THE REWIND by Allison Winn Scotch C’95 (Berkley, 2022, $17.00.) When college sweethearts Frankie and Ezra broke up before graduation, they vowed to never speak to each other again. Ten years later, they wake up together wearing wedding bands—with no idea how they got there. They have one night on the eve of Y2K to figure it out, and whether they got it wrong the first time. Buy this book

UNDERSTANDABLE ECONOMICS: Because Understanding Our Economy Is Easier Than You Think and More Important Than You Know by Howard Yaruss L’83 (Prometheus, 2022, $26.95.) Why is inequality soaring and what can we do about it? Do tax cuts for the wealthy create jobs or just create more inequality? What causes inflation, how big a problem is it, and how can it be reined in? Yaruss, an economist and professor, answers these questions and more in this entertaining and informative guide. Buy this book

BREAKFAST WITH SENECA: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living
by David Fideler C’84 (W. W. Norton, 2021, $26.95.) Fideler analyzes the most enduring work of Roman philosopher Seneca: more than a hundred of his “Letters from a Stoic,” which explain how to handle adversity; overcome grief, anxiety, and anger; transform setbacks into opportunities for growth; and recognize the true nature of friendship. Buy this book

MAJOR LEAGUE REBELS: Baseball Battles Over Worker’s Rights and American Empire by Rob Elias C’72 and Peter Dreier (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022, $38.00.) History has offered many examples of baseball players who have challenged the status quo. This book profiles players who demanded better working conditions, battled against corporate power, and challenged America’s unjust wars, imperialism, and foreign policy. Buy this book
REBALANCE: How Women Lead, Parent, Partner and Thrive by Lisa Neuberger Fernandez C’95 WG’00, Wendy Jagerson Teleki WG’98, and Monica Brand Engel (Changemakers Books, 2022, $19.95.) At a time when so many are looking to reset their lives, Rebalance explores what it takes to truly thrive full-circle: as purpose-driven leaders, parents, partners, and citizens. Buy this book
THE ADVENTURES OF JELLY BEAN by Amy Meislin Pollack GEd’74 (Austin Macauley, 2022, $11.95.) This middle-grade book tells the story of a forthright fourth grader named Jelly Bean. The challenges she meets include being the youngest in her family and having three older brothers, feeling misunderstood by her parents and teachers, dealing with the death of her beloved grandfather, and more. Buy this book
THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN PHILADELPHIA: History, Culture, People, and Ideas by Andrea Canepari GL’99 and Judith Goode (Temple University Press, 2021, $50.00.) Canepari, a former consul general of Italy in Philadelphia, and Temple professor Judith Goode are editors of this essay collection celebrating the history, impact, and legacy of Philadelphia’s vibrant Italian community. Nearly 250 images explore the changing perspectives and styles of the Italian influence on the City of Brotherly Love. Buy this book
CULTIVATING CREATIVITY by Iain M. Robertson GLA’75 (NYU Press, 2022, $49.95.) In this posthumous book, Robertson, who was a professor of landscape architecture at the University of Washington, offers firsthand accounts of encouraging creative expression in the classroom. The exercises and strategies he shares to awaken creativity can be adapted to suit a variety of disciplines. Buy this book
DRUGS AND THE FDA: Safety, Efficacy, and the Public’s Trust by Dr. Mikkael Sekeres C’91 GM’96 M’96 (MIT Press, 2022, $29.95.) A leading oncologist and former chair of the FDA’s cancer drug advisory committee tells the history of how the FDA was shaped by public health crises and patient advocacy, told against the backdrop of the contentious 2011 hearings on the breast cancer drug Avastin, which put the agency’s system of checks and balances to the test. Buy this book
GIANT OF THE VALLEY by Harry Groome C’63 (The Connelly Press, 2022, $16.00.) This volume contains two novellas. The title work is a tale of a family struggling with the encroaching dementia of its aging patriarch. The Witness follows a revered concert pianist who pays a horrendous price to protect his Muslim granddaughters from being killed or raped during the Bosnian War. Buy this book