Ar Architecture
ASC Annenberg
C College (bachelor’s)
CCC College Collateral Courses
CE Civil Engineering
CGS College of General Studies (till 2008)
Ch Chemistry
ChE Chemical Engineering
CW College for Women (till 1975)
D Dental Medicine
DH Dental Hygiene
EAS Engineering and Applied Science (bachelor’s)
Ed Education
EE Electrical Engineering
FA Fine Arts
G master’s, Arts and Sciences
GAr master’s, Architecture
GCE master’s, Civil Engineering
GCh master’s, Chemical Engineering
GCP master’s, City Planning
GD Dental, post-degree
GEd master’s, Education
GEE master’s, Electrical Engineering
GEng master’s, Engineering and Applied Science
GEx master’s, Engineering Executive
GFA master’s, Fine Arts
GGS master’s, College of General Studies
GL master’s, Law
GLA master’s, Landscape Architecture
GME master’s, Mechanical Engineering
GM Medicine, post-degree
GMt master’s, Metallurgical Engineering
GNu master’s, Nursing
GPU master’s, Governmental Administration
Gr doctorate
GrC doctorate, Civil Engineering
GrE doctorate, Electrical Engineering
GrEd doctorate, Education
GrL doctorate, Law
GrN doctorate, Nursing
GRP master’s, Regional Planning
GrS doctorate, Social Work
GrW doctorate, Wharton
GV Veterinary, post-degree
Hon Honorary
HUP Nurse training (till 1978)
L Law
LAr Landscape Architecture
LPS Liberal and Professional Studies
M Medicine
ME Mechanical Engineering
MT Medical Technology
MtE Metallurgical Engineering
Mu Music
NEd Certificate in Nursing
Nu Nursing (bachelor’s)
OT Occupational Therapy
PSW Pennsylvania School of Social Work
PT Physical Therapy
SAMP School of Allied Medical Professions
SPP Social Policy and Practice (master’s)
SW Social Work (master’s) (till 2005)
V Veterinary Medicine
W Wharton (bachelor’s)
WAM Wharton Advanced Management
WEF Wharton Extension Finance
WEv Wharton Evening School
WG master’s, Wharton
WMP Wharton Management Program