Browne Gives $10 Million to SAS for Endowed Chairs

A recent gift of $10 million by Christopher H. Browne C’69 will be used to endow five professorships in the School of Arts and Sciences. At least one Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professorship will be established in each of the school’s academic divisions —the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences—while the remaining two will be used in the areas of greatest need, as determined by Dr. Samuel H. Preston, dean of the school.
  The Browne Professors, said Preston, “will set a standard for all faculty by demonstrating exceptional distinction in research and teaching and a deep commitment to the most fundamental values of a university.” He added that the “exceptional quality” of those appointments will make a Browne Chair “one of the most highly prized honors that can be bestowed on members of our faculty.”
  Dr. Judith Rodin, president of the University, called the gift “the latest evidence of Chris’ unwavering commitment to Penn during more than 20 years as a volunteer, philanthropist and in various leadership capacities.” 
  Browne, a trustee of the University and chairman of the SAS board of overseers (as well as managing director of the Manhattan-based investment management firm Tweedy, Browne Company and president of Tweedy, Browne Mutual Funds), said the gift was an “opportunity to give something back to Penn, to draw attention to the excellent faculty in the School of Arts and Sciences, and to confirm my personal belief that academic distinction should be defined by excellence in research, outstanding teaching ability and a strong commitment to making Penn a forum for open dialogue.”

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