Vol. 101, No. 2
Safe Places
As the diversity of Penn’s student population has increased, so have the resources to serve different groups—but not without struggle. Plus: ‘Their Homes Encircle the Globe,” on international students. By John Prendergast
Alumni Voices: The Deluxe Edition
Memories of Penn, from the Class of 1930 to the Class of 2001.
Here, Now
A typical (more or less) day (and night) on (and around) campus.
2006: A Penn Odyssey
A freshman sampler. By Susan Frith
Ad It Up!
The advertisements in the old Gazettes contain some not-so-hidden messages about the campus and the culture at large. By Susan Frith.
Notes From the Undergrad
Who is Brother Stephen?
Marking the first anniversary of 9.11.01
Message to freshmen: “Open your minds, and we’ll open one another’s eyes
Philanthropist Walter Annenberg dead at 94; last gift was $100 million for Annenberg School
Physics professor Ray Davis wins Nobel for work on solar neutrinos
U.S. Marine general Clifford Stanley named new EVP
Penn at #4 in U.S. News & World Report
Carriage House opens as LGBT Center
Music professor completes Chopin prelude
Making “digital dreams” reality in Ghana
School of Engineering and New Bolton Center celebrate milestones
Vet School advance could help save endangered species
Lawsuit over use of inmates as test subjects dismissed
Center for Africana Studies opens
Now playing on 40th Street, movies at the Bridge
Off the Shelf
Darkening Water. New poems from Daniel Hoffman.
The Ornament of the World. When Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived in peace.
Wins and losses past—and lessons learned from both
The 2002 Quakers can score
Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Randy Swartz C’67 | Dance Presenter Plans His Next Moves
Leslie Esdaile W’80 | Vampires, Romance, and Deadlines
Zenos Frudakis FA’82 GFA’83 | Sculpting a Life
Phyllis Wynn Shipman CW’65 | On Target at Any Age
Alumni Notes
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades
and other personal news
A look back—from 2102.