Vol. 96, No. 6
Moderns in the Quad
It was here at Penn that literary giants Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams forged a 60-year friendship—and helped invent modernism.
By Samuel Hughes
Not the Alumni Notes
Underachievers, take heart! Alumni news for the rest of us.
By Caren Lissner
A River of Words
How a lawyer-turned-writer combined his two vocations to help save a river.
By Dennis Drabelle
“Reflections on the Roman World”
More than world-conquering militarists, the Romans were also supremely savvy on business—as evidenced by the University Museum’s Roman glass exhibition.
By Stuart Flemingsepa
From the Editor
Reading and Writing
Philos find fault, unanswered questions on eligibility, rewriting letters.
From College Hall
College houses promise academic support and creative leadership
Notes From the Undergrad
What hamsters can teach about law school — and life.
“Here, Fido, Fido II, Fido III, Fido IV” … New Annenberg Center head named … Sample books cast light on 19th-century bookselling … Thaw between U.S. and Iran? … Law School receives $15 million … Penn men for every month … All-terrain wheelchair prototyped … Student wounded by stray bullet
Wrestling captures third Ivy title.
Off the Shelf
All about everything. Empire of Light.
Football fever in 1960s Dallas. Cotton Bowl Days.
Robert Slutzky’s 50 years of painting.
The Alumni
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades, and other personal news
Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Keith Herrmann | An Executive Collection
Alfred Berkeley III | Opening up the Stock Market
Leslie Mancuso | East Meets West in Pediatric Care
Herb Fenster | Top-Gun Lawyer Aces Pentagon
Doug Glanville | Now Leading Off for the Phillies
Cryptic Crossword by Brit Ray