Have You Heard the One About the Traveling Book-Salesman?
Sample books cast light on 19th-century bookselling
A Wheelchair for All Seasons
All-terrain wheelchair prototyped
Shooting Leaves One Dead and a Penn Student Injured
Student wounded by stray bullet
Twelve Months of Penn Men
Penn men for every month
Iran in the Khatami Era: Cracks in the Wall of Mistrust
Thaw between U.S. and Iran?
Largesse for the Law School
Penn's Law School has received a $15 million gift -- the largest outright gift ever made to an American law school.
Three-peat for Penn’s Wrestlers
Win at Princeton brings third consecutive Ivy championship.
Illuminating the Universe
All about everything. Empire of Light. Football fever in 1960s Dallas. Cotton Bowl Days.
Robert Slutzky's 50 years of painting.
Alumni Notes
April 1998
An Executive Collection
Keith Herrmann
Opening up the Stock Market
Alfred Berkeley III
East Meets West in Pediatric Care
Leslie Mancuso
Top-Gun Lawyer Aces Pentagon
Herb Fenster
Now Leading Off for the Phillies: Doug Glanville
Doug Glanville
April 1998
Apr 1998
Vol. 96, No. 6
Rover Redux?
"Here, Fido, Fido II, Fido III, Fido IV"
Now On Stage at the Annenberg Center: Michael Rose
New Annenberg Center head named