Detecting Media Bias
An AI-powered measure of media bias.
Working Overtime
Zachary Weiner C’14 cofounded the sports media company Overtime.
Adventures in Social Media
“Pro-social” media maker Paul Falzone Gr’08.
Confronting Media Illiteracy
Erin McNeill C’88 champions “media literacy” legislation for schools.
Celebrating Penn on the Web
Matt Rosler C’96
Holding the Media and its Audience Accountable
Media and social justice focus of MLK Day symposium
The Way We Communicate
Media professionals and aspirants meet at second Summit
The Cult of DMD
The view from inside Penn’s digital-media-design major: “We are an annoying, fidgety, break-things-and-fix-it cult—who make horrible noises.” Others might say that the program attracts some of Penn’s brightest, most dedicated, and most creative students.
‘Summit’ Highlights Alumni Presence in Media
Alumni in the media gather in New York for first “summit”
The Media, the Message and the Meaning
Unconventional wisdom from Annenberg's Jamieson.