The E-Nose Knows Infections
Electronic nose sniffs out disease.
Head of the Class
On a roll: HUP honored for eighth year.
Repeat Defenders
Football: Can they do it again?
But How Do You Vacuum the Fifty-Yard Line?
Athletics’ AstroTurf auction.
The ICA at 40: Still Blazing Trails
At 40, ICA looks back.
Now Batting: Jim Crow
Negro League Baseball. The business of black baseball.
Thinking Outside the Box Score
The Numbers Game. Stat-boys of summer.
Putting the Lit in Chick Lit
Chick Lit, Quaker style.
Playboy of the West Philly World
The Abbey comes to Annenberg.
Dilettante Has Staying Power
Fingeroth debut delivers.
Briefly Noted
Sept|Oct 2004
Composer for Hire
Charles Soule will play—actually, write—your song.
Don’t Forget Your Meds, Humanoid
Martha Pollack’s Pearl puts artificial intelligence to work.
Closing Time
Edward Peeples’ research preserves “minutiae” of school lockout.
North by South
Phyllis Murray knows what hasn’t changed since Brown v. Board.