Sep. 25 Alarm Will Sound
Nov. 19 Maceo Parker
Open Tues.–Sun.
Roberto Lugo: God Complex
Sep. 11–Dec. 19
Closed through Sep. 17
Ulysses Jenkins: Without Your Interpretation
Outside In: Na Kim
Both Sep. 17–Dec. 30
Sep. 1 Printing & Postcards: “Hands-on” Letterpress Event
Sep. 9 Reading by poet Rachel Zolf
Sep. 14 Sam Apple’s Ravenous
Oct. 4 Cindy Spiegel on Independent Publishing
Oct. 5 Reading by Vi Khi Nao and Marc Anthony Richardson
Oct. 27 Reading by Julian Brolaski
Remarkable Figures: Womenvin the Art of Ashley Bryan
The Jewish Home: Dwelling on the Domestic, the Familial, and the Lived-In
In Sight: Seeing the People of the Holy Land
Red Etchings: Soviet Book Illustrations from the Collection of Monroe Price
The Midwest Experience: Ormandy in Minnesota
plus dozens more online
Galleries open; advance booking recommended
Stories We Wear
Opens Sep. 25
Provisionally scheduled:
Sep. 29 Re-Opening Party with SnackTime & Deborah Bond
Sep. 29 Maggie Rose
Sep. 30 Nicholas Payton
Oct. 1 Heartless Bastards
Oct. 2 Sun Ra Arkestra
Oct. 7 The Jayhawks
Oct. 8 Mike Pinto
Oct. 13 The Felice Brothers
Oct. 15 Simrit
Oct. 17 Christian McBride
Oct. 19 Eilen Jewell
Oct. 20 Arooj Aftab
Oct. 23 Red Wanting Blue
Oct. 30 Chris Smither
Check website for up-to-date information