Above: Wet Lines, oil painting by Marguerite Walsh GFA’76, at the Burrison Gallery through May 9.
Philadelphia Children’s Festival
May 17-19
Spirit of Korea
May 22
Mario Romañach: “Do you love architecture?”
Through May 14
The World on View: Objects from Universal Exhibitions, 1851-1915
Through July 29
Leaf and Line: Painting and Photography by Marguerite Walsh GFA’76
Through May 9
Tag: Proposals on Queer Play and the Ways Forward
Suki Seokyeong Kang: Black Mat Oriole
The Last Place They Thought Of
All through Aug. 12
Alumni Authors Fiction Reading
Ariel Djanikian C’04, Aminia Gautier G’02 Gr’04, Melissa Jensen C’89 Gr’93
May 12
Middle East Galleries Now Open!
Moundbuilders: Ancient Architects of North America
Through July 15
Bearing Witness: Four Days in West Kingston
Through July 15
Culture in the Crossfire: Stories from Syria and Iraq
Through Nov. 25
A Raging Wit: The Life and Legacy of Jonathan Swift
Through May 16
Life During Wartime: Penn at Home and Abroad During the Great War
Through Aug. 3
The Yardbirds May 8
Monnette Sudler’s Guitar Summit
The Feelies Both May 12
BoDeans June 6
Dave Alvin & Jimmie Dale Gilmore June 7
Jonatha Brooke June 14
Matthew Sweet June 21