The Constant Reader

In his acclaimed 2002 documentary, Stone Reader, Mark Moskowitz used his search for the writer of a novel he admired to create a “Huck Finn story for guys who love books.” Now the lost author is back at work, the film is out on DVD, and Moskowitz is leading the fight to revive other forgotten works.

Cutting Through the Smoke

Caryn Lerman and her colleagues at the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center are hot on the trail of biological, psychological, and social means to counter tobacco’s addictive power.

Second Time Around

A program offered through the College of General Studies allows retirees—Penn alumni and others—to audit courses in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Spreading the Words

A century after University Museum archaeologists uncovered thousands of tablets bearing the earliest known form of writing and 25 years after efforts began to compile a dictionary of the language, the Penn Sumerian Dictionary Project is going online.