Tuition Up 3.9 Percent; Overall Costs 3.4 Percent

The cost of a Penn education will, as usual, be higher in the coming academic year—but only slightly. In March, the University trustees approved an increase of 3.4 percent for total student charges (from $31,902 to $32,996), including a 3.9 percent increase for undergraduate tuition and fees (from $24,230 to $25,170), and a 2 percent increase in the average room and board (from $7,672 to $7,826). The percentage of increase is the lowest in three decades.
  “Once again, we have done everything possible to limit the rate of increase for both tuition and fees, and total student charges for our undergraduates,” said Dr. Judith Rodin CW’66, president of the University. “We are committed to keep a Penn undergraduate education as affordable as possible and available to the best and the brightest students in the nation and around the world regardless of their economic circumstances.”

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