Fragile Foundations?
Weighing a world of threats at Perry World House.
Slow Burn
Q&A on SP2 economist R. Jisung Park’s Slow Burn.
COP28 and Counting
What Penn (and especially Olivia Fielding C’21) did at COP28.
Forces of Nature
Tom Stoner C’56, Pascal Mittermaier C’89, and Nature Sacred.
Mann in the Middle
Michael E. Mann has been a central figure in the battle for the environment since the “hockey stick” graph made him a target for climate change deniers 25 years ago. Now on Penn’s faculty and heading the Center for Science, Sustainability, and the Media, he’s fending off a new generation of “inactivists” comprised of climate change deflectors on the right and doomists on the left to get out the message that it’s still within our power to save the planet.
The Texas Tax
The Lone Star State fired a shot at banks pursuing ESG policies. Local taxpayers are taking the hit.
Extreme Avoidance
A future of abundant, affordable, sustainable energy is achievable—if politics doesn’t stand in the way.
Sea Stewards
In a pair of new books, on coral reefs and sperm whales, two impassioned ocean lovers offer contrasting visions of how to safeguard its splendors.
Water Everywhere, For Everyone
Water Center focuses on equity.
Data Defenders
Data Refuge project preserves federal data on climate change.
Projecting the Deluge
Albert Slap C’71 and Robert Hubbell W’70 predict flood risk.
The Waymaker
Andy Strauss has spent 25 years preserving land and creating trails to restore natural beauty to blighted landscapes. Now he has a vision for the hardscrabble coal country of northeastern Pennsylvania.
The Long View of Shifting Sea Levels
Penn researchers confirm rising sea levels
The Park of a Thousand Pieces
Penn Praxis has a plan for adding 500 acres of open green space to Philadelphia in the next four years. Their approach, informed by novel research by Penn scholars in areas ranging from real-estate economics to criminology, is a new way of imagining urban parkland.
Historian of Collapse Eyes the Present Day
Collapse author: “Take environmental problems seriously.”
Smart Water
Aakash Mathur C’09 W’09 and Jay Parekh EAS’09
Greener Green
Window, May|Jun 2010
Granting Green
First round of “green grants” announced
Painting a Message of Melting
Diane Burko GFA’69
Food for Thought (and More)
From College Hall: Serving up a new era of environmental responsibility.
There’s a Future in (Recovering) Plastics
Doug Woodring WG’95
“Red and Blue Makes Green”
The University’s new Climate Action Plan is good for the environment—and won’t hurt Penn’s bottom line, either.
A Product of Her Environment
Lisa Nagy C’82
Penn Nabs Green-Power Prize
Penn golden when it comes to green power