Sept|Oct 2000
Vol. 99, No. 1
Educating the Public
From the Editor: Sep|Oct 2000
The Education of Pedro Ramos
As a college activist, Pedro Ramos C’87 learned the importance of tenacity. Now he's using it in his drive as Philadelphia's school board president to improve education opportunities for 213,000 children.
Perelman Quad, Complete
A loving restoration of Houston Hall and the new Wynn Commons put the finishing touches to Penn's undergraduate hub.
Audience Participation Requested
How far with the leaders of Penn's arts and cultural institutions go to get people through the doors?
Resistance Fighter
Medical School alumnus and bacteria researcher Dr. Stuart Levy warns against the overuse of antibiotics, a potential public health nightmare for the 21st century.
Hooray for Yeh, alumni weekend, house proud … and more.
In Transit
A daughter and father ponder their next moves.
Hub of the University
From College Hall | Penn’s “historic heart” is beating again, stronger than ever.
East West Marriage Test
Pop Tarts in Hong Kong, dim sum in New York.
Glenn McGee on Brits, Yanks and … Male Birthing
Glenn McGee on his year studying bioethics in Britain.
Rapisarda Leaves Alumni Relations
Rapisarda resigns as alumni relations director.
Peter, We Hardly Knew Ye
Health System CEO leaving after four months.
Family Secrets for Sale? Ask Your Kids (and Offer a Gift)
“The Internet and the Family 2000: The View from Parents/The View from Kids”
The Media, the Message and the Meaning
Unconventional wisdom from Annenberg's Jamieson.
The Substance of Style
Plachy photos kick off Humanities Forum with "style."
IHGT Gets Another Warning from FDA
FDA cites gene lab on animal studies.
Give Them a Place to Boot Up and They’ll Wire the World
Wiring the world, in Mali and India
Roman Corinth: They Came, They Saw, They Digitized
Roman Corinth online
Tracing Twain’s Travels
Following in the footsteps of a literary legend, 100 years later.
Time for Football
Returning veterans promise improvement in Penn’s prospects.