“I hope the country can return to normal health and economics soon, maybe by the time this is printed.”

—Dr. Claude Springer D’54

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Howard C. Story Jr. W’42 turned 100 years old on April 1. To the newly admitted Class of 2024, he writes, “I hope your memories of Penn are as precious to you when you are my age. Congratulations! Hurrah, hurrah, dear Pennsylvania!”


Dr. George Kurz C’50 M’54 GM’55, a retired ophthalmologist, has written Something in Return: Memoirs of a Life in Medicine. As described in the press release, the book “recounts vignettes from his 37 years in ophthalmology. Some are surprising or humorous while others are inspiring, and a few are tragic.”


Dr. Herbert Kean C’52 writes, “My grandson Joseph Kean enrolled in the College, Class of 2023. He is the seventh of the Kean family to enroll within the last 100 years. He joins his sister Jeannette Kean, Class of 2021.”


Shirley Magitson Grallnick Ed’53 shares this poem she wrote, titled “Social Distancing”: “Read the Daily News / But it creates the Blues / The radio—not great fare / Full of medical despair / Left the house / To take a walk / See some folks / And get some talk / Communicate—at a distance / Put up no resistance / It’s still a fact / The need to interact / Sat on a bench / Near the glistening lake / Enjoy whirling sounds / The crows do make / We’ve retreated / To our homes / Read and cook and / Use the phone / Recall the apocalyptic / Books we’ve read / That was fantasy / Now it’s real instead / We’re all in / For a bumpy ride / It’s the black hole / On the unknown side / Sometimes I recall / A Biblical psalm / To raise my spirits / And stay calm / I can write a poem / Release my heart / Drop paint on my palette / Create some art / Peer at the sky / Where the sun still shines / Pray this virus retreats / And the world is fine.”


Dr. Claude Springer D’54 writes, “I retired from my general dental practice in Little Neck, New York, 25 years ago and am now 90 and thankfully in good health—I walk 25 minutes every day and lift weights twice a week. My wife died 14 years ago, and I now have a lady friend. I have four children and five grandchildren, play bridge during normal times, sing in a chorus, and attend a writing class. I have written 2–3,000 poems, some published. I hope the country can return to normal health and economics soon, maybe by the time this is printed.”


Dr. S. Perry Brickman GD’60 writes, “I’m pleased to announce the publication of my new book, Extracted: Rampant Antisemitism in America’s Higher Education. Described as ‘equal parts autobiography and the sleuthing of a history detective,’ Extracted exposes a nationwide conspiracy to curtail Jewish students from entering the dental profession. It identifies the perpetrators and those who enabled them.” Perry received Emory University’s Maker of History Award for exposing religious discrimination at Emory’s dental school where 65 percent of the Jewish students were failed over a 10-year period. He received the Anti-Defamation League Centennial Award “for the courage to speak up, the perseverance to make a difference, the commitment to building a world without hate.”


Barry Moore GAr’65 writes, “I have been honored by the University of Houston’s Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture by the creation of the Barry Moore Endowed Professorship in Historic Preservation. In my 24-year engagement as an adjunct professor, I started the preservation studies program and was proud to see the work of my students in Texas and Mexico recognized locally, statewide, and nationally by the profession.”

Rick Williams C’65 writes, “I live outside of Boston and am using my ‘at home time’ to finish a book, entitled Create the Future—For Your Company and Yourself. The book is a how-to field guide for leaders who want to think creatively about where to take their organizations. It will have leadership team exercises to define the problem, create solutions, and choose the future. The book builds on my experiences as a management consultant and company founder, and I am hoping to bring the planning and decision-making tools used by strategy consulting firms to companies who must rely on their own resources. I expect the book to be published in the fall.”


Evelynn Snyder Caterson CW’67, an attorney, has been reappointed to her fourth term as commissioner on the Atlantic County (NJ) Board of Elections. She was also reelected as chair of the board, a position she has held since 2015.

David Kaplan C’67 writes, “I’m in my 49th year of medical practice, and life continues to be good and meaningful. During my career, I’ve worked in primary care, with group homes for autistic adults, multiple handicapped folk, geriatric patients, and drug addicts. There have been some dark sides in my life, as well—poor decision-making, faulty judgment, and a rather nasty cancer from which I’ve recovered. But what an honor it has been to be allowed to do this work. I’ve received so much from practicing medicine—mostly from being a stranger invited into the intimacy of people’s lives, the satisfaction of being able to successfully treat people, and the ability to have a positive impact in the lives of others. This is quite humbling. It has been especially satisfying to know the many elderly people whom I treat and from whom I continue to learn. Additionally, I’ve had the joy of five children who have now reached adulthood. They have clear moral compasses, communicate well with others, support themselves in these turbulent times, and have not been drawn into the black hole of drugs, alcohol, or crime. And their children seem to be on that course as well. So the joy of my life comes somewhat from my education but mostly by learning from others, belonging to a wonderful family, and by having friends whom I care for and who care for me.”

Dr. Marc Rosenberg C’67 V’71 shares this commentary that he wrote before the COVID-19 pandemic erupted: “I can’t believe that after all these many decades I still don’t understand how to say hello to my friends. When I was a kid, ‘Hey, how you doin’?’ was my greeting. As a teen, a high-five was often added. As a middle-aged adult, I gave my male friends a firm handshake and female friends a two-handed shake and an occasional peck on the cheek. Now, as a member of the senior set, I have to steel myself for the upcoming greetings. The women approach with a hug and a small kiss. Not wanting to be standoffish, I reciprocate. But at that moment all I can think of is the fear of my hands hugging too low, too high, or god forbid not hugging at all. No sooner have I regained my personal space than one of my guy friends approaches with an outstretched hand, quickly pulling me in for a short tap on his chest. For guys like me, who really don’t like to be touched (except by my wife and children), there is perpetual greeting anxiety. I like and respect my friends. I know they would understand that—even if I didn’t hug, kiss, and chest-thump them. This way personal space stays intact, health and hygiene are reinforced, and a truly affectionate verbal exchange can be appreciated. So, if you are out and about and you see me, ‘Hey, Marc how you doin’?’ are the words that really warm my heart.”


Ronald H. Bayor Gr’70, professor emeritus of history at Georgia Tech, has been presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Immigration and Ethnic History Society for his intellectual influence and leadership in the field of immigration and ethnic history.

Len Gaffga WG’70 has written a new book, Following on Seas of Glory. This Navy military memoir recounts his family’s maritime background spanning generations, from his grandfather’s 1901 invention and patent of a marine engine to his son’s current uniformed service.


Marian Sandmaier CW’71 has won a 2020 Writing Award in the category of First-Person Essays from the American Society of Journalists and Authors. Marian writes, “It’s a particular pleasure to share the news here, because the article that won the award, ‘Still Life with Dick Van Dyke,’ was published right here in the Pennsylvania Gazette [May|Jun 2019]. The piece explores my experience getting, and then conducting, an interview with the actor back in 1974, when I was a very shy, 26-year-old writer and terrified to meet him. He turned out to be even shier than me, and I ended up learning something from him about busting through self-limiting personal beliefs.”

Stephen Tocknell C’71 has been named to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), the highest honor of AICP, given to urban and regional planners who have provided outstanding contributions to their profession. Stephen has written extensively about traffic sheds, an innovative growth management tool for rural and exurban areas facing high levels of unanticipated new development, and he worked to secure dedicated funding for new bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Jacksonville, Florida. Coming from a long line of Quakers, he is the father of Cathleen Tocknell C’05, son of Elizabeth Kochersperger Tocknell CCC’40, and grandson of Stephen Morris Kochersperger C1894. Stephen also serves on the board of the First Coast Penn Alumni Club, and he is past chair and current member of its alumni interview committee.


Robert Goldman W’72 writes, “Facing COVID-19 and after a nine-year engagement, Miriam Alfonso and I got married at the Marin County (CA) Clerk’s office on March 4. She has legally changed her last name to mine; we are now Robert and Miriam Goldman. And her daughter Evelyn is changing her name, too. Evey grew up with me and my daughters Becca and Lily, so I now have three daughters in their 20s. The ceremony was attended by the county clerk (presiding), our accountant, our lawyer, and a psychiatrist (friend). Beautiful location, a Frank Lloyd Wright building. We wanted to demonstrate our commitment to the world while we still can.”

Randy Abramson Steiner CW’72 writes, “In mid-February I received thrilling news that my submittal to become a fellow in the American Institute of Architects was approved! I am one of the two architects in Maryland to receive the honor and the first professor/chairperson of an architecture program in a community college (Montgomery College in Maryland) to receive the award. I created a nonprofit organization, the Coalition of Community College Architecture Programs, in 2012. Our mission is to share/promote our 150+ programs, to establish transfer relationships with accredited schools of architecture and to expand the equity and diversity within our profession. I am proud of my start at Penn and my urban planning class with Edmond Bacon but especially proud to be a woman architect who pushed the envelope and is working to still ‘widen the pathway.’”


Robert Henry CE’73 GCE’74 Gr’80 was named Engineer of the Year in New Hampshire for 2020 by the New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers. He writes, “I recently purchased a house in the Raleigh, North Carolina, area and will be moving there soon with my wife, Nancy Carlisle Henry W’75.”

Hazel Ann Lee CW’73 has published The Astronaut’s Window: Collection of Poems and Short Stories Celebrating Nature. In the book’s preface, Hazel writes, “When I was 10 years old, I watched the historic event of astronaut John Glenn traveling into outer space in the Friendship 7 spacecraft. I saw this momentous occurrence on my family’s old black-and-white RCA television set. Prior to this experience, I was always fascinated by science and scientists. I especially enjoyed learning about animals, nature, and how scientists heal people. The Astronaut’s Window is a book I wrote to acknowledge contributions of astronauts and scientists to humanity and the world.”


Tim Smith C’74 of Richmond, Virginia, writes, “This March, our family partnered to build a new ‘Opportunity Zone’ mid-rise housing project overlooking the historic James River. My entrepreneurial son, Tyler, a Vanderbilt and Stanford alum, held the ceremonial shovel with me. Tyler planted one foot in real estate, and very wisely, has another foot in the healthcare business. Would love to hear from my classmates.” Tim’s email address is [email protected].

Gretchen L. Temeles CW’74 has been promoted to special counsel at Duane Morris LLP in the Intellectual Property Practice Group.


 Art Gertel C’75 writes, “I noted in the May|Jun issue of the Pennsylvania Gazette, that my freshman-year roommate, Brad Borkan C’75 G’79, recently visited Antarctica. Coincidentally—and this is not the first for the two of us, having found ourselves at a conference in Oslo, Norway, after more than 40 years of no contact—I also visited the White Continent (my seventh) in March. I, too, gave an onboard lecture on Shackleton’s ghostwriter and, on a hike retracing Shackleton’s trek over the mountain on South Georgia Island, I was honored by being asked to read associated passages from his journal, describing looking out from the pinnacle over the Greenlandic whaling station at Stromness Harbour. Certainly, a voyage of a lifetime. On more mundane topics, I have been busy during these dystopian times, working on COVID-19 studies, publishing on bioethics issues, and collaborating on numerous projects focused on improving the research and development process to bring new medicines, vaccines, and diagnostics to patients in need.”

Gary L. Greenberg C’75 was recently featured in the Chambers USA 2020 Guide, a publication ranking the leading lawyers and law firms across the US. Gary is a principal in the Cincinnati office of Jackson Lewis PC, specializing in workplace legal issues.

Nancy Carlisle Henry W’75 see Robert Henry CE’73 GCE’74 Gr’80.

Dr. Peter Kowey M’75 is a retired chief of cardiology at Lankenau Hospital and author of five mystery novels. His latest is Death by Your Own Device. Peter is currently the William Wikoff Smith Chair in Cardiovascular Research at Lankenau Hospital and Medical Research Center, and also Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology at Jefferson Medical College. He writes, “I live with my wife, Dorothy Freal Kowey CW’71, in Bryn Mawr, and we have three daughters, all attorneys—Susan Kealy, Jaime Shean, and Olivia Kowey—and six grandchildren.”


Dr. Robert M. Fleisher GD’76 writes, “I’m happy to announce the publication of my new thriller novel, The American Strangler, by Black Rose Writing. The title has a dual meaning: the legal system is strangling America, and now a serial killer is strangling the legal system. We all know how lots of people have disdain for lawyers, especially if they have ever been sued. Even William Shakespeare had something to say about the legal profession: ‘The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.’ (Dick the Butcher, Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2.) Ron Rellick loses everything, including his sanity, to a malpractice claim and goes homicidal, becoming the hunter to avenge what he sees as the scales of justice fractured and out of balance. Get inside the mind of a good man turned violent. See how the evil of corrupt lawyers leads to unforgiving vengeance.” Robert is a lifetime member of International Thriller Writers and is currently working on his next novel.

Michael P. Malloy L’76 helped organize and cohost the 7th Annual International Conference on Business, Law, and Economics, sponsored by the Athens Institute for Education and Research, held virtually from May 4 to 5. He writes, “I offered welcoming remarks and participated in online discussions of several paper presentations. Selected papers will be published by the Athens Institute in an anthology I am editing. Later, on May 13, I attended a virtual session of the steering committee of the UN Housing 2030 Initiative, based at the UN offices in Geneva. The committee is in the planning stages of a study on housing affordability. As one of the principal drafters of the newly revised Policy Framework for Sustainable Real Estate Markets, I was invited to participate as a member of the Real Estate Markets Advisory Group of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. Also this year, Wolters Kluwer published the third of five supplements for my three-volume treatise Banking Law and Regulation.”


Michael Neuman ChE’77 GCP’86 GFA’86 writes, “In January 2017, I was appointed professor of sustainable urbanism at the University of Westminster in London. It’s a pleasure to announce my new book, Engendering Cities: Designing Sustainable Urban Spaces for All, published by Routledge and coedited with Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, professor and UNESCO chair of gender equality policies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and currently visiting professor at UCLA. Soon to be published is another book, The Routledge Handbook of Regional Design, which I edited with Wil Zonneveld, and which has many contributions from current and former Penn faculty. My research team and I have just completed two research projects, with reports titled London Soundings: London Creative Communities Towards Sustainability and The East West Arc: Re-thinking Growth in the London Region. In addition, I have produced numerous articles, book chapters, and conference keynotes since arriving in London.”


Marjorie Harness Goodwin Gr’78 writes, “In November 2019, at the American Anthropological Association annual meeting, the Edward Sapir book prize was awarded to Co-Operative Action, a book by my late partner, Charles Goodwin Gr’77. The Sapir prize (offered biennially) recognizes a book that makes the most significant contribution to our understanding of language in society. At the heart of the book is ‘an integrated vision of human capacities in their full linguistic, social, material, biological, cognitive, and historical intertwining, which sits at the root of anthropology’s original, radical vision of what it is to be human’ (pp 477–78). The celebration was bittersweet, since Charles passed away shortly after the official release of his book in March 2018. I accepted the prize on his behalf. The absolute joy that Chuck Goodwin took in exchanging ideas with colleagues was evident in a short video clip filmed at a surprise party for him a month before his death and shown at the meeting. The video vividly showed him thanking his colleagues for ‘a lifetime of shared love of thinking about human interaction and data and that leading to my warmest friends who share my deepest feelings with me.’”


Thomas Connell L’79 writes, “I spent my entire legal career litigating, arbitrating, and mediating cases at WilmerHale (and its predecessor firm) in Washington, DC, and in London, England.  Since retiring in 2012, I’ve travelled the world, often on foot for great distances.  After trekking 1,100 miles on two ancient pilgrimage routes in northern Spain, I published a comprehensive journal/photo book, called Shadow of a Pilgrim: An Apostate Walks Two Caminos in Spain. It is available on Amazon and is described in detail at www.shadowofapilgrim.com.”


Hon. Marc H. Morial C’80, president of the National Urban League, the nation’s largest historic civil rights and urban advocacy organization, has published his second book, The Gumbo Coalition: 10 Leadership Lessons That Help You Inspire, Unite, and Achieve. He writes, “Published by Harper Collins, it contains lessons from my career as an entrepreneur, lawyer, legislator, mayor, and civil rights activist.” Marc was recently a visiting fellow at the University’s Robert A. Fox Leadership Program.


Mark Banash C’82 writes, “I thought I would take time while I had the time to let my Penn friends know that I have celebrated my first year running my own nanotechnology consultancy, Neotericon. I really enjoy being able to focus on the scientific and technical issues with nanomaterials as well as having the time to write the odd patent application or two. While it is always challenging to look for the next client as well as to look for investor money to develop those patents, I would not want to go back to my former corporate management position, attending weekly executive team meetings and writing performance reviews. I am instead able to do what my Penn faculty mentor, chemistry professor Eugene Nixon, taught me to do—sit at my desk in my office and write out my ideas longhand with a good fountain pen in a real lab notebook. It makes you think.”


Marcia Geller Sawyer C’83 and Sandy Mayer C’83 have cowritten Betsy’s Philadelphia Adventure: From the Betsy Ross House to the University of Pennsylvania. Marcia writes, “The book features the University of Pennsylvania, popular Philly food, activities, and tourist destinations. We teamed up with the Penn Bookstore to arrange a book signing event during Alumni Weekend, but, understandably, that was postponed. You may still order the book or its companion coloring/activity book on Amazon if you need a ‘dose’ of Penn, a special graduation present, or an all-occasion gift. Enjoy and be well!”


Larry Lebowitz C’84 is an immigration lawyer and shareholder with the Pittsburgh law firm of Dentons Cohen & Grigsby, where he has worked for 33 years. He is also a professor of practice at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, where he teaches immigration law and other classes. He writes, “My wife, Lynn, and I have three children: one in New York, one in Pittsburgh, and the other at UW Madison. I get together with my 312 South 40th Street buddies at least once a year, and we just celebrated our 35-year reunion last summer with a weekend of golf.”

Frank Luntz C’84 see Lisa Nass Grabelle C’93 L’96 and Kiera Reilly C’93.


John K. Fiorillo W’86 is a commercial litigator at Unruh Turner Burke and Frees, whose practice is focused on creditor’s rights, business litigation, and real estate tax assessments. John was interviewed on how the assessment process works on a new TV show on MLTV-Main Line Network, Legal Talk with Stacy Clark. John discussed key deadlines, key paperwork, and how the entire real estate tax assessment process works. The show can be viewed at youtu.be/CgDoZAaC5-o.

Rod J. Rosenstein W’86 writes, “After serving in the United States Department of Justice for almost three decades, I joined King & Spalding, one of the nation’s oldest and largest law firms, as a partner based in Washington, DC. You can find me at www.kslaw.com. My practice focuses on helping clients resolve complex regulatory and litigation challenges, including government investigations, crisis management, internal investigations, national security, compliance, and monitoring. My wife, Lisa, and I have two daughters, a college sophomore and a high school senior.”


Raymond Pitetti EAS’87 has been appointed director of pediatric emergency medicine in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.


Joe Leibrandt C’88 writes, “My spouse and I are developing a refrigerator that will allow craft beer enthusiasts to store and age their beer under ideal conditions. We have patented our technology and are now pursuing licensing agreements with refrigerator manufacturers. I invite alumni contact at [email protected]. Drink a craft beer and be jolly. Here’s a toast to dear old Penn!”


Vicki Rothbardt Oswald GEd’89 writes, “I have been scouring the Gazettes, looking for any news from my START cohorts, GSE, in the semester that began in September of 1988. Nothing in 20 years! Lisa, Maria Lee, Ralph, Andrea, Anne, Silvijia, Stephanie, Robin, Angie, Chris, Jennifer, Christine, Richard, Mary Lu, Sharon, Delia, Penny, and Tuesday! Where are you and what are you doing in life? I will start with myself. I have been retired from working life for about 12 years. I turned 63 in May. I live in Wyncote, Pennsylvania, in a 100-year-old house with my husband of almost 30 years. I taught for 10 years in inner-city Philadelphia. I had to quit from the violence and the horrible relationships with unsupportive administrators. I am still in touch with four former students. My three-year-old is now 35. He has a one-year old and I am Nana! I got certified in Swedish massage therapy, and studied psychoanalysis and counseling at Arcadia. Dystonia ended that. I was diagnosed bipolar I in 1985. Lithium allowed me to have a normal life until I developed dry eye, blepharitis, and chronic kidney disease (CKD). The CKD came as a result of not cutting back on the lithium years ago. Sounds bad but I’m OK. Working on a memoir, and I have a collection of poems I’d like to publish. Had a few meals with Ryda and went to Jim Larkin’s funeral. I have a few choice words about my experiences at Penn. My email address is [email protected]. I would love to hear from my former GSE classmates!”


Dr. Christopher A. Troianos GM’90, professor and chair of the Anesthesiology Institute at the Cleveland Clinic, delivered the Arthur E. Weyman keynote lecture at the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists’ (SCA) Echo Week Conference on February 20 in Atlanta. The selected lecturer of this series “must have demonstrated sustained excellence in echocardiography or cardiovascular ultrasound, and be a widely recognized individual whose career has served to promote and improve the field of perioperative echocardiography.” Christopher’s lecture was entitled “Celebrating Our Past and Securing Our Future.” He is the immediate past-president of the SCA.


Dr. Mikkael A. Sekeres C’91 GM’96 M’96 has written When Blood Breaks Down: Life Lessons from Leukemia. From the book’s press materials: “He tells the compelling stories of three people who receive diagnoses of adult leukemia within hours of each other. … We join the intimacy of the conversations Sekeres has with his patients and watch as he teaches trainees. Along the way, Sekeres also explores leukemia in its different forms and the development of drugs to treat it.”


Elizabeth Alexander Gr’92, an essayist, poet, and president of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, has been elected into the American Philosophical Society.

Gregory Ulmer C’92, a partner at BakerHostetler, has been elected to the firm’s policy committee, which is its governing body. Greg also leads the firm’s national product liability and toxic tort team. He works out of BakerHostetler’s Houston office as a trial lawyer, and his practice consists of civil defense litigation with an emphasis on defending products, product manufacturers and distributors, as well as premises owners, in areas of product liability, premise liability, wrongful death, catastrophic injury, and toxic exposure.

Nancy Yang W’92 see Angela Duckworth G’03 Gr’06.


Jeff Blander W’93 has coauthored a children’s picture book, Maisha and the Rainbow Tree. He was recently interviewed about it for a segment on his local ABC News channel, which can be viewed at bit.ly/2ZimfaG. He writes, “It is a project I have been working on with my daughter, her friends, and neighbors for Earth Day. Catalyzed by actual events—when a group of friends staged a protest at a six-year old’s birthday party to prevent a tree from being taken down—the journey to complete this book has been magical. Personally, it has provided closure and is a full circle moment with my mom, who went to heaven when I was a young boy. She had started but never finished a beloved children’s book project for me. Completing a similar project many years later with my daughter is truly extraordinary and a healing experience. At a time when it can be very difficult to find the rainbows amongst the many storm clouds, I hope that this project can bring some joy, kindness, and smiles to others.”

Lisa Nass Grabelle C’93 L’96 and Kiera Reilly C’93 write, “We’d like to thank our wonderful classmates for signing on and streaming our weekly Zoom calls during stay-at-home orders. What started as a virtual happy hour turned into vibrant weekly calls with different themes—tips for working from home, favorite apps we discovered, everyone is a comedian, everyone has a story, favorite Penn memories, favorite sports memories, politics in the time of coronavirus, and crazy things we’ve done during quarantine. Thank you to our VP of data and technology, Eli Faskha EAS’93 W’93, for facilitating our calls. We were thrilled that in addition to our US-based classmates, we had classmates join us from Singapore, Australia, Peru, Panama, the United Kingdom, and Saudia Arabia. Thank you Monica Muzzi Moore Nu’93 GNu’97, Stacey Wruble Seewald C’93 W’93, Zach Conen C’93, Jackie Einstein Astrof C’93, Caren Lissner C’93, Jennifer Jarett C’93, Ed Gold W’93, Marc Stern W’93, Kysha Harris W’93, Lesley Wolff C’93, Alysa Mendolson Graf C’93, Frank Caccuro EAS’93 GEng’96 WMP’99, Bill Knapp C’93, Mark Sullivan C’93, Jonathan Mayo C’93, Josh Astrof C’93 W’93, Andy Roth C’93, Doug Glanville EAS’93, Jef Pollock C’93, and Frank Luntz C’84 for being a guest speaker or cohosting one of our sessions. We have found the silver lining in staying at home during a pandemic, and it is connecting with the awesome Class of 1993!”

Chrissy Bass Hofbeck C’93 writes, “My motivational business book, Winning Conditions: How to Achieve the Professional Success You Deserve by Managing the Details That Matter, will be published in September by Viva Editions/Simon & Schuster, and it is available now for preorder everywhere books are sold. It’s about becoming extraordinary by delivering your work and ideas in a winning way. I write about our Penn days in the introduction—including how carrying the Penn flag at our graduation kicked off a lifetime of exploration about winning conditions. I’d love you to give it a read!” In 2017, Christine competed on the television show Survivor.

Nancy Oliver C’93 was recently featured in the Chambers USA 2020 Guide, a publication ranking lawyers and law firms across the US. Nancy is an associate in the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, office of Jackson Lewis PC. She represents employers in litigation matters before the state and federal courts and the New Hampshire Commission for Human Rights, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the New Hampshire Department of Labor, and the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.


Jennifer Satz Enslin C’97 is cofounder of Ashlyn Lee, a subscription menstrual pad and tampon business for teens and adults.


Kimberly Y. Erwin GEd’99 has written a children’s book, “There’s Only 1 RACE—The HUMAN One,” Says Me!—A Children’s Book: ENDING RACISM! Find more information on her website www.oneuniversalmedia.com, Instagram @kimberly.erwin, and Facebook @kimberlyyerwinauthor.

Jacqueline Berkell Friedland C’99 L’00 released her second novel on April 14, titled That’s Not a Thing. Jackie writes, “The book is contemporary fiction about what happens when the one that got away … comes back.” In its review of the novel, Publisher’s Weekly wrote, “This tender, introspective romance from Friedland hangs on the difficult choice between new and old lovers. … Fans of sensitively handled love triangles should snap this one up.”


Kendra Brodin SW’00 is chief attorney development officer at Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP, where she is responsible for attorney development and well-being. She received the 2019 Hennepin County Bar Association (HCBA) Excellence Award for Service to the Association and serves as chairperson of the HCBA Institute for Leadership in the Legal Profession signature program. She writes, “After I graduated with my MSW from Penn, I attended law school at the University of Minnesota. Since that time, my career trajectory has been focused on the personal and professional development of attorneys. Every day, I draw on my social work and law degrees and training as I bring both ‘head and the heart’ to my position, my firm, and those I serve.”


Dr. Jill M. Baren CGS’02 Gr’06 has been named provost and vice president of academic affairs at University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Most recently, she served as professor of emergency medicine, pediatrics, and medical ethics at the Perelman School of Medicine.


Angela Duckworth G’03 Gr’06, a psychology professor at Penn, is the inaugural recipient of the Rosa Lee and Egbert Chang Professorship. This appointment is thanks to the generous support of Nancy Yang W’92, in honor of her parents. The professorship supports a dual appointment at the Wharton School and School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Psychology.

Nathan J. Jun G’03 has been promoted to professor of philosophy at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas.

Garrett Kennedy C’03 L’08 has been promoted to partner at the law firm DLA Piper. Garrett is based in the firm’s New York office in the employment practice.


Hannah Megacz Pop Nu’04 has graduated from Rush University in Chicago with a doctorate of nursing practice. Her doctoral project, which focused on patient fall prevention in the emergency department, has been published in the Journal of Emergency Nursing. She works in the NorthShore University HealthSystem as a critical care nurse practitioner. 

Tommy Richards C’04 GEd’06, a history teacher at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, has published Breakaway Americas: The Unmanifest Future of the Jacksonian United States (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020). He writes, “I am a historian of the early United States, and this book is about the precariousness of US westward expansion in the 1830s and 1840s.”


Clayton S. Rose G’05 Gr’07 has been elected chair of the trustees of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). Rose joined HHMI as a trustee in 2009 and has been president of Bowdoin College since 2015.


Maura Kelley Travers C’07 and Patrick Travers C’07 write, “We welcomed our second son, Liam, on April 7 in Boston. Three-year old Cullen is excited to be a big brother and to show Liam around campus soon!”


Stephanie Guy Hutch C’08 was honored at an AFCEA International conference held in San Diego earlier this year. According to the release, “Stephanie received the AFCEA International Women’s Appreciation Award, which recognizes and honors AFCEA members who have gone above and beyond to further the careers of women. AFCEA is a nonprofit association serving the military, government, industry, and academia as an ethical forum for advancing professional knowledge and relationships.”


Monica Chen C’09, Laura Gao W’18, and Christina Ha, a student in Penn Engineering’s master of computer and information technology program, have joined MyMask Movement. Monica writes, “MyMask Movement is a volunteer-run nonprofit combatting the COVID-19 PPE shortage crisis. The project was founded by Jesse Chang, Stanley Liu, and Cole Hershkowitz, who developed an iPhone app which uses Apple’s Face ID depth-sensing tech to create personalized masks engineered to fit an individual’s unique face shape. MyMask Movement partners with industrial grade 3D print shops across the globe to provide free custom masks to front line medical workers. I lead marketing for the group, Laura was instrumental in early stage programming, and Chrissy runs product management. Learn more at www.mymaskmovement.org and download the MyMask app from the Apple App Store.”


Annie Jean-Baptiste C’10, head of product inclusion at Google and intrapreneur-in-residence for the School of Education’s master’s program in education entrepreneurship, has published a new book, Building for Everyone: Expand Your Market with Design Practices from Google’s Product Inclusion Team. Annie writes, “Establishing diverse and inclusive organizations is an economic imperative for every industry. Any business that isn’t reaching a diverse market is missing out on enormous revenue potential and the opportunity to build products that suit their users’ core needs. This book makes publicly available for the first time the same inclusive design process used at Google to create user-centric, award-winning, and profitable products.”

Andrew Sommers LPS’10 has published Engaged: A Citizen’s Perspective on the Future of Civic Life. He writes, “It is my first book on civic engagement, politics and public service.”


Emily Brennan LPS’12 started a new role as digital experience manager at Cisco Webex in January.


Laura Gao W’18 see Monica Chen C’09.


William Rosa Gr’20 has been awarded the Public Health Service Award from the American Nurses Association. This award recognizes the outstanding contribution by an individual to public health. William is a nurse practitioner in Supportive Care Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

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