Jan|Feb 2015
“I retired in 2001 to pursue redfish, snook, and trout on the flats of west-central Florida. Fish populations are safe. I am known as ‘the Comatose Angler’ in Florida, Alaska, and Ireland.” —Nicholas D. Colantonio ChE’65
Arnold Zaslow W’50 writes that he and his brothers, Jerry Zaslow W’45 and Spencer Zaslow W’47, in November received the lifetime-achievement award from the National Philanthropic Trust for their charitable endeavors.
Elaine Galen FA’51 recently had a ongoing exhibition of her newest paintings at the Hudson Valley Hospital Center, Cortlandt Manor, N.Y.
Dr. Leonard Hayflick C’51 G’53 Gr’56, professor of anatomy at the University of California, San Francisco, in November received Philadelphia’s historic John Scott Award, which is given to “the most deserving men and women whose inventions have contributed in some outstanding way to the comfort, welfare, and happiness of mankind.” His research discoveries, mostly made at the Wistar Institute, occurred in the fields of aging, cancer, and microbiology. Known for the Hayflick Limit (that cultured normal human cells have a limited capacity to replicate), he discovered the first mycoplasma known to cause a human disease (walking pneumonia). He wrote How and Why We Age (1994).
Harold D. Langley G’51 Gr’60 writes that he was one of four naval historians honored at the 10th Maritime Heritage Conference last September in Norfolk, Va. The Washington-based Naval Historical Foundation awarded him its newly established Commodore Dudley W. Knox Naval History Lifetime Achievement Award for his scholarly publications.
Barbara Field CW’55, a playwright and core member of the Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis, recently published her third book: Barbara Field, Collected Plays, Volume II (Amazon). She writes that she continues to remain active in the national theater scene; Rosina, a chamber opera for which she was librettist (commissioned and produced by the Minnesota Opera, 1980), is to be produced in New York this year.
Annette Gross Zeff Ed’56 writes, “I taught English, French, and reading in Philadelphia for almost 30 years. I received three summer fellowships from the Council of Humanities in the plays of Samuel Beckett, Boswell’s Life of Johnson, and literature and photography of the Depression. I received a master’s in English at Temple University, with a thesis on ‘Poetic Justice in the Short Stories of Saki.’ I have attended over 100 Scrabble tournaments since 1992.”
Robert M. Collins WG’58 writes, “In my retirement, I have written The Cobe Story, which covers the history of Cobe Laboratories, Inc., which I co-founded in 1964. We grew the medical-equipment company to $250 million in sales, and sold it in 1990.”
Bobby Kadis W’58 is the founder of Centrex Properties, a commercial-real-estate development and management company in Raleigh, N.C. In November, he received the 2014 Distinguished Public Service Award from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies; he had recently retired as its board treasurer. The founding president of the North Carolina Arts Council Foundation, he was chair of the North Carolina Arts Council, 2005-13.
James V. Rinnovatore GMt’58 writes, “[Last] March, I published a book on the JFK assassination, my second book on the subject. It is titled The JFK Assassination Revisited: A Synthesis.”
Richard Saul Wurman Ar’58 GAr’59 lives in Newport, R.I., with his wife, novelist Gloria Nagy, and their three yellow labs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In late October, he received the 50th Annual Bradford Washburn Award from the Boston Science Museum, and the Creative Spirit Award from Penn Alumni for his lifelong commitment to and excellence in the arts. (See “Homecoming 2014”).
Frank N. Fleischer W’60, an attorney in the Tampa, Fla., office of the law firm of GrayRobinson, P.A., who specializes in public-finance law, was included in the 2015 Best Lawyers in America list.
Jon Meyerson W’60 writes, “After working on federal budgets and legislation for 30 years in the Office of Management and Budget on Capitol Hill and in various federal agencies, I switched careers. I earned a master’s of social work and have specialized in couples psychotherapy for 20 years. With my wife, Beverly Meyerson, we have worked with hundreds of couples and written two books. Our first book, After the Glass Slipper: 8 Proven Steps to Lasting Love, describes how Cinderella and the prince learn to live happily ever after. Our new book, Power Snuggles: Your Path to Vibrant and Lasting Love, will be published by Pelican Publishers on Valentine’s Day.”
Ya’akov Aronson Ed’61, Rehovot, Israel, the retired University Librarian of Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, writes that he has started working with a team computerizing the catalogue of a synagogue library in his home town. He also works part-time with the Responsa Project at Bar Ilan University. He adds, “In January a grandson will be married, the fourth to be married out of 31, and in that month two great-grandchildren are due to join their two first cousins.”
William Derby C’61 WG’65 was presented with the Alumni Award of Merit from Penn Alumni at Homecoming on Oct. 31. Will is a past class president and currently serves on the class executive committee. (See “Homecoming 2014”).
Phyllis Young Murray GEd’61 has retired from teaching in the New York public schools. A celebration was recently held in her honor to acknowledge her many years of service and dedication to Public School 75 in the South Bronx. In 1994, she established One Love Tennis, Inc. to provide free tennis instruction for the youth of White Plains.
David R. Noteware W’63, a senior counsel in the Dallas office of the law firm of Thompson & Knight LLP who specializes in commercial litigation, was included in The Best Lawyers in America 2015. He was also named a “Local Litigation Star–Texas” by Benchmark Litigation.
Nicholas D. Colantonio ChE’65 writes, “Following a tour of duty in the Navy and a career in chemical engineering, I retired in 2001 to pursue redfish, snook, and trout on the flats of west-central Florida. Fish populations are safe. I am known as ‘the Comatose Angler’ in Florida, Alaska, and Ireland. In Dec. 2013, I participated in the Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure, paddling the 160-mile route solo in a vintage Grumman canoe. The 19-day event was organized to highlight the beauty and diversity of the lagoon and to raise awareness of the problems threatening the estuary system; a core group of five was joined by 35 additional paddlers for various stretches along the route. My journey of discovery began at New Smyrna Beach, 30 miles east of the southern terminus of William Bartram’s four-year journey; in the 1770s, he travelled through eight southern colonies, collected specimens of flora and fauna, kept a journal, and wrote a book. I carried a pizzelle iron. Mangia bene e viva bene.”
Richard P. Jaffe C’65, a partner and co-head of the private-equity practice group of the Philadelphia law firm of Duane Morris LLP, has been elected vice-chair of the global board of the Association for Corporate Growth. He is a trustee of the University of the Arts.
Louis N. Marks W’66 L’69 has joined the Philadelphia law firm of Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer & Toddy, P.C., as a shareholder in its corporate department. Previously, he was a partner in the firm of Archer & Greiner P.C.
Dr. Charles D. Hawker Gr’67, scientific director of automation and special projects for Associated Regional and University Pathologists Laboratories in Salt Lake City, last year received the Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine from the American Association for Clinical Chemistry.
David Taylor Johannesen W’68 writes that having retired from Wall Street in 2005, he “turned to writing novels, the first of which, Falcons & Seagulls, will be published [this month] by Simon & Schuster. This follows publication of a collection of stories, Last One Close the Gate, and a volume of poetry, Vespers East & West.” He divides his year “between South Dartmouth, Mass., and Los Altos, ‘Silicon Nation,’ where [my] wife, Linda, is preparing to sell a start-up.”
Lionel Schooler C’68, a partner in the Houston office of the law firm of Jackson Walker L.L.P., was recognized recently by Thomson Reuters as a 2015 “Best Lawyer in America” for his skills in arbitration and in representation of management-side employment law and litigation.
Alan P. Baden W’70, a partner in the Houston office of the law firm of Thompson & Knight LLP who specializes in corporate law, was included in The Best Lawyers in America 2015.
Howard Brod Brownstein C’71 W’71 reports that he is still active in turnaround management and restructuring as president of the Brownstein Corp., headquartered in Conshohocken, Pa., which “is focused these days on selling and financing businesses large and small that may have a ‘story’ following the Great Recession.” Since graduation, he has served as an “independent board member of public and private corporations, especially where a business might be in a transition following a restructuring, governance issue, etc.” He regularly guest-teaches “on turnaround management and corporate governance at Wharton, Harvard, NYU, Villanova, and elsewhere.”
John Charnay C’71, Los Angeles, writes that he is “now a film financier and film producer and a life-and-career coach, as well as CEO of a thriving consulting firm, Charnay and Associates, specializing in raising funds and visibility for its many clients.” He welcomes “assisting and connecting on social media with any alumni.”
Randy Schaffer C’71, Houston, writes that he argued a death-penalty case before the US Supreme Court in October.
Vera Shembel CW’72 writes, “I recently wrote Mindy’s Marvelous Math Rhymes, a book of rhymes with the goal of helping young math students learn math concepts in a fun and creative way. Some students learn through poems and songs better than from a textbook.”
Seth Bergmann GEE’73 writes, “I competed in the New Jersey State Triathlon (Olympic distance) on July 20, finishing in 3 hours, 8 minutes, in fourth place among men 65 and over.”
Dr. Louis E. Rossman D’75 GD’77, a specialist in endodontics in Center City Philadelphia, is a clinical professor of endodontics in the School of Dental Medicine who also serves as a consultant in endodontics for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He was recently elected president (for the term 2014-16) of the American Association of Endodontists Foundation, which supports the endodontics specialty by funding education and research. He had served on the association’s board from 2003 to 2010 in multiple capacities, including as president, and he is a past president of the American Board of Endodontics.
Dr. Robert Yarchoan M’75, director of the Office of HIV and AIDS Malignancy at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md., last year received the 2014 Abbott Award in Clinical and Diagnostic Immunology from the American Society for Microbiology.
Col. Francis X. Bergmeister II W’76 received his doctor of arts from George Mason University in May; he is currently working at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va.
Michael P. Malloy L’76, a Distinguished Professor and Scholar at the University of the Pacific’s law school, writes that he has been “appointed a member of the editorial board of the Athens Journal of Business & Economics. The establishment of this and other related online journals is part of an effort to expand the scope and impact of the interdisciplinary scholarly programs of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, where [I] serve as a director.”
77 Richard J. Heaslip C’77 writes, “Having retired from the pharmaceutical industry, I opened Programmatic Sciences LLC, a consulting practice dedicated to the improvement of organizational project- and program-management capabilities. Program management has become a second career for me. Over the past seven years, I’ve been teaching ‘Program Leadership Skills and Systems,’ a course offered to Penn graduate students of organizational dynamics. In September, I released a new book based on that course, Managing Complex Projects and Programs: How to Improve Leadership of Complex Initiatives Using a Third-Generation Approach.”
Dr. Matthew S. Pollack C’77 in September was installed as the 100th president of the Pennsylvania Radiological Society.
Sheila Fogel Cahnman C’78 GAr’81 has announced the launch of a new consulting practice, JumpGarden Consulting LLC, based in Chicago. “We will partner with architecture and planning firms that need advanced healthcare design, planning, and marketing expertise.”
Sheryl Schmit Hershey C’78, www.thelilabooks.com, wrote Lila and the Dandelion, the first of a series of children’s books, which was published by Mascot Books this month.
Frank Cervone C’79 last year received the Mark Hardin Award for Child Welfare Legal Scholarship and Systems Change from the ABA Center on Children and the Law for his work as executive director of the Support Center for Child Advocates, which provides legal assistance and social service advocacy for abused and neglected children in the Philadelphia area.
Dr. Alan W. Cramb Gr’79 is provost, senior vice president for academic affairs, and the Charles and Lee Finkl Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology; in August, he will become its ninth president.
Richard S. Green L’79 WG’79, an attorney in the New York office of the law firm of Thompson & Knight LLP, has been recognized as a “Lawyer of the Year” for energy law in The Best Lawyers in America 2015.
Steven R. Popofsky C’79 has joined the New York hedge-fund law firm of Kleinberg, Kaplan, Wolff & Cohen, P.C., as a partner in its litigation and risk management department. Previously, he was a litigation partner at Moses & Singer.
Charles F. Forer L’80, who specializes in arbitration and mediation in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Eckert, Seamans, Cherin & Mellott, LLC, was included in The Best Lawyers in America 2015 and was named “Arbitration Lawyer of the Year for 2015” in Philadelphia. He has been a lecturer in the Department of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at Wharton since 1990.
Robert LaBerge C’80, an attorney with Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC in Syracuse, N.Y., has been included in the 2015 Best Lawyers in America as the “Lawyer of the Year” in Syracuse for labor-law management.
Michael Kaplowitz C’81, a certified financial planner, has been elected chair of the Westchester County (N.Y.) Board of Legislators. First elected to the board in 1997, he previously had served as vice-chair and as chair of its budget and appropriations committee and the environment and energy committee. He and his wife, Jayne, live in Somers and have two adult daughters.
Jack Madani C’81 writes, “This past June, I received Princeton Day School’s Robert C. Whitlock Award for Distinguished Teaching, which is the school’s highest honor for a member of the faculty. The citation reads, in part, ‘This annual award is presented to that Princeton Day School faculty member who best demonstrates exceptional teaching skills, devotion to students, courtesy, zeal for knowledge, and pursuit of excellence; and the qualities of gentleness, patience, dedication, and professionalism.”
Michael Aaron Dennis C’82 W’82 is now an assistant professor in the strategy and policy department at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I.
Gill Diamond C’82 writes, “After 20 years as a faculty member of the institution formerly known as the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (now Rutgers), I’ve taken a position as a professor in the Department of Oral Biology at the University of Florida (Go Gators!). I’m enjoying the warm winters with my wife, Lisa (also on faculty here at UF), and our children, Sara (16) and Michael (13). Allison (22) is still suffering in the cold in her last year at the Maryland Institute College of Art.”
Laurie Magid W’82 wrote, “It is now three generations of our family at Penn. I met my husband, Jeffrey Miller W’82, at Wharton. Our daughter,Julia Miller C’11 GEd’13, who graduated as a history major, is now at Harvard Law School. My [younger] son, Nicholas Miller W’16, is a junior in Wharton. (My other son, Henry Miller, graduated from Tufts and is at Temple Medical.) My mother, who is now 80, grew up in the Bronx; she was very smart and was the first person from her local grammar school ever accepted at the New York magnet school, Hunter High School. But she grew up in another time and instead of going to college, she married at 18 and had six children: I am the oldest. Well into her 30s, she started a very successful business, which insured that all six of her children could go to any college we wanted: I applied for Penn Early Decision in 1977. My mother sold her business and retired only last year. The first thing she did was move to Philadelphia and sign up to audit a course at Penn. It was an art-history course, which she loved, and she went on a Penn Alumni travel tour to Spain with Prof. Gwendolyn Shaw in the fall of 2013 and again in the fall of 2014. This semester, she is auditing the two top courses recommended by granddaughter Julia: Prof. Jeremy McInerney’s ‘Ancient Greece’ and Prof. Thomas Childers’ ‘Third Reich.’ She is taking Prof. McInerney’s course with grandson Nicholas. She loves everything about the courses, Penn, Locust Walk, the libraries, and spending time with Nicholas. She had to buy 15 books for the two courses and says she has a newfound respect for the incredible amount of work college students have. She and Nicholas were actually in both classes together, but he, much to his dismay, had to drop Prof. Childers’ class this semester so that he could take his required Wharton accounting course. We are all thrilled that Penn is giving my mother such an incredible opportunity at this next stage of her life.”
Nathan B. Ploener W’82 L’85 joined the New York office of KPMG LLP as advisory managing director in the regulatory enforcement and compliance network of its forensic practice, following nine years as senior trial attorney of the enforcement division at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. He adds, “In March 2013, I married Christina Juarez, president of Christina Juarez & Co., LLC, a public-relations firm in the design and luxury goods industry; we live in Manhattan.”
Marc Shandler C’82 has joined the Florida law firm of GrayRobinson as a consultant in its Ft. Lauderdale real-estate group.
Michael Swiskay C’82 reports that his play Across has been selected for performance as part of the Strawberry One-Act Festival at New York’s Hudson Guild Theater in February.
Alan Arkatov C’84 in September was appointed the USC Katzman/Ernst Chair in Educational Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Innovation at the USC Rossier School of Education.
Lori Landew C’84, a partner in the Philadelphia office of Fox Rothschild LLP, was named a 2014 Top Entertainment Lawyer by Rock On Philly, a website dedicated to the Philadelphia music scene. She also serves as advocacy co-chair on the board of the Philadelphia chapter of the Recording Academy, the Grammy organization.
Harlan M. Sands W’84 is the senior vice president for finance and administration and chief finance/operating officer at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. Previously, he was vice-provost for administration and quality improvement at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Robin Snowden GNu’84 writes that she is recovering at home after bilateral total-hip replacement surgery. Grateful to her husband, Saul Hinden, “for his natural sense of healing abilities and TLC,” she says, if she could, she would “nominate him for an honorary RN,NP.”
David Fialkoff C’85 works in the D.C. area for a large federal contractor as a writer-editor for Office of Justice Programs agencies, including the Office for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. He co-wrote Hey, I’m Here Too!: A Book for Tween/Teen Siblings of a Young Person With Emotional Issues, which was published in September and is available on Amazon.
Bryan S. Neft C’86 is a partner in the Pittsburgh law firm of Pietragallo, Gordon, Alfano, Bosick & Raspanti, LLP, who specializes in commercial litigation and toxic torts. Last year, he was appointed chair of the Pennsylvania Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts Board, which provides civil legal services to the state’s poor and disadvantaged.
R. Christopher Raphaely C’86 last year joined the law firm of Cozen O’Connor in Philadelphia, where he serves as co-chair of its healthcare-practice group. Previously, he was deputy general counsel for the Jefferson Health System. He teaches healthcare-finance law at Widener University.
Ashley Dobbs C’87 is a shareholder of the law firm of Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C., in Arlington, Va., where she specializes in intellectual-property and business-transactions law. Last year, she was appointed to the board of Legal Services of Northern Virginia.
Dr. Laura Perna C’88 W’88 was last year named the James S. Riepe Professor in Penn’s Graduate School of Education, which is named in honor of James S. Riepe W’65 WG’67 Hon’10, the former chair of the Trustees of the University. A national expert on how tuition, financial aid, and academic preparation determine who goes to college and then graduates, Dr. Perna joined GSE in 2005, is chair of its higher-education division, and also the founding executive director of the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy.
LaRhonda Brown-Barrett EAS’89 is the senior general attorney at BNSF Railway, the Ft. Worth-based Western freight network. In November, she was profiled as “Corporate In-house Counsel of the Year for Dallas & Fort Worth” in an article on “The Best Corporate Lawyers in North Texas” in D Magazine.
Ari B. Kaufman C’89 was recently elected president-elect of the New England Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers; he will serve a one-year term, with succession to one-year terms as president, and then past-president.
Samantha Britell Levine W’89 writes, “On Nov. 2, I finished the TCS New York City Marathon!”
John Venusti W’89 writes, “After almost 15 years of living and working in the NYC area, my family and I have recently moved to my wife Mardi’s hometown of Melbourne, Australia. We have been here for just over two months, and finally feel somewhat settled in. She is thrilled to be home, and our daughters, Mia (eight) and Ally (six), are enjoying their new school and have met some wonderful friends. I am now working with Goldman Sachs Asset Management in the heart of Melbourne, which is a vibrant and lively city. We are looking forward to visits with our friends from the States.”
Sebastienne Mundheim C’90 FA’90 is an interdisciplinary storyteller, installation artist, and educator, who is also the founder and artistic director of Philadelphia’s WhiteBox Theatre. Last year, she joined PAPAYA (PA Performing Arts for Young Audiences) as its artistic director for engagement.
Judith Kay Crosby C’92 last year joined the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP as a partner in its affordable-housing and community-development group, based in its Boston office. Previously, she was with Klein Hornig in Boston.
Candace R. Duff L’92 has launched her own alternative-dispute-resolution firm, Duff Law & Mediation, PLLC, in Miami, where she provides ADR and settlement-counsel services (www.dufflawandmediation.com). She also wrote, under the pen name L.J. Taylor, two romantic legal thrillers: Just Dreams, and its sequel, Dreams Deferred, which was released in December.
Daniel Boockvar C’93 L’96 was appointed chief executive officer of New York Cruise Lines, Inc., which operates the Circle Line cruises, last September. Previously, he was chief operating officer and chief customer officer at Girl Scouts of the USA.
Theodore H. Lewis EAS’93 married John Schmiechen, his partner of 12 years, on Oct. 4 at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Center City Philadelphia. They celebrated the occasion with over 100 of their friends and family at Estia.
Katharina Fachin Lucas GEd’93 writes, “I published Walk With Me: Mentoring Girls, a book based on my dissertation research. It reveals the joys and frustrations of building mentoring relationships and is available through Amazon.”
Paul Rabinovitch GRP’93 is executive vice president of Troon Pacific, a San Francisco-based real-estate development and investment company that develops environmentally sustainable luxury residences. Previously, he was founding president of Terracycle Investments, a real-estate firm that specialized in sustainable building, brownfield redevelopment, and solar development, and was executive vice president at Canus Corp., an urban redevelopment firm noted for multifamily investments and neighborhood-revitalization projects.
Jonathan H. Spergel L’93 in October became managing partner of the environmental and energy law firm of Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox, LLP, in Bala Cynwyd, Pa. An adjunct professor of law at Villanova University, he is chair of the Montgomery County Redevelopment Authority and serves on the board of the Bryn Mawr Hospital Foundation. He and his wife, Kathy, have two children, Chloe (14) and Noah (12).
Eve Jordan Gendron GAr’94 announces the publication of The Angels on My Tree, which she illustrated. Although she worked as an architect for many years, she had always wanted to illustrate children’s books. Published by Four Directions Press, the book is available on www.TheAngelsOnMyTree.com. She lives with her husband and three children in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., “where work on the next book is underway.”
Michael F. Gerber C’95 has been promoted to executive vice president of Franklin Square Capital Partners in Philadelphia; he joined the firm in 2012 as a managing director. President of its charitable affiliate, Franklin Square Capital Partners Foundation, he is a Penn Trustee and serves on the board of the Children’s Scholarship Fund of Philadelphia. He had served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 2005 to 2013.
Steve Karasik C’95, New York, is vice president of remote production at CBS Sports. He and his wife, Ilyssa, welcomed their “second son, Benjamin Lee, into the world on Oct. 2. Ben is adored by big brother Eli (four) and was delivered by Dr. Steven Hockstein C’88.”
Nicole C. Maloy W’95 writes, “I am pleased to share the news that I have been named associate dean of equity and access for Penn’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions. I am also very excited to serve as co-chair of the Class of 1995 20th Reunion Planning Committee with Jordana Horn Gordon C’95, Rob Francis C’95, and Ha Nguyen Orbon EAS’95. I hope to see lots of classmates back on campus this spring, so save the date for Saturday, May 16!”
Lisa Maria B. Noudéhou Gr’95 wrote four children’s books that introduce Tanzania and the Swahili language: Juma and Little Sungura, Juma on Safari, Juma Cooks Chapati, and Juma’s Dhow Race; see www.lisamariaburgess.com.
István Szücs C’95 EAS’95, [email protected], and his wife, Natália, proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Panni Szücs (Class of 2036), on Oct. 14 at 2:40pm; she weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. (3.27kg) and was 21 inches (54cm) long. István is a business-development manager and solution architect at Hewlett-Packard in Budapest.
Miles T. Macik C’96, an attorney who specializes in commercial litigation with Howard & Howard Attorneys PLLC in Royal Oak, Mich., was included in The Best Lawyers in America 2015.
John Emerson McGowan G’96 writes that he is “still residing in the greater Philadelphia metro area, and currently appearing in an Independence Blue Cross/Blue Shield ‘Live Fearless’ national commercial, which has been running since the summer of 2013.” Further, he has completed several other commercials, several indie films, a voice-over for Philly Fit, and recently completed two years of service as a Philadelphia Board SAG-AFTRA Council member. He is also still involved within his community in “making more positive change to the social dynamic.”
Paul Pimentel C’96 married Emily Crane on Sept. 13 at the Whittemore House in Washington. The wedding party included best man Patrick Ede EAS’96 W’96. They celebrated with many alumni including Lauren Shulman C’96, Alison Cote C’95, Megan Wozniak Ede C’94, Scott Goldberg W’95, and Cecelia Beyer C’97. Emily and Paul live and work in Washington, where he is a senior vice president at the public-affairs firm Powell Tate.
Caroline Tiger C’96, Philadelphia, the senior content strategist for the Bresslergroup, a product design company, has joined Collab, a volunteer group “dedicated to enriching the modern and contemporary design collection at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.”
Paige A. Greenlee C’97 writes, “After spending more than a decade working at large law firms, I recently decided to start my own practice, Greenlee Law PLLC, in Tampa, Fla. I practice in the areas of commercial, real estate, and construction litigation along with creditors’ rights and bankruptcy. I would love to hear from all of my Penn friends at [email protected]—and of, course, I welcome referrals.”
Matthew Grove EAS’97, Westport, Conn., has been promoted to chief administrative officer of the insurance and agency group of New York Life; he had been appointed senior managing director of its retail-annuities business in 2012.
Elizabeth Preate Havey L’97, who is of counsel in the public finance group in the Philadelphia office of the law firm of Dilworth Paxson LLP, has been appointed to the Pennsylvania Economic Development Financing Authority Board.
Denise Juron-Borgese GAr’97 has been promoted to vice president at Ciminelli Real Estate Corp. in Williamsville, N.Y.; she joined the firm in 2010.
Courtney Koslow C’99 and her wife, Maura Vogel, are excited to announce the arrival of their daughter, Rosie Winston, who “first showed her smiling face on May 15 and she and her moms haven’t stopped smiling since. Rosie is an easy, happy baby who enjoys rubbing food on her face and turning the pages of board books mid-sentence.” Courtney is an affordable-housing developer at Beacon Communities in Boston and Maura is in graduate admissions at Emerson College; they live in Somerville, Mass.
Sebby Borriello G’00 writes, “Having worked in a variety of executive positions in both pharmaceutical and medical devices, I retired from Johnson & Johnson after 27 years of service. However, after one week of retirement, I joined Cempra Pharmaceutical as vice president, market development. I am looking forward to [this] next chapter of my career.”
Stephen Jasionowski C’00 and his wife, Ericalynn Jasionowski, are elated to announce the birth of their second son, Alexander Myles, delivered at Pennsylvania Hospital on June 24. “Big brother Oliver has welcomed Alexander with hugs and kisses, and his constant smiles and giggles have brightened our days beyond belief.” Stephen is the US account manager for Vizubi, Inc., a software company specializing in business intelligence reporting, and Ericalynn is a fiduciary administrator at Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP in Philadelphia.
Susanna Mock Brown C’01 WG’08 and Drew Brown W’02 welcomed their second son, Grant Davis Brown, on July 24.
Morgan Fisher Glaser C’01 and Michael Glaser are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Bretton Grey Glaser, on Aug. 9. “We are so happy to welcome her to our family.”
Drew Brown W’02 see Susanna Mock Brown C’01 WG’08.
Justin Weiner C’02 writes, “My wife and I are pleased to announce the birth of our daughter, Ariana Romero Weiner, on Nov. 4. I am a pulmonologist in the North Shore-LIJ Health System and Carla is an endocrinologist, currently at Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Hospital.”
Alex S. Kaufman C’03 was elected to the partnership of Kirkland & Ellis LLP. He represents private equity funds and their portfolio companies in mergers and acquisitions and is based in Palo Alto, Calif.
Jacob S. Perskie C’04 is a commercial litigator in the Atlantic City office of Fox Rothschild LLP. Last September he was recognized as one of the “New Leaders of the Bar” by the New Jersey Law Journal.
Wesley Barrow C’05 is co-founder and chief revenue officer of Manhattan-based Nomi, a retail-analytics company, which merged with Brickstream, a similar firm, last October.
George J. Ehrgott G’05 is manager of strategic sourcing, sustainability, and supplier diversity for Communications Test Design, Inc., in West Chester, Pa. Secretary of the Eastern Minority Supplier Development Council, he recently received a special appreciation award from the Women’s Business Enterprise Council of Pennsylvania-Delaware-Southern New Jersey in “recognition of his commitment, dedication, and exemplary leadership,” after four years as its chairperson.
Lesley Horton C’05 married Ali Campbell on Oct. 24 in Coral Gables, FL. They celebrated with many alumni, including matron-of-honor Latoya Guishard Welch W’04, bridesmaid Danielle Redd C’05, and friends Courtney Patterson C’03, Jasmine Orders C’03, Debon Lewis C’03, Thalia Brownridge C’04, Bisha Nurse C’04, Tiffany Johnson W’05, Annie McWilliams Ndumele W’06, Dominique Harris EAS’07, and Malika Iton Nu’07. Ali and Lesley live and work in New York, where Lesley is an attorney at Tiffany & Co. and Ali is a proofreader at Eisner Amper. They went to Morocco for their honeymoon.
Matt Ritter L’05 writes that he “recently started working as a story producer on Duck Dynasty, the highest-rated unscripted show on television.” Prior to that, he had worked as supervising producer on a pilot for E! and created Chained to My Ex, a documentary series that aired on MSNBC last year. He is also still touring with his comedy troupe, The Comedians of Law.
Ashley Johnson C’06 in 2009 founded The Literacy Lab, a nonprofit that aims to close the literacy gap of low-income kids in the Washington area. It recently launched the Metro DC Reading Corps, which trains and embeds full-time literacy tutors in high-need elementary schools and preschools, and it runs an after-school and family-literacy program at the city’s largest homeless shelter.
David T. Rohwedder G’06 has joined the law firm of Butler, Wooten, Cheeley & Peak LLP as an associate in its Columbus, Ga., office, where he specializes in personal-injury cases and business torts.
Michael Seltzer EAS’06 W’06 married Lauren Sims on Nov. 8 at Crystal Plaza in Livingston, N.J. On hand to celebrate were proud parents Dr. Reena Levine Seltzer C’76 GEd’77 and Dr. Arthur Seltzer C’76 M’80, sister Aura Seltzer C’09, and aunt Karen Seltzer Aaron C’81. Best man Jason Ginsberg EAS’08 handled the wedding bands under the watchful eyes of groomsmen Marc Dickstein C’06, Michael Karam C’06, Jason Vitullo C’06, David Snyder C’06, and Dinesh Thiru W’06. Other alumni attending were Nathaniel Weiner EAS’09, Ruchi Pinto Thiru W’06, David Kornfeld C’06, Lilian Haney C’06, Michael Siddiqui EAS’06 W’06, Heather Keil Stern EAS’06, Ravi Shah W’06, Matthew Mizrahi EAS’06 W’06, Mark Greenfogel L’14, Dr. Eric Grubman GM’98, Dr. Stephanie Green GM’97, Dr. Jonathan Bell GM’87, Kenneth Eckstein C’76, Deborah Fernbach CW’74 L’77, and Gerald Braffman C’58. Michael and Lauren live in Manhattan; he is a vice president in portfolio management at Starwood Capital in Greenwich, Conn., and she is a mental-health counselor at The Bridge in Manhattan.
Ashley Smith C’06 is the founder-designer of Otherworld, which launched last August (www.otherworldapparel.com). It produces “exotic overthings for the bold, bohemian adventurer,” notably a “garment [that] can be worn as a skirt, a dress, a scarf, or a kimono.”
M arie-Theres DiFillippo C’07 has joined Dilworth Paxson LLP as an associate; she recently graduated from the Temple University law school.
Rafael R. Garcia-Salgado C’07 has joined the Denver office of the law firm of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck as an associate in its bankruptcy and restructuring group. He was also appointed to the board of Colorado Youth for a Change.
Kacey Bayles C’08 married Alec Ofsevit C’08 on Oct. 18 at the Brooklyn Museum in New York. The matrons-of-honor wereJennifer Zuckerman Malin C’08 and Stephanie Ross Franken C’08. Bridesmaids included Jacqueline Merzer Helman C’07 and matchmaker Elizabeth Harbison C’08, who set up Kacey and Alec to meet at Smokey Joe’s on his 21st birthday. Groomsmen included Brian D. Mahoney EAS’08, Dr. Ankit Shah C’08, and Mark Stagliano C’08. Over 30 alumni attended, including Doug Lotz C’09, Ellie Lotz C’09, Alexander Vecchio C’08, Geoff Hayes EAS’08, Doug Stewart EAS’08, Melissa Garcia Stewart Nu’09, Alexander McCobin C’08, Natasha Mooney C’08, Suleyman Saleem C’08, Matt Moore EAS’08, Amanda Moore EAS’08, Elizabeth Dorfman C’08, Dr. Claire Kappa C’08, Danielle Hayman C’08, Leonard Klipper C’09, Dr. Kaitlin Klipper C’08, Alexandra Buder Shapiro C’08, Brian Hinkes W’08, Mia Van Pelt Nu’08, Brian Chae W’08, Roger Rengert C’08, Alicia Travis Rengert Nu’08, Robert Vrana C’08, Caroline Pearsall Vrana C’08, Sara Gold C’09, Chelsea Mintz Nu’08, and Robert Heller C’08. During the reception, the wedding band accompanied them for a special rendition of “The Red and Blue.” Kacey and Alec live in San Francisco, where she is part of the Community Happiness team at Tilt, a group-payments platform, and he is an investment analyst at Citadel.
Charles Njendu WG’08, Singapore, is strategy director, Asia-Pacific, for Dimension Data, a South African IT company. He was recently named one of the “Top 100 Youngest and Influential Economic Leaders in Africa” by the Institut Choiseul in Paris.
Jared Leon C’10 has joined the law firm of Dilworth Paxson LLP as an associate in the corporate department. He recently graduated with a dual MBA/law degree from Temple University.
Jonathan Viventi Gr’10, an assistant professor of computer engineering at the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, has been included in the annual “Innovators Under 35” list of MIT Technology Review. He is known for his design of “an implantable brain interface that allows researchers … an unprecedented level of spatial resolution.”
Kyle Lutkewitte C’11 writes, “I have moved from New Orleans to Midland, Tex., to be a financial analyst at Diamondback Energy.”
Debora Olsson W’11 is with the World Food Programme in Panama in a placement of Princeton in Latin America, which “matches young public-sector professionals with full-year fellowships in development work.”
Leroy Gray GEd’13 is in his second year teaching at the Beeber campus of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia. Last year, he was appointed a teaching fellow of the Knowles Science Teaching Foundation, which seeks to improve STEM education in this country.
Kimberly Gordon C’14 EAS’14 is with the Comunidad Connect clinic in Los Robles, Nicaragua, in a placement of Princeton in Latin America, which “matches young public-sector professionals with full-year fellowships in development work.”
Sarah Schulte C’14 is with El Liceo Científico Dr. Miguel Canela Lázaro in the Dominican Republic in a placement of Princeton in Latin America, which “matches young public-sector professionals with full-year fellowships in development work.”