Superheroes in Scrubs
The Penn Vet and Wharton alumni remaking veterinary emergency care.
New Sheriff in Town
Susan A. Hutson C’89 is Louisiana’s first Black woman sheriff.
Mar|Apr 2023
Alumni Notes
Mar|Apr 2023
Mar|Apr 2023
A Life’s Calling
For Liz Theoharis C’98, activism has been a way of life—from assisting her parents with their justice work, to community service as a Penn undergrad, to cochairing the recent revival of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign of 1968. The Presbyterian minister, social justice leader, and biblical scholar is committed to reframing the narrative around poverty and the poor while pushing for lasting policy changes.
Sir Henry Thornton, On and Off the Rails
Knighted by Britain for his work as the Allies’ “railroad czar” in World War I, the Penn alumnus and Pennsylvania Railroad veteran went on to remake the Canadian National Railways before the Great Depression, poor health, and scandal brought him low.
Global Quakers
Michael L. Barrett EAS’89 is the new Penn Alumni president.
A More Welcoming Penn
Ann Reese CW’74, former president, was celebrated for her tenure.
Working Overtime
Zachary Weiner C’14 cofounded the sports media company Overtime.
A Golden Discovery
Charles Golden Gr’02 is focused on the “everyday world” of the Maya.
Jan|Feb 2023
Alumni Notes
Jan|Feb 2023
Jan|Feb 2023
Through a Window, Darkly
“A litany of sounds floods the room. I sense possibility and my own vulnerability.”
The Final Hunt
Eli Rosenbaum W’76 WG’77 is hunting war criminals in Ukraine.
The Laws of Entertainment
A trio of alumni colleagues have the world of entertainment law covered.
Beyond Senior Year
Raymond John C’08 runs educational nonprofit 12+—and a coffee shop.
Nov|Dec 2002
Alumni Notes
Nov|Dec 2022
Nov|Dec 2022
The Second Chance Game
Football’s timeless win.
Cream of the Crop
Mike Weber WG’20 and Vedant Saboo WG’20 created a tropical fruit-flavored ice cream company.
Language Is Power
Katerina Manoff C’09 W’09 runs a cultural exchange program for Ukraine.