Finding Fado
Fate and longing in Portugal.
Lessons from the Shatterzone
Canaries in coal mines, lands in-between.
Trailing Basho
“Basho would like this.”
Still Life with Dick Van Dyke
What Dick Van Dyke taught me.
Charles Bernstein Versus Verse
Charles Bernstein on his Bollingen Prize and retiring from Penn.
“The Usual Pound Piffle”
Ezra Pound’s Bollingen, and before.
Collective Creation
All together now. Help!
“Every Poem is Political”
Emily Jungmin Yoon C’13’s A Cruelty Special to Our Species.
Mounds of History
Penn Museum program links local residents to Gordion site.
Briefly Noted
May|Jun 2019
Arts Calendar
May|Jun 2019
May|Jun 2019