From the Editor: July|Aug 2005
July|Aug 2005
Volume 103, No. 6
Expect to Hear Music
Penn’s music department, known for top-quality scholarship and world-class composers, has gotten over its long case of performance anxiety.
LEAPP of Faith
A new program at the School of Medicine is betting that matching students with chronically ill patients, who they then follow throughout their four-year curriculum, will help them to become better doctors.
Alumni Weekend 2005
Insuring Against Terror
Since 9/11, Howard Kunreuther and his colleagues at the Wharton School’s Center for Risk Management and Decision Processes have been examining the thorny issue of how to protect society from the economic effects of the next terrorist attack.
July|Aug 2005
A Walk in the Woods
An Alaska native returns to find her old path gone.
Our Dinner With Charlie
How to respond when your childhood idol sits at the next table?
Ratanakiri’s Bargain Basement
Learning about luck—and the perfect gift—in Cambodia.
Don’t Step on Your Laughter
A pro comic shares his secrets.
“Your Future Depends on Their Future”
Commencement 2005 | Annan: “The cause of larger freedom should be your cause”
Doing Well By Doing Good
Grads pledge to do good in chosen work
Q&A with Penn’s Provost
Q&A with new Provost Ronald Daniels
Creating a Culture of Safety for Women
Conference highlights global threats to women
In Praise of Vanity
Penn Reading Project pick: Franklin’s autobiography
Building a Better Mousetrap, Hip Implant, Beach Towel …
Better minesweeper takes PennVention prize
On the Bleeding Edge of Innovation
Wound sealant wins honors at Wharton
Humanities: A Key Ring of Learning and Wisdom
Keys to learning
The Swarm
$5 million to develop “swarming” robots
Not All Horsehide Heroes Regress to the Mean
Do “clutch hitters” exist?
A Tree Grows in Kensington
Trees make good neighborhoods
High Flyer
Pole vaulter Stephanie Crook
They Got Game
Latest Hall of Famers