Vol. 98, No. 2


Crowns and Confidences
Thomas Evans was the trusted friend of royalty and a secret diplomat with an eye for beauty. Such are the rewards of dentistry.
By Samuel Hughes

High Noon in the ‘Hood
Penn Sociologist Elijah Anderson writes about life at “ground zero,” in the inner city’s most blighted areas. In this excerpt from his new book, a reformed drug dealer turned small businessman attempts to take back a neighborhood corner from his successors in the drug trade. By Elijah Anderson

From Zip to X
How would-be experimental physicist became a cyber-mogul instead.
By Phil Leggiere

Justice in the Bones
When a 15-year-old Philadelphia boy was wrongly accused of rape in a case of mistaken identity, public defender Glenn Gilman C’69 and two Penn anthropologists, Dr. Alan Mann and Dr. Janet Monge Gr’80, combined their expertise to ensure that justice was served.
By Susan Lonkevich


From the Editor
Different Worlds.

Kahn pro-and-con and other architectural arguments, notes on a Note-reader.

Notes From the Undergrad
An intern’s glimpse at history-in-the-making.

Patient in gene-therapy trial diesWriting about travel … and about writing about travel … Three named as Kelly Writers House Fellows“Philosophy with a point” at the Law School … Welcoming the latest greatest classAncient Egyptian mayor’s house uncovered … Constitutional debates on the radioStudy spaces accommodate students 24-7 … New data on drinking: Too much may be less than you thinkUniversity names 
alcohol-programs coordinator
Hispanic center opens.

Off the Shelf 
Raise your bottom line. Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People.

Men’s basketball goes for two. 

Alumni Profiles
A more in-depth look at some of Penn’s outstanding alumni.
Gilbert Casellas L’77 | Countdown to Census 2000
Scott Harris C’96 and Jason Downie W’94 | A Mouthful of Music
Back to the Books, Er, Listserv
Dr. Barney Kenet CGS’84 | The Dirty Little Secret About Bathing
Rebecca Crane Matthias CW’75 | Great Expectations
Robert Detweiler W’35 L’38 | 85, and Still Throwing His Weights Around
Douglas Leferovich C’94 and Seth Yudof EAS’94 | Zootable for Any Audience
Lynda Harnish WG’93 | Something Wick’d This Way Comes

The Alumni
Comings, goings, appointments, promotions, accolades, and other personal news


Double Acrostic.

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