

Morton Teicher PSW’42 writes that in August, “the National Association of Social Workers informed me that I have been selected and recognized as a NASW Social Work Pioneer. The letter I received reads in part: ‘Your accomplishments and outstanding contributions to the social-work profession are worthy of the special honor given by your peers.’ I am the founding dean of the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University in New York and dean emeritus of the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.” 


Hon. Harold Berger EE’48 L’51, a former Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge, is a senior partner and managing principal of Berger & Montague, P.C., and an overseer of Penn’s School of Engineering & Applied Science, and chair of the Friends of the Biddle Law Library. He recently participated with Dean Eduardo Glandt GCh’75 Gr’77 of the School of Engineering in the presentation of the 2011 Berger Award to Dr. Steven Chu, US Secretary of Energy and co-winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize for Physics. Dr. Chu’s lecture was “How Innovation Has Changed the World.” 



Angelo P. Demos C’50 writes that he was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame of the 35th Infantry Division. He was a staff sergeant during WWII, leading a rifle squad in three campaigns in Europe, including the Battle of the Bulge. After the war he enrolled in the ROTC at Penn and was commissioned a second lieutenant; he served in the Army Reserve for 30 years and became a full colonel. At Penn, Angelo was president of Delta Tau Delta fraternity; he believes he is the only student ever to have performed in four Mask and Wig shows. He is an AV (top peer-rated lawyer), practicing law in Miami since 1953.

James Reichley C’50 has published Time Before Time, a novel about a boy growing up with his family and friends in a mining town in the Pennsylvania hard-coal region during the 1930s. Jim notes, “it offers romance, religion, social violence, dirty politics, a suspected murder, a ‘hex’ ghost in the attic, and the tribulations and startling joys of early youth.” This is his first novel since the two he had published in the late 1950s; in between, he was legislative secretary to Pennsylvania Governor Bill Scranton, political editor of Fortune, domestic policy assistant to President Gerald Ford, and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. 


Amaranth Ehrenhalt FA’51,www.AmaranthEhrenhalt.com, has a solo exhibition, A Hidden Treasure, at the Anita Shapolsky Gallery in Manhattan through Jan. 31.

Dr. Lionel Gold GD’51, clinical professor of otolaryngology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, pathology, anatomy, and cell biology at Thomas Jefferson University, is director of research for the oral and maxillofacial surgery department at its affiliated hospital. The annual September meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons was dedicated to him. 


Dr. David E. Kuhl M’55 GM’59, a former professor of radiology at Penn, in November received the John Scott Award from the City of Philadelphia for his pioneering discoveries that led to the SPECT and PET scan technology. (The award is named after a Scottish chemist and philanthropist who had a love of Philadelphia and deep admiration for Ben Franklin.) 


Irene Sofian Herman CW’56, a lyric soprano and a former Ms. Senior Florida, has returned to her musical roots after retiring from a career in broadcasting. She will perform in concert on Feb. 29 at the Longboat Key Education Center; the program “Heart of a Heritage,” includes Yiddish, Hebrew, and Broadway songs.

Robert A. Natiello WG’56,
 who is retired and lives in Sedona, Ariz., recently received two Pushcart Prize nominations. His short story “A Favorable Impression” and his essay “Classroom Expectations” earned nominations for “the prestigious literary prize that annually honors the best poetry, short fiction, and essays, published in America’s small presses.” Both have appeared in Arizona Literary Magazine. His previous Pushcart Prize nomination came in 2009 for his short story “El Caballo Blanco.” Last spring marked the third successive year Bob was invited to attend the Sirenland writers conference in Positano, Italy. 



Dr. Michael Eigen C’57 writes that he was invited to speak and participate in the First World Humanities Forum, sponsored by UNESCO and the Korean government, which “explores what the humanities can contribute to working with problems that confront the world.” On his way to the forum at Busan, he gave an 18-hour seminar for the Object Relations Institute in Seoul. This fall, he also spoke at the New York University postdoctoral program in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis and the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. His latest books are Contact With the Depths and Eigen in Seoul, vol. 2: Faith and Transformation. 


Alan Scribner C’58 writes that he and J. C. Douglas Marshall G’64 Gr’67 “have written a book together: Anni Ultimi: A Roman Stoic Guide to Retirement, Old Age and Death. It consists of a translation we made of letters of Seneca dealing with these senior-citizen issues, and includes essays on Stoicism and Seneca’s life. Seneca and Roman Stoicism, we believe, provide a useful philosophy of retirement, a philosophy of old age, and a philosophy of death: timeless wisdom for the final years of life.” 



Dr. Newell Fischer M’61, clinical professor of psychiatry at the School of Medicine and a past president of the American Psychoanalytic Association, has written Nine Lives: A View from Within. It describes “the inner struggles of nine patients who are treated in intensive psychoanalytic therapy … allowing the educated lay reader to enter into the therapeutic relationship,” and was published by Vantage Press. 



Barrett Freedlander C’62 writes, “I am celebrating this, our 50th Reunion year, by grandfathering two members of the Class of 2033, born within the span of six days, both of whom will soon be dressed in red and blue and instilled with knowledge of their Penn pedigree. Claribel Elizabeth Saint Freedlander, born Sept. 7, is the daughter of Lily Saint C’97 and David Freedlander C’00, and great granddaughter of Irving H. Leopold C’34 M’38 GM’43 and Eunice Robinson Leopold CW’39. Gustavo Edward Freedlander, born Sept. 13, is a son of Bea De La Torre C’97 and Jed Freedlander C’97, and brother of Sebastian J. Freedlander Class of 2030. Their aunt is Laura C. Freedlander C’08, their great-uncle is Howard S. Freedlander C’67, and their cousin is Bess Freedlander Langbein C’02.”


Richard Bartholomew C’63 GAr’65, an urban designer, architect, and planner, received the 2011 John F. Harbeson Award for lifetime achievement from AIA Philadelphia. A recently retired principal of the international planning and design firm Wallace Roberts & Todd, who had attended the University of Cambridge as a Thouron scholar, he was an adjunct member of the PennDesign faculty for over 20 years. He is a fellow of the AIA and a fellow of the American Academy in Rome.

Richard Colville Ar’63 and Linda Strekis Colville CW’64had a show of their art work at Sea Oaks Tennis and Beach Club in Vero Beach, Fla., in late December. They also have been invited to show their work at a Merrill Lynch office. If you would like, call them at (772) 234-1482; by email [email protected]


Michael J. Kearney WG’64 writes that for the second year in a row, he competed in the “Big Shoulders,” a sanctioned master’s open-water swim in Lake Michigan, last September; he finished second in the age 70+, 2.5km.

J. C. Douglas Marshall G’64 Gr’67 see Alan Scribner C’58.


Kevin B. Cronin C’65, on behalf of USAID, recently presented a program on “Best Practices in Renewable Energy: Policy Incentives and Enabling Environment” to the Jordan Electricity Regulatory Commission, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the National Energy Research Center in Amman.

Joan Segal Trachtenberg Nu’65 GNu’81 recently celebrated her 25th year at the Bryn Mawr Hospital psych unit, as the unit itself was celebrating its 25th year. She reports no retirement in sight, as the surprises of each day are keeping her young. “With kudos and great gratitude to Penn Nursing!” 


Steve Klitzman C’66 reports he served as communications chair for the 45th Reunion of the Class of 1966. “A class newsletter listed the results of a survey question on ‘favorite Penn professors.’ Topping the list was Alexander V. Riasanovsky (“Prof. R.”), a professor of Russian history at Penn from 1959 to 1999.” He notes that he “was curious about Prof. R’s life since many of us studied with him in the 1960s. I also wanted to give him our condolences on the May 2011 death of his brother, Nicholas, another leading scholar of Russian history who taught for many years at the University of California at Berkeley. So I located him in Tampa, Fla., and had a very pleasant conversation with him. Prof. R. told me that since he retired from Penn in 1999, he has been living with his wife, Janis, in Tampa near some children and grandchildren. (He has two daughters, Katya and Nina, and four grandchildren). In 2005, he and his wife also bought a condominium in Littleton, Colo., a Denver suburb, where they spend their summer months. Prof. R. says he ‘doesn’t do email.’ However, as an ‘old fashioned’ communicator he ‘would welcome’ receiving letters or notes from former students. Here is his contact information: October-June: A. V. Riasanovsky, 2900 W. Azeele Street, Unit B, Tampa, FL 33609-3169; June-September: A. V. Riasanovsky, 11663 Elk Herd Range Road, Littleton, CO 80127-3711. For a copy of our complete conversation, including Prof. R’s views on Russia today as well as some pictures of him, please email Steve Klitzman at [email protected].

Bobbie Humenny McCrackin CW’66
 has been recognized by Business to Business magazine with an Impact Leader Award, which “is given to individuals in Atlanta’s public, private, and nonprofit sectors for vision, leadership, inspiration, and philanthropic pursuits.” 



Eleanor Hubbard CW’67 GFA’71,www.eleanorhubbard.com, writes that “an international group of contemporary artists, who use cats as models and muses, have been invited to create original films about those relationships.” She is “creating a series of light-hearted films on the weighty topic, inspiration, and was represented by a piece called “Art Imitates Cat” at Chat D’oeuvres: the 2nd New York Cat Art Film Festival.The American premier took place in October at the Anthology Film Archives, New York.”

Barry Krisberg C’67 Gr’71 is at the University of California Berkeley Law School. In November, he was honored by the Division on People of Color and Crime of the American Society of Criminology with its lifetime achievement award.

Barbara Magalnick GEd’67 wrote in late October, “My new book, Social Media: The Revolution in Communication, has just been published.”

Barry A. Sanders C’67 writes, “I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book, American Avatar: The United States in the Global Imagination (Potomac Books). It is a study of how people around the world form their ideas about the US. It relates to classes I teach as a professor of communications studies at UCLA, and is described at www.americanavatar.com.” 


Kristi Hager CW’68 lives in Missoula, Mont., where she draws and paints in colder months and photographs historic buildings and structures in warmer months. The Historic American Building Survey in the Library of Congress has archived over 70 of her large-format photography projects. Her book, Evelyn Cameron, Montana’s Frontier Photographer, was a 2007 Montana Book Award honor winner. She received a 2010 Artist’s Innovation Award from the Montana Arts Council for creating Cool Water Hula, a public project.

Hon. Colin Hanna C’68, a former Chester County (Pa.) commissioner, is president of Let Freedom Ring, a public-policy non-profit organization committed to “promoting constitutional government, economic freedom, and traditional values (LetFreedomRingUSA.com).” He also founded WeReadTheConstitution.com, a movement that encourages Americans to gather for readings of the US Constitution, and he led the Cut Cap Balance Coalition that advocated for Congress to vote for a constitutional balanced-budget amendment. On Constitution Day, he was named a 2011 Constitutional Champion by the Constituting America organization; and the Eagle Forum honored him with its 2011 Eagle Award.

Bonnie O’Boyle CW’68 writes, “Chalk one up for the ladies: I’m serving for two years as chair of the board of the Grundy Foundation, the first female to do so. And for the past 15 years, I’ve been the first woman to serve on the board of a local bank, First Federal of Bucks County; considering that about 80% of the bank staff is women, that made me pretty popular! But let’s give credit to the men who voted me into these positions and are always encouraging. As one who dotes on her three nieces, this speaks well for their futures.” 


Thomas C. Brown C’69, a business attorney in Kansas City, Mo., wrote How to Start a Business and Not Get Sued: A Simple Guide to the Essential Legal Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Ask Before Starting a Business in Order to Stay Out of Trouble, which was published in July. He is also co-founding chair of Smiles Change Lives, an international non-profit providing orthodontic treatment for low-income children (www.smileschangelives.org).

Bill Schmidt W’69 reports that he is not ready for retirement and has started a second consulting business with two associates, focused on “creating value through international development” (www.intergrowllc.com). Between assignments, he and his wife, Marylea, joined friends, including Bob Smith C’69, for a quick vacation off Cape Cod. Bill’s sons are Rob Schmidt C’05, who is completing his MBA, and Rich Schmidt C’09, in his third year of medical school. Bill says hello to classmates and welcomes them to drop him a line at [email protected]



Gordon J. Beggs C’70 L’73 has been appointed Clinical Professor of Law Emeritus at Cleveland State University, after teaching 20 years there. Founding president of Christian Legal Services of Cleveland, a church-based legal-aid program for the poor, he was president of Community ReEntry, a ministry to persons involved with the criminal-justice system. He is a former legal director of the ACLU of Ohio. 


Nancy B. Ludmerer CW’73 is of counsel at the law firm of Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP in New York. In November, she received an Above & Beyond Pro Bono Achievement Award from Sanctuary for Families for “her unwavering commitment to her clients and for compassionately and fervently fighting for the rights of domestic-violence victims.”


Michael L. Kadish W’75 joined Royal Bank of Scotland in Stamford, Conn., as its managing director and as head of the bank-regulatory unit of RBS Americas Legal. He and his wife, Sadae, live in Darien with their son Harrison (11). Mike’s daughter, Julia, a Culinary Institute graduate, operates Small Wonders Catering in Long Beach, Calif., and son Karl is an engineer for Honeywell in Phoenix, Ariz.

Emily Sanders CW’75 in October became chair of Sanders Financial Management, an Atlanta-based financial-advisory and investment-management firm in metro Atlanta, which she founded 18 years ago; she continues as CEO and chief investment officer.

Steven Yellin C’75 started a sports instruction company five years ago and works with professional athletes in five sports: www.zonetraining.net. He wrote a book, The 7 Secrets of World Class Athletes, and produced a DVD for golfers, MindOff GolfOn(www.mindoffgolfon.com). He teaches “athletes all over the country via Skype, so if you want to become better in any sport, you can contact [me] at [email protected].” 


Stewart Eisenberg C’76, a founding senior partner of the Philadelphia law firm of Eisenberg, Rothweiler, Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck, P.C., was named a top litigator in medical malpractice for the second consecutive year in the 2012 edition of Best Lawyers in America, and as a top Northeast lawyer for personal injury by Arrive magazine.

Dr. Michael R. Zimmerman Gr’76, an adjunct professor emeritus of anthropology and a consulting scholar at the University Museum, was recently a visiting professor at the University of Manchester’s KNH Centre for Biomedical Anthropology; he is a collaborator in its joint project with the Natural History Museum in London, “Sir Grafton Elliot Smith and the Archaeological Survey of Nubia: their significance to the palaeopathological tradition.” 



Sean P. Colgan C’77 wrote in early November, “I just returned from the XVII Pan American Games in Guadalajara, Mexico, where I was the coach for the Gold Medal-winning USA Eight. I had also won this event in 1979 when competing in San Juan, P.R. During the training before the racing, I rowed myself for two practices, due to illness in the crew—with no ill effects! I also had the extraordinary pleasure of rooming with Ted Nash, my rowing coach at Penn, where he coached for 19 years. He was coaching the Lightweight Woman’s Single, also to a Gold medal.”

Timothy Houghton C’77 is associate professor of writing and English at Loyola University Maryland. His fifth collection of poems, The Height in Between, has just appeared from Orchises Press. 


Thomas E. Beck GAr’79 Gr’01, an architect practicing in Philadelphia, has written a translation of La Villa, by Bartolomeo Taegio and published in 1559. This “rare source of Renaissance landscape theory” was recently published by the Penn Press.

Doug Stein C’79 writes, “I am a partner at the Miami law firm of Seipp & Flick and an adjunct professor at Florida International University, teaching appellate advocacy. I am a long-standing member of the executive board of the AAU’s national karate program, and have recently been appointed by the US Olympic Committee to the board of USA Karate.”

Larry Stempel Gr’79, a professor of music at Fordham University, wrote in October, “My book Showtime: A History of the Broadway Musical Theater (W. W. Norton: New York & London, 2010) was just awarded the 2011 Kurt Weill Book Prize.” 



Carol Humphreys Gordon W’80, along with her husband, Thomas, and sons Alex (15) and Andy (12), finally made the long-debated decision to return to northern California to be closer to family and warmer weather, and recently moved to San Anselmo, after living in Boulder, Colo., for the past 13 years. 


Dr. Bob Alotta G’81 writes that his latest book, The Last Voyage of the SS Henry Bacon, has been re-released as an e-book.

Kem Hinton GAr’81, a principal of the firm Tuck-Hinton Architects in Nashville, Tenn., writes that in October “one of our projects, The Tennessee Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park, was awarded the prestigious 2011 Top Ten Great Public Spaces in America by the American Planning Association.” Lead designer for the project, Kem notes that Jon Coddington GAr’88, then at the University of Tennessee, “played a pivotal role in the conceptual design.”

Robin Lazarow C’81 writes, “Last June, I joined Diversified Retirement Corporation, a leading provider of customized retirement-plan administration for mid- to large-sized organizations, as vice president and senior counsel. My office is in Natick, Mass. I live in Boxborough and am happily married to Jeanne Kangas, who has a legal practice in Concord, focusing on matrimonial law.”

Evan Lock C’81 W’81 GEng’83 WG’83 writes that he is now working on commercializing IBM’s Watson, the computer that defeated the grand champions in the IBM Jeopardy challenge. He arrived at IBM almost nine years ago after it acquired Rational Software, which had earlier acquired a Silicon Valley start-up where he worked. For much of his time at IBM, he licensed and sold patents and technology in their intellectual-property organization. Evan lives with his wife, Elisa Weizman Lock W’83, in Bryn Mawr, Pa.; she is a CPA for Henry Frank and Company. They have three sons, Ryan (graduate of Penn State), Myles (junior at the University of Southern California), and Max (15).

Jacqueline M. Printz C’81, Short Hills, N.J., is a partner in the law firm of Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP, who specializes in matrimonial litigation. She has been selected for inclusion in the family-law practice area of The Best Lawyers in America 2012.



Henry Hoberman C’82 L’85 has been appointed senior executive vice president and global general counsel of the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. Since 2008, he was the executive vice president, general counsel, and secretary of RHI Entertainment, Inc., a producer and distributor of made-for-television films and miniseries.

Beth Silverman-Hymowitz W’82 writes, “I have published a book! I wrote The Big Smile, a children’s book, and it was published by Rosedog Books in May. This was truly a labor of love, and it took two years from concept to delivery. I am hoping to develop more of my writing skills to continue in this arena.” Her husband is Philip Hymowitz SW’89.


Mary Simon Kershaw C’83 has returned to the US, after living and working in England since graduation (a direct result of joining the pilot exchange program between Penn’s English department and King’s College London). She moved to Santa Fe to become director of the New Mexico Museum of Art.

Laurie L. Soriano C’83 W’83 writes, “I am a music attorney practicing in Los Angeles. I am proud to announce the publication of my first book of poetry, Catalina, by Lummox Press.” 


Michal Clements W’84 WG’89 is a principal at the Cambridge Group, a growth-strategy consulting firm in Chicago. She co-wrote Tuning into Mom: Understanding America’s Most Powerful Consumer, which was released in October. It “outlines a new approach to understanding the ‘American Mom’ market, by segmenting the market to uncover the critical impact of the age of the oldest child. More information is available at www.tuningintomom.com.”

Dr. Stephen B. Gruber C’84 M’92 in December became director of the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, the H. Leslie Hoffman and Elaine S. Hoffman Chair in Cancer Research, and a visiting professor of medicine at the Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles. Previously, he was the H. Marvin Pollard Professor of Internal Medicine and director of the Cancer Genetics Clinic at the University of Michigan. He and his wife, Robin, have three children, Ellen, Claire, and Megan. 


Julie Drizin C’85 has been named director of the Journalism Center on Children and Families at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland. Her public-radio career began at WXPN, where she was an award-winning news director. She went on to launch Pacifica Radio’s program Democracy Now!, then returned to the Annenberg Public Policy Center at Penn to produce NPR’s Justice Talking. Julie and her partner, Ellen Kahn, are legally married and have two daughters, Ruby (12) and Jasper (eight). They live in Silver Spring, Md.

Richard Goldsmith C’85 has been appointed to the new position of executive vice president, global distribution, for the Jim Henson Company, based in Hollywood. Previously, he was executive adviser for strategic distribution initiatives for the digital-distribution and consumer-products divisions of Warner Bros. Entertainment.

Dr. Anita Kinney GNu’85 is a professor of epidemiology and a Jon and Karen Huntsman Presidential Professor in Cancer Research at the University of Utah, where she is director of the cancer control and population sciences research program at its Huntsman Cancer Institute. Last year, she received the Outstanding Achievement Award in Medicine/Health from the Salt Lake City YWCA for her work developing interventions for communicating genetic risk to people who are at increased risk for familial cancers.

Cynthia Weiss Stein C’85 has joined Shemtob Law, P.C., a divorce and family law firm in Blue Bell, Pa., as of counsel. She currently serves as a founding member of the board of Mitzvah Circle Foundation.

Jennifer Whitlock C’85 has established a private practice in counseling psychology in Newton, N.J. On the side, she acts in comedies, most recently portraying Starlett O’Hara in the Carol Burnett version of Went with the Wind, and she leads Passion Parties. 



Michelle Arruda W’87, a shareholder of Devine Millimet in Manchester, N.H., who specializes in elder law, and trusts and estates, has been included in The Best Lawyers in America 2011,was named “2012 Concord Trusts and Estates Lawyer of the Year” by Best Lawyers, and was elected a fellow by the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.

Dan Petronella C’87 writes that after nine hectic years in retail, he has moved into financial services as head of financial planning and analysis at PNC Financial Services Group in Pittsburgh. In addition to changing industries professionally, he has joined the board of Y Gen Out Loud, a non-profit non-partisan news organization, that “provides a platform for members of Generation Y to bring their voices to the nation’s political and public-policy conversations (ygenoutloud.com).”

Michael Stern C’87 writes, “I am happy to announce that 2011 was a banner year for me. In April, I married a beautiful wonderful woman, Marina Ovchinnikova, and we are expecting a future Penn student in March. My daughter, Amanda, is a freshman at Brandeis and my son, Matthew, turned 13 (for some reason, he wants MIT—go figure).” 


Claude Pupkin G’88 WG’88 has been named CEO of Genie Energy Ltd, an NYSE-listed company, which “provides electricity and gas to residential consumers in deregulated markets and is developing technologies for the production of clean and affordable transportation fuels from oil shale; it has two oil-shale projects, one in western Colorado and one in Israel.” Claude and his wife, Laurie, live in Scarsdale, N.Y. They have two sons in college: Josh (21) is a senior at the University of Maryland, College Park, and Michael (20) is a sophomore at Curry College in Milton, Mass.

Dr. Alicia Salzer C’88 is a co-founder of Medhattan Immediate Medical Care, which opened in November to “serve the needs of New Yorkers who want and expect the highest quality medical care from the city’s top doctors, but cannot get an immediate appointment with their doctor and don’t want to wait in the ER (www.medhattan.com).”

Dr. John Whyte C’88
 is the chief medical expert and vice president for health and medical education at Discovery Channel. His book, Is This Normal? The Essential Guide to Middle Age and Beyond, was published by Rodale Books in August.

Jill Weinberg Wilpon C’88
 is a happy mother of Margaux and Paul. After spending many years in the corporate-recruiting arena, she recently founded Chorz, a domestic-staffing agency, placing nannies and housekeepers with families in the tri-state area. 



Edwin F. Chociey Jr. C’90 writes, “My wife, Theresa, and I are proud to announce the birth of our first child, Isla Elizabeth, on Dec. 17, 2010, in New York.”

Dr. Luis J. Fujimoto D’90 GD’93 has been appointed chair of the New York State Board for Dentistry, New York State Education Department.

Dori F. Green C’90, a family-law attorney, has joined the Philadelphia firm of Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller as an associate in its Norristown office.  



Greg R. Fishbone C’92 writes that his latest book, Galaxy Games: The Challengers, a “middle-grade romp through space,” was recently released from Tu Books, a new imprint of Lee & Low Books.

Mitchell D. Silber C’92 wrote The Al Qaeda Factor: Plots Against the West, which was published by Penn Press in December. He added, “For background, last fall, The New York Times did a flattering profile of my team and my day job [“The Terror Translators,” Sept. 17, 2010].”

Heidi C. Waters GEd’92 in November was appointed vice president of S2 Statistical Solutions, Inc., in Cincinnati, a provider of data mining for medical and biopharmaceutical companies. Previously, she was a global franchise director for Ethicon, Inc., a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. 


Scott W. Stram C’93 writes that he has started a new legal practice in New York (www.stramlaw.com), which specializes in contracts, business formation, data security, and social media. A member of the New York and New Jersey Bars, he can be reached at [email protected].

Frank B. Tripodi C’93 has joined the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, as of counsel in its employee-benefits practice group. Previously, he was an associate with Dechert LLP. 


Candace Cavalier C’94 and her husband, Andrew Falkenstein, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Danielle Beth, on Oct. 17. Big sisters Rachel (5 1/2) and Eva (3 1/2) are so happy to have a baby to play with.

Erica Armstrong Dunbar C’94 is an associate professor of history at the University of Delaware who specializes in African American life and culture from 1619 to 1865. In October she was named the first director of the program in African American history at the Library Company of Philadelphia. Her 2008 book, A Fragile Freedom: African American Women and Emancipation in the Antebellum City, is based in part on research she conducted in the library’s collections. 

Amir Pasic Gr’95 has been appointed vice president for international operations for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, in Washington. Previously, he was associate dean for development and strategic planning at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

Carrie Girgenti Sheps C’95 and her husband, Greg, are excited to announce the arrival of Ryan Spencer Sheps on Oct. 8, joining his big brother Matthew. He weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz., and measured 19  inches. They live in Manhattan, where Carrie is an attorney in the technology-transactions group at Latham & Watkins and Greg is senior vice president, sponsorship development, at Tribeca Enterprises.

Rich Westreich C’95 see Stacy Jacobs Westreich C’97


Nathan Anderson C’96 see Karli Anderson WG’01.

Michael Gerstein C’96 see Rachel Lasky Gerstein L’00.

Tabitha Rice C’96 writes, “Will and I are delighted to announce the arrival of our son, Matthew Wesley Rice, on June 9. His big sister, Mackenzie (five), absolutely adores him. We are still in Houston, where I am a vice president at Texas Children’s Hospital and Will is a science educator at the Children’s Museum of Houston. Would love to hear from old friends at [email protected].

Alan Rosenfeld C’96 and Haruna Fujimoto Rosenfeld are thrilled to announce the birth of their first child, Rio, on Aug. 5. Grandparents Marsha and Mark Rosenfeld W’62 are also excited to welcome their first grandchild into the world. Alan received his PhD in history from the University of California-Irvine in 2008 and currently lives in Honolulu, where he is employed as a historian and faculty member at the University of Hawaii-West Oahu. He “misses West Philadelphia often—but not in January.” 



Bea De La Torre C’97 and Jed Freedlander C’97, are parents of Gustavo Edward Freedlander, who was born on Sept. 13; his brother is Sebastian J. Freedlander.

Michael Hafken C’97 and his wife, Tina Kim-Hafken, are thrilled to announce the birth of their twin boys, Benjamin Scott and Ethan Arthur, on July 16 in Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Danielle Lloyd C’97 and Stuart Evans C’97 “welcomed Liam Maddox Evans to the family on Oct. 21. Big brother Gavin, who just turned four, is disappointed his parents wouldn’t name the baby Football as he suggested. Stuart continues to work at the US Department of Justice and Danielle is a vice president with Premier, a hospital alliance devoted to improving quality and reducing costs nationwide. Grandparents Carl Evans W’71 and Susan Evans CW’71 recently relocated to Washington to be closer to the family.”

Katherine Frenck Murray C’97
 and Scott Loras Murray EAS’97 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Spencer Owen Murray, on June 27 in Redondo Beach, Calif. “Arriving 3 1/2 weeks early, Spencer weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz., and was 20 inches long. Big brother Cameron (three) is enjoying his new role as the big brother, and can’t wait to show Spencer how to kick a soccer ball.”

Lily Saint C’97 and David Freedlander C’00 are parents of Claribel Elizabeth Saint Freedlander, who was born on Sept. 7.

Stacy Jacobs Westreich C’97 and Rich Westreich C’95 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Austin Henry Westreich, on Oct. 9. “Austin joins big sister Ava: he is an incredible addition to our family!”


Becky Ingis Epstein C’98 and Eric Epstein C’01 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Daniel Jason, on Aug. 5. “Given his healthy set of lungs, we expect he’ll follow in mom and dad’s footsteps by joining an a cappella group at Penn. Grandparents Judy Kalicka Ingis CW’70 and Ted Ingis C’67and Donna Broker Epstein CW’72 and her husband, Steve, along with uncles David Kalicka W’73 and Michael Epstein C’65, are all rooting for a future Quaker!”

Amy Malerba C’98 Gr’03 married Ryan Hemingway on Oct. 22 at Prince Michel Vineyard near Culpeper, Va. Alumni celebrating with the newlyweds were Cari Feiler Bender C’90, Rodd Bender L’96, Jennifer Stanwix Reich C’98 GEd’99, Michael Sennett C’98, Leslie Drogin Sack C’02 Gr’03, and Lee Gerson C’02. “Julia Reich—Jen’s daughter and Amy’s goddaughter—was the most beautiful flower girl.” Amy and Ryan honeymooned in New Zealand and Fiji and now live in Washington: she is a senior vice president in Edelman PR’s energy practice and he is director of contracts and finance for Korn/Ferry International’s government practice.

Katie Langhammer McQuaid C’98 and her husband, Nick, are happy to announce the birth of their son, John Richard McQuaid. “Jack is getting lots of love from his big sister, Clara (two).” Katie and her family live in New York, where she continues to work as director of corporate responsibility for Time Warner.

Daniel Slawe C’98 EAS’98 L’05 and Meredith Rubin Slawe L’05 are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Dorothy Ruth Slawe, on Sept. 17. Dottie joined her big brother Billy. Dan is general counsel and chief operating officer of Evolution Marketing Research, LLC, a healthcare marketing-research company in Blue Bell, Pa.; he is pursuing his MBA on a part-time basis from the Stern School of Business at New York University. Meredith is an associate in the commercial-litigation group of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP in Philadelphia and is a member of the University of Pennsylvania Law School American Inn of Court. 


Danielle Blaine Halpern C’99 and Mark Halpern W’99 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter Lila Evin; she joined big sister Penelope and big brother Cooper.

Dr. Maggie Hymowitz Sequeira C’99 and her husband, Scott, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Reiss Bailey, on Sept. 7. They currently live in Philadelphia, and Maggie is an ophthalmologist in private practice. 



David Freedlander C’00 see Lily Saint C’97.

Rachel Lasky Gerstein L’00 and Michael Gerstein C’96 are thrilled to (belatedly) announce the birth of their son, Leo Julian, on Sept. 29, 2010. He joined big brother Nate, who turned four this last March. They live in Manhattan.

Kim Junod C’00 SW’04 is senior producer of The World Café, the nationally syndicated contemporary music and interview program hosted by David Dye, produced by Penn’s WXPN.

Claudia Blumenfeld Novod C’00 and her husband, Gordon, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Alexandra Blake, on March 4. They live in Manhattan, where Claudia is an attorney in the litigation department at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP and Gordon is a partner in the bankruptcy and corporate restructuring group at Brown Rudnick LLP. 

Karli Anderson WG’01 was promoted to senior director of investor relations at Newmont Mining. She lives in Denver with her husband, Nathan Anderson C’96, who is head coach/owner of the Denver Fencing Center. They have two daughters, Arielle and Melody. Karli hopes to reconnect to her Penn friends with her frequent visits to New York, Toronto, London, Zurich, and Singapore.

Eric Epstein C’01
 see Becky Ingis Epstein C’98.

Marcos Espinoza EAS’01 writes, “My wife, Kelly, gave birth to our second child, Daniel Marcos Espinoza, on July 28 at 10:03am. Weighing in at 7 lbs. 13 oz., he’s been growing nonstop and having a great time with his big sister, Camila, who turned two on Aug. 4.”

Traci Cassan EAS’01
 married Andy Granbois on Sept. 3 at DeLille Cellars in Redmond, Wash. The matron of honor was Alayne Freidel-Sobel C’00, Traci’s freshman-year roommate. Attending the wedding were Cooper Faust C’01, Natasha Miller Sekkat W’00, Leonne Tannis EAS’01, Katy Fulton Mitra Nu’01, Rana Mitra W’01, April Stewart EAS’01, and Rachel Bunton C’01. Traci and Andy honeymooned in Morocco, and now live outside of Seattle.

Katherine Hostvedt Marchese Nu’01 GNu’03 Gr’08
 writes, “My husband, Philip, and I joyously announce the birth of our daughter, Pennington Grace Marchese, on July 26.”

Paul Sethi W’01
 married Rajani Phanindra on Oct. 15 at the Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurudwara in Glen Rock, N.J., and celebrated with friends that evening at Gotham Hall in New York. “Much love to fellow alum who made the day so special for us, including Nicholas Athanassiou C’01, Marcel Benjamin C’01 W’01, Beth Wasserman Bornstein W’02, Zach Bornstein W’01, Nick Braden W’01 WG’07, Shirin Ghadessy Braden C’01 WG’07, Simone D’Souza Brody C’00 Ed’05 WG’05, Rodger Bucchianeri W’00, Charalambos Charalambides C’01, Megha Jonnalagadda Charalambides C’03, Victor Chen EAS’00, Steven Dildine WG’13, Nimeet Dodhia W’01, Ish Dugal WG’11, Eric Freeman W’01, Stephen George C’01, Dionne Wilson Gumbs C’00, Sameer Jagetia C’01 W’01, Anuj Khanna W’01, Joon Kyung W’01, Samir Lakhani EAS’01 W’01, Jonathan Lo W’01, Marco Lukesch C’01 W’01, Andy Lustgarten C’99, Manisha Dansanghani Manglani C’01, Pravin Manglani EAS’01 W’01, Soneela Nankani C’01, Matthew Nimtz W’01, Huria Naviwala Patwardhan C’01, Habib Rahbar C’01, Raja Ramachandran EAS’01 W’01, Preetam Rao W’01, Aaron Ruccio C’01 EAS’01, Gregory Salter W’01, Ameesh Shah W’01, Neal Shah W’00, Neha Parikh Shah C’01, Sonali Shah C’01 W’01, D. Vic Singh EAS’99, Vinay Singh EAS’01 W’01, Ellen Singh V’04, Jane Danziger Spiegel W’00, Ameesh Vakharia W’00, Anita Mehta Vamadevan C’01, Ben Yogel C’00, and Ed Zane W’97.” 


Soumen Ganguly GEE’02 has been promoted to a director at Altman Vilandrie & Co., the media strategy-consulting firm in Boston; he had joined the company in 2009.

Christina Kaba C’02 L’11 has joined the business-practice group of the Philadelphia law firm of Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP. She had received her master’s from MIT/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Marissa Kase C’02 married Gideon Segal on Oct. 15 at Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa in Rancho Mirage, Calif. Anjali Wagle Phillips C’02 L’07, Allyson Bohensky Kaufman C’02, Tiffany Fisher Quick C’02, Melissa Wiens C’02, Morgan Cohen C’02, and Jocelyn Landau Palmer C’02 Gr’09 served as bridesmaids. The wedding was also attended by Anupama Yerramalli C’02, Dr. Jesslyn Furst Erlich C’02, Taylor Megdal W’02, Blake Megdal W’02, Scott Palmer Gr’10, and Jon Phillips C’02 L’07. Marissa is an attorney at Kulik Gottesman & Siegel, LLP, in Sherman Oaks, where she specializes in entertainment, real estate, and corporate matters; Gideon is a CPA in the assurance practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP.

David Lerner W’02 and Tracy Bloom Lerner C’03 are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter, Gabrielle Eden Lerner, on June 6, at 5 lbs. 14 oz., and 19 inches long. They live in New York.

Jessica Linden C’02 and Michael Zawadzki W’02 are thrilled to announce the birth of their son, Benjamin David Zawadzki, on May 3. Jessica and Michael met during their junior year and Penn holds a special place in their hearts. Ben’s name was inspired by their memories of Penn and they look forward to showing him the many statues of his namesake when they return to campus for their 10th Reunion in May.

David Magier C’02 recently launched Couptivate.com as CEO and co-founder. “Couptivate is a digital wallet that tracks and organizes daily-deal and other coupon purchases and helps users get the most out of their daily-deal purchases.” Before founding the company, David worked in the private-equity funds group at Debevoise & Plimpton.

Gregory S. Nieberg EAS’02, who graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 2010, is an associate at the New York office of the law firm of Covington & Burling LLP. In November, he received an Above & Beyond Pro Bono Achievement Award from Sanctuary for Families for his work in a domestic-violence case.

Lee Rabinowitz C’02 see Erica Stein C’04.

Lauren Plackter Rubin C’02
 and Jared Rubin W’02 are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Eliana Ruth Rubin, on Aug. 4. Grandparents, Jack and Marjorie Woldow Plackter CW’74 and Susan and Steven Rubin W’76, as well as uncles Richard Plackter C’04 and Todd Rubin W’09, could not be more excited about the newest addition to the Penn family. Lauren and Jared still live in New York, where they have lived since graduation. He is an associate with the private-equity firm Tiger Infrastructure Partners and she is an associate with the New York law firm Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP. 


Brian English GCP’03 writes, “I just completed a post as country director of CHF International in India and just moved back last month to Washington, and have been appointed director of the Office of Program Innovation for CHF International,” a development and humanitarian-aid organization.

Catherine Lachance-Duffy C’03 EAS’03 and Gregory Duffy L’04 are thrilled to announce the birth of their first daughter, Alice Elizabeth, on Sept. 8, 12:04am, at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. She weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz., and measured 20 1/2inches in length.

Tracy Bloom Lerner C’03 see David Lerner W’02.

Tamara Weiss Levine C’03 and Brian Levine are thrilled to announce the arrival of their daughter, Amy Elyse Levine, on Oct. 6; she weighed 6 lbs. 15 1/2 oz., and measured 20 5/8 inches long. Tamara looks forward to Amy joining the Penn Class of 2033.

Daniel Marcus EAS’03 W’03 GEng’07 see Rachel Silverman C’04.

Joanna Mesh Rice W’03
 writes, “It is with much love that my husband, Andrew Rice, and I announce the birth of our son, Sam Henry Rice; he joined our family in New York on Oct. 28, at 10:53pm.”

Lawrence Writer G’03 WG’03 recently became chief operating officer and chief financial officer of Hillerich & Bradsby Co., the sporting-goods firm based in Nashville, Ky. Previously, he was a director with AlixPartners, the global consulting firm. Lawrence enjoys competing in triathlons, including two full ironman finishes; he is married with two children. 


Gregory Duffy L’04 see Catherine Lachance-Duffy C’03 EAS’03.

Rachel Silverman C’04 married Daniel Marcus EAS’03 W’03 GEng’07 on Oct. 23, in a beautiful outdoor ceremony along the banks of the Delaware River. Her mother, Fern Silverman SAMP’78, and father, Dr. Barry Silverman CE’75 GCE’75 Gr’77, who teaches systems engineering at Penn, stood underneath the huppah. Other Penn faculty attendees included Dr. Iraj Zandi, Dr. John Pourdehnad GrW’92, and Dr. Mitchell Margolis. Wedding guests joined in a rousing chorus of “The Red and Blue,” including Daniel Silverman C’11, Andrea Muzin C’03, Melissa Schefkind C’10, Dr. Mark Schefkind M’85, Robyn Bald C’04, Rachel Cooper C’04, Halleh Yafeh C’04, Ali Hyatt C’04, Dr. Nicole Ptak C’04, Dr. Cari Benbasset-Miller C’04, Danna Gelles C’04 GEd’05, Alissa Weiss C’05, Ted Paulakis EAS’03 GEng’07, Vikram Ramakrishnan C’02 EAS’02, Sameer Gupta EAS’03 W’03, Jason Zamer C’03, Kathleen Molnar Gr’13, Yael Levin SP2’13, and a number of others. Rachel and Daniel live in Denver, where she is a history teacher and he works as a reliability engineer on the Orion space program for Lockheed Martin and NASA; he also recently founded a game company, DanMar Games, LLC, and is preparing to manufacture and release its first game.

Erica Stein C’04 married Lee Rabinowitz C’02 on Nov. 6 at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh. They met in 2008 as students at Jefferson Medical College. Their wedding party included matron of honor Dena S. Udren GEd’03, best man Aaron Rabinowitz GEng’00, bridesmaids Dana S. Katz C’04, Tovah Poster C’04, and Margot L. Simmons C’04, and Lee’s mother, Gloria Rabinowitz WG’78. Other Penn guests included Dr. Sameem Abedin C’04, Chuck Borgman W’64, Eric Borgman C’03, Sally Borgman GEd’69, Dan Cohen C’02, Jessica Garrett C’04, Glenn Goldstein EAS’03 W’03, Stanley Levine W’71, Dr. Amit Mehrotra C’02, Dr. Aliza Rabinowitz M’02, Patrick Rexing GEng’05, Karen Rose WG’78, and Eric Sanz C’02.


Anna Haigh C’05 married Jake Berry on Sept. 17 at the Inn on Newfound Lake in Bridgewater, N.H. The wedding party included Dr. Jacqueline Stone C’05 and Anna’s grandfather Harry Galblum C’42 D’43. Jake is a political reporter at the Nashua Telegraph and Anna is executive director of the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire, a non-profit; after a honeymoon to the Greek islands, they continue to make their home in Manchester.

James Heyer W’05 see Haley Goldman L’09.

Meredith Rubin Slawe L’05
 see Daniel Slawe C’98 EAS’98 L’05


Sara Levine C’06 married Zack Rosenblum C’06 on Sept. 10 at the Chesapeake Bay Hyatt in Maryland. They met in the Quad during their freshman year and began dating the following summer, while both were working in Washington. Last July, he proposed in Rome: he had visited her there when she studied abroad, spring 2005. They now live in New York, where he is an attorney at Bingham McCutchen and she is an online editor at Food Network. The bridal party included Penn friends Abby Zimmerman C’06, Lindsay Weber C’06, Jenna Rimberg C’07, Becky Seltzer M’12, Trevor Lott EAS’06 W’06 WG’13, Mike Vaupen W’06, Aaron Chalal C’06, Eric Henry C’06,and Steve Flisler EAS’06. At the reception, the Penn alums took the stage to sing “The Red and Blue,” led by Sara’s parents, Lee Levine C’76 and Shelley Block C’76. Celebrating Quakers included Arlene Mitchell Ed’56, Jan Mizrahi Glassman C’76, Bruce Glassman W’76, Drew Greenwald C’76, Bebe Holtzman Kivitz C’76, Mitchell Berger C’76, Jayne Davis Perilstein W’80, Ron Perilstein W’80, Nancy Chaskin Lichtenstein C’79, Gary Lichtenstein C’80, Scott Harris C’96, Brynna Deaver Gianos C’05, Nick Gianos EAS’05, Brooke Sharpe C’05, Alpha Mengistu C’06, Sheri Halpern C’06, Rebecca Silver C’06, Melissa Rassas C’06 L’09, Jeff Rechler C’06, Mark Dweck EAS’06, Ariane Wizniak Dweck W’06, Anna Guarneri C’06, Brittany Merrill C’06, John Picasso C’06 W’06 WG’12, Vitaly Vorobeychik C’06 W’06, Duncan Lloyd C’06, Jeff Bilsky C’06, Jeremy Becker W’06, Meredith Wertheim Blechman C’06, Andy Blechman C’06, Scott Squires C’06, Rachel Fersh C’06, Nicole Stein C’06, Julie Perilstein C’08, Dan Mozes C’08,and Marc Rabner M’11.

Paul J. Mattus C’06,
 [email protected], was elected to his first political office in November. His four-year term, which begins this month, is as a borough councilor on the governing body of the Borough of Ridley Park, a municipality in Delaware County, Pa.

Josiah B. Neiderbach C’06 GCP’08 GFA’08
 and Lisa M. Fiorenzo C’07 are excited to announce their engagement; planning is underway for a wedding this year. Both live and work in western Massachusetts. The surprise proposal occurred during Homecoming 2011 in the Lower Quad, where they had first met, fall 2003. As members of the Penn Band, they will always cherish their memories of rooting on the Quakers. “Go Penn!”

Michael R. Peacock C’06,
 Mays Landing, N.J., has joined the Egg Harbor law firm of Nehmad Perillo & Davis as an associate; he specializes in commercial litigation and real-estate law. 



Lisa M. Fiorenzo C’07 see Josiah B. Neiderbach C’06 GCP’08 GFA’08.

Mindy P. Fox C’07 has joined the law firm of Wolff & Samson PC in West Orange, N.J. She received her JD from Fordham University, cum laude.

Rachel R. Friedman C’07 has joined the law firm of Burr & Forman LLP, in Birmingham, Ala., as an associate specializing in financial-services litigation. She had received her JD from Vanderbilt University.

Haley Goldman L’09 married James Heyer W’05 on Dec. 3 at The Pierre in New York.  They had met at the wedding of Charlotte Levy L’09 and Dr. David Gudis M’08 in June 2010. Members of the bridal party included William Heyer C’09 GAr’11, P. J. Heyer EAS’11 W’11, Harris Heyer W’12, and Jimmy Fanelly C’06 L’09. Joining them in the celebration were James’ parents, Andrew Heyer W’79 WG’79, a trustee of the University and an overseer of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, and Mindy Heyer C’79 W’79 WG’80, chair of the overseers of the School of Veterinary Medicine, James’ aunt Holly Halikman W’84, and dozens of their alumni friends, including James Brower C’03, Bryan Gitomer C’03, Rebecca Levy Anikstein C’03, Carolina Ramirez C’03 L’09, Eric Rosenzweig W’04 and Ali Bernstein Rosenzweig W’04, Ben Levy W’04 and Jacqueline Yecies Levy C’05, Michael Rosner W’04 and Elizabeth Esrov Rosner W’04, Dr. Daniel Goldstein C’04 and Dara Tye Goldstein C’05, Philip Winslow W’01 and Dr. Anya Lipski Winslow EAS’02 GEng’04 Gr’06, Lucinda Parkhurst W’05, Dara Goldstein C’05, Seth Weissman W’05, Eric Blaustein C’05, Cory Epstein W’05, Ricky Berrin C’05, Steve Delp Nu’05 GNu’10, Matt Speiser W’05, Jason Levine C’05 L’09, Stephanie Weiss W’06, Nicole Stein C’06, Sam Jesselson C’07, Jon Jesselson C’09, Peter Kim L’09, Eric Treichel L’09, Laura Paley L’09, Louie Pastor L’09, Eric Wolfish L’09, Jessica Heidenberg C’11, Ella Merjanova WG’12, Paul Levy L’72, Jay Axelrod C’74, Cheri Friedman CW’74, Leslie Shuch C’76, Dr. Steven Schwartz D’76 and Peggy Schwartz WG’80, Paul Efron WG’80 and Susan Efron W’79, Janet Landau C’79, Mary Siegel C’79, Philip Darivoff W’79 WG’85 and Betsy Darivoff C’79, Thomas Katz W’79and Elissa Katz C’79, Curtis Lane W’79 WG’80 and Stacey Lane C’80, Robert Heidenberg C’80, Greg White WG’80and Mindy White W’80 WG’81, and Susan Friedman WG’80.

Matthew Levine C’07
 married Lindsay Janowitz C’07 L’10on Aug. 27 at the Four Seasons in Washington. They had met freshman year in the Quad. Joining them in the celebration were his mother, Caren Levine W’81, and sister Meredith C’08,future brother in-law Steven Finn W’08 GEng’10, uncle Bruce Levine C’78 M’82, aunt Aileen Meshover Levine Nu’80 GNu’86, and cousins Jason Levine C’05 L’09 and Brett Levine W’13. The wedding party included maids of honor Caroline Axelrod C’07 and Julie Stein C’07 and groomsmen Mark Friedman W’07 and Jeremy Gaspar C’07 L’12; many alumni friends joined in the celebration. Matthew and Lindsay honeymooned in Hawaii and then returned to Philadelphia, where they live: she is an attorney in Philadelphia, practicing construction litigation, and he is an attorney in South Jersey, practicing commercial litigation. 


Scott Goldin W’08 was recently admitted to practice law in Mississippi. Last May, he earned his JD from Tulane University, where he served as the law school’s student-body president. He is currently pursuing an MBA at Emory University.

Laura Tesoriero C’08 married Douglas Colkitt EAS’08 W’08 on Aug. 6 at the Pierre Hotel in New York. The wedding was everything they hoped it would be, romantic and beautiful, and they were lucky to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends. The wedding party included his father, Dr. Douglas R. Colkitt M’79 WG’79, groomsmen Michael Homorody C’08, Benjamin Reiss C’08, Anderson Pugash W’08, Joseph Leary C’08 W’08, and Daniel Rodrigo C’08; and bridesmaids Rebecca Marcucci C’08 and Joanna McDonald C’08. Penn family and friends celebrating the special day were quite numerous, including Laura’s uncle Dr. Elliot Grand C’81, Douglas’s aunt Marcy Colkitt L’88, and friends Daniel Katz C’05, Victoria Behrend EAS’09, Phil Santoiemma EAS’09, Kai Chin C’08, Allaire Corbett C’08, Erica Davis W’08, Neha Desai W’08, Marc Garfinkle W’08, Amanda Steren C’09, Allyson Goetschius W’08, Jessica Goodman C’10, Chris Jauregui W’08, Andrew Jennings EAS’08, Amit Khasgiwala EAS’08, Kerry Killeen C’08, Amanda Brezing C’08, Katherine Maughan C’09, Rohit Nagpal EAS’09 W’09, Sergei Peysakhov C’08, Katie Vasserman C’08, Ray Sehgal EAS’08, Ilana Katz C’03 W’03, Michael Sand W’03, and Josh Greenberg C’08.Douglas and Laura, who live in Sarasota, Fla., note that their love story began when they met their senior year at Penn and they have been inseparable ever since. 


Mariana Carlos C’09 writes, “I am very excited to announce my engagement to Derek Ondrusek EAS’10 W’10.We met as freshmen on the 13th floor of Harrison College House, but only started dating at the end of our sophomore year. He proposed on Oct. 15, on the corner of 18th and Walnut streets. Although no date has been set for the wedding, we are planning on having the ceremony in Brazil in early 2013.” 



Derek Ondrusek EAS’10 W’10 see Mariana Carlos C’09.

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