Drinking the Passion-Flavored Kool-Aid
Why modern entrepreneurs won’t succeed under the influence.
Start-Up With Style
Wharton Business Plan-winner Stylitics makes dressing digital.
Jewelry Like Grandma Might Have Made
Jessica Bohrer C’98 and Becca Richards C’99 make jewelry like Grandma’s.
Wharton Venture Award Winners Mint $145 Million
$10,000 ventured, millions gained.
( ) This Education
What happens when you unleash an entrepreneurship evangelist on an education school? Meet Doug Lynch, the vice dean bent on making Penn GSE a hub for social entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and next-generation educational reform.
Education Entrepreneur
Mike Sandler W’62
Science, Business, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Doug Hensch C’91 and Andrew Rosenthal C’06
The Next, Next Thing
If serial entrepreneur Elon Musk has his way, sending a payload—and eventually, people—into space will be handled commercially, more like UPS than “the Right Stuff.” (At least if you leave out the part about settling Mars.) Oh, and the rest of us here on earth will be able to tap affordable solar power and drive fast, efficient, cool-looking electric cars.
Funding Penn’s IT Entrepreneurs
MentorTech Ventures
The Summer Anti-Internship
New award lets entrepreneurs take care of business all summer long
Waste Not …
David Stoller C’72
Mumbai Law
Law alums are entrepreneurs of outsourcing
TV Room Tranquility, Revolutionary Robotics, Sweeter Swings
PennVention, Wharton competitions award cash for creativity
Cleaning Up After Your Car
The next best thing to a guilt-free SUV
The Funk and Physics of Skating
Jen Goldstein WEv’90
History to Wear
Kristin Haskins C’93
Promoting Healthy Choices in Teens: Forget Pamphlets, Push DVDs
Ivan Juzang WG’90
Wholesome Foods, Devine Flavor
Denise Devine WG ’90
A Gift for Close-Knit Couples
Wendy Feller C’85
A Starter Kit for Babies
Sandra Samberg Nu’94 GNu’95
Creative Winds Still Blowing at Monsoon
Charlie Szoradi GAr’93
P2B Hopes to Help Hatch Businesses
With P2B, Penn launches high-tech incubator.
Lemons, Sugar, Water … and a Marketing Plan?
Emmanuel Modu WG’85
An Upstart Emperor of Ice Cream
Marketing the Generation-X ice cream.