The Power of Her Choices

eLIT founder Safia Rizvi defied expectations when she moved to the U.S., earned a Ph.D., and broke off an arranged marriage. Now she’s helping other women overcome barriers.

Fruits and Fate

Research has shown that a woman’s body shape—whether she is round in the middle like an apple or wider at the bottom like a pear—is the single best predictor of health risks. Dr. Marie Savard wants to get this message out to all women, so that “pears” can give themselves a break from pointless dieting and “apples” can save their own lives.

The Biggest Sister

Big Brothers Big Sisters President Judy Vredenburgh CW’70 is taking the basic formula behind the organization and expanding it to reach a million troubled children across the country.

Learning and Leading

Since her nomination to become the University’s eighth president last winter, Amy Gutmann has spent a lot of time quietly thinking and talking with people about how to move Penn forward. Now she’s eager to get to work.

Growing Movement

At the Charlestown Cooperative Farm, alumna Aimee Kocis is helping preserve valuable farmland from development while keeping 105 area families well supplied with a variety of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables.

Who’s Who on the Savannah

Studying the social knowledge of a troop of baboons in Botswana, Penn researchers Dorothy Cheney and Robert Seyfarth gain insights into monkey cognition—and our own.