The Constant Reader
In his acclaimed 2002 documentary, Stone Reader, Mark Moskowitz used his search for the writer of a novel he admired to create a “Huck Finn story for guys who love books.” Now the lost author is back at work, the film is out on DVD, and Moskowitz is leading the fight to revive other forgotten works.
Sumer and Smoke
From the Editor: Jan|Feb 2003
Cutting Through the Smoke
Caryn Lerman and her colleagues at the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center are hot on the trail of biological, psychological, and social means to counter tobacco’s addictive power.
Second Time Around
A program offered through the College of General Studies allows retirees—Penn alumni and others—to audit courses in the School of Arts and Sciences.
Learning to See Lancaster Avenue
When a suburban commuter finally got out of his car, he found himself viewing an old street—and its people—through new eyes.
Spreading the Words
A century after University Museum archaeologists uncovered thousands of tablets bearing the earliest known form of writing and 25 years after efforts began to compile a dictionary of the language, the Penn Sumerian Dictionary Project is going online.
Homecoming 2002
Slideshow | Game photos and more from Homecoming’s 50th anniversary.
Jan|Feb 2003
Unlocking Doors
Stealing clothes, hanging from fire escapes—it’s all part of growing up.
I*STAR’s Immense Scope
From College Hall | A new center brings all Penn’s resources to bear on terror and other threats.
Doing Time in Armageddon
On guard at Megiddo Prison.
Speaking Out Against War
Faculty “teach-in” and students march against war on Iraq
Assault Allegations Shock Campus
Five charged in assault on Princeton debater
NLRB Rules: Some Grad Students Are Employees
NLRB rules for grad-student union elections
Saving Animals the Minimally Invasive Way with SEVS
Chick Weisse V’98
‘Summit’ Highlights Alumni Presence in Media
Alumni in the media gather in New York for first “summit”
PACE Provides a Medium for the Message
John Gamba Jr. C’92
Making a Commitment to Residential Life
Hassenfeld and Fishers give $11.5 million for Quad renovations
Huntsman Hall: Wharton’s New Nerve Center
Wharton’s $140 million Huntsman Hall opens
More Patients + Fewer Nurses = More Deaths
Fewer nurses means more patient deaths
The (Socially Conscious) Play’s the Thing
Seth Rozin C’86
Three’s Company
2003 Writers House Fellows: Bernstein, Anderson, and Sontag
Hamilton House Makeover
New furniture—and more—for Hamilton House
Taking the Initiative
Penn and Citizens Bank launch $28 million neighborhood initiative