On the Move
From the Editor: Nov|Dec 2007
Seizing the Moment
The University’s top leaders promise that Penn’s $3.5 billion fundraising campaign will make history—by changing the face of Penn’s campus and extending its local and global impact, strengthening financial aid and faculty support, and pointing a new multidisciplinary direction in higher education. With $1.6 billion already committed, donors seem to be listening.
Prisoners, Poems, and Principles
Why is attorney Marc Falkoff representing detainees at Guantánamo Bay and publishing a book of their poetry?
Digital Natives in Tomorrow’s Classroom
Today's Web-washed, text-messaging, technology-tethered undergraduates don't learn the way even their recent forebears did. Meanwhile, professors in the School of Engineering want to make them masters of technologies yet to be invented. When the two sides meet in the classroom, all the rules have changed.
Diagnosing Health Care
Four Penn scholars examine U.S. health care—and its political future.
Nov|Dec 2007: Fired up about guns.
The Mississippi Project
Blogging the great American river.
The Quiet Recruiter
Remembering the alum who set my mind on Penn.
Orthodoxy, Alaska Style
Take only memories, leave only footprints, and air-hug if you can.
Nip, Tuck, and the Feminine Self
Why cosmetic surgery is about more than we think.
East Campus Rising
Cira Center South to replace Eastern eyesore
Off-Campus, Close By
New housing options (just) off-campus
New Alumni Relations AVP: “It’s All About the Relationships”
Alumni Relations AVP Hoopes Wampler
The Poetics of Giving
Thinking outside the gift box at Writers House
A Better Endowment Return
Endowment grows 20.2 percent to $6.6 billion
The Reign of Hodges Begins at the Penn Museum
Richard Hodges named Penn Museum director
Best Class Ever—For Now
Freshman Convocation: 45 months and a lifetime
$20 Million Gift for Nanotech
Krishna Singh GME’69 Gr’72 gives $20 million for nanotech
Promise of Spring?
Basketball preview
Finding Her Marbles
Lisa Dinhofer GFA’76’s marble-ous subway mosaic
There’s Gold in That River
Pre-Columbian gold objects shine at Penn Museum
True Adventures: Love & Marriage, Parenthood, and Careers
All you need to know about marriage, kids, and careers
“It Does Not Get Any Better Than That”
How we did it. The University & Urban Revival