Angela Duckworth Snags “Genius Grant”

Angela Duckworth, 2013 MacArthur Fellow

Angela Duckworth, 2013 MacArthur Fellow

Penn psychology assistant professor Angela Duckworth has been named a MacArthur Fellow.

As Gazette contributor (and Boston Globe “Braniac” columnist) Kevin Hartnett wrote in a 2012 feature story, “Duckworth is best known for the study of ‘grit,’ which she defines as ‘perseverance and passion for long-term goals.’ Today grit is a buzzword in the hallways of charter schools around the country, where teachers, principals, and deep-pocketed board members have all come to believe that inculcating grittiness in students is every bit as important as building academic skills.”

Read the whole Gazette profile of Duckworth here.

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