Outdoors Recreation Pages) in New York as a freelance Web programmer.
Dr. Rae Alexander-Minter GrEd’81 was appointed vice president for external affairs at Audrey Cohen College in New York.
Mike Monheit W’81 <[email protected]> is CEO and co-founder of Omnient Corporation, an end-to-end e-business consulting and development firm with offices in Blue Bell, Pa., and New York. He was recently appointed to the Philadelphia E-Commerce Commission, which advances the city as a premier technology and e-commerce center. Omnient has recently signed strategic partnerships with Cable & Wireless, Grant Thornton and Screaming Media.
Edmund J. Behan L’82 was named a partner in the Wall Street firm of Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, where he practices trusts and estates law.
Eric Goodison W’82 L’87 is a partner in the corporate department of the New York law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. He lives in Armonk, with his wife, Lisa Mazure L’87, and their two children Sara (10) and Harris (seven).
Nancy Greenberg W’82 and her husband, Ken Greenman, joyfully announce the birth of their first child, Justin Ross, on Sept. 24. Homeowners in Scotch Plains, N.J., Nancy started her own business, Never Enough Time, a personal-assistant service for busy people, and Ken is a marketing manager at AT&T’s Basking Ridge headquarters.
Michael J. Shannon ChE’82 has been named vice president and general manager of the petrochemical division and the engineering department of Ashland Specialty Chemical Co.
Dr. Rick Zinbarg C’82 <[email protected]> and his wife, Gina, are delighted to announce the birth of their first child, Emily Wendel, on Dec. 26. In 1998, Rick returned to Northwestern University (where he received his Ph.D. in 1989) as an associate professor of psychology. He is also co-director of an anxiety and panic treatment program at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
Dr. Edward S. Beck GrEd’83, director of the Susquehanna Institute in Harrisburg, Pa., in March was named practitioner of the year by the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors of the American Counselors Association.
Charles D. Johnson C’83 has “left the life at the big corporate law firm to teach economics and history at International Studies Academy, a public, magnet high school in San Francisco.”
Lisa Learner GFA’83, assistant professor of fine arts at Cabrini College in Radnor, Pa., had an exhibition there of her latest paintings in a one-woman show in the spring. Two of her paintings were selected for a recent exhibit, “Art of the State,” at the Pennsylvania State Museum in Harrisburg, and another, “Haverford Station,” was bought by the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and is on display in the lobby of its Rhoads Pavilion.
David J. Sales C’83 G’84 <[email protected]> lives in West Palm Beach, Fla., with his wife, Colette Olry de Labry, and three sons Declan Asher (five), Rowan Abraham (three) and Ethan Francis, who was born July 15. David graduated from the University of Chicago Law School in 1987, and for 10 years has been a trial lawyer with Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley, the last seven as a shareholder.
Dr. George C. Skarmeas Gr’83, director of historic preservation for the Hillier Group Architects, was made principal in January. He is currently working on the modernization of the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington, and the conversion of the 1908 Girard Trusts buildings in downtown Philadelphia into a Ritz-Carlton hotel.
Tamar Brooks Stone C’83 <[email protected]> e-mailed “a note to update you on our existence. We’ve welcomed Ester to our family; she joins siblings Chana Miriam (10), Binyamin Eliezer (eight), Shmuel (six), Devorah Leah (four) and Rivka (two). We’re still in Brooklyn, still looking for a house. My husband, Dr. Aaron Stone C’81, is working for Beth Israel Medical Center, as an internist at the Williamsberg Family Health Center. I fill in my time teaching the sewing arts at my daughters’ school, running a bereavement support group, and doing psychological consulting on a freelance basis—and all that takes place when the kids are asleep! I will return to the Outside World when my kids are ‘outta here’.”
Chuck Amos ME’84 WG’92 and Tracey Griffins Amos C’86 WG’93 proudly announce the birth of their second daughter, Amber Nicole Amos; she arrived on Nov. 16, weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 20 inches. She joins her big sister Alexis, who turned two years old in February. The family lives in Silver Spring, Md. Chuck is currently a manager with Xpedior Inc., a five-year old telecom and Internet consulting firm based in Chicago, though he is based in Alexandria, Va., <[email protected]>. Tracey is approaching her seventh year with PricewaterhouseCoopers: she is a principal consultant in its management consulting services based out of Fairfax <[email protected]>.
Jay Berman C’84 WEv’95 and Marie T. Berman CGS’95 set up an online directory of Philadelphia restaurants (www.phillyrestaurants.com) in January.
Adam E. Jacobs C’84, a certified criminal trial attorney, has joined as a partner the North Jersey and New York law firm of Supino & Jacobs.
Dr. Michael A. Maldonado EE’84 <[email protected]> has been appointed assistant professor of medicine at the University. A member of the rheumatology division in the Department of Medicine, he has research interests in the immunology of systemic autoimmunity.
A. David Smith, Jr. W’84 <[email protected]> has joined KLA-Tencor Corp. in San Jose, Calif., as a senior marketing manager. He, his wife, Laura, and two children, Shannon (eight) and Savannah (five), live in Livermore.
Brenda Maloof Anderson C’85 sends greetings from New Zealand. “I’ve been living here for 3 1/2 years, after marrying my Kiwi husband, Gary, in October 1996. We’ve been blessed with two lovely daughters: Rachel will be three in August and Sophie just celebrated her first birthday in February. I’m now a full-time mum, after having worked for 10 years in the financial sector, first in banking, then financial systems and consulting. Before Rachel was born, I was a software analyst for Harvest Electronics, the same firm where Gary is an electronics engineer. I’d welcome any e-mail correspondence from my old classmates <[email protected]>.”
Jennifer Bilfield C’85 was promoted to director of serious music at Boosey & Hawkes, Inc. She also serves as chair of the performance committee of the Music Publishers Association.
Dr. Elissa Jaffe Bookner C’85 e-mails “to tell about an enjoyable project I have undertaken with my husband, Scott. We have been writing cartoons and have developed our own Web site (www.CurvYourDog.com). We’re not selling anything and simply are having some fun and looking for a little notoriety. We would love to have as many people as possible see our creations. By the way, in my spare time I practice emergency medicine at Weiler Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, and have three wonderful children, Ilana (six), Molly (three) and Harrison (one).”
Craig R. Carnaroli W’85 was appointed vice president for finance and treasurer of the University in January. He had been director of health-care finance at Merrill Lynch & Co.
Regina Lee Salamone Geissler C’85 married Philip N. Geissler on Jan. 23, 1999, in Lansdale, Pa.; they live in Bath.
Rayna Baum Lifson W’85 and Robert Lifson W’82 joyously announce the birth of Daniel Cole Lifson on Jan. 10; he joins Natalie Sara Lifson (18 months).
Joseph Lucci G’85, a partner for the law firm of Woodcock, Washburn, Kurtz, Mackiewicz & Norris LLP, appeared on a panel at the National Conference on Litigating Patent Disputes in March.
Sam Shimer W’85 and Janet Unker Shimer W’85 WG’89 are busy with their three children in Chappaqua, N.Y. He is a managing director of Counsel Corp. Ventures, an Internet investment firm, and she is a psychotherapist and marketing director at Samaritan Counseling Center, a non-profit agency, in Rye.
Alfredo Guerra W’86 WG’90 <[email protected]> was recently appointed chief financial officer of the National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc., based in Boca Raton, Fla.
Alan Lasdon W’86 and Cari Gilman SW’98 are engaged; a wedding is planned for May 2001 in Boston. Alan is president of EPS Associates in Wynnewood, Pa. Cari is a market research analyst for Health Partners in Philadelphia.
Dr. Eva S. Moskowitz C’86 was elected to the New York City Council last November, representing the East Side of Manhattan. She won with 66 percent of the vote and earned the endorsements of both The New York Times and the New York Post. Her campaign manager was Anessa Karney C’92 L’97, who is now her chief of staff.
Rod J. Rosenstein W’86 <[email protected]> and his wife, Lisa Barsoomian, proudly announce the birth of their first child, Julia Paige Rosenstein, on January 27, at 5:00 a.m.; she weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. and measured 20.5 inches. The family lives in Bethesda, Md. Both parents are assistant U.S. attorneys, Rod in Maryland and Lisa in Washington.
Dr. Diane L. Spatz Nu’86 GNu’89 GrN’95 writes, “I figured it is finally time to put my update in.” She was a staff nurse in obstetrics at Pennsylvania Hospital and taught at Thomas Jefferson University, then pursued a doctorate at Penn. Now an assistant professor in the School of Nursing, she is course director for two undergraduate classes: she received the school’s faculty teaching award in 1998 and the advising award last year. “Besides my hectic schedule at Penn, I have a husband, John Zimitski, a vice president and controller for Cananwill, a finance company. We have two cats and two houses, one in Center City Philadelphia and a vacation home in Sea Isle City, N.J. I have remained very active with my sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma, and currently serve as trustee of its foundation and president of our alumnae organization in Philadelphia; I also serve as faculty adviser for the Penn chapter and key adviser for the chapter at Temple. I would love to hear from any of my sisters and friends, especially if you are coming to Philadelphia: <[email protected]>.”
Stephen Spoonamore EAS/W’86 <[email protected]> was recently named to the board of two Internet corporations: FullD .com, a financial-services rating and routing service in the B2C model, and zWeave.com, an apparel-sourcing company acting as a verticle infomediary in the B2B model. He continues to write plays and will have one, Where Everything Is Everything, open at New York Performance Works in September, starring Tony-winner Daisy Eagan.
Lisa Krutzel Katzman C’87 e-mails that “another Katzman has joined the world: a little earlier than expected (by almost a month), Caroline Isabel Katzman was born at 1:35 a.m. on January 14, weighing 6 lbs., 3 oz., measuring 19.5 in. long.” Despite her early appearance, Caroline was in fine health and went home on time. “Mother, Dad Evan and big brother David (three) are doing well. The absence of sleep has not quite taken hold yet due to the excitement.”
Jonathan H. Newman L’87, Bryn Mawr, Pa., a civil-litigation attorney with the Philadelphia law firm of Obermayer, Rebmann, Maxwell & Hippel, in April was appointed chair of the Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners.
Dr. Stephanie D. Scott-Melnyk C’87 “had a very momentous first week of February. On Feb. 1, I received my Ph.D. in environmental psychology from the City University of New York Graduate School, and on Feb. 7, I gave birth to my first child, Zennon Austin Scott Melnyk. Zennon joins me and my husband, Les Melnyk, at our home in Washington. When not on maternity leave, I am a research associate at the Urban Institute, a think tank in Washington <[email protected]>.”
Dr. Scott A. Snyder EAS’87 GEng’90 Gr’94 left the position of vice president at Lockheed Martin Telecommunications to become president and CTO of OmniChoice.com, an Internet startup in Wayne, Pa., that specializes in telecom, utility, and cable/satellite services for consumers and small businesses <[email protected]>. “The big company shackles are finally off—I feel liberated.”
Beth Goodman Weisman C’87 went on to do graduate work in film and literature, first at Brandeis and then at the University of Southern California Film School after leaving Penn. “During that time, I discovered that I really loved teaching more than academics, so I became a high-school English teacher. My husband, Greg Weisman, and I married in 1991 and now have two truly terrific children, Erin (five) and Benny (two). We live in Los Angeles where Greg writes and produces TV animation. After taking a few years off to be a stay-at-home mom, I’m now taking classes to become certified as a nursery-school teacher. Any out-of-touch friends [may] drop me a line at <[email protected]>.”
Michael S. Balaban WG’88, senior vice president of Lowe Enterprises Mid-Atlantic, a real-estate management, investment and development firm in Tysons Corner, Va., in February was named executive vice president.
Kathy Kay Brown Nu’88 GNu’91, her husband, Edward, and big sister, Allison, would like to announce the birth of the “almost millennium baby,” Alexandra Kay Brown, on 11:47 p.m., Dec. 30. Kathy is working as a senior health-care consultant for Health Care Visions and is also a professor at Duquesne University. Ed is a financial consultant for Merrill Lynch—while Allison is a full-time two year old! Please keep in touch via e-mail at <[email protected]>.
Suzanne Castano Foy C’88 <[email protected]> has “been busy personally, academically and professionally for the past couple of years, so I finally have some news. I married Donald Foy on New Year’s Eve 1998 and completed an MBA at Georgia State, May 1999. I am currently working for Cox Communications (a provider of cable TV, telephone and Internet services) as director of customer care technology and am living in Atlanta. My home Web site is (www.foyhouse.com).”
Girish Pancha GEE’88, writes from San Francisco that he has founded an Internet startup, Zimba, after spending eight years at Oracle and, most recently, two at Informatica as vice president of R&D.
Elisabeth Preston C’88 <[email protected]> married Oliver Abergel in December 1998. Both are lawyers in Ottawa; she is an associate with McCarthy Tetrault, specializing in high-tech business law and telecommunications, and he is a criminal-defense attorney. They are also pleased to announce the arrival in August of a boy, Bart; weighing in at 1100 lbs., he is an eight-year-old dark bay thoroughbred gelding that joins an outrageous number of cats and dogs at the Abergel-Preston home. Elisabeth would love to hear from old friends.
Mary Rhodes C’88 and her husband, Scott, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Cecilia Casey on Jan. 24. The family lives in Tennessee where Mary is a stay-at-home mom. Old friends are invited to send e-mail to <[email protected]>.
Peter Semone C’88 “ventured off to Asia after Penn and has never returned to America, except for a brief two years at Cornell,” where he received a master’s degree in tourism and destination development. In the early nineties he founded P. T. Bali Triloka Candra, which manages travel and tourism logistics throughout the 17,000-island Indonesian archipelago. He lives on the island paradise of Bali and frequently travels throughout Indonesia and Asia. He can be contacted at <[email protected]> or <[email protected]>.
Robert Alpern W’89 <[email protected]> and his wife, Cara, proudly announce the birth of their first child, Lena Dorothy, on Dec. 30. The family, including chocolate lab Mandy, lives in Cincinnati. Rob recently was promoted to vice president at Eagle Realty Group, where he manages the brokerage and property management division. Cara is an artist specializing in abstract prints.
Julieta Cristal W’89 left her post at Young & Rubicam after 10 years there and in November joined Grey Advertising, with responsibility for pharmaceutical advertising for GlaxoWellcome. She also recently bought her first home in New Rochelle, N.Y.
A. Lyn Escobar Nu’89 announces her engagement to Joseph Kopal. She is a senior clinical analyst on the emerging-technologies Web team of Sentara Healthcare in Virginia Beach, Va.; and he is a television producer for the Christian Broadcasting Network. The wedding is planned for September in Virginia Beach.
David P. France C’89 e-mails “to inform my fellow alums that I am now working as a freelance researcher and booker for MSNBC, dayside and weekends. This change comes after a short stint as a production intern with the Charlie Rose show at Bloomberg world headquarters in New York. After beginning the JD-MBA program at Tulane University in 1992, I finally graduated in May last year. Yippee!”
Esmeralda Galan C’89 <[email protected]>, formerly managing editor of Molecular Pharmacology at Emory University, recently moved to the American Cancer Society in Atlanta and is now a book editor in their publishing division.
Avis M. Kinard W’89 <[email protected]> e-mails that “after having military assignments as a JAG officer in the U.K., South Korea and Hawaii, I have returned to the mainland (San Antonio, Texas) to serve as an Air Force medical-law consultant.”
Nona Balaban Kroll C’89 and her husband, Dr. Spencer Kroll, announce the birth of their daughter, Juliana Isabel Kroll, on Feb. 10. She joins big sister, Ariel, who turned three in December. The family lives in Bethesda, Md. Nona is the in-house counsel for Visual Networks, Inc., a high-tech communications company <[email protected]>, and Spencer is an internist in Washington.
John Jacoppi C’89 took a new position as director, business information, CNS at Janssen Pharmaceutica, a division of Johnson & Johnson based in Titusville, N.J. He and his wife, Necole Thurber Jacoppi C’88, will move to Holland, Pa., with their 5-year old son, Spencer, in April.
Dr. Janet Kobrin Watson C’89 G’89 <[email protected]> is on the faculty of the history department at the University of Connecticut at Storrs. While at graduate school at Stanford, she met her husband, Lane Watson, now an attorney in Hartford. They were married in 1993, with a dozen or so Penn alums making the trip up to Lake George for the wedding. Their first son, Ben, was born in 1996; he now has a little brother, Timothy, born last July.
J. Bradley Boericke L’90, an associate in the Philadelphia law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, was elected partner in January; he concentrates on banking and financial-regulation law.
Daniel Cortes W’90 <[email protected]> lives in Bogota and works for Banco Santander as treasury vice president. He has been married to Carolina Escobar for four years and they have a 10-month old boy.
Will Fox C’90 WG’96 recently accepted a position with Yantra (www.yantra.com), an Internet infrastructure firm in the Boston area, as director of business development. He develops their ASP strategy, as well working on other initiatives. “Although I have truly enjoyed my 3+ years at Bain, this is an exciting new opportunity. Also, Carolyn and I will stay in our current apartment in Boston, so please call if you are in the area (617) 262-0326.”
Jared Freedberg C’90 <[email protected]> e-mails that “after practicing in a corporate law firm environment for the past six years, I recently discarded my timesheets to join an Internet start-up firm, Cutler Systems Management, where I am director of strategic alliances and general counsel. Cutler provides outsourced Web application management solutions for corporate organizations. My wife, Rachel, and I live in Basking Ridge, N.J., and celebrated our third wedding anniversary in March.”
Jackie Greene C’90 married Josh Orenstein WG’95 on May 30, 1999. “After a post-wedding-day softball game, we left for Hawaii where we had an incredible time.” There were many Penn alums at the wedding, including Jackie’s sister, Rabbi Lisa Greene W’87 (who officiated), Judith Silverman C’90 GEd’97 (director of admissions for the Graduate School of Education), Suzanne Fischbein Rosenberg C’90, Jennifer Dominitz C’90, Samantha Marks Gordon W’91, Ehud Gelblum EE/W’90, Jared Freedberg C’90, Dr. Margo Freedberg C’90 D’94, Rabbi Joel Sisenwine C’90, Joel Todd Schwartz EAS/W’90, Nancy Davis Brener C’90 and Jason Brener C’90, Mark Salamon C’89, Liz Miller W’89 WG’95, Steve Kaufman C’86, Vera Wu WG’95, Josh Lipchin WG’95, Marc Weinstein L’93, Rob Herzog WG’95, Mark Hastings WG’95, Dan Cummings WG’95, Scott Surek G’95 WG’95, Doug Rosefsky WG’95, Len Kaplan WG’95, Rabbi Faith Smith Dantowitz EAS’87, Deborah E. Gilbert Smith Nu’60, Sam Turkus Jr. W’32, Bill Golden W’45, Susan Evans GNu’67, John Levi W’59, Arnold Palmer W’53 WG’53, Fred Fraenkel WG’73 and Ed Weinstein WG’58. Since she graduated from Kellogg in 1995, Jackie has worked at Deloitte Consulting, focusing on the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Josh is the assistant consumer marketing director at Time Inc.’s Teen People magazine.
Jennifer Larraguibel Gross C’90 married Blake Gross at the Wee Kirk o’ the Heather in Las Vegas on Nov. 4. She is a reference librarian and assistant professor at the William S. Boyd School of Law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas <[email protected]>. He is an audit chemist with the I.T. Corporation. They met in Columbus, Ohio, and have lived in Las Vegas since 1998.
Glenn Kaufman W’90 <[email protected]>, who is a principal with American Securities Capital Partners in New York, will marry Kim Strauss this May in Miami.
Dr. Patricia Marin C’90 obtained her master’s from the University of Vermont and her Ph.D. in higher education policy from the University of Maryland. Penn was well represented at her Ph.D. graduation party last spring. She is currently working in Washington in the Office of Minorities in Higher Education at the American Council on Education. And she serves as the first president of Penn’s Association of Latino Alumni (ALA).
Barbara McGrath C’90 GEd’91 and Dr. Jeff Chen C’90 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Waverly Jade Chen, on April 11, 1999. Jeff is an anesthesiologist with the Pinnacle Health System in Harrisburg, Pa.; and Barb is a manufacturing systems designer with Hershey Foods.
Whitney Morrill C’90 is organizing a reunion of her 1990 DOE 410 classmates this Alumni Weekend; contact her via e-mail at <[email protected]>.
Steven Powell EAS’90 was promoted to engineering manager of the hydraulics business unit at the Parflex division of Parker Hannifin <[email protected]>. He received his MBA from University of Houston in 1995. “Nora and I moved back to Cleveland from Texas in 1996 to start family in proximity of our parents and brothers. Currently we have two sons, Morgan (almost three) and Evan (one).”
Kirk Pulley W’90 has joined the Los Angeles corporate-finance office of Goldman Sachs and continues to live in Manhattan Beach.
Karen Rasmussen C’90 was promoted to vice president and account group supervisor at Pace, Inc., a pharmaceutical marketing and communications firm that is part of Lowe Healthcare World Wide. She and her partner, Karen Schuler Hill, live northwest of NYC in Lake Mohawk, N.J.
David Sapery C’90 <[email protected]> has joined the Arlington, Va., office of Internosis as a senior systems architect in the Microsoft practice. He and his wife, Fern Abrams EAS’90, live in Vienna with their spoiled cats.
Adam B. Sherr C’90 GEd’00 married Sarah Jayne Walters Sherr Nu’98 in her home town of York, Pa., on July 17. “Sarah’s dad was among the three clergy officiating at the wedding. We had a plethora of alums in attendance.” The best man was George W. Schafer EAS’89,and the parents of the groom, Dr. David Sherr C’66 GEE’68 GrE’74and Bonnie Bechtel Sherr CW’65 GEng’70, his sister Abigail Sherr C’94 G’95 and his maternal grandfather, Aaron Bechtel C’31,attended. Many Penn staff and these alumni were there: Markus Barone EAS’89, Kerry Vallance Bauerle C’90, Gary Brodbeck WEv’95 and Kristin DiMezzes Brodbeck C’94, Sylvia Caram EAS’99, R. Greer Cheeseman III EE’77, Ashley Collins C’98, Ryan Crocetto C’99, Sy Damle EAS/W’99, Matthew Dunn EAS’98, Lourdes Echevarria C’94, Linda Favinger Nu’98, John Fincke C’92, Sarah Floyd Nu’98, Jamaal Garnett W’00, Jeffrey Greenhouse W’99, Kushol Gupta C’97, Meryl Mendelsohn Gupta C’97 V’01, Richard Gusick C’89 GEd’91, Catherine Hardy Pakaluk C’98, Dianella Howarth C’97, Fred Jauss C’99 G’99, Antoine Jones C’99, Michael Kasdan EE’96 and Ilena Olster Kasdan C/Nu’98, Kimberly Klimczuk C’99, Tina Lacuesta Nu’99, Eric Lammers C’87, Dawn Lanzalotti C’96, Lindsay Lion C’98 GEd’99, Thomas MacDonald G’99, Kenneth MacFarlane C/EAS’94, Dr. Charles Maddow C’94 and Debra Trueger Maddow C’97, Jennie Rosenbaum Matthews C’94 and Patrick Matthews C/W’93, Maura Moran Nu’98, Edward Munoz W’89, David Nemeth CGS’89, Jeffrey Porten C’90 G’90, Marshall Presser C’66 G’79, Mark Resnick GEE’66, Mary Ann H. Resnick OT’67, Trish Quarmby W’97, David Rubin W’91, Dr. Charles Terry C’90 GM’98 and Ivan Walrath C’91. Adam is currently employed in the campus dining-
services offices of the University where he manages meal contracts and technology. Sarah is a staff nurse at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. “We have enjoyed many Penn weddings as guests as well during the past few years, most recently Ilena Olster to Michael Kasdan in January. We can be reached at <[email protected]>.”
Michael Tow W’90 <[email protected]> recently began a new job as an in-house counsel at Micros Systems, Inc., which provides software and hardware solutions to the restaurant, hotel, and leisure and entertainment industries. Michael lives in Columbia, Md., with his wife, Debbie, and two sons, Seth and Josh.
Kristin Clark Vaccaro Nu’90 <[email protected]> lives in Kennebunk, Maine, working as a nurse practitioner in a pediatric practice. She and her husband, Leslie, have two sons, Noah (five) and Isaac (18 months).
Kristin Smith Cahn von Seelen C’91 married Dr. Ulf Cahn von Seelen Gr’97 in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., last October. Attending the wedding were Kristin’s mother, Flora Peterson Smith SAMP’56,bridesmaid Rachel Kneeshaw W’93, groomsmen Dr. Luca Bogoni Gr’95 and Dr. Hany Farid Gr’97, and Dr. Jana Kosecká Gr’96, Dr. Milos Zefran GEng’95 Gr’96 and Dr. Barbara DiEugenio GEng’90 Gr’93. “We missed Sara Falkinham Maxwell C’91, whose daughter, Gracie, was born just before our wedding, but were in frequent e-mail contact, commiserating and congratulating, during the busy months leading up to both events. Ulf and I are living in Radnor, Pa. He is a computer scientist at Sensar, Inc., a start-up in Moorestown, N.J., developing iris biometrics systems. I’m a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at Penn, writing my dissertation and hoping to graduate in 2001. I can be reached at <[email protected]>.”
Capt. Timothy Dunster W’91 <[email protected]> e-mails that “after nearly five years in Germany, my wife, Amy, and I returned to the U.S. for me to work with the White House Communications Agency in Washington. Named best financial analyst in the Air Force for 1998, I remain on active duty and provide presidential-communications support and military-budget expertise for the agency. I am also pleased that I finished my MBA from Colorado State University in August.”
Mitch Gordon C’91 recently executed a merger of his L.A. based company with two other e-business organizations to form Spectria, where he serves as chief operating officer: it delivers e-commerce, business intelligence and knowledge-management solutions to various Fortune 1000 companies (www.spectria.com). He and his wife, Dawn, are “living happily alongside The Strand in Hermosa Beach.”
Thomas Hayes EAS’91 and Zerlina Chen Hayes EAS/W’92 were married in Napa, Calif., last April. Adine Nahum Frank EAS/W’92and Kiki Li EAS/W’92 were bridesmaids, and Ken Norris C’91 a groomsman. Penn guests included Katie Hayes Whitman EAS’87, Marina Sieh C’92, Kirsten Peters Nathanson C’92, Sandy Lee C’92, Victor Ng C/W’91, Victor Lopez W’92, Ed Goldstein W’90, Adam Borneleit C/W’90, David Spyra EAS/W’92 and Rich Yang C/W’91. Thomas and Zerlina live in San Francisco, where he picks stocks for Davis Skaggs Investment Management and she works for Internet startup Productopia.
Stephanie Renee McNeal W’91 was cast in the world premiere of The Hidden Sky, a musical based on a short story by Ursula K. LeGuin. The show was being produced by the Prince Music Theater (formerly the American Music Theater Festival) and was scheduled to run in Philadelphia, Feb. 29 to March 19. “Early talk say the show is bound for a stint in the Big Apple, so keep your ears peeled for more news.”
Ciara O’Connell C’91 <[email protected]> and her husband, John Nowaczyk, are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Ryan Francis Nowaczyk; born 10 weeks premature on Sept. 26, he weighed only 3 lbs. at birth, but in February tipped “the scales at nearly 10 lbs. and is very healthy.” In addition to Ryan, Ciara and John are nurturing their “other baby,” a recently launched company, Augur Financial Analysis, Inc. (www.augurfinancial.com), which provides analytical services for corporate finance. Located in Wilmington, Del., it is a member of The Project Capital Group, LLC.
Dorit Opher Shapiro C’91 <[email protected]> and Jeffrey Shapiro welcome their daughter, Mara Jordan Shapiro, on Feb. 8. Mom, Dad and Mara are all doing great, and living in suburban Maryland.
Audrey Chang C’92 married Michael Vernick at Meridian House in Washington, on June 19, 1999. “It was a beautiful spring afternoon, exceptional for that time of year in D.C.” The groom comes from a family of Penn alums: parents Jerome Vernick C’58 and Sandra Barenbaum Vernick CW’64, grandparents Herman M. Barenbaum W’32 L’35 and Ethel S. Barenbaum Ed’33 L’36, and Morris Vernick W’29 L’32, and uncle Dr. Richard Vernick C’63. Audrey’s classmate and close friend, Adine Nahum Frank EAS/W’92, was a bridesmaid. Other alums attending included Deborah Bass C’92, Elissa Laitin EAS’93, Cindy Lin C’92, Leslie Schneider C’92, Tracy Work Bowen Nu’94 and Stefanie Hsu W’99. The couple honeymooned in Paris and Bordeaux; they live in Washington, where Audrey works at Burson-Marsteller and Mike is an attorney with Hogan & Hartson.
Suzanne Weiss Doft C’92 and Jacob W. Doft W’91 are pleased to announce the birth of their second child, Dara Minnie Doft, on Feb. 24; she weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz.
Courtney J. Gerber GEd’92 is engaged to Christopher E. Kunzelmann; they will marry on June 3. She is the vice president of corporate marketing and foundation relations for The Welfare to Work Partnership in Washington.
Dr. Noreen Reilly Harrington C’92 and her husband, Dr. Joseph Harrington, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Joseph Timothy, on Dec. 17, at 10:11 p.m. He was 7 lbs., 12 oz., and 20 inches. Noreen is a clinical psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and serves on the faculty at Harvard Medical School. Joe is chief resident in Internal Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and this July will join a private practice in the Boston area.
Peter A. Jones L’92 was recently named partner in the law firm of Bond, Schoeneck & King LLP, which is based in Syracuse, N.Y.; he is a member of its labor department.
Susan Orman Schnall C’92 and Rick Schnall W’91 “just moved to the Bay Area from Manhattan in February and so far we love it. I recently changed jobs, and now am director of product management for GiftEmporia.com, an online neighborhood of the best specialty shops from around the country. It’s amazing being part of a startup in this environment, and I’m really enjoying my work. I would be happy to give personal gift ideas (and maybe a gift certificate) to anyone who’s interested. You can e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”
Ali Jacobs Wice C’92 and Bobby are returning to New England after more than five years in the South. Living in Stamford, Conn., she is an associate at Cummings & Lockwood, practicing employment law.
Dr. Julio Arias C’93 <[email protected]> married Moe Petterson on Sept. 4 in Panama City, where Julio is a doctor. Keith Waxelman C’93 (groomsman), Barry Bruskin C/EAS’93, Paul Modlinger C’93 and his wife, Jennifer, Fred Dold C’93 and his fiancée, Nora, and Andrew Shapiro W’94 and his fiancée, Suzanne, made the trip to join the festivities. “The fact that they all made the trip to Panama to be with us in our celebration made us feel truly special.”
Kimberly R. Barber-Keys EAS’93 <[email protected]> and Bryan J. Keys C’90 have relocated to Knoxville, Tenn. She is an operations consultant for Kimberly-Clark Corporation and Bryan is a purchasing manager with Telex.
Steven DeMott W’93 and Helen LaRose DeMott Nu’94 announce the birth of their first child, Christopher, on Dec. 31. They recently relocated to Drexel Hill, Pa., after Steve earned an MBA from the Katz School of the University of Pittsburgh. He is a financial analyst at PECO Energy <[email protected]>, and Helen is a psychiatric clinical-nurse specialist; she earned an MS from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1998.
Margot Dobies C/Nu’93 married Peter Lutz in Rochester, N.Y., on July 10, with the reception at Margot’s parents’ home; they honeymooned in the Napa Valley. Elizabeth Prechtel Nu’93 GNu’97, Anne Herzog Nu’93 and Robin Kochie-Ramos C’93 participated in the wedding. Other alumni attending included Alexi Lee C’93 and Jennifer Meyer Nu’93. “It was great to see everyone again.” Margot is a project coordinator of clinical trials for a neurology group at the University of Rochester Medical Center and Peter is a real estate lawyer; they live in Rochester.
Dr. Stuart J. Elkowitz W’93 <[email protected]> is currently doing his orthopedic-surgery residency at the New York University-Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York.
Tara Heydt C’93 <[email protected]> is pleased to announce her engagement to Jon P. Stoddard. She is an associate attorney specializing in insurance coverage and business litigation in downtown Los Angeles, and he is payroll and budget supervisor for the fleet division of Princess Cruises in Century City. They met through mutual friends, and now live together in Sherman Oaks. “No plans are set yet, due to the logistic problems of families on both coasts.”
Lt. Joseph M. Hoffmann C’93 <[email protected]> is a Naval aviator, finishing his first operational squadron. Highlights include two deployments to Iraq, graduation from Top Gun, and the birth of his sons, Jake and Will. Joe and his wife, Susan, will move to Boston where he will be a professor of naval science at Boston University.
Michael Lehman W’93 is a vice president at Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette in New York.
Aron M. Mandl C’93 e-mails that it was a busy couple of months at the beginning of this year. “First, my wife, Chaia, and I are pleased to announce the birth of our son, Shmuel Meir (in Hebrew), Samuel Harrison Mandl (in English), on Jan. 25; we call him Sammy. Also, I am pleased to announce the opening of my own law practice, The Law Office of Aron M. Mandl, P.A., in Bay Harbor Islands, Fla. It is a general practice, but we concentrate in real estate, wills & trusts, family law, and civil litigation. Chaia and I and Sammy live in North Miami Beach. I’d love to hear from old Penn friends with whom I have fallen out of touch. <[email protected]>.”
Erica Lindner Mobasser C’93 and Dr. Jean-Pierre Mobasser C’93write that their son, Dillon Carter, was born on March 3, 1999. Jean-Pierre is a neurosurgical resident at University of Tennessee at Memphis.
Josh Piven C’93 recently married Christine Ogilvie in Philadelphia, “with Mann Shoffner EAS’93 and Emilie Sinkler C’93 as my ‘best people.’ Also attending were ushers Art Butcher C’92, Eric Lombardini C’93 and Mac Butcher C’89, as well as Brent Garcia C’92. My recent book, The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook,is a bestseller and I am currently working on a sequel.” (See p.61 for more on the book.)
Julie Avila Stuckmann W’93 e-mails that “a lot has happened to me and my husband, Scott Stuckmann, over the last six months. We got married in Atlanta on Oct. 9, and on the career front, I was promoted in February to brand business-development manager of colas for the south-Atlantic region of The Coca-Cola Company. My husband was also promoted last fall and is brand manager of Fruitopia, Minute Maid sodas and Citra. Despite the massive layoffs at Coke, we’re still here. After all the turmoil at work, we decided to build our dream house in Atlanta, which will be finished by May; we can’t wait to see the finished house. If any of my friends come to Atlanta, give us a call. I look forward to hearing from my old friends: please e-mail me at <[email protected]>.”
Michelle Feldman Teitelbaum EAS’93 and Dr. Jonathan Teitelbaum M’93 <[email protected]> proudly annnounce the birth of their first daughter, Gillian Anne, on Nov. 28. Everyone is doing great in their new home in Marlboro, N.J.
Eric Barker C’94 <[email protected]> e-mails that “my film, Hitman’s Run, is currently available for rent in video stores and for sale in many retail shops, including Amazon.com.” In April, he gave a presentation for performing-arts students.
Michael Capell C/EAS’94 <[email protected]> announces “my engagement to high-school sweetheart, Stacey Joy Brideau. We plan to get married in the fall, near our new townhouse in Northern Virginia.”
Brighid Brooks Kelly C’94 <raybrigkelly@eircom .net> married Raymond Kelly on Sept. 17 in the Philadelphia area and held their reception at the Hotel Dupont, in Wilmington, Del. They now live in Ireland, where Brighid is working on her Ph.D. at Trinity College and Raymond is joint owner and CEO of an oil-distribution business. Her bridesmaids included Allahan Lee Boich C’95, Frances Burden C’96, Eva Leung C’94 and Jennifer Parish C’94. Michele Commercio Gr’04, who is working on a Ph.D. in political science at Penn, was also a bridesmaid. Also at the wedding were Misha Amagasu C’94, Melanie Lee C’94, Rocky Lee WG’95, Megan McArdle C’94, Michelle Gochoco-McQuistin C’94 and Anna Saurbier C’94. Several past and present HUP doctors also attended, including Brighid’s father, Dr. John Brooks GM’78, Raymond’s brother, Dr. Cathal Kelly, Dr. Richard Cheney GM’87, Dr. Ted Enterline M’44 GM’50, Dr. John Tomaszewski M’77 GM’83, Dr. Satish Velagapudi M’86 GM’92, Dr. Sabrina Yum GM’96 and Dr. Paul Zhang.
Raj Khokha W’94 <[email protected]> married Gauri Sohoni in Pune, India, on Dec. 27. Attending the various wedding festivities were Eric Brotman C’94, Barry Freeman W’94, Jay Yepuri C’94, Roy Sehgal W’96, Arif Joshi W’98, Gauri’s sister, Reshma Sohoni EAS’98, and Vijai Mohan C’98 GEng’99.
Daniel W. Srsic L’94 <[email protected]> was one of five Columbus, Ohio, attorneys who opened the 29th office of Littler Mendelson, the nationwide labor and employment law firm based in San Francisco. Dan has been in private practice representing management clients in labor, employment and employee-benefits litigation since graduation.
Dr. Michelle Daman Wasserman C’94 received her Ph.D. in clinical child psychology from St. John’s University in New York. Proud family members include parents, Dr. Lauren A. Daman C’68 and Judy Barta Daman CW’70, brothers Jeffrey K. Daman C’97 L’00and Daniel S. Daman, and husband, Ethan J. Wasserman, as well as many more. Michelle’s doctoral thesis was titled “The Effects of Compound Contextual Stimuli on Infant Memory.” She lives in Merion, Pa., and serves as staff psychologist at Woods Services in Langhorne.
Jason Weinzimer C’94 <[email protected]> was engaged to Melissa Connerton in December, and they plan to marry “in November at the Puck Building here in New York, where we live. I work for a public relations and advertising firm, BSMG Worldwide, and live on Orchard Street on the Lower East Side. Melissa is a publicist for the 92nd Street Y.”
Rick Yune W’94 starred in the recent film Snow Falling on Cedars as Kazuo Miyamoto, a war hero turned fisherman on trial for murder.
Judy Atkin C’95 <[email protected]> announces her engagement to Stephen Berkeley. They will be married on May 26, 2001, in Chicago, where they live. Judy is an account executive for the United Jewish Communities and Steve is an associate at the law firm Gomberg, Kane & Fischer, Ltd.
Seth Bloom C’95 <[email protected]> married Elizabeth Meltzer in Wellesley, Mass., on July 31. They honeymooned in Hawaii and currently live in Washington, where he is an associate in the public relations firm Burson-Marsteller and she is a second-year student at Georgetown University Law Center. Groomsmen at the wedding included Daniel Coelho C’95, Michael Manolas C’96 and Todd Shotz C’96. Other alumni attending the wedding were Seth’s father, Joel Bloom C’69, Barry Hurwitz L’94, David Goldsmith C’93 G’93and Wendy Jackler C’94.
Dr. Jim Comey GrEd’95, a freelance writer and coordinator of academic services at Strath Haven Middle School in the Wallingford-Swarthmore (Pa.) school district, had a banner 1999 year. He was awarded two Silver Telly Awards for the video adaptation of his children’s musical play, Wooden Heart. Intended for pre-K through 5 children, it explores dealing with a loss. He was also honored by the Parents’ Choice Foundation in Newtown, Mass., for his audio tape, The Eagle’s Claw. This examines the hurtful nature of name-calling and prejudice, and the healing power of community cooperation. A company he founded, Stages of Imagination, was cited in Teaching Tolerance magazine as one of 12 theatre companies in the country offering important issues for children. To date, over 100,000 children have attended his live, musical productions. For information about his newest play—about anger management—see the Web site (www.stagesofimagination.org).
Christopher D. Cuttone C’95 <[email protected]> is “overworked and underappreciated, overeducated and underpaid,” at his current position as production director and copy editor for a gay and lesbian bimonthly newsmagazine in Portland, Ore. “Bitter and resentful for several days each month” when he mails nearly one quarter of his income to Sallie Mae and other student-loan servicing agencies, he invites e-mail “from other alumni who feel they were misled into paying too much for college by promises of great jobs that would be granted those who attended Ivy League schools.”
Pritam Doshi EAS’95 <[email protected]> married Sohini Patel in Bombay, on Dec. 26. They now live in Chicago where Pritam is completing his MBA at the University of Chicago. Alums who attended the wedding include David Kerko EE’96, Prakash Khemlani C’94, Megumi Kobayashi C’94 G’95 and Nobel Gulati W’94.
Capt. Douglas W. Gavin C’95 serves in the military police battalion at Ft. Stewart in Georgia; previously he was a platoon leader of a MP unit in Korea.
Dr. Eileen M. Everly C’95 <[email protected]> sends a “hello to all from Baltimore. Having gotten my M.D. from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in May, I am pleased to say I am well over halfway through my first year as a resident in pediatrics, at the University of Maryland Medical Center. I love my job, and feel so lucky that I get to take care of kids for the rest of my life. Baltimore is treating me well, though I miss cheesesteaks and soft pretzels. I often come home to Philly on the weekends, and usually find my way to the Penn Bookstore every time. Hope to see lots of you at the Reunion, send e-mail if the spirit moves you.”
Rachel Jacobs Jacobson C’95 is relieved to have finally finished her master’s in expressive therapies at the Netanya campus of Lesley College. “1999 has been as busy year for me, since our daughter, Tzohar Meirav, was born on June 17, and a week later I went right back to interviewing local art therapists for my thesis. After eight months of stay-at-home mommyhood, I am excited to return to work as an art therapist in the children’s ward of Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Husband David and I would love to host any old Penn friends who find themselves here in Jerusalem, so keep in touch at <[email protected]>.”
Jeannette Stankiewicz Kates Nu’95 GNu’97 and her husband, Kevin Kates, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Hannah Lynne, on Nov. 22, weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz.
Carrie MacVean C’95 <[email protected]> was recently engaged to Mark Grimes; a May 2001 wedding is planned, with Nikki Huberfeld C’95 and Stephanie Ghertner C’95 in the wedding party.
Bijal V. Patel C’95 <[email protected]> e-mails that “currently in my intern year at the University of California Irvine internal-medicine program, I realize my Penn education got me where I am today: working insane hours, making about minimum wage, accruing interest on my loans, and watching the sun through the window—all while wearing my Penn sweatshirt.”
Michael Rosenberg L’95 and his wife, Sheryl, had their first baby, Samuel Klein Rosenberg, on Oct. 21. Michael, Sheryl and Sam live together in Lower Merion, Pa.
Daniel Soloway C’95 married Laurie Moldawer C’97 at Tappan Hill in Tarrytown, N.Y., on May 9, 1999. Dan is the son of David Soloway W’63 and Laurie is the daughter of Susan Heart Moldawer CW’68.The wedding party included Gary Kaplan EAS’95, Joyce Cohen C’96, Robert Salama C’96, Melissa Cantor EAS’96 and Rebecca Hornstein C’96. Other alums attending were Daniel Altman C’92, Paul Bannister EAS’98, Holly Fogle W’96, Jeff Lieberman EAS/W’96, Brian Kaplan W’97, Jon King C/EAS’97, Hayley Lattman C’97, John McHugh EAS/W’97, David Quattrone EE’96and Robyn Cort Quattrone C’95, Jeff Reiser C’95 and Dana Brakman Reiser C’95, Bethany Rubin C’98 G’98, Steve Slone W’95, Shelly Waldman C’96, Ira Weidhorn C/W’95, Lori Werfel C/EAS’99, Erik Zamkoff C’94 and Jen Berrent Zamkoff W’93.Since graduating, Dan has been an options market maker, but is currently an exchange official on the American Stock Exchange. Laurie is CEO and founder of Jigsoft, a company that provides virtual-reality solutions to online retailers.
Muhamad Afendi Md Yassin EAS’95 <[email protected]> and his wife, Farah Fazrina Abdul Rauf C’96<[email protected]>, announce the birth of their 3.44kg baby boy, Muhammad Anaqi, on Feb. 5.
Daniel Zola C’95 has just joined the folks at MaMaMedia.com, “a zany, fun, colorful Web site for kids,” as a producer where he “produces (go figure) games and activities for children.” In addition, he has recently moved to a new apartment in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood where he sits in front of his fireplace all day, as the cable TV has not yet been installed. He hopes that all of his Penn friends are doing well, and that everyone else is envious of his lofty position.
Daniel Froehlich C’96 will marry Amy Rhodes C’96 on June 24.
David A. Hitchens C’96 has joined the Philadelphia law firm of Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP, as an associate in its labor and employment law department.
Michael Kasdan EE’96 and Ilena Olster C/Nu’97 finally tied the knot in Verona, N.J., on January 2. Among the wedding party were Josh Raha EE’96, Melissa Kaplan C’96, Tricia Quarmby W’97, Debra Maddow C’97 and Matthew Olster EE’99. Many other of their Penn friends also helped celebrate. Michael and Ilena now live in New York where he is in his second year at NYU School of Law and she is working as a nurse at NYU Medical Center.
Alexandra Lesser C’96 married J. J. Erlichman W’96 in Miami on November 13; they live in Los Angeles. The wedding party included Lauren Blum C’96 (who sent in this note), Robyn Lesser C’95, Joanna Rosenthal C’96, Matthew Sherman C’96, Seth Kraines-Hoffman C’96, Jason Kaplan W’96 and Benji Goldstein C’96. Penn guests included Jordan Katz W’96, Adam Miller C’96, Evan Eisenberg C’96, Adam Rubin EAS’96, Marc Simon C’96, Jared Viders C’96, Jayson Tonkon W’96, Jeff Fluhr EAS/W’96, Eric Tavel EE’96, Joe Piacenti W’96, Sharone Levy C’96, Stacey Weinstein C’96, and Nicole Marshal C’95.
Rachel Levy Lesser C’96 lives in New York and works for Sports Illustrated for Kids magazine at Time Inc. <[email protected]>. “I was married on Dec. 11 to Neil Lesser. Many Penn alumni were present including my father, James Levy C’63. Penn alumni in our wedding party included Steven Goldman W’95, Kara Fishbein Goldman C’96, Penny Feldstein C’96, Tracy Spitzberg C’96 and Jill Levine Levitt C’96.”
Steve Miller W’96 transformed his family’s trophy and engraving company into The Engravable Idea, based in University Heights, Ohio. And he teamed up with Greg Denny C’98, and his fiancée, Beverly Ross W’96, who both started Digital Media Innovations, a Web design and computer network company last summer. PresentedTo.com is a collaborative effort of the two companies.
Linda Fiore Murray C’96 married Win Murray on Oct. 30. She is a consultant with The Advisory Board Company, a health-care strategic research firm, and is helping to launch a new Internet venture in Boston. He is an investment analyst with Colonial Management Associates in Boston. Linda’s bridal party included two Penn friends, matron of honor Lisa Chang C’96 and bridesmaid Rita Ventresca C’96. Other Penn guests at the wedding were Stephen Chen C’96, Jose Martel C’96, Gary Luck C’96 and Bridget Blaney C’95.
Ashley Roach C’96 married Mimi Jordan at the Three Stallion Inn in Randolph, Vt., on Aug. 14. Alumni who attended were Andrew Pruette W’96, Tim Gloege C’96, Samuel McClure C’96 and Michael Shaw W’96. “I am currently employed at Woodbury College in Montpelier as its information-technology coordinator. Upon Mimi’s graduation from law school, we shall return to Denver. Please e-mail and say Hi <[email protected]>.”
Michael Saltzman GAr’96 GRP’97, New York, in charge of marketing in the Newark, N.J., office of The Hillier Group Architects, was promoted to associate in the company.
Andee Friedlander Scioli C’96 married Anthony Scioli C’96 on Aug. 15. Penn alumni at the wedding included Jimmy Friedlander C’99, Adam Scioli C’94 and Corinne Basmeson Scioli C’95 GEd’96, Judi Scioli CW’67, Martin Nisenholtz C’77 ASC’79 and Anne Stockler Nisenholtz C’79, Bill Rosen C’71, Daniel C. Rosen C’99, James Lees C’98, Dr. Justin Soli V’96, Chuck Capaldi C’75,Tamar Polonsky C’96, Jocelyn Arsht C’96, Patti Ducoff C’96,Serena Godwin C’96, Dana Rice C’96, Becky Brown C’96,Jennifer Gillary C’96, Frank Oschell C’96, Mike Shannon C’97,Aaron Erter W’96, Skip Metz EAS’96, Arneek Multani EAS/W’96, Caspar Bentick C’97, Dawn Kulp C’95, Amy Ufberg C’97, Paula Song C’96 and Cindi Brandt CW’67.
Nilesh Bhandari EAS/W’97 GEng’97 is “involved with a startup management-consulting firm, Investor Group Services, that assists private-equity clients with analysis and recommendations for critical investment decisions. We have been on an incredible growth trajectory, and are always looking for people who might be interested in joining our fun and dynamic team.”
Katherine Lehman W’97 is an associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers in New York.
James Mundie C’97 has a work submitted in “Challenge #2,” a juried exhibition of Philadelphia’s Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial. For images and description of his work: (www.fleisher.org).
Lainie Welsh C’97 and Steve Leitzell C’96 L’99 are pleased to announce their engagement; they will marry in Philadelphia, April 2001.
Hindi Wilding-White W’97 <[email protected]> will move to Boston this month to pursue a master’s degree in MIS at Boston University. She had been an IT consultant at American Management Systems, Inc., in Fairfax, Va., since graduation. She would love to hear from alumni living in the Boston area.
Elizabeth A. Conboy Nu’98 moved to Branford, Conn., after graduation. She works fulltime at Yale-New Haven Hospital on a cardiac step-down unit. She lives by herself, but still keeps in close contact with Lucia Palant EAS’98, Jamie Schuller C’98 GEd’99, Gavin Cheong EAS’98, Susan Galle C’97 G’97 and Rebecca Pisano Nu’98.
Lauren Ross C’98 G’99 will marry Jake Feldman C’97 in Rockville, Md., on May 28. This fall she will start on a Ph.D. in applied linguistics at Georgetown University. He is completing a combined juris doctor and master’s in public health at Emory University, graduating in December. They plan to live in the D.C. area.