William Price W’40 writes, “I am now retired and enjoying life in Jupiter, Fla. Occasionally I see Frank Bosco W’39; he and I rowed on the crew at Penn. I also see Dr. Edgar Dessen C’36 M’39; he is in the same senior-living place that we are. [My phone number] is in the book, and I would be glad to see anyone from Penn.”
Dr. Michael Lewis C’58 Gr’62 is the University Distinguished Professor and director of the Institute for the Study of Child Development at the UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, N.J. He was honored in February by the New York Zero-to-Three Network as a pioneer in the field of child development at their annual Hedi Levenback Pioneer evening. He has co-edited Gender Differences in Prenatal Substance Exposure (APA Books, Washington, 2012).
Dr. Hugh M. Aberman C’60 G’62 writes, “Each Sunday morning at 7:30am on WDEL 1150-AM Radio in Wilmington, Del., you will find our own Carol Ann Trimble Weisenfeld CW’60 ASC’62 doing a half-hour radio program, Pathways to Service. This award-winning program has been on the air since 2001. It is a ‘good news’ show about Rotary and other service organizations and is broadcast worldwide over the air on Sundays and simulcast on the Internet; it is available for up to six weeks after that on the Internet.”
Jonathan Rose C’60 will retire this academic year as a professor at the Arizona State University law school.
Virginia Bernhard G’61, Houston, Texas, is professor emerita of history at the University of St. Thomas. Her latest book, A Tale of Two Colonies: What Really Happened in Virginia and Bermuda?, was published in December by the University of Missouri Press.
David T. Jones C’63 G’64 and Teresa Chin Jones CW’63 Gr’66 have published their “autobiographic memoir, Forever Tandem,about 30 years of life and love in the US diplomatic service. We suspect that the ‘girl from Novosibirsk’ will be more interesting than the ‘boy from Scranton’ but there is a ‘good read’ involving US foreign policy and foreign-service life.” It was published by Xlibris in a Kindle edition last November. David and Teresa met on the first day of classes at Penn in 1959.
Charles E. Dagit Jr. C’65 Ar’67 GAr’68 in January received the Thomas U. Walter Award from the Philadelphia chapter of the American Institute of Architects “for a lifetime distinguished career in architecture.” He founded the old Dagit Saylor Architects in 1970; for 40 years taught design and lectured at Temple and Drexel universities; and been a visiting critic at Penn and a lecturer at Penn, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, and Syracuse universities. Among many areas of service, in 1994 he was elected chair of the AIA National Committee on Design.
Robert F. Adams C’66, a partner in the law firm of Gawthrop Greenwood, PC, in West Chester, Pa., has been named one of Philadelphia’s top-rated lawyers in the areas of municipal and land-use law by Martindale-Hubbell.
Joanne Shapiro Wyss CW’66 co-founded and chairs First Book-Collier County, which gives over 50,000 new books a year to at-risk young children. She received the 2012 Parke Wright III Distinguished Service Award from Greater Naples Leadership, and was named a “Woman of Initiative” by the Community Foundation of Collier County, which is given to those who, “through their inner confidence, personal commitment, and leadership styles, are an inspiration to all women seeking to make a difference through philanthropy and civic engagement.”
Lawrence J. Beaser C’67, a partner in the Philadelphia law firm of Blank Rome LLP, in February received the Dennis H. Replansky Award from the Philadelphia Bar’s business-law section.
Dr. Nancy Kemeny Libby CW’67 writes, “I am a professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College and attending at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; I have worked here for 36 years as a medical oncologist. I am a world expert on taking care of liver metastases, and in 2009, got the alumni award from Sloan Kettering. I have three girls: one is already a doctor, one is doing a PhD in robotics at Carnegie Mellon, and the third is going to be a psychologist. I am happily married to a great guy who is a pulmonologist, Dr. Daniel Libby.”
Eric R. White GEd’67 GrEd’75 co-wrote “Academic Advising: A Focus on Learning” in the Jan.-Feb. issue of About Campus, the higher-education magazine.
Dr. Richard W. Cohen C’69 practices psychiatry in Center City Philadelphia. He is to be inducted into the Philadelphia Jewish Sports Hall of Fame on May 21. His son, Josh, has been appointed head coach of the Philadelphia Freedoms, and his daughter, Julia, is “playing on the WTA Pro circuit and doing well.”
Michael Esterson C’70 writes, “As a capper to my 45-year career in album rock radio which began at WXPN (where in October 1967 I was first to do an album rock show on the campus AM and in January 1968 was in the first bunch to do rock on the FM as Michael Tearson, the professional name I have worked under the whole time), I recorded my first album as a singer. It is called Stuff That Works. It really is the fullest of circles as before radio, and even before college, I was working as a solo folk performer. It really turned out really well, way beyond my fondest hopes for the project. The album is most easily available through www.CDbaby.com both as CD and digital download. It is also available as digital download through iTunes and Amazon and other digital-music purveyors. It may also be ordered directly from me as a signed edition. The album has 13 songs I dearly love but didn’t write. I have tried to write songs over the years, but they are just not that good, so I don’t share them. But if I have learned anything through doing radio for 45 years it is how to select and sequence songs. The cover shot is a riff off of Bob Dylan’s Bringing It All Back Home cover shot, and we did that in my bedroom! Also my current radio work these days includes Saturday Morning 60s 6-8am Saturdays on Philadelphia’s WMGK (102.9 FM) and weekend shifts on Sirius/XM’s Deep Tracks channel. I also do shows specially for www.radiothatdoesntsuck.com where the 70+ shows to date are available as free and on-demand listening. I do not make a penny doing these, my most adventurous work in decades, bound only by my own imagination, something most radio DJs do not get even the slightest chance to tap into anymore.”
Dr. Harvey A. Shapiro GRP’70, who has lived in Kyoto, Japan, since he graduated from Penn, and is “a disciple of the late Penn Professor Ian McHarg,” emails that he retired at the end of March as professor emeritus from Osaka Geijutsu University. He “taught Ecology, Disaster Planning and McHargian Ecological Planning, among other things, in the vernacular, there and at several other universities in western Japan, for some 40 years.” He remains a consulting Associate at R.P.T. Associates Inc., founded in Tokyo by Yukihisa Isobe GLA’72. Harvey writes that during his retirement he plans to write his memoirs, continue his Pacific Basin-related research, enjoy his hobby of playing violin and viola, take cooking and haiku lessons, paint, lecture if asked to, and travel with his wife, Fukiko. He may be contacted by email at [email protected], or phone or fax him at 81-75-722-0374 (in Japan). He will be glad to guide Penn grads around Kyoto, Japan’s ancient capital.
Ernest Schreiber G’71, Lancaster, Pa., writes that he retired last July after 40 years as a journalist. He was editor of the Lancaster New Era and LancasterOnline, where he worked for the past 37 years. In October, he received the Benjamin Franklin Award for Excellence from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association for his contributions to passage of a state open-records law.
Dr. Vicki D. Lachman Nu’72 GNu’74 GGS’02 writes that 2011 was a banner year for her. She was promoted to clinical professor at the College of Nursing and Health Professions at Drexel University, inducted as a fellow of the Academy of Nursing, and received from the International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses its President’s Award for leadership and dedication to the organization; and she became chair of the board of Chestnut Hill Hospital. In her role at Drexel, she primarily teaches ethics to master’s and doctoral nursing students and acts as director of the Innovation and Intra/Entrepreneurship in Advanced Nursing Practice. Dr. Lachman serves on the advisory board of the American Nurses Association’s Center for Ethics and Human Rights. She also writes the quarterly “Ethics, Policy, and Law” column in the MedSurg Nursing Journal. Her third book, Ethical Challenges in Healthcare: Developing Your Moral Compass (2009), is about “the skill development of the virtue moral courage and the necessary strategies to build an organization that supports the moral courage of employees.”
Karen Gantz Zahler CW’72 is a literary agent in New York and a literary-property lawyer (who represents Alec Baldwin, Kathleen Turner, Floyd Abrams, et alia.), and is “happy to assist alumni in their literary endeavors.” She “hosted a sold-out event for Walter Isaacson and Leonard Lauder W’54 at the Harmonie Club on March 6. [We] heard about the new iPad and all the innovative technologies of Steve Jobs.”
J. Joseph Schlafly III C’73 is director of the private-markets group of Stifel, Nicolaus & Company in St. Louis. He recently launched Arch Grants, which provides no-equity funding, from individual and corporate donors, for early stage startups.
Rabbi Dr. Arthur Segal C’73 D’76 GD’78 writes that he “was lauded by the Institute of American and Talmudic Law as a ‘great example’ of a ‘prominent Jewish leader’” for his “dedicated work in developing a Magan Tzedek, a Shield of Righteousness, insuring that animals are treated humanely, and workers treated fairly, in kosher meat-packing plants.” His third book, The Path and Wisdom to Living in Peace with Others: A Modern Commentary to Talmud Bavli Tractates Derek Eretz Zuta and Rabbah, Vol. One, was published in February by Amazon Press. He is happily married to Ellen Freedman Segal and they live on Hilton Head Island, S.C., with their parrot, Avivit Keter. Art can be reached via www.JewishSpiritualRenewal.org.
David Strip C’73 writes, “Our house was featured in a full-page story, ‘In a New Mexico Home, No Such Thing as Staying Indoors,’ in the Dec. 7 issue of The New York Times, Homes section.”
Jay Belli C’74 has recently returned from a two-year assignment with USAID in Kabul, Afghanistan, where he managed school- and hospital-building reconstruction programs.
Geoffrey Greif SW’74 has co-written a new book, Two Plus Two: Couples and their Couple Friendships, which was published recently by Routledge. “It has been featured in USA Today, The Huffington Post, The Times (London), and many other news outlets.”
Annette Levinson Kasle CW’74 and Daniel Kasle C’75 are excited to announce the marriage of their son Eden Robert to Katharine de Groot Kasle at Linden Place in Bristol, R.I., last September “on a beautiful sunny day.” Also, Annette has just received a master’s in biblical studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and is currently a candidate there for a Doctor of Hebrew Letters in Bible.
Joanne Sherman Deutchman W’75 and Kelly Affannato Ohlert C’00 GEd’01 are delighted to announce that their non-profit organization, the Foundation for Advancement of Technology in Education (www.fatetech.org) has received its Determination Letter from the IRS, granting tax-exempt status. FATE is currently introducing Bootstrap, a standards-based curriculum for middle-school students, to Philadelphia area schools; it teaches formal algebra through computer programming and video game design. The initial program is the Wilson Community School afterschool program, which is a partnership between Alexander Wilson Elementary School and the University-Assisted Community Schools program operated by the Netter Center for Community Partnerships at Penn.
James P. Gilroy C’75, a trial attorney, has joined the law firm of Goldberg Segalla LLP as special counsel in its Garden City (N.Y.) office. Previously, he was with MacKay, Wrynn & Brady LLP.
Dr. Pamela Trotman Reid Gr’75, president of St. Joseph College in West Hartford, Conn., has been elected to the board of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.
Stewart J. Eisenberg C’76 is a founder and senior partner of the Philadelphia personal-injury law firm of Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P.C. In March, he was named to the board of Philadelphia VIP, a nonprofit that provides pro bono legal services to low-income people.
Alan Fein W’76 is a shareholder in the litigation department and a member of the board of the Miami law firm of Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff and Sitterson, PA. In February, he was appointed chair-elect of the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County.
Alan Luxenberg C’76 was named president of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in February; he has served there since he was a senior at Penn. The institute was founded at Penn in 1955 but became independent in 1970.
Michael P. Malloy L’76, a Distinguished Professor and Scholar at the University of the Pacific’s law school, last autumn gave the final lecture of his year-long “Meltdown Tour,” based on his 2010 book Anatomy of a Meltdown, at the Western New England University School of Law.
Robin Royals W’77, president of RC Royals & Associates, LLC, a global consulting company, has been appointed president of Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey; he will also serve on the board of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater Foundation, Inc.
Ralph Arpajian C’78 has been appointed to partnership at the law firm of Haynes and Boone, LLP; he is a member of its real-estate and finance-practice groups in New York.
Larry Haas C’78, a public-affairs consultant and writer who works in Washington, writes, “In June, Rowman & Littlefield is publishing my new book, Sound the Trumpet: The United States and Human Rights Promotion. It’s a history that focuses on the modern era of US human-rights promotion since World War II.”
Terrence Foley W’79 and his brother Edward Foley W’85 were the official Penn delegates at the inauguration of their brother Thomas Foley as president of Mt. Aloysius College in Cresson, Pa.
Betsy G. Ramos W’79, Mansfield, N.J., a civil-trial attorney, is a shareholder in the litigation department of the law firm of Capehart Scatchard, and is in its Mt. Laurel office. Earlier this year, she was appointed to the firm’s executive committee.
Andrea Wolkenberg SAMP’79 writes, “I recently moved from my home of 54 years in midtown Manhattan to Washington Heights, and am loving it. I am director of physical therapy at Spine Options, a pain-management center in White Plains dedicated to non-invasive treatment of spine-related pain. Also, I am president of Spine Solvers Inc., a multi-functional company in New York offering physical-therapy treatment, workplace injury-prevention services, and Kinesio Taping Method seminars to licensed healthcare professionals. I am a certified Kinesio Taping instructor and gave a presentation on it in April to the inaugural meeting of the New York State Pain Society. Please check out my website www.spinesolvers.com and contact me at [email protected].”
Dr. Richard Levine C’81 M’85 GM’89, an ophthalmic surgeon, recently served on a week-long charity surgical mission in El Fuerte, Mexico. Delivered into a remote rural province by volunteer private pilots, he and his surgical team performed dozens of sight-saving cataract, glaucoma, and retinal surgical procedures for the needy indigent population of the impoverished region. He was assisted by his youngest son, Joshua. Richard and his wife, Wendy, an overseer of the Nursing School, are looking forward to Commencement and the graduation of their daughter, Ali Levine C’12.
Thomas M. Gallagher C’82, chair of the white-collar and corporate-investigations practice group at the Philadelphia law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, has been elected to the firm’s executive committee.
Dr. Lawrence Backlund Gr’83 writes that he “recently published two articles on Pehr Kalm, a student of Carl Linnaeus, who visited the Delaware Valley in 1748-51 on a botanical sample-collecting mission. The articles, in The Quarterly of the Swedish Finn Historical Society (2010) and Swedish Colonial News (2011), focus on the black community. Linnaeus honored Kalm by naming the Mountain Laurel, Pennsylvania’s state flower, Kalmia latifolia. While in the New World, the energetic Kalm befriended Benjamin Franklin and measured Niagara Falls.”
Joy Feldman C’84, a nutritional consultant in North Kingstown, R.I., has written Is Your Hair Made of Donuts?, a children’s picture book to teach and inspire children to make healthy food choices. Her previous book was Joyful Cooking in the Pursuit of Good Health.
Andrea Lampert Nu’84 has been appointed director of client services for Pinstripe Healthcare; based in Brookfield, Wisc., it provides recruitment outsourcing for the healthcare industry. Previously, she was vice president of talent acquisition and corporate human resources for RehabCare Group in St. Louis.
Gregg Miller C’84 has been appointed to partnership at the law firm of Haynes and Boone, LLP; he is a member of its real-estate and finance-practice groups in New York.
Edward Foley W’85 see Terrence Foley W’79.
John Polise C’85 has been named associate director for market oversight at the US Securities and Exchange Commission. He oversees the supervision and inspection of all domestic equities and options exchanges and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
Rabbi Ellen Flax C’86, New York, has been appointed executive director of the Hadassah Foundation, which seeks to augment the work of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. She most recently served as director of the Schusterman Rabbinical Fellowship, which brings together rabbinical students from the Reform and Conservative movements in a formal study program.
Andrew Lapat C’86 writes that he “‘El Tigre’ and Doug ‘El Muchacho’ Meyer C’86, James Wilson ‘Big Chief’ Arthur C’86,and Mark ‘Tiny Elvis’ Waters C’86, decided that the Reunion last May was so successful we needed another, this time slopeside: Four Seasons Jackson Hole. The Quaker quartet gathered there for a long weekend of life, love, and laughter, remembrances of all things Penn (it was so much different then), as well as some serious skiing, and good ole fashioned rock & roll. And we are pleased to tell you that we rocked.”
Marc J. Laufgraben C’86, an endocrinologist, was named head of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, N.J., and associate professor of medicine at the Cooper Medical School of Rowan University.
David J. Steerman C’86 has joined the Philadelphia law firm of Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg as a partner in its litigation department and chair of its family-law group.
Brian M. Katz C’88 W’88, chair of the corporate and securities practice group at the Philadelphia law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, has had been elected to the firm’s executive committee.
Charles D. Kirkpatrick II WG’88 writes, “I have just published my third book on the stock market. This one is called Time the Markets: Using Technical Analysis to Interpret Economic Data (Pearson Education, FT Press).”
Renée E. Tribert GFA’88 writes, “Thanks to the interest of architectural historian James O’Gorman, one-time professor at Penn, my master’s thesis for the historic-preservation program, Gervase Wheeler: A British Architect in America, 1847–1860, was recently published by Wesleyan University Press.”
Dr. Danny Tsang GEE’88 GrE’89, Hong Kong, China, has been named an IEEE Fellow “for contributions to the optimization of communications networks.”
Betsy Young C’88 wrote in February, “After more than 15 years in book publishing, I decided to switch gears and enter the education field. I am finishing up my master’s in teaching this spring. As part of my academic endeavors, I was able to get a paper published, it appears now as a chapter in Murdering Miss Marple: Essays on Gender and Sexuality in the New Golden Age of Women’s Crime Fiction, published by McFarland. And, I am getting married this May! As of June, I will be living in Houston. Lots of changes, all very exciting! Old friends, I’d love to hear from you at [email protected].”
David France C’89 emails, “I am still living in Basel, Switzerland. I work at Novartis Pharma AG on a part-time contract basis and I am still working as an artist (dancer, choreographer, producer, and promoter). I manage to travel to the US occasionally, but it seems as if I will be here for a long time. My dance company, David P. France Dance Company, has been making its way to cities worldwide teaching class and performing. Most recently, we have visited Belgrade, Rome, and Queens, New York. By the time you read this, we will have performed for the second time in Basel. It is my hope that the dance company will be ready to perform for you guys during our 25th Class Reunion in 2014. It would be great to organize other Penn performing-arts alums from our era (and maybe from the recent graduating class as well) to join in and perform together to celebrate 25 years. If you are interested in seeing how we can make this idea happen or just want to connect, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Have a great summer!”
Nicole Galli C’89 L’92 has joined Benesch, the Cleveland-based law firm, as a partner in its intellectual-property practice group. She will work out of the firm’s Philadelphia office.
Howard S. Krooks L’89, a partner of Elder Law Associates PA in Boca Raton, Fla., has been named president-elect of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys for 2012-13.
Suzanne Pappas Quint C’89 writes, “[Last] spring, I became publisher of All You, a Time, Inc., magazine and media brand that helps women enjoy life for less. I’m living in Greenwich Village with my husband, Joe, and our five-year-old twins Sabrina and Leo.”
James Wiener C’89 see Sarah Gleit C’99.
Kathryn Boockvar C’90, Doylestown, Pa., who is running for Congress this November (for the 8th District), wrote, “Emily’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, has placed my campaign ‘On the List.’ We are one of only a handful of challengers to be named to the list nationwide. This significant step … will bring more attention to a race already in the national spotlight. I am so proud and thankful to have an organization like Emily’s List behind me, and the boost it gives to the campaign is tremendous. This announcement comes right on the heels of endorsements by the Bucks and Montgomery County Democratic Committees, the Women’s Campaign Fund, and the announcement naming us as one of only 18 top targeted Red-to-Blue races by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.”
Peter Exley GAr’90, a principal of Architecture is Fun, a Chicago design studio, has been named a Benjamin Moore Hue Award Winner for Contract Interiors “for a passionate and meaningful use of color in design.”
Joel Nied C’90 has joined the law firm of LeClairRyan as a partner on its venture-capital and corporate-services practice area teams. He is based in its offices in Norfolk and Alexandria, Va.
Stuart Gibbs C’91 writes, “My newest middle-grade novel, Spy School, was released this March, and my next, Traitor’s Chase (the sequel to The Last Musketeer), will be in stores June 26. I actually came up with the concept of Spy School as an undergrad at Penn, so it’s quite exciting to have finally had the chance to get it published.”
Seth L. Hanford C’91 in July will become the head of school of Elgin Academy near Chicago. He had been director of the upper-school since 2004.
Dr. Lior Yahalomi GrW’91 has been appointed chief financial officer and executive vice president of JGWPT Holdings, LLC, a group of finance companies based in Radnor, Pa., and Boynton Beach, Fla., that specialize in illiquid financial assets. Previously, he was CFO and EVP of Vishay Intertechnology Inc., a global electronics manufacturer based in Malvern, Pa.
Anthony W. Crowell C’92, counselor to Michael R. Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, and chair of the trustees of the Brooklyn Public Library, has been appointed dean and president of New York Law School; he joined the faculty as a professor of law. An adjunct professor there for nine years, he taught a seminar on New York City law.
Tim George W’92 writes, “Happy 20th to all my good friends from Penn! Since I won’t be able to make it down for the festivities, here’s a quick update. After graduating, I returned to my home state of Vermont, and after serving as director of finance at the Vermont Teddy Bear Company and global financial analyst at Burton Snowboards, I’m currently on my 11th year as the chief financial officer at Hampton Direct, Inc. It has been great contributing to the growth of three entrepreneurial companies, and I’ve learned that I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. My wife, Carmen, and daughter, Vanessa, live with me in Burlington, very much a college town and consistently rated as one of the most livable cities in the US. In fact, it is the home to the University of Vermont, where I earned my MBA in 2006, and have also been teaching an evening class on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management in the MBA program since 2009. For all of my friends in the Class of 1992, or thereabouts, if you ever come up to Vermont for the foliage or the skiing/snowboarding, or if you’ve permanently fled Manhattan for our calmer pastures, don’t hesitate whatsoever to give me a call.”
Doug Veith C’92 wrote in early March, “My wife, Paula, and I are extremely thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Charles Everson Veith, on Nov. 22. A little over three months in and Charlie is already nearly 20 lbs. He takes after his father and has the appetite of a mini water buffalo. We currently live in Los Angeles.”
Aliy Zirkle C’92, Two Rivers, Alaska, finished second in the Iditarod, which was held in early March from Anchorage to Nome. She lists her occupation as “dog musher” and has completed 10 Iditarods. She and her husband, Allen Moore, also an Iditarod musher, share a kennel (www.SPKDogLog.com). They have two adult daughters. Aliy enjoys guiding novice dog mushers on wilderness adventure trips around Alaska.
Doug Patt GAr’93 writes, “I am a practicing registered architect, entrepreneur, and author. MIT Press just published a book I wrote, How to Architect. (I have a YouTube channel with the same name.) A few years back I created and spun out two businesses, including one which was acquired by a large, publicly held footwear company and another which licensed technology to a San Francisco-based soft-goods company.”
Amy Sykes Dosik C’94 and her husband, Peter Dosik, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Noah Lewis Dosik, on Jan. 20. They live in Atlanta, where Amy is a principal with Ernst & Young LLP’s national exempt-organization tax practice and serves on the boards of Hillels of Georgia, Atlanta 2-Day Walk for Breast Cancer, and Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta. Peter is associate general counsel with Starwood Hotels and serves on the board of the Museum of Design Atlanta.
Menno Ellis W’94 writes, “I had the privilege of writing the foreword for a recently published leadership and communications book called ROE Powers ROI, by R. Michael Rose. The book can be found through www.roepowersroi.com or at Amazon.”
Judith M. Hutchison W’94 writes, “I recently joined First Republic Bank as managing director and business banker and continue to focus on providing banking solutions to professional firms and non-profit organizations in Portland, Ore. I serve on the board of the Classroom Law Project, the non-profit that sponsors ‘Mock Trial’ and ‘We The People’ programs in local schools. I also serve as co-chair of the ambassador board for the Cascade Pacific Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and in June one of our fundraising events is rappelling down the US Bank Tower in Portland. Looking for more daredevil volunteers!”
Lynn P. Lewis C’94 in February was named one of the “Advertising Working Mothers of the Year” by Advertising Women of New York. She has a four year old and a two year old, and the family lives in Manhattan.
Mathew Astrom C’95 has accepted a teaching position at the Cairo American College in Egypt. He and his two sons, Nate (eight) and Samuel (six), will relocate in August. For the upcoming year, adventures are already planned for Greece, Austria, Morocco, Kenya, and Turkey.
Susan Garfield C’95 received her doctorate of public health from Boston University last June. She lives in Wayland, Mass., with her husband, Steve Noyes C’95, and two daughters Lily (eight) and Maya (almost five). She continues her career in healthcare-strategy consulting as a VP at Bridgehead International; and would love to hear from friends at [email protected].
Peter Kim C’95 writes, “After years of blogging and tweeting, I put my English degree to proper use and co-authored a book: Social Business By Design publishes on May 1 by Jossey-Bass and my editor was the amazing Karen Murphy C’96.”
Tracy Layney C’95 was recently promoted to vice president, HR strategy, technology & operations for Gap Inc. Her husband, Jaison Layney C’95, also took on a new role last year as vice president, executive compensation, for Union Bank. In addition to these professional milestones, Tracy (née Layland) and Jaison (né Ankney) are thrilled to be celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary in May. They live with their delightful six-year-old son, Noah, in Marin County, just outside of San Francisco.
Michael S. Rosenberg L’95 has been promoted to associate director in the Division of Enforcement and Investigations at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in Washington.
Jeremy Agulnek EE’96 has recently joined Vibes Media in Chicago as director of product management. Founded in 1998 by Alex Campbell W’98, it “provides mobile-marketing solutions to brands, publishers, and marketers.” Jeremy has lived in Chicago with his wife, Abby Altman Agulnek C’97, since graduating from Penn and have three children, Ellie (eight), Brooke (six), and Levi (two).
Joseph Sciorra Gr’96 is associate director of academic and cultural programs at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute of Queens College CUNY. He recently co-curated an exhibition there, “Graces Received: Painted and Metal Ex-votos from Italy,” running until May 25.
Ben Gafni C’98 and Cori Gafni C’99 are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Devin Lilah Gafni on Jan. 31. Ben and Cori are three for three as Devin joins two big sisters, Alaina and Simone. They live in Los Angeles, where Ben continues his work at Google and Cori stays at home with the girls.
Samantha Cohen Greenberg W’98 was promoted last December to partner on the investment team of Paulson & Co. Inc., where she focuses on “event-driven equities and merger arbitrage, particularly in the media/telecom/ Internet and consumer sectors.”
Ali Haroon C’98, Singapore, has been appointed a partner in Värde Partners Asia, global fund managers.
Ron Isaacson EAS’98 see Stacey Feldman Isaacson C’00.
Daniel Lee W’98 L’00 recently joined Macquarie Capital as US head of the mergers & acquisitions group. Previously, he had spent nearly a decade in the M & A group at UBS Investment Bank, and before that in the investment-banking department of Bear Stearns.
Jason D. Fabrikant C’99 married Joanna Lo at the Washington Hebrew Congregation in Washington on July 17. The wedding was attended by many alumni, spanning decades, including Ben Hammer C’98 (who signed the ketubah), Erica Fabrikant C’00, Heather Fabrikant C’01, Marvin Fabrikant C’67, Robert Fabrikant C’66, Jeff Freedman C’67, and Karen Freedman C’67. Jason and Joanna honeymooned in Tulum, Mexico, which was a “fantastic destination for sun and fun.” He is happy to reconnect with friends and can be reached at [email protected].
Cori Gafni C’99 see Ben Gafni C’98.
Sarah Gleit C’99 and James Wiener C’89 are delighted to announce the birth of their second daughter, Olivia Reese, on Dec. 27, weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz., and 20 inches long. She joined big sister Alexa, who turned three in December. They live in Greenwich Village.
Rachel Rosenbaum Mandell C’99 and Matt Mandell C’99 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Jesse Theodore, on Oct. 20; they live in New York.
Steven Fechheimer W’00 and Gina Rossitto Fechheimer W’00 proudly announce the birth of their son, Simon Jay, on July 1. He joined big sister Hannah, who turned three in February. They live in Winnetka, Ill.
Michelle Holme C’00 won a Grammy for Art Direction for Bruce Springsteen’s The Promise: The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Story.This is her first win and second nomination.
Stacey Feldman Isaacson C’00 and Ron Isaacson EAS’98 happily announce the birth of their daughter, Eliza Snow, on Jan. 20. “As is fitting with both her name and her family’s history, Eliza arrived just before the weekend’s snowstorm. Big sister Sophie is completely smitten with her, as are we.”
Kelly Affannato Ohlert C’00 GEd’01 see Joanne Sherman Deutchman W’75.
Anh Thu Shah W’00 gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Rohan, on Oct. 23. He is the second child and second boy for her and her husband, Pradyut Shah EAS’00 W’00, who recently moved back to San Francisco after spending a year in New York with their toddler son, Pavan. Pradyut is now a principal at Insignia Capital Group, a San Francisco Bay Area private-equity firm. Anh and Pradyut look forward to some sun and sand in Hawai’i with their two boys this summer.
Janice Wang C’00 writes, “My husband, Herman, and I are very excited to announce the birth of our son, Herman Alexander Pontzer, on Feb. 14, at 7 lbs. 15 oz., in New York. We are all happy and healthy, and it certainly made for a memorable Valentines Day!”
Matthew Wieder EAS’00 was recently promoted to director of product management at MRI Software, a “global leader in property- and facility-management software.” He and Dr. Devorah R. Wieder C’00 G’05 M’05, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Cleveland Clinic, live in Beachwood, Ohio, with their children Naftali (eight), Binyamin (seven), Sarah (four), and Eliana (one).
Russell Dritz W’01 see Melanie Schmid C’02.
Jeremy Braddock Gr’02, an assistant professor of English at Cornell University, writes, “My book, Collecting as Modernist Practice,has just been published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Alumni might take special interest in its chapter on the Barnes Foundation.”
Lisa Ratner Fieldston W’02 and Ross Fieldston C’02 are thrilled to announce the birth of their second daughter, Samara Lily Fieldston, on Dec. 16; she weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz., and measured 20½ inches. “She was welcomed by big sister Kayla, grandma Gail Seideman Fieldston GEd’73, and was also greeted by many proud aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, including uncle Evan Fieldston M’03 WG’03 GM’09 G’10and aunt Gabriela Marein-Efron Fieldston M’08, and uncle Todd Fieldston C’04. We are looking forward to reuniting with old Penn friends at our 10th Reunion this spring.”
Andrew J. Finkelstein W’02 and Michele Kahne Finkelstein proudly announce the birth of Joshua Reid Finkelstein and Ross Jordan Finkelstein on Jan. 11. Celebrating the event were great grandparents Elaine and Melvin Finkelstein W’49, grandparents Barbara and Lawrence Finkelstein W’73 L’76, great aunt Dr. Amy H. Finkelstein C’76 M’80 GM’84, and great uncle William P. Finkelstein W’80 WG’82, together with honorary family members Richard M. Cohen W’73 and Rick Wetmore W’02.
Stephen Hart C’02 writes, “My wife, Ann-Marie, and I welcomed our first child, Connor Michael, on Jan. 19; he weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. Everyone is doing great and we couldn’t be happier to have him here. I continue to work at BlackRock as a vice president in legal and compliance, and Ann-Marie is now a manager in employee relations, human resources, at TD Ameritrade. We both still live in New York.”
Melanie Schmid C’02 and Russell Dritz W’01 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Abigail Paige, on Sept. 2; Abigail weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz.
Jon Cooper C’03 WG’09 and Janine Winant Cooper Nu’03 are proud to announce the birth of their first son, Gilbert Alexander Cooper, on Feb. 5; he weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz., and was 21 inches long. “Since graduation, [we] married in 2006 in Bermuda, and have spent the better part of the last decade bouncing around the country for work and school, and accumulating new pets. We are currently in Denver, where Janine just completed a MSN and is an NP in psychiatric nursing. Jon, Janine, and the three dogs are delighted to welcome Gil into the family.”
David G. Kelble G’03, Dresher, Pa., has been appointed director of information technology for the Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life in Horsham, which is a nonprofit provider of services to seniors.
Alyssa E. Litman C’03 married Scott A. Lambert on Dec. 17 at the Inn at Penn on campus. As with any Penn wedding, pictures were taken all over Locust Walk, and the wedding party including several alumni, including her college roommate and matron of honor Alexis Marchio Stumm C’03 and maid of honor Liana Metzger W’09. The ceremony was officiated by Cantor Nancy Ginsberg SW’93 with several other alumni attending, including Gregory Stumm C’03, Dayna Finkelstein C’03, Keith Joseph C’03, and Allison Stakofsky C’04.
John LaBrie GrEd’04 has been named dean of the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University in Boston.
Katherine Eberle Lehman C’04 married Benjamin Davis Trumbull in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, on Feb. 19, 2011. They met at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and now live in Toledo, Ohio: she is a program leader at Domino’s Pizza in Ann Arbor, Mich., and he is a VP at Savage Consulting. Alumni attending included Ross Clark C’04, Leah Hirsch C’04, Kate Jay Zweifler C’04, Katie Brandt C’04, Mary Gover C’04, Alison Brophy Dorsey C’04, Kip Pastor C’04, Asher Hawkins C’04, Nick Cucharale D’82 GD’84, Scott Stelzer W’91 WG’96, David Benedetto W’62, Zandy Cucharale C’09, Rachel Reibman C’05, Bob Levey W’64, Erica Mizrahi Lewis C’04, Emily Loeb C’04, and Lauren Sokolowski Stelzer W’03.
Adam Kweskin C’05 see Lucy Fagan W’06.
Katherine Ann Cernocky W’06 married Craig Arlen Pomeroy on Sept. 10 at Northwestern University’s Alice Millar Chapel. Jeff Gottfried C’06 Gr’12, Viara Gradevska C’06, Alexandra Ressler W’06 EAS’06, Christina Scalzo W’06, Kelsey Schwenk W’06, April Anderson Sinha C’06, and Nikhil Sinha EAS’06 celebrated with them at the Palmer House in Chicago. Kathy and Craig currently live in Boston, where she is an attorney with Foley Hoag LLP and he is an engineer with MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Lucy Fagan W’06 married Adam Kweskin C’05 at Battery Gardens in New York on Nov. 19. “Though we both went to Penn for undergrad, we did not know each other, and were set up by mutual friend Alexa Driansky W’06 WG’11 when we were living in New York after graduation. Our wedding was a full Penn affair as Adam’s parents, Helen Truss Kweskin CW’71 and Edward Kweskin C’68, met when they were undergraduates, and his sister is Abigail Kweskin C’00. (His uncle Richard Kweskin C’63, who was unable to attend, lives in Greece.) We also held our rehearsal dinner the night before at the Penn Club of New York. Other wedding guests included Allison Rilander C’06, Anthony Rizzi C’05, Jon Snyder C’05, William Peelle III C’05, Edward Webster C’05, Brian Tierney Jr. C’05, Spencer Thune C’05, Thomas Allen C’05, Katie Stuhlemmer Nu’05 GNu’11, James Dunning C’05, Stephanie Weiss W’06, Lewis Hart III C’05, Louise McCready C’07, Charles Kornblith W’05, Amy Carpenter C’06, Alexis Cohen C’06, Cecilia Rabess W’06, Lindsay Weber C’06, Katherine Kelly C’06, Stephen Gavalas C’05, Ariane Vinograd C’05, Jon Hillsberg W’68 L’71 and Nona S. Hillsberg CW’70, Kathy Fagan Reissman WG’78, John Ashe C’68, Nancy Weberman Rilander W’72 and Kenneth Rilander WG’73, and Susan Menin Bergman CW’68.
Lily Pan C’06 married Leo Chang EAS’06 W’06 at Mabel Shaw Bridges Auditorium in Claremont, Calif., on March 16. Christopher Hogg W’06 WG’13 G’13, Michal Krasnodebski EAS’06 W’06, and Rajat Singh W’06 served as groomsmen and Kristy Leong C’06 WG’13, Sha Ling C’06, and Tina Mehta C’06 as bridesmaids. In addition to the wedding party, many Penn friends were present, including Jose Asturias C’06 W’06, Christina Liu Augustine EAS’06 W’06 GEng’06 WG’13, Deeksha Hebbar EAS’06 W’06, Ming Hu C’06, Arati Jasani C’06, Isabel Kuo C’06, Renee Lam C’05, Ross Leimberg EAS’06 W’06, Heather Morse W’08, Bryan Tseng C’06 EAS’06, Yichen Wang C’07 W’07, Jessica Wisniewski W’05, Chen Xue C’06 W’06, and Cynthia Yeung EAS’06 W’06. Lily and Leo live in Boston, where they are both MBA students at Harvard Business School. A second-year student, he graduates this month and will join Vector Capital, a technology-focused private-equity firm in San Francisco. She, a first-year student (and previously a senior associate brand manager at Kraft Foods), will join him there after graduation. They look forward to catching up with any Penn friends in Boston or the Bay Area.
Leora Gabry C’07 married Jeremy Semble W’07 on March 10 at the Park Hyatt in Washington. They met during their junior year, inspiring his Philadelphia proposal at the garden-railroad display at the Morris Arboretum in Aug. 2010. Participating in the wedding ceremony was her father, Jerome Gabry C’71, and friends Aviva Halperin C’07, Tracey Liebman C’07, Debra Kerr C’08, Laura Kerr C’08, Tracy Drossman C’08, Elana Hoffman Goldsmith C’07, Molly Ainsman Fisher C’07, Rachel Drossman EAS’06 W’06, Marc Frenkel W’07, Richard Strohmenger C’07, and David Miller C’07. Alumni family and friends joining in the celebration were quite numerous, including Leora’s uncle Mark Gabry C’75, cousin Professor Joseph Turow C’72 ASC’73 Gr’76, cousin Jonathan Turow W’06, cousin Marissa Turow C’09; and friends Rita Cohen CW’73, Ronald Dweck W’71, Carol Feder CW’73, Jack Feder C’71 L’74, Gilbert Geldon C’71 GEd’71 L’74, Sharon Hardy CW’71 GEd’72, Carol Herman CW’73, Hank Herman C’71, Judith Madden CW’71 GrEd’06, Brian Madden C’71, Richard Zitelman W’77, Betsy Levy C’80, Jessica Weisz C’07, Michelle Bensignor C’07, Jessica Lewis C’07, Elizabeth Gay W’07, Ryan Jones C’07, Michael Fisher EAS’07 W’07, Jeremy Price C’08, Brian Seltzer C’07, Aaron Kapito W’07, Michael Tolkin W’07, Eric Lesser W’07, Jeremy Klein C’07, Jennifer Broadbent W’07, Rachel Klein EAS’07, Lindsay Warren C’07, Sara Silverstein C’08, Alyson Krueger C’07, David Linder C’07, William Morel W’07 WG’13, David Field C’07, Gregory Moran C’07, and Craig Alpert M’10. Leora and Jeremy are thrilled to be married after their lengthy engagement. At the wedding, they took a photo of alumni decked out in Penn gear while being led by her father’s classmates in “Drink a Highball” and “The Red and Blue.” She and Jeremy currently live in New York, where she is in her third year at Columbia Law School and he works in energy finance. They are looking forward to attending their 5th Reunion this May.
Jennifer Schlein EAS’07 W’07 married Derek Baumgarten C’07on Jan. 14 at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in New York; the rehearsal dinner was held at the Penn Club of New York. The wedding party included the maid-of-honor Doretta Mistras C’04 W’04, bridesmaids Tara Reddy W’07 and Elicia Ford C’07, and groomsmen Charles Adams C’07, Blake Nesbitt W’07, and Noah Snyder-Mackler C’07 Gr’12. Other alumni attending included Derek’s parents, Larry Baumgarten WG’77 and Gladys Torres-Baumgarten CW’77, his aunt Martha Torres CW’76, and numerous friends from Chi Omega, Kappa Sigma, and other classmates of Jennifer and Derek. She and he were thrilled to have so many Penn friends help them celebrate their wedding: even Kenn Kweder made an appearance to play a set. After going to South Africa, Kenya, Zanzibar, and Paris for their honeymoon, Jennifer and Derek continue to live in New York. She is an investment-banking associate at Goldman Sachs in New York who specializes in healthcare companies, and he is an investment-banking associate at Moelis & Company in New York who specializes in corporate restructuring.
Katherine Tuider C’07 has co-written Dominican Republic, which was published by Other Places Publishing in January, “to share the part of the Dominican Republic that we came to know and love as Peace Corps volunteers.”
Kelly M. Thompson GrEd’08, Wilson, N.C., vice president for external relations at Barton College, was recently recognized with a 2011 Women Extraordinaire Award from the Business Leader magazine as one of “influential leaders within their companies or organizations, with an extraordinary impact on its economic success and forward-thinking strategies.”
Daniel Warsh C’08 has joined the law firm of Maddin, Hauser, Wartell, Roth & Heller, P.C., in Southfield, Mich., as an associate attorney. He had recently graduated from the University of Michigan law school.
Nse Umoh Esema C’09 married Moses Esema W’09 on July 30 at Foxchase Manor in Virginia. The wedding party included groomsman Blanchard Diavua C’09 and bridesmaid Mfon Umoh EAS’11. Alumni relatives included Nse’s sister, Dr. Uduak Umoh Andy EAS’03. “Several Penn friends shared in this special day, far too many to list, so the Red & Blue was very well represented.” Nse and Moses met during the first days of New Student Orientation, and had been together for most of their time at Penn. Last August, they moved to Cambridge, Mass., where she continued her master’s in city planning at MIT and he began his joint MBA/MPP degrees at Harvard Business School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
Jessica Garvey C’09 writes that she landed her first major television role, on the hit series, CSI: Miami. She plays “a reporter who gets murdered for uncovering a political scandal in the episode ‘Law and Disorder,’ which premiered on CBS on March 25.” She also recently appeared in national commercials for Bush’s Baked Beans, Sears, and the American Academy of Dermatology.
Erika Fisher L’11 in January joined the international law firm of Weil, Gotshal and Manges as an associate in its Miami office. She specializes in complex-commercial litigation.
Dr. Tryan L. McMickens GrEd’11 is a visiting assistant professor in the administration of higher education program at Suffolk University in Phoenix, Ariz. Earlier this year, he was runner-up for the Melvene D. Hardee Dissertation-of-the-Year Award of NASPA—Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.