A page from one of Marian Anderson's notebooks
Notebook, ca. 1969-1974, from Discovering Marian Anderson, Penn Libraries. For more information see our related story, Preserving a Pioneer.

Penn Museum
Open with social distancing measures in place. Advanced registration encouraged. Collections are viewable online. Visit the website for virtual clubs, classes, and lectures for families and adults.

Penn Libraries
Jews in Modern Islamic Contexts
In Sight: Seeing the People of the Holy Land
A Raging Wit: The Life and Legacy of Jonathan Swift
Ormandy in China: The Historic 1973 Tour
Marian Anderson: A Life in Song
plus dozens more online

Kelly Writers Housewriting.upenn.edu/wh/
Temporarily closed, but visit the website for links to virtual events, archived programs, PoemTalk podcasts, and the PennSound poetry collection.

Annenberg Center
Live Wax with Christian McBride (online) Tuesdays at 7pm
through Oct. 13
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo (online) Alternate Fridays at noon through Nov. 6

Arthur Ross Gallery
Covid-19 Citizen Challenge (online)

Planned reopening Sep. 25
Milford Graves: A Mind-Body Deal
Sep 25 through Jan 24, 2021

Rx/Museum (online)
Art & Reflection in Medicine

World Café Live
Schedule in flux; see website for up-to-date information.

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