“I remain grateful to the multidisciplinary education and personal attention I received from many of my teachers at Penn … who enriched my experience on learning and problem-solving.”
—Arup Bhattacharyya Gr’66
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Maureen McCauley sent this update about her father, Edward S. McCauley G’49: “My father received his master’s in physics from the University of Pennsylvania. During his career as an electrical engineer, he worked on the backpack communications system for the moon landings and radios for fighter jets and the Trident submarine. He reads a book a day, is an avid and accomplished duplicate bridge player, and a master tomato gardener. He will turn 100 on March 19. He enjoys reading the Gazette.”
Robert Freedman L’54 writes, “After retiring in 2008 from the practice of law for some 60 years, first at the firm of Cohen Shapiro Polisher Shiekman & Cohen and then at Drinker Biddle & Reath (only in America), I and my wife donated our collection of recorded Jewish music begun in 1963 to Penn after signing a Deed of Gift to the Robert Freedman and Molly Freedman Jewish Sound Archive at the University of Pennsylvania vesting title to the sound recordings and ancillary material, books, sheet music, DVDs, and the like. The collection is housed at the Van Pelt Library [“Alumni Profiles,” May|Jun 2018]. I continue to work as curator even now, in spite of the pandemic, as I’m able to access my computer at Penn from home. In other news, New York Yiddish is an annual festival celebrating Yiddish language, music, and the arts. I was honored to be asked to serve on the faculty for the year 2020 to describe why the archive enjoys the premier reputation that it has. More importantly, it gave me the opportunity to bring the archive to the attention of a new audience. Because of a technical problem with Zoom, I had to give my presentation by telephone.”
Steve Glickman W’58 writes, “My 1961 Harvard Law School thesis, ‘A Critique of the Law of Marijuana,’ was obviously prescient with the numerous 2020–2021 legal reversals. Since 1948, I’ve been photographing the ethnic/old-fashioned nooks and crannies of the world, which can be viewed at www.StilledLife.com.”
Joel Levinson Ar’63 writes “When I was a student of architecture at Penn, I was struck with the realization that a new geometric motif was affecting the previously blocky, orthogonal designs of fellow students and our professors. This realization sparked an independent research project that ran parallel with my architecture and interior design practice in Philadelphia. In the fall of 2020, I shifted my attention from writing a book titled The Daring Diagonal: Signature Geometry of the Modern Era and began to create a website called the Daring Diagonal Virtual Museum. The eagle-eyed Dr. Kenneth Ford, a physicist, offered to edit my illustrated essays that appear in the museum’s 33 galleries. My experience as a photographer and published author (The Reluctant Hunter—a novel, 2019) has been of great value in filling the museum galleries with engaging stories. Ike Richman has been promoting the museum and hit the jackpot when Architectural Digest picked up the story and promoted the museum as a ‘must-see experience’ in their online journal. That article led to the story being picked up in South America, the Middle East, and India. Happily, another story about the museum is soon to be published in Germany, a hotbed of diagonality. We welcome ideas and comments as we continue to develop new essays about how the diagonal motif has transformed art and architecture since the beginning of the 20th century. The ‘phenomenon of diagonality’ remains robust today. Although the Daring Diagonal Virtual Museum has been a labor of love for 60 years, a trickle of support has begun to arrive through a GoFundMe campaign that is available through the museum’s website. For comments and suggestions, I can be reached at [email protected]. Dr. Ford and I have been working on book proposals to reach a broader audience. We also look for ways to have the museum’s essays translated into other languages. The museum can be accessed through www.ddvm.org.”
Bill Novelli C’63 ASC’64, cofounder of the public relations firm Porter Novelli and a professor at Georgetown University’s school of business, has written Good Business: The Talk, Fight, Win Way to Change the World. From the press materials, “Good Business, which is part behind-the-scenes look at crafting social and health policy, part inspirational guide, proves that you can do well (creating economic and financial success for yourself and your company or organization) by doing good (helping to solve the world’s and society’s major problems).”
Sandra Lotz Fisher CW’64 GEd’67, copresident of the Class of 1964, and Camille Quarrier Bradford CW’64, class communications director, write, “Penn lost one of its greatest promoters when our copresident of the Class of 1964, Alan Levin C’64 ASC’65 died on July 26, after a valiant fight with cancer. ‘Big Al’ was our humorist and joker par excellence, class motivator, and a dear friend to so many of us. Alan always made you laugh and left you feeling better about life after having spoken with him. Oy! Did we say he liked to talk? The phone and in-person contact were his modus operandi. He would dial, schmooze … and make things happen, at Penn and in life. Alan was the recipient of the 2016 Alumni Award of Merit, in recognition of many years of distinguished service to the University. After his time at Penn, Alan had promised to give back to the University that he felt shaped him in so many ways. He successfully fundraised and recruited Colorado scholars and athletes to attend Penn. It is said all roads from Colorado to West Philly went through Big Al! One time he invited the Penn Singers to perform in Denver when a sudden snowstorm made it impossible for them to return to their hotel. ‘No problem! Let’s have a sleepover.’ So he and his wife, Anna, hosted 20-plus students at their home. (‘They were everywhere!’ Anna said.) He volunteered for the Alumni Interview Program for over a decade and founded the Colorado Ivy+ Career Expo, an innovative career fair. He not only raised Penn’s profile in Colorado by inviting professors to speak and sports teams to play, he often returned to campus to sponsor and take part in seminars at Wharton and other schools. At Homecoming, he competed in alumni swim meets and won in his class. He served as president of the Colorado Alumni Club for 17 years and was a member of the first executive committee of the Council of Regional Alumni Clubs. He was cochair of the 25th and 50th Reunion committees for the Class of 1964 and served as class copresident at the time of his death. Penn seeped into his DNA—and he loved it. He sent this note to classmates when it was medically impossible for him to attend our 55th Reunion: ‘I am very disappointed not to be with you. Something magical happens to me when I reach the Penn campus. I am 21 again. My green, piercing eyes and quick, cat-like movements are back. It feels like 1964 again. This feeling sometimes lasts for as long as three days. Now I can only dream about it. Hoping you all really enjoy yourselves and take advantage of everything Penn has to offer.’ As an undergraduate he was a champion varsity swimmer, played football, was a member of ROTC, Kite and Key, Beta Sigma Rho fraternity, and the Hey Day Committee; served on the Inter-Fraternity Council; wrote the Class Prophecy; and volunteered at the West Philadelphia Tutoring Project. After settling in Denver, where he lived for 55 years, he launched five companies, including Glamorene Rent-O-Mat, the first rug shampoo machine rental company in the country, and Fine Arts Industries, a manufacturer of framed pictures. His two sons, Brian Levin W’94 and Ronald Levin, and his five grandchildren said he supported all of them 100 percent with anything they ever did or needed. To Brian, the younger son, he decreed, ‘You have two choices. You can go to Penn or go to hell!’ Wharton ‘94 it was! Alan, a big man with a big heart, green eyes, and cat-like moves, was generous to everyone. It will be hard to fill the hole in our hearts.”
Dr. Robert Allyn Goldman C’64 has published a new book, The Slammer: A Critique of Prison Overpopulation, A Menacing Flaw in American Culture. He writes, “It is a critical exposition of America’s decaying prison system and a wake-up call for urgent reform.”
Celebrate Your Virtual Reunion, May 14–15, 2021!
Arup Bhattacharyya Gr’66, CEO of ADI Associates, writes, “We’ve been settled in Vermont since 1968, after spending my initial professional years in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, even though the professional activities took me all over this country, Europe, and Asia. I led many an effort to transform the rudimentary silicon-based electronics technology from low-level integration to MSI–>LSI–>VLSI–>ULSI, currently designed and produced in nanometer dimensions. This year, Wikipedia named me to its list of a couple of hundred prolific inventors—who have earned 200 or more worldwide utility patents—for my contributions in electronics (bit.ly/3qDbn1t). I remain grateful to the multidisciplinary education and personal attention I received from many of my teachers at Penn, including Robert Maddin and Professor Brown of the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter; Sol Pollack C’55 Gr’61, professor emeritus of bioengineering; J. Robert Schrieffer Hon’73 and Professor Callen of the physics department; Professor Bolton; Professor Westdorf; and many others who enriched my experience on learning and problem-solving. Lately, my technical consultancy is solely dedicated to promoting and volunteering green science and technology applications to address global warming and sustainability solutions for the US and India (my birthplace). I have been involved and participated in such activities in the US for the past three decades. I’ve also successfully organized and sponsored international conferences in India, advocating green energy solutions to replace fossil fuels.”
Peter Bonventre C’67 has authored a new novel, Where Have You Gone Without Me? Peter is a former editorial director at Entertainment Weekly. He lives in Manhattan and Bronxville, New York, with his wife, Donna Olshan.
Michael E. Egan C’67 was elected a fellow of the Institute of Management Consulting. This fellowship recognizes “a Certified Management Consultant who has demonstrated outstanding service to clients, to the management consulting profession, to the Institute, and to the community through service on nonprofit boards or pro bono work.” Michael writes, “In the past 52 years fewer than 60 professionals have received this honor, and I am very honored to be among them.”
Martin Redish C’67, a law professor at Northwestern University, has been awarded the Daniel J. Meltzer Award from the Association of American Law Schools for his outstanding scholarship and teaching in the area of federal courts. In addition, Martin’s 19th book, Commercial Speech as Free Expression, will be published this spring by Cambridge University Press.
Bobbi Penneys Susselman Laufer CW’68 writes, “I am still selling travel all over the world (not during COVID) and escorting very tiny groups to exotic destinations. Recent groups have visited Madagascar, Borneo, and Tonga. Groups in 2021 will visit Uganda, Rwanda, Zanzibar, and the Marquesas, Austral, and Gambier Islands.”
Fred Price WG’69 has written a new novel under the pseudonym David Hirshberg. It will be released in May from Fig Tree Books. From the publisher, “Jacobo’s Rainbow is an imaginative work of historical, literary fiction … set primarily in the 1960s during the convulsive period of the student protest movements and the Vietnam War. It focuses on the issue of being an outsider, an altogether common circumstance that resonates with readers in today’s America. Written from a Jewish perspective, it speaks to universal truths that affect us all.”
Mark L. Friedman C’70 L’73 writes, “I was appointed to the board of Polen Capital, a Florida-based financial firm with over $30 billion under management.”
Harvey A. Shapiro GRP’70, who has been living and working in Japan since 1970, writes, “November 20 would have been the 100th birthday of the late Professor Ian L. McHarg, founder and longtime chairman of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning at what is now the Weitzman School of Design. In commemoration of McHarg’s birth, I have written a short biography of his life, in Japanese with English synopsis, entitled Professor Ian L. McHarg, His Life and His Quest. It is my way of celebrating his birthday, his long and remarkable life, and introducing him to the broader Japanese public in their language. The book was published in Kyoto, Japan, exactly on McHarg’s 100th birthday. Naturally, much of the content is based on his autobiography, A Quest for Life, published in 1995. My book also includes information about the last few years of his life, as well as my more than three-decade relationship with him as mentor and friend.” Harvey invites alumni contact at [email protected].
Celebrate Your Virtual Reunion, May 14–15, 2021!
Marjorie DelBello GEd’71 GEd’02 writes, “I’ve published a new book, Echoes of Olde Cape May, a history of the historic New Jersey town from the perspective of my very old home (1790) up until modern times. It is available on Amazon, as is my earlier book, Parents of Happy High Achievers, a compendium of advice shared by parents through 30 years of work in gifted education.”
Alima Dolores J. Reardon GEd’71 writes, “My niece Patricia Reardon, the youngest daughter of Francis and Nancy Reardon, married her boyfriend in South Carolina on November 13. Two of her sisters traveled from Illinois to be at the wedding. Although I could not attend, I congratulate the couple!”
Hon. Blaine G. Gibson C’72 writes, “I’ve been elected to my fifth, and last, term as a Superior Court Judge for Yakima County, Washington. This will give me four more years to figure out what I’m going to do when I retire. In addition, my wife Sandi and I recently celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary.”
Susan Dyshel Sommovilla G’74 has published a new book, From Hans to Henry: A Holocaust Survivor’s Story. She writes, “A brother’s disability, a yellow bicycle, a camera, a little black address book, and a pile of German maps all played a role in the challenges faced by a young German Jewish boy named Hans, who survived the Holocaust to make his mark as Henry Arno Froehlich in the business world of American photography. Proceeds of the book benefit the Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania.”
Steven Harlem Gr’75 has written a second book, Correcting America’s Shame: The Failure of Public Education. He writes, “It details the crass indifference to providing educational opportunities to students of color and the impoverished leading to increased poverty, despair, helplessness, violence, and a plethora of social ills. In the book, I address infant education through an anthropological model, while offering additional consequential strategies and reforms for the middle and high school years. Meeting the present needs of those currently denied equal educational opportunities in a realistic way will prepare students for economic and personal success in today’s society.”
David Teece Gr’75 has been appointed executive chairman at Berkeley Research Group (BRG), a global consulting firm headquartered in Emeryville, California. David cofounded BRG in 2010 and previously served as chairman and principal executive officer.
Celebrate Your Virtual Reunion, May 14–15, 2021!
Pam Cipriano HUP’76, dean of the nursing school at University of Virginia, has been honored with a Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Fellowship. Pam is the immediate past president of the American Nurses Association and currently the first vice president of the International Council of Nurses.
Michael P. Malloy L’76 writes, “In October, I virtually attended the 81st Plenary Session of the Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management, UN Economic Commission for Europe. Considerable discussion was focused on proposals for sustainable housing, which is the theme of the Policy Framework for Sustainable Real Estate Market, revised in 2019, for which I was a contributor.”
Rosemarie Scolaro Moser C’76 GEd’77 Gr’81 was presented with the 2020 Alfred M. Wellner Lifetime Achievement Award for Clinical Excellence from the National Register of Health Service Psychologists. Rosemarie is director of the RSM Psychology Center and the Sports Concussion Center of New Jersey.
Lu Anne Tracey Stewart C’77 writes, “My first novel, Digging, was published in December by the independent press Fat Dog Books. Digging tells the story of an idealistic young journalist in the post-Watergate 1970s who risks her life to expose corruption in a small New England town. Although the novel is primarily set in Rhode Island, where I worked as a reporter and editor for seven years, Penn alumni will recognize some familiar locales in West Philadelphia and the Jersey Shore as well. I am grateful to my fellow student editors and reporters at the Daily Pennsylvanian in that era for instilling in me a passion for the field of journalism that ultimately resulted in this book. More information can be found at luannestewartauthor.com.”
M. Kelly Tillery L’79 has written a new book, Sidebar, Too: More Reflections of a Philadelphia Lawyer.
Dr. Andrew Sternlicht C’80 G’81 writes, “Living in Boston, I’m an assistant professor of anesthesiology at Tufts University School of Medicine and I’ve set up two companies: HRx Nursing Care Solutions, a 20-year-old home health nursing agency employing more than 100 people; and more recently, Aisa Pharma, a biopharma development company pursuing a new treatment for patients with a somewhat rare disease called scleroderma and a more common symptom, Raynaud’s disease, which is an abnormal sensitivity and painful condition experienced commonly in the fingertips upon exposure to cold or stress. Raynaud’s is experienced by more than 25 million Americans, and the FDA has never approved a treatment for the condition. Aisa is starting a study in scleroderma patients in Australia in the first quarter of 2021 and will go to the FDA later this year to obtain approval to start a US multicenter study. Aisa has been approached about a possible public offering but has no plans to do so at present.”
Celebrate Your Virtual Reunion, May 14–15, 2021!
Amy S. Albert C’81 writes, “After decades as a magazine writer and editor covering food and the built world, I received an MA in clinical psychology, summa cum laude, from California Southern University. I’m a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in Los Angeles and am doing post-graduate training at the Colorado Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies. I can be reached via my website, amysalbert.com.”
Linda A. Shepherd W’81 writes, “After 39 years of working in the insurance industry as an actuary and insurance executive, I announced my retirement on November 9. I started in the industry before I attended Penn, working summers at Buck Consultants (formerly George B. Buck Consulting Actuaries) in New York City as a retirement calculation clerk. I attended Wharton and obtained a BS in economics with a concentration in actuarial science (I remember the Colonial Penn Center). I was honored to have become the first African American female to become a fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) in 1988. My career included stints at five insurance companies, including chief actuary roles at Prudential (Prupac), Safeco (now part of Liberty Mutual), and Fireman’s Fund/Allianz. I’m looking forward to continuing volunteer work for the CAS and continuing my passion for watching classic films during my retirement years.”
Zenos Frudakis FA’82 GFA’83, a sculptor, was featured in the television show Articulate with Jim Cotter, in an episode called “The Monument Man” (season six, episode nine). The video can be viewed at bit.ly/39KTaIC.
Beth Kephart C’82 has published a new book, Wife, Daughter, Self: A Memoir in Essays, which explores the relationships she has with her Salvadoran-artist husband and her widowed father.
Robin Cohen C’83 L’86 is chair of the new law firm Cohen Ziffer Frenchman & McKenna LLP, based in New York.
Howard Sherman C’84 writes, “My first book, Another Day’s Begun: Thornton Wilder’s Our Town in the 21st Century was published on January 28 by Methuen Drama/Bloomsbury Publishing.”
Kevin Stirling WEv’84 WEv’86 writes, “For the last 10 years or so, I have been making documentary films and have won numerous awards for different projects. Most recently, I produced Go for Landing, a documentary that recalls the final minutes of Apollo 11’s 1969 lunar descent and landing, starring several of NASA’s legendary flight directors, including Gene Kranz, Glynn Lunney, and Milt Windler. The film won the 2019 Platinum NASA Remi Award at the Worldfest-Houston International Film Festival. I am now producing a new television pilot and series, Skylines, showcasing architecture. You can find out more information at www.skylinestvshow.com.”
Joseph A. Zygmunt Jr. C’84 writes, “I’m pleased to share that the second edition of my book Venous Duplex on ultrasound techniques was published in July. I developed a specialized interest in diagnostics and treatment in the field of phlebology (varicose veins and venous insufficiency) starting in 1988, which developed into co-owning and operating three vein clinics for about 20 years. I joined Medtronic in 2008 and have done global education as a subject matter expert since that time, lecturing and teaching on six of the seven continents. Having strong family ties to the Philadelphia area, I am a proud Quaker residing in North Carolina for the past 22 years.”
Karl Racine C’85, the attorney general for the District of Columbia, has been named president of the National Association of Attorneys General, a nonpartisan organization of 56 state and territory attorneys general and their staff.
Celebrate Your Virtual Reunion, May 14–15, 2021!
Howard Givner C’86 see Wendy Ferber W’87 L’93.
Betsy Rubin Glick C’86 writes, “I never imagined that my public relations accomplishments would be recognized internationally, nor that overcoming the challenges and stigma of my childhood hearing loss would be something that I would receive an award for in hopes of setting an example for others who struggle with physical impairments of any kind. The year 2020 was full of surprises—and I’m not only talking about the pandemic! In December, I was awarded the 2020 Joseph Wharton Award from the Wharton Club of DC. I was cited for my most visible accomplishment: working behind the scenes with CBS News on The FBI: Declassified, a six-part fall 2020 primetime series highlighting some of the FBI’s most complex and heroic real efforts to rescue a kidnapped child, disrupt an espionage ring, capture a prolific scam artist, and stop a serial bomber. You can view my acceptance speech on YouTube at bit.ly/39LohUy. I was also named one of the inaugural recipients of Ragan Communications/PR Daily’s ‘Top Women in Communications,’ in the Leader category. I was credited for many acts of service and innovation … from creating a ‘Most Dangerous Accident Corridors’ report at the American Automobile Association; to encouraging people to create a financial safety net with the ‘Life Insurance Isn’t for the People Who Die—It’s for the People Who Live’ campaign; to honoring the World War II generation at the National World War II Memorial campaign; to developing informative Hollywood workshops and victim-focused television public service announcements for the FBI with CBS.”
Arthur H. Saxon Jr. C’86 has been promoted to financial advisor at the Vanguard Group in Scottsdale, Arizona. In March of 2019, he earned the Certified Financial Planner designation. Arthur invites alumni contact at [email protected].
Wendy Ferber W’87 L’93 writes, “On October 25, I was a guest speaker on Larry Bernstein W’87’s ‘What Happens Next in 6 Minutes’ webcast, along with classmates Mitch Feinman C’87 and Howard Givner C’86. In addition, I’ve launched ConnectRcentral, a website for corporate virtual events, to help companies connect with remote employees and clients. Virtual events include games, magic and mentalism, mixology, cooking, laughter yoga, and wine tasting, with many more to come. Check out www.ConnectRcentral.com. I would love to hear from classmates.”
Andrew Spielman C’88 G’90 has rejoined the law firm Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck as a shareholder in its Denver office. As a natural resources attorney, Andrew focuses his legal practice primarily on obtaining and defending development approvals for the energy, mining, and recreation industries.
Timothy Chiu EE’89 W’89 writes, “After almost 13 years working as a product marketing executive at Blue Coat Systems/Symantec Corporation, I joined K2 Cyber Security as vice president of marketing in February of 2019. The company specializes in web application and application workload security and is based in Silicon Valley, California.”
Dr. Michael S. Hanau C’89 writes, “I am a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and assistant professor of psychiatry, part-time, at Harvard Medical School. In November, I was gratified to be designated a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. While my planned trip to Philadelphia for the APA convention in April was cancelled due to COVID-19, I am hoping to be able to visit Penn for my son’s and daughter’s college tours. Email me and we can catch up: [email protected].”
Lynn Festa G’92 Gr’00 has received the Modern Language Association’s James Russell Lowell Prize for her book Fiction Without Humanity: Person, Animal, Thing in Early Enlightenment Literature and Culture (Penn Press). The prize is awarded annually for an outstanding book written by a member of the association. Lynn is a professor of English at Rutgers University–New Brunswick.
Gary Susswein C’92 writes, “After more than a decade managing communications at the University of Texas at Austin, I stepped down as UT’s chief communications officer at the end of 2020 to become a partner at New West Communications. New West is an Austin-based public relations and strategy firm that serves clients in the policy and political space on issues from education and energy to healthcare and growth. I will also continue as a special advisor to the president of UT during the state’s 2021 legislative session. My wife Melanie Rimler Susswein SW’95 and I have now lived in Austin for more than 20 years and raised our two native Texan teenagers here. You can stay in touch with me at [email protected].”
Brad Armistead C’93 W’93 writes, “I’ve cofounded Salivation Snackfoods and launched a line of keto and paleo brownies that are gluten-free and have no added sugar. My business partner and I were first introduced to the keto diet when a friend was using it as part of his treatment of a very serious illness. We quickly realized just how few keto snacks there were, and even fewer that tasted delicious, so we set out to remedy that, and we started with the almighty brownie. Salivation Snackfoods quickly gained traction in the Southern California market and can now be found at health food chains including Erewhon, Bristol Farms, Lassen’s, and Clark’s Nutrition. We also sell direct to consumers on our website, www.salivationsnackfoods.com.”
Kasi Gardner Nu’93, a cardiac nurse at Mercy Health in Springfield, Ohio, volunteered to be one of the first frontline workers vaccinated against COVID-19 in the state of Ohio on December 15. To watch a news clip, visit bit.ly/38dvBHt.
Karen Wilcox Gr’93, a professor and chair of the department of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Utah, has been granted the Founders Award from the American Epilepsy Society. This award recognizes members who have a record of lifetime contributions and accomplishments related to epilepsy.
Kimberly Acquaviva C’94 SW’95 Gr’00, a nursing professor at the University of Virginia who was featured in our Mar|Apr 2020 issue [“Finding Life in Death”], has been named a fellow of the National Academies of Practice for social work.
Jonathan Barnett C’94 G’94 has published Innovators, Firms, and Markets: The Organizational Logic of Intellectual Property (Oxford University Press).
Daniel Farber Huang WG’94 has authored a new book, Practical Cyber Security for Extremely Busy People: Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Your Career from Online Exploitation. He writes, “Written for busy people, this guide is concise and to the point for anyone who uses a computer, mobile phone, or tablet. … Cyber security is not only about protecting governments or companies from spies. It’s so much more, and also so much more personal. … This step-by-step guidebook is filled with helpful screenshots and insightful graphics to make the actions you can take less intimidating, more transparent, and much faster. Real-life case studies bring you into the mindset of both cyber criminals and victims to help you protect what’s most important and valuable to you.”
Brian Levin W’94 see Sandra Lotz Fisher CW’64 GEd’67.
John Miao G’94, director of business development at Brainsy.com, shares that Brainsy now offers full data privacy for consumers on social platforms with its Data Incognito mode. Read more from the company’s press release at bit.ly/37iQHoU.
Laura Yehuda C’94 is a partner and principal at EY (Ernst & Young), specializing in improving employee experiences. She writes, “I help clients across sectors reimagine their organizations for the future by leading change, simplifying the complex, and breaking down silos. My latest blog post offers guidance for business leaders to transform workforce communication: bit.ly/35E9bPT.” Laura lives in New Jersey with her husband and son.
Jon Birger G’95 has written a new book, Make Your Move: The New Science of Dating and Why Women Are in Charge. Backed by scientific research, he explains why women should make the first move in finding “the one.”
Carole Okun SW’95, a psychotherapist in private practice in Albany, New York, has established the Louise Shoemaker Endowed Fellowship, in honor of her mentor, Louise Proehl Shoemaker GrS’65, to Penn’s School of Social Policy and Practice.
Melanie Rimler Susswein SW’95 see Gary Susswein C’92.
Celebrate Your Virtual Reunion, May 14–15, 2021!
Heike K. Sullivan C’96 CGS’98 has been elected a fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel. She is a practice leader for the law firm Ballard Spahr in its private client services group.
Marcy Zipke C’96 writes, “I am currently a professor in the elementary/special education department at Providence College, and my first book will be published in March by Teachers College Press. Playing with Language: Improving Elementary Reading Through Metalinguistic Awareness is written for parents and teachers (or teacher educators) who are interested in how language development interacts with reading ability. It is research-based and includes information on foundational studies in education and linguistics, as well as personal anecdotes and teaching suggestions for working with students in grades K–6.”
Anthonise L. Fields C’98 CGS’04 G’14 LPS’15 writes, “Authority Magazine asked me to participate in an interview alongside C-suite leaders and transformative innovators, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Telling my story is very important to me, as I want others who are pursuing their education and starting out in their careers to see representation of people from various backgrounds and life experiences, and I’m proud to be able to share my journey this way. Penn played a critical role in my success. My tenure was not traditional. I grew up in Brooklyn, and family challenges resulted in my bringing my two sisters to live with me while I finished my undergraduate degree. The Penn community rallied around me and my elementary school sisters, and I graduated with a degree in biological basis of behavior! If there is an opportunity to share my story of turning adversity into triumph and the enabling power of the Penn community, I will jump at it. I currently work at Bristol Myers Squibb and collaborate with Penn and other leading academic institutions to accelerate the science that will result in livesaving solutions.” Anthonise’s interview can be read at bit.ly/35Sq60v.
Dr. Evaline Alessandrini GM’99 has been named executive vice president, chief medical officer, and interim chief operations officer at UC Health, Greater Cincinnati’s academic healthcare system.
Julie Buxbaum C’99 writes, “I just published my sixth novel, Admission, which is a fictional take on the college admissions scandal that rocked the country last year. The book was recently featured in the Los Angeles Times, and my earlier novel, Tell Me Three Things, was a New York Times bestseller. I live in Los Angeles with my husband and two children and love to connect with fellow Penn alumni on Twitter (@juliebux).”
Liz Caskey C’99 is cofounder and CEO of Liz Caskey Culinary and Wine Experiences, which specializes in food- and wine-focused tours of South America [“Alumni Profiles,” Nov|Dec 2007]. Due to the shutdown of international travel brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, she has launched a new endeavor, a podcast titled In Search of Flavor. Find out more about her and her podcast at lizcaskey.com.
Demetrios S. Hadgis C’99 writes, “My wife Nancy and I are thrilled to announce the birth of identical twin boys, William and Nicholas, on November 18 at Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank, New Jersey.” Demetrios, Nancy, and their four sons reside in Rumson, New Jersey.
Matthew Barkan C’00 has been promoted to counsel at the law firm Pryor Cashman. Matthew is a member of the litigation, intellectual property, and media and entertainment groups.
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan C’00 has been elected to a second term as assemblymember for California’s 16th Assembly District, which covers parts of the East Bay Area in Northern California. In her work in the Assembly, Rebecca focuses on climate change, education, women’s reproductive health, gun violence prevention, and criminal justice reform. Rebecca lives in Orinda, California, with her husband and three kids. She invites alumni contact at [email protected].
Kevin V. Dreyer EAS’00 writes, “My wife Anja and I are overjoyed to announce the birth of our son, Hugo Vaughn Dreyer, on June 12. Our five-year-old daughter, Ingrid, couldn’t be more proud to be a big sister.” Kevin is co-chief investment officer at GAMCO Investors in Rye, New York, and the family resides in New York City.
Jordan Rockwell C’00 writes, “My wife Julie and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter, Raisa ‘Raiya’ Linda Rockwell, born on December 3, at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. Her big brother Jack couldn’t be more thrilled, and after this terrible year, finally some hope. Much love, everyone!”
Matthew Schonholz C’00 L’05 has been elected partner at Munger, Tolles & Olson. He practices in the law firm’s Los Angeles office and represents public and private companies, investment funds, founders, C-suite executives, management teams, and portfolio managers in tax and compensation matters.
Lawrence Hershon C’02, an attorney at Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP, has been named to South Carolina Lawyers Weekly’s inaugural class of “Go To Lawyers.”
Erin Wilson C’05 currently serves the White House staff as deputy director of political strategy and outreach. Previously, she was deputy executive director of the 2021 Presidential Inaugural Committee and a former national political director for the Biden–Harris campaign.
Celebrate Your Virtual Reunion, May 14–15, 2021!
Kaveri Arora C’06 has been promoted to counsel at the law firm Pryor Cashman. Kaveri is a member of the litigation, intellectual property, and media and entertainment groups.
Jacqueline A. Rogers C’06 LPS’09, an attorney specializing in mergers and acquisitions litigation, corporate and stockholder disputes, and commercial litigation, has been elected partner at the law firm Potter Anderson & Corroon in Wilmington, Delaware.
Jhanelle A. Graham Caldwell C’07 has been named partner at the law firm Goodell DeVries. She is a member of the firm’s medical malpractice team. In addition, she was selected for Best Lawyers in America’s “Ones to Watch” list for 2021 and was named a “Rising Star” by Maryland Super Lawyers.
Molly E. Crane C’08, an attorney, was elected partner at Blank Rome. She works out of the firm’s Philadelphia office.
Dr. Jin Lee C’08 writes, “I founded FlourishAll.com to help all women flourish by female coaches. I also founded LittleMeetings.com to help kids in preschool and elementary school learn Mandarin online. Please join the Flourish Women’s Online Summit on March 4–5 to learn from expert coaches and therapists.”
Sean-Tamba Matthew C’08, an attorney, has been named a shareholder of the law firm Stevens & Lee.
Christina Kim Suh C’10 has been promoted to counsel at the law firm Tucker Ellis LLP.
Celebrate Your Virtual Reunion, May 14–15, 2021!
Danielle Lemberg L’11 has been promoted to counsel at Seward & Kissel LLP. She is a member of the firm’s business transactions group.
Scott Suozzi GL’11 WEv’11 has been appointed president of the nonprofit Operation New Hope. The organization provides life and job skills training and support for people with a history of involvement with the criminal justice system. Its Ready4Work program places them in employment that offers a sustainable quality of life.
Matthew Chiarello C’12 has published Official Inaugural Medals: A Guide. He writes, “It serves as the definitive collector’s handbook for presidential inaugural commemoratives. The first edition received positive reviews and is in relatively wide circulation.”
Patrick Esmonde GEx’13 is cofounder and CEO of Vestibular First, which makes Insight Infrared Video Goggles. He writes, “Our company just received FDA clearance this past November and our patent in April, and we’re now officially launching our medical device that helps healthcare professionals to accurately and cost effectively diagnose the underlying cause of balance disorders, which affect more than 30 percent of adults over the age of 60. Existing diagnostic tools are cumbersome and cost 6–25 times more, which was the driving force behind designing an affordable and modular platform.”
Erica Hildebrand GEd’13 has been selected by the US Department of State for an English Language Specialist project focusing on remote teacher training in Honduras. Prior to this, she served as a US Department of State English Language Fellow in Sri Lanka, where she trained local teachers.
Jonathan Lazar GL’18, professor of information studies at the University of Maryland, has received the 2020 SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions. This is the highest award given by ACM SIGACCESS (Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing), and it recognizes Jonathan’s 20-plus years of advocacy for digital accessibility.
Terri Broussard Williams SPP’20 has been named senior policy manager of Amazon’s Public Policy–Americas team. As such, Terri is tasked with leading the company’s social justice policy portfolio at the state and local levels. Since 2003, Terri served as a government relations executive at CGI Technologies and Solutions, and as vice president of the American Heart Association’s Southwest affiliate.