Dream(s) Come True for Penn Medicine
Center for Advanced Medicine: “awe-inspiring and world class.”
Big Bucks for Research, High Marks for Health
Honors for Penn Medicine
LEAPP of Faith
A new program at the School of Medicine is betting that matching students with chronically ill patients, who they then follow throughout their four-year curriculum, will help them to become better doctors.
Centers for Collaborating and Healing
Three new biomedical institutes at Penn Medicine
Keeping an Extra Eye on the ICU
Penn E-lert improves ICU oversight
News to Chew On: Weaker Jaws, Bigger Brains?
Brains over bite.
The E-Nose Knows Infections
Electronic nose sniffs out disease.
Head of the Class
On a roll: HUP honored for eighth year.
The Match Game
Symptom: nail-biting; Cure: Placements for med students
Opiates Without Rx —A Prescription for Trouble
Drug pushers go digital
Window, Sep|Oct 2003
Penn and Health Care Trust Dissolve Agreement
Gifts Revisited: Penn and Philadelphia Health Care Trust dissolve $100 million agreement
Wilson Resigns as IHGT Director
Wilson steps down as IHGT director
Pondering the Ethics and Science of Stem Cells
Panel examines stem-cell ethics and science
Take Penn Medicine, and Hold Off on the 501(c)(3)
New board to unify Health System management
Rubenstein Prescribed for Med School and Health System
Mt. Sinai’s Rubenstein named Medical School dean and Health
System EVP
Martin Becomes Health System’s Permanent CEO
Martin CEO appointment made permanent.
Looking for God
Medical alumnus and faculty member Dr. Andrew Newberg probes deep inside the brain in a quest to understand faith.
In One Piece
From College Hall | The Health System will remain part of the University.
Rx for Health System: Keep Hospitals and Take a 501(c)(3)
Hospitals not for sale.
Deeply Stimulating Brain Surgery for Parkinson’s Patients
Deep-brain stimulation relieves Parkinson’s symptoms.
Health System to Pay $12 Million for Medicare Fraud at Presbyterian
Settlement in Medicare fraud case.
Support Wear for Ailing Hearts
Heartwarming medical advance.
Peter, We Hardly Knew Ye
Health System CEO leaving after four months.