Step Into the Unknown, by Varvàra Fern, 2021

JJ Tiziou C’02 started walking around Philadelphia in 2016. The 100-mile trek tracing the city’s border, which has become a biannual rite, typically takes him between five and 10 days. He’s done it alone, but more often in the company of anyone who cares to join, for some piece of the journey [“The Edge,” May|Jun 2020]. Before striding out on his latest circuit in February, he curated “Walking the Edge,” a themed community exhibit at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education that runs through April 1.

Inviting the public “to share their artistic expression about perimeters, borders, and boundaries along the city of Philadelphia or in other urban landscapes and natural spaces,” the show attracted paintings, photography, sculpture, textiles, and mixed-media contributions from more than 100 artists. Pictured: Step Into the Unknown, by Varvàra Fern, 2021.

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