Vol. 100, No. 6


Leaving and Coming Back
100 years of Reunion and Commencement coverage.

“Yea-a-a … Who?”
From Class Fights to Spring Flings: a selective guide to Penn traditions.

Alumni Weekend 2002 | Slideshow
This year’s version.

Changing Times
Our fourth Centennial timeline: 1961-1981.

The Student View
What our undergraduate columnists were thinking—and saying in the Gazette.

A Museum of One’s Own
Alumni Judy and Laurence Cutler restored a Gilded Age mansion to display their collection from the Golden Age of American illustration.
By Susan Frith
Plus: “Lauder’s Neue Jewelbox,” by Margot Horwitz.

Youthland and Everything After
History professor Michael Zuckerman on the gains and losses of our recently completed “century of the child.”
An interview by Samuel Hughes


From the Editor
Life on Campus

Hit and misses, pyramids and plagiarism.

Notes From the Undergrad
Esperanza and the Americanas

Alumni Voices
The Magic Pebble

Advice to graduates: “Risk it”
Public schools need remedial work in change
What time bestows—and takes away
On the meaning—and lack thereof—of racial classification
Development and alumni relations VP Virginia Clark resigns
“Oh, isn’t it great to be so protected by a man”
“Inclusion is an indispensable component of excellence”
Who’s minding the machines?
Wilson steps down as IHGT director
MBA student’s murderer receives life sentence
Davis earns National Medal of Science for neutrino research

Off the Shelf 
Think of England. Family secrets.
The Future of Ideas. Who will own the Internet?

Fast and patient wins the race.

Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Alan Wright C’75 | Earth Literacy
Ian Bennett CGS’89 GM’01 | A Labor of Literacy
Marie Savard Nu’70 GrNu’72 M’76 | The Rx Files
Brian Bolten W’96 | A Major League Road Trip
Keith Drake C’77 | The Artist and the Little Red Toy
Major Barnett SW’96 | On a Track to the Past
Bill Danforth GNu’98 | The House Call of the Wild

Alumni Notes
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades
and other personal news


Freshmen v. Sophomores 1905.

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