A new home for WXPN and an upscale “clubhouse” for its fans.
Act of Mann
Singer-songwriter Gabriel Mann
All That Jazz: Keeping the Music Alive
Jazz preserver Michael Cuscuna
Dilettante Has Staying Power
Fingeroth debut delivers.
Composer for Hire
Charles Soule will play—actually, write—your song.
Chamber Music is His Mission
David Yang C’89 GAr’92
Momsense: a Musical Labor of Love
Lisa Golden C’89 and Dana Herman Covey C’88
Marketing the Music … and Everything Else
Ted Chung W’99
He’s Out, In a Hit Show
Robert Gonzalez C’90 aka "Robert Gant"
And For Your Homework Assignment … Led Zeppelin
Paul Green C’01
After the Prelude: Chopin Reconstructed
Music professor completes Chopin prelude.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Booda Velvets
Dan Cromie C’93
He Writes the Songs
David Zippel C’76
But Did They Serve Red and Blue Popcorn?
Matt Rosler C’96
Going For It
How I sang for Billy Joel.
Shadow Selves
Look at Me. A novel of dangerous depths.
Nazi Terror. Evil’s work-a-day world.
Testing, 1, 2, 3—And Please Pass the Mashed Potatoes
Ira Rosen C’88
There’s a Pucker Born Every Minute
Steve Herbst C’67
Cassatt String Quartet begins its second artist-in-residence
The Cassatt Quartet makes music
An Artist’s Life, Set to Music at Penn
Gary Fagin C’73
A Japanese-American Legend Set to Song
Rob Redei C’97
Odes to “Perpetual Childishness”
Jon Gailmor C’70
Monty in Full
Bruce Montgomery is laying down his baton after half a century at Penn. In a spirited interview, he talks about his musical triumphs, tribulations and travels.
Brotherly Love: How Bittersweet the Sound
New life for Hoffman's Brotherly Love